FLASH Story 2: The Online Video

Story by Dragon_S_Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of FLASH Stories!

FLASH Story 2 is here!!!! ENJOY!!!

"Uuuughhh..... What a night. What happened exactly? Why am I naked? I never sleep naked." The wolf asked as he woke up in his own bed, his head in a grog and pounding, as he rubs his ass from it being sore. He opens his eyes slowly to a bright sun shining in his eyes, and shields his eyes with a paw as he sits up, head pounding even worse.

He takes a look around and notices a laptop, which wasn't his, on the table, on a something-or-another Tube site, which looked like a porn site. It was open to a video titled 'Crazy, Horny, Drunken Wolf'. Oh gawd is all Dustin could think of as he scanned his room, noticing another figure in his bed below the sheets, and a cheetah passed out on the floor near his bedside table. He sighs and goes to the restroom to relieve his bladder and take something to ease the throbbing in his head.

After getting some toast, Dustin comes back upstairs to the computer in his room. He pulls up a chair and starts the video; it starts and is loud. "Shit!" Dustin says under his breath and fetches some headphones then turns the video back on. It started downstairs in his living room.

"Dustin! Come on, you horny wolf, quit humping Alex!" someone calls behind the camera. Dustin sees himself in the video, humping a cute looking arctic fox. The fox known as 'Alex' doesn't seem to be annoyed by it, in fact, from Dustin could tell, is he liked it, but not too much. Dustin returns from his thinking to watch the video.

It cuts out and starts again, this time going up the stairs, Dustin and the fox Alex stumbling up the stairs, drinking something from clear plastic cups. Some liquor of unknown origin, which was probably gin, considering it is Dustin's favourite. They finish tripping up the stairs, the apparent cheetah, the one recording, giggling and hiccupping as he followed them up. The video cuts after Dustin and the fox start making out at the top of the stairs, and the final words from the cameraman being "come on guys, save that for the bedroom!"

Dustin sighs to himself as he continues watching. How did he let something like this happen? He's usually never this drunk. The fox is quite cute... perhaps they could go out if everything works out fine. He stops the video shortly to look behind him and see the sheets stir once or twice, but no one is getting up yet. Dustin shrugs and starts the video up again to see what happens next, although he's already blushing from it being online already.

The video comes on yet again to show the fox and himself making out at the foot of his bed, paws all over each other's chests and backs and faces and groins. The fox takes of his own shirt, and then takes off Dustin's. The fox leans down a bit and starts kissing all along Dustin's neck and chest, slowly going to a kneeling position. The camera shakes and goes sideways quickly as you hear a soft "fuck, that hurt!" from behind the camera. Dustin chuckles as he watches, guessing the cheetah must've bumped off the chair in his room, considering right now it's on its side. He goes back to the video to see the fox knelt down and taking off Dustin's pants, pulling them down and kissing and licking and sniffing his crotch, and then takes his claws around the elastic waistband of Dustin's underwear and pulls them down to reveal his sheath and balls, and whole lower region. The drunken Dustin kicks them aside and nearly stumbles over. The fox leans in and pulls his sheath down with a paw, then wraps his lips around Dustin's throbbing piece of red wolf meat. Dustin can't believe he's actually watching this, and liking it!

The fox sucks on Dustin's cock for a short while, one of his paws fondling the balls, and the other around Dustin and playing with his tailhole. Dustin starts to form a picture about what happens next. After a short while the fox pulls off and stands up, and then Dustin follows what the fox did exactly, like the game 'Simon Says'. The fox closes his eyes and starts to hump softly in Dustin's maw, Dustin never missing a beat at sucking and fondling the fox's balls, moaning and murring on the fox's member. After a short while again, Dustin stands back up and the fox pulls out a condom from one of the drawers on Dustin's bedside table and puts it on, then picks out a bottle of lube from his jeans pocket and applies it to Dustin's rear and his protected dick. The fox's knot is already forming, but not too swelled yet -as is Dustin's.

The fox lies Dustin down on the bed and lifts his legs as he lines up his dick with Dustin's tailhole. Dustin moves his tail out of the way and closes his eyes, clenching his teeth as the fox pushes in, not very easily as Dustin can tell, which explains why his ass hurts. The camera moves around to get the best view, which shows the fox humping Dustin, and Dustin's cock rubbing against the fox's stomach as the fox leans down and kisses Dustin. They make out while the fox holds his weight up and pounds his cock into Dustin's hole, gasps and moans flying through the airwaves.

The kiss breaks and Alex pulls out, turning Dustin around to go at it doggy style. He re-enters Dustin easier now as he humps doggy style into Dustin. The camera changes view again now shows a back view of them, clearly able to see the fox's hole, his whole privates, and a clear view of him pounding Dustin. The camera changes views yet again, showing the whole both of them from a further away view. The fox kneels upright and rams his cock harder. With his knot now fully inflated, he barks into the air and presses his knot into Dustin's tailhole, still somewhat humping, but slowly stopping. He reaches around and strokes off the now kneeling upright Dustin until he releases his seed all over the sheets and the wall, growling and barking and moaning into the air.

"Oh yeah, this is for sure going on FurTube," the cheetah behind the camera says as the video ends. Dustin face-paws incredibly hard as he can't believe what he just saw, and oh well being all he can think. It's online now, might as well let it be, he says to himself as he hears the fox get up behind him. He turns around to look and sees the cute arctic fox -named Alex apparently--sitting up and stretching while yawning. He looks at Dustin, and Dustin looks at him. They share a glance. "We're online now... fuckin' cheetah..." Dustin says as he points to the laptop. The fox chuckles and nods. "Yeah... Barry here likes to do that sort of thing.... Hey, want to go get some coffee and some breakfast to ebb off this hangover?" The fox asks with his head tilted. "Sure, let's get dressed. I'm sure cheetah-boy here will still be asleep, and we can talk about how we ended up meeting and such... at least, all that we're able to remember." Dustin says as he murrs softly to himself as he smiles and goes to get dressed.