The Green Room - Part 2: Our Friend Tells Us You Did Yourself Proud

The equine ambled back through the curtains, giving one last glance back out at his audience. He grabbed bundle of bills stuffed into his thong. "Good crowd," the orca mused as he dried himself after his shower. "Yeah, reckon I've got near 300 bucks,"...

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The Green Room - Part 1: Bull in a China Shop

Kostan had been running for a while now. He was used to it though, he liked to run when he felt like this. It cleared his head. His girlfriend had left him a week ago, just 2 days before his birthday. 'Still, only a bitch would do that,' he'd reasoned....

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Summer Heat Ch1. - Digging Deep

I was looking forward to my 19th birthday in a months or two's time. I'm not the most popular guy in school, I think being an African Wild Dog has something to do with that - people look down on the feral species', and I was hoping having a pool party...

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The Wolf in Him in Me 2: Joining The Pack

It had been 3 days since Taylor had revealed himself as Lycas the werewolf an a gloriously rough orgy of lust. I still couldn't sit properly but that didn't stop me aching for him every second.  The bite on my shoulder had healed incredibly quickly,...

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The Wolf in Him in Me

This one's loosely based on one of my favourite porno movies, with a furry element and a couple of my own personal kinks thrown in. Hope you enjoy - all comments welcome! Taylor had moved into the foster home a few weeks previously and I couldn't...

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