Special Delivery

Story by Kaiionth on SoFurry

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An otter courier is asked to deliver a very special package to a secret medical research facility, and learns more than he ever wanted to know about the experiments that are going on inside.

This story is a successor to Dragon Breeding of the Male Kind and Dragon Breeding of the Cougar Kind, both written by the talented Cinos.

While this story doesn't center around the same character, this story does place in the same world, some amount of time after the events in the first two stories. This story also contains some unusual and explicit sexual acts involving males, musk, and machines, so proceed at your own risk.

Special Delivery

Written by Kaiionth

Never let your guard down. That's the first thing anyone learns, in this city. Anyone who is lucky enough to get a chance to learn, at any rate. I still remember my first evening here; it was my first time moving into a real city, and out of that little pissant town for good. That was when I got my first glimpse of what goes on around here.

I had gotten into town late, and was walking out to my apartment when I halfway noticed this cat walking down the street a few hundred feet in front of me. He was tawny and looked like some sort of mountain lion or something, not too much unusual about him. He just walked down the street a ways, before he turned and started walking down one of the narrower side streets. I probably wouldn't have stopped to look, if I hadn't heard the scuffle, right as I passed that street. Even so, I sure as hell didn't stop for long. Just long enough to see a big canine shape jabbing a really mean looking needle into the side of the cougar's neck.

After that I kept my head down, and stayed out of the any of the streets I didn't know too well, like anyone with sense. Other than that, I tried to put it out of my mind. No sense sticking my nose where it didn't belong. Besides, it's not like I could have moved to a better part of town, not on a courier's salary.

When I tell people what I do for a living, they immediately picture some skinny otter kid on a bicycle, with a backpack and a funny hat, delivering packages for their grandfather's corner store. Sure, there's an otter with a backpack, but these days we're riding a pair of wheels with an engine attached. Besides, unless your gramps has a good reason to be sending unmarked packages into the seedier parts of town, he probably doesn't have the cash to hire someone like me. This job pays a hell of a lot better when you don't ask questions.

Now, I bet you've got me figured to be some kind of drug runner, or something like that, but you'd be wrong. Half wrong, at least. My biggest jobs always come from the biggest buildings, drug companies, multinationals and the like. Turns out, the cleaner the lobby, the dirtier the laundry. And sometimes, you've gotta hire someone to move that laundry around.

The package that took me out to the docks was from one of the cleanest lobbies around, one of the big multinationals, Universal Holding, or something like that. I had no clue what they did, and no reason to ask. All I needed was the package, the location, and a good wad of cash waiting for me at the other end of the drive.

I'd carried things for Universal before, usually packets of papers, or the occasional bundle of disks, but this time was different. This package was too bulky to be paper, and too heavy to be disks. But I didn't pry into the contents. Rule one of this business is that too many questions will cost you the job, and too many answers will cost you a lot more than that. This job was simple, at least: take the package to the docks, give it to the intended recipient for inspection, and get him to sign a receipt. Half of the pay now, and half when I bring back the receipt. Piece of cake.

As I started getting closer to the docks, I was immediately reminded just how much I hate 'em. Not because the seediest drops take place down here, and not even because of the creepy characters you see around here... It's the smell that gets me. Yeah, sure, I know it's weird. An otter who can't stand the smell of the ocean, but I've always had a sensitive nose, and docks always reek of saltwater and rotting fish. But a job's a job, and the dock jobs pay well, so I'm not about to complain.

The warehouse was easy enough to find, it was one of the bigger ones on the far edge of the docks. The entrance, on the other hand, was more of a challenge. All of the doors seemed to have been sealed with old sheet metal, almost as though the place had been closed up and abandoned. I finally did find a small ancient looking intercom next to one of them, and gave it a try.

I pressed the button, and the speaker let out a buzz, followed by the overly-polished voice of a receptionist.

"Please state what business you have with this facility."

So much for small talk.

