Okron Academy Part 1

Story by Velociraptor Jesus on SoFurry

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The cold winter air nipped at my heels as I walked briskly towards the imposingly tall academy infront of me. It was a large place, but it had to be, one of the few schools of its type in England. The worn but friendly looking sign next to the wooden, presumably mahogany, doors read, 'Okron Academy, School for the Arcane'. The fact it was for the more magically inclined memners of the public, including me, showed suprisingly little on the building, but it's grandeur was unmistakeable, the polished marble glinting in the occasional ray of sun. I had attracted the attention of the academy after I woke up from a nightmare completely invisible. They quickly understood that I had shadow magic, which is one of the most dangerous types of magic due to it's potential to create murderers seconded by  fire's general destructiveness. It was magic that would let me do things like turn invisible, nuetralize sounds and teleport. All stealthy, which suited my cowardly personality. Pushing lightly on the oddly waraning any attack on me could cause, say, development of chitinous platim doors, I heard a light chatter drift through the opening like a comforting breeze. The lobby was just generally inviting, with a sprinkling of chattering students here and there. I walked up to the desk. ''How may I help you, dear?'' Enquired a wizened looking female deer behind the wooden desk. ''Erm, I'm supposed to be assigned a dorm. I'm new, so, uh, yeah...'' My voice tampered off quietly. Too bad I couldn't evolve better social comfort. ''Ooh, new? Alex Woods, I assume?'' The deer spoke with unmistakeable gentleness, clearly reacting to my general awkwardness as I looked down nervously. ''Uh, yeah, what do I have to do?'' I asked nervously. ''Oh, it's simple!'' She smiled while handing me a slip of paper and a key. ''This sheet has the basic information you'll need, and, well, you know what to do with the key!'' ''Thanks,'' I said, and looked down to my slip. It looked like my dorm was near the library, which I liked, and I set off.

A short while later, I was standing infront of the oak door to my room. The dorm was warm, spacious, and friendly. Fumbling a little with the keys, I finally got to see my room. It was the same as the dorm, spacious and cosy at the same time. There were two beds, one clearly used, so I guessed my roommate would be here soon. I sat down on the unused bed, and looked at my slip. It read that I had biology in the mornings, alchemy shortly after, and then smithing. The school portion of the day was slightly shorter than expected, but I guessed this was due to the amount of practice required to use magic effectively, and that most 'gifted' students achieved careers as mages, arcane tutors, and arch-mages. It was important though, as there were many attacks by goblins and the like, as well as many more dangerous creatures like sirens and golems. I must have been so lost in thought that I did not hear the door creak gently open, and I only realised that there was another person in the room when I heard a voice. ''Hi, are you the new kid?'' Asked a voice from behind me. I turned around quickly to see a rather average looking fox behind me. He was dressed rather casually, and was holding a aged book in his paws, with a seemingly packed bag on his back. ''Uhh, yeah, hi...'' I said quietly. I was always nervous around new people. This nature really didn't suit me, as wolves were generally known as the most social furs who could befriend anyone, while I was a nervous wreck at parties and other social events.  ''Welcome to Okron Academy, then!'' He smiled. ''Thanks,'' I continued as he sat down on his bed. ''So, what's your name? I'm Kale Redfern,'' He asked. ''My name's Alex Woods,'' I answered, a little more comfortably. ''Is there anything you need to know, then?'' He asked. ''Uh, not really.''  ''Oh, Ok then!'' He grinned, and walked over to a large cupboard, and promptly pulled out a slick, gleaming katana. ''What,'' I exclaimed, confused.''Did I miss something?'' ''What, did you not know about the combat training?'' He stared at me as though I didn't know 1 add 1. ''Not really...'' I said. ''It's so we can, y'know, defend ourselves. Goblins and the like always target magic users, and we are the best defenders,'' He explained calmly. ''Do you not have a weapon?'' ''Nope.'' I shook my head. ''Well, lets get you one then!'' He grinned wildly.  ''Where from?'' I asked. I had never heard of a school with weapons before. ''You can go get one from our resident blacksmith if you haven't got one,'' He laughed, practically dragging me out of the door. Long story short, at about ten I had figured out how to use a pair of sickles properly with my magic, as I had a little experience with them back at the farm I lived at. It was an interesting first day, and I hadn't even met anyone except from Kale.