"Yeah, I'm a courier, and I've got a time-sensitive package for Doctor Lysenko."

There was a slight pause, followed by a series of mechanical clicks running down the side of the metal door before the whole panel swung inward.

"Please proceed into the facility. Doctor Lysenko has been paged, and will meet with you once he is available to receive your package."

The area behind the door was surprisingly clean, and looked almost like a hospital. It was weird, though, it didn't smell like a hospital, or even the docks. It smelled like nothing. I'm not sure if that hallway just wasn't used all that much, or if they just kept things that clean, but for once I couldn't smell a thing.

There wasn't much to look at, either, as the corridor ended in a small waiting room with an uncomfortable metal bench, a metal table, and another of those metal doors without any sort of handle. I didn't have long to wait as the metal door slid open right as I got there, and a huge grey wolf pushed his way out of the door. I'm not usually one to judge, but I was a little surprised by the bulk on this guy. It's not often you meet a doctor who looks like he could crush your head with one paw.

"Uhhh... Doctor Lysenko? Yeah... I have a package for you..."

I trailed off as the wolf gave a sharp snort and lumbered to the side, revealing one of the skinniest foxes I've ever seen, wearing a white lab coat. The vulp was grinning from ear to ear, in the way that only foxes can, and I was so distracted by how gaunt he was that I almost didn't notice his arm.

If you could call it that.

Sticking out of the right sleeve of the lab coat was the nastiest looking prosthetic I'd ever seen. With all the exposed gears and wiring running down the sides, it looked more like something you'd find in a factory than on a person, and it ended in a pair of very nasty looking hydraulic pincers. I don't know how long I stared at the fox, but finally he cleared his throat, the sound harsh and raspy. The voice that followed wasn't much better.

"As you were saying... You are the courier from Universal, correct? I wasn't expecting this particular parcel for at least another day, but I think we'll be able to manage... Please, hand me the package."

He held out his left paw, and I handed over the package, still not entirely sure what to say. The fox brought his mechanical arm up and pulled open the box, tearing the packaging like it was tissue paper and removing a rack of glass vials, setting them on the table.

At this point I started getting nervous, and backed slowly toward the corridor I'd come from. I didn't know quite what it was that had me spooked, but there was something seriously off with this fox. My retreat came up short, however, as I backed right into that mountain of a wolf, the lupine figure blocking the corridor entirely.

The vulp didn't even seem to notice as he inspected his delivery; instead he snatched one of the vials off of the rack and pressed it into the side of his prosthetic arm, where it seated with a sharp click. Once this was done, he seemed to notice me again, walking over, his grin widening.

"Now then, time to take a look at the other half of our shipment... Certainly a fine specimen, definitely male, and a species we haven't had the pleasure of working with yet... Oh yes... We will certainly be having fun with you."

His mechanical arm darted forward, the pincers pushing right up against the sides of my throat, cold metal digging in sharply and making me yell out and push back against the wolf blocking my way.

"What the fuck is thi..."

Midway through my sentence, there was a mean sounding hiss from the fox's arm, and it felt like my vocal cords had burst into flame, the heat starting there and lancing through my body like a wildfire, crackling along every nerve in my body. I wanted to yell out, or pull back, but every muscle in my body seemed locked in place, and disconnected from my brain. I could still feel the metal digging against my throat, but I'll be damned if I could even twitch a finger.

"That's much better! I'm certainly glad the new paralytic lives up to its reputation. Put him in storage for the time being, and contact Universal to let them know that we've received and accepted both shipments. I have a few other guests to check in on..."

And with that, the fox swept out of the room.

I'd like to say that I put up a fight, somehow shook off the effects of whatever that crazy-ass fox shot into me and nearly got away. Truth is, that monster of a wolf just knocked me in the back of the head, and everything went black.

The first thing that hit me when I woke up was the smell. The stench of chemical cleaners seemed to lance through my sinuses and made me snort and jerk myself awake, opening my eyes and working to focus on my surroundings. Not that there was much to see, just a blank white room with a big metal door in the wall I was facing.

So, like any sane guy who'd been drugged and kidnapped by a crazy fucking fox with a robotic arm, I made a run for it.

Or, I would have made a run for it, if my arms and legs hadn't been cuffed to some sort of big metal frame, holding 'em splayed out, and making me pretty much immobile no matter which way I pulled. Funny how you don't notice some things, when you're still coming to.

Another thing I noticed, once I started taking stock of my situation, was that while I'd been wearing all of my motorcycle gear when I first walked into the building, they'd stripped me down to my fur. They even took my watch.

Well, fuck.

Tugging on the cuffs must have tripped some sort of sensor or something, because a couple of minutes after I started tugging against them, there was a crackle, and an all-too-familiar voice rasped out of some sort of hidden intercom.

"Well, well, well... It looks like our newest guest has come back to us from his beauty rest, although it doesn't look like he's in any great need of it, with a body like that..."

Now, I like to take care of myself, and I usually wouldn't have had much issue with that kind of compliment, but I usually wasn't getting them from crazyfuck scientists who've got me chained up nude in their lab. But hey, if that's how this fox swings, I thought to myself, maybe I could play that to my advantage.

"Uh, yeah... I work out some... How about you let me down from this thing and I... Uhh... Give you a closer look, or something?"

There was a surprised pause before a harsh cackle washed out of the intercom.

"Ehehehehehe... Don't worry about that, my mustelid friend, I've had more than enough opportunity to get to know every inch of that fine body of yours. We kept you under for a few days longer than expected, in fact, just so I could make sure we didn't leave any of my questions unanswered..."

I shuddered against the metal frame, reeling slightly. A few days longer? How long had I been out for? And what kind of questions had the vulp... Okay, no more fucking diplomacy.

"You sick fuck! Let me down from here or I'm gonna-"

"You're going to what, exactly? You've been bagged, tagged, and are a part of my collection, now. And a prized one at that. We've learned all sorts of things about you, my fine otter friend. Some things that you might not even know yourself..."

A blank section of the wall lit up and started displaying, of all things, a picture of a very familiar looking sheath and sac, with some sort of medical pads and wires stuck all over them. With a sinking feeling, I watched my dick slide out and start twitching rhythmically, white cum bubbling up out of the tip.

"Not only have you proven to be quite productive and wonderfully receptive to artificial stimulation, it looks like your little donation had quite an interesting story to tell..."

The image changed to a series of clips that put the raunchiest porn I'd seen to shame. Video after video of male dragons fucking and shooting into other males, wet, messy, the videos clearly shot to capture every detail.

"You see, most of our work has involved dragons, since they have all of the properties that we're looking for. However, dragons are entirely too rare and too difficult to acquire for us to move into the next phase of our research. And that's where you come in."

I started tugging at the cuffs with new determination. I had no idea what this place was about, but I sure as hell didn't like where this crazy vulp was heading.

"You, my fine otter friend, are a hybrid. It's rare that genetics allow the breeding of two different species, but cross-species mating isn't anywhere near as impossible as many have been led to believe."

A chill went down my spine and I struggled harder. There's no way he could have known. That isn't something you would tell anyone... Shit, it's something my family had kept buried for generations.

"It's distant, of course, and you are indeed mostly otter. But from what I can tell, your great grandfather was quite a bit more canine, wasn't he? Which would make you..."

"A mutt." I muttered, under my breath, my hackles raising. This wasn't going anywhere good.

"Precisely! And an unregistered mutt, at that! Which means a few things... For one, your genes are more than happy to play quite nicely with those from other species. For another, the fact that there's a whole line of unregistered hybrids running around is something that certain species preservation authorities would have quite a bit of interest in..."

"Interest in putting a stop to, you mean. So that's it, then? You're going to turn me in? Or are you planning on 'fixing' me yourself?"

"On the contrary... Being a hybrid may threaten the 'delicate balance of species relations,' but it also makes you into a very special resource in the right hands... In fact, with the right coaxing, a clever scientist could make your genes do all sorts of things..."

A loud mechanical grinding sound spun up behind me, as the frame I was attached to started tilting back, revealing that the ceiling immediately above me was one smooth mirrored surface, giving me a good view of how exactly I looked, cuffed down and helpless.

"At any rate, I need to go check on some of our other experiments, and it looks like your first treatment is about to begin, so smile for the cameras and try not to have too much fun."

With a rasping laugh, the intercom shut off.

The silence didn't last, however, as a fresh wave of noise erupted from underneath me, the hiss of hydraulics and buzzing of who-the-fuck-knows-what kind of mechanics getting to work. I turned my head back and forth, trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on outside behind me, but I didn't have long to wait, as large mechanical arms raised up around me.

They were huge, something you'd expect to see in a car factory, with all kinds of tubes and wires weaving in and out of the mechanics. Before I could even guess at what they were designed to do, one of the arms came up and forced a plastic face-mask down over my muzzle.

I wasn't exactly expecting that, so of course I didn't think to do anything helpful, like holding my breath or anything. No, I tried to pull my head back, cursed into the mask, and got a nose full of something for my trouble.

At first I wondered if the musky scent in the mask was because they hadn't bothered cleaning before slapping it on me, but there was a hiss, and that scent got a hell of a lot stronger, filling my nose and overpowering just about everything else.

This wasn't any sort of musk I'd ever smelled before. The best way I can think to describe it is to say it smelled like pure sex, or the moment before the start of an orgy. There was some kind of lizard smell in there too, but it was pretty much covered by the smell of pure rut.

I tried taking shallower breaths, only breathing when I had to, but as I got more of that scent into my lungs, it started getting harder to focus. A dull warmth had started in the pit of my stomach, and before I realized what I was doing, I was taking deep long breaths of the stuff, pulling it into my lungs, practically feeling more of the stuff slipping into my bloodstream.

That dull warmth got more powerful, and the feeling started nagging at the back of my mind. Then, as the feelings settled deeper into me, it slowly started making sense. They were making me go into some kind of artificial heat.

I struggled against the cuffs holding me down and yelled into that damned mask as I felt the itch start in my loins, the heat spreading lower. I didn't know exactly how they were doing it, but I'd heard of stories of males occasionally ending up in heat from exposure to the wrong kind of drugs, and I'd be damned if I was going to let them turn me into some kind of damn sex-maniac.

My struggles didn't get anywhere, of course, and all I could do is watch my reflection on the ceiling as my sheath started to bulge, the opening at the tip slowly spreading open as that itch grew stronger. I could feel the instincts lighting up in that deep lizard part of my brain, as I kept breathing the musk in. I wanted to fuck. No, wasn't right, I NEEDED to fuck. My eyes locked on my crotch in the reflection, and I watched as the blunt tip of my dick slid free of my sheath.

I don't know exactly when I stopped struggling to get free of the damn machine and started struggling to get one of my paws down to my cock, but it felt like an eternity. It seemed like that fucking fox was happy to leave me strapped down as the heat burned its way through my body, my shaft pulsing and slowly soaking my stomach fur with pre. No way of getting my paw to my dick, nothing to grind against, nothing to fuck, as the need got more and more urgent, searing its way into me.

After god knows how long, one of the other mechanical arms finally swung in and pushed this big metal cup down over my junk. I growled into the face mask, half crazy with desire, and did my best to rock my hips forward. I didn't care what this new thing was, or what it did, but I was going to fuck it.

Unfortunately, the cup didn't grip or squeeze my dick, and didn't even give me the relief of giving me something to grind against, as the arm shifted and moved with my hips, holding the cup firmly in position.

Through all the struggling, I didn't notice the first touch of cool metal against the tip of my cock, but I gradually became aware of some thin metal thing, moving its way along the end of my dick. I stopped rocking my hips as hard, panting and waiting to see if it would give me any more sensation, once I'd stopped moving around.

The thin metal piece seemed to have a rounded tip, and warmed up quickly against my heated dickflesh. It nudged and slid all the way around the head of my cock, making me pant and shiver as it explored the rock-hard flesh. I was starting to get worried that the thing was just there to tease me until I snapped, when the metal found the opening at the tip of my cock and started pushing inside.

My back arched at the sudden sensation as the metal started sliding down into me slowly but steadily, cursing into the mask and jerking my hips back and forth, trying to dislodge the thing, but again the arm rocked and moved with me as the cool metal continued to push down to the base of my dick.

When that hard metal tip hit the bend where my cock meets my body, I figured it would stop pushing, but it didn't even pause when it hit resistance. The metal flexed just enough to let it go deeper, my heart beating harder as that metal started winding its way deep into my body. Even through my heat, I was afraid. What was this damned machine meant to do?

After long minutes of feeling the invading metal pushing its way around inside my body, my fuzzy brown sac shifted against my thigh, and fuck did I start struggling against the machine then, my arms and legs straining against the cuffs so hard that I felt like I was going to dislocate something. Nothing I did slowed down the machine, though, and I let out a bark of pain as I felt a sharp sting in first my left, and then my right nut as the metal poked right into my testicles and stopped.

The arm pulled away, leaving the damn metal embedded in me, the mirrored ceiling giving me a good view of my cock as it was uncovered, the flesh still throbbing in need, resting on my stomach with a translucent metal tube stretching out the underside. The musk or pheromones or whatever hadn't stopped through this process, of course, and I still had the urge to screw something burning deep in my brain, and now that my dick was plugged I couldn't even leak any pre, let alone shoot properly.

I heard another loud click, somewhere in the room, and the whirr of some new machinery starting up, which gave me a distinct sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. At least, that's what I thought I was feeling at first, but the sinking feeling only got worse, and sank lower, down into my crotch. It wasn't painful, exactly, more of a dull throbbing uncomfortableness, that finally settled in the center of my nuts.

And when I saw a shadow appear in the tube right at the tip of my cock and start sliding up toward the machinery, I got a pretty good idea why. Those fuckers were sucking the cum straight out of my balls without giving my dick so much as a squeeze, let alone giving me any relief.

Long tense moments passed, as the machine slowly drew more and more of my seed up into itself, that dull ache in my balls getting stronger, until it suddenly spiked into a pain sharp enough to make me arch my back and yelp into the mask. Thankfully, that's when the sound of the machine died down and the pain subsided into a slightly hollow ache in my nuts, which felt like they'd been sucked dry.

There was a crackle of static and a momentary whine of feedback before the fox's voice rasped over the intercom again.

"Well, well, well... It looks like you're just about ready. I trust you're settled in and comfortable?"

I growled, a deep, nearly feral sound, and tried to dislodge the mask covering my face. I was more that ready to give this fucking vulp a piece of my mind. Unfortunately, neither the fox nor the machinery holding the mask firmly over my face seemed to care one bit, and the voice just continued.

"In case you hadn't already guessed, we've just finished draining those pesky balls of yours dry. I'll bet you enjoyed that... you were probably pretty eager to empty them, by the time we started the extraction, after all. And I just know you'll love this next part..."

The reflection on the ceiling faded slightly, and seemed to change. Through my heat-addled haze, I couldn't quite tell what the difference was at first, and then my eyes went wide.

Instead of showing me my own reflection, the ceiling had changed to show me the reflection of a different room entirely. I hadn't noticed at first, because the new reflection held all of the same equipment, only it wasn't a brown otter that lay strapped in place. It was a red dragon.

Once I started taking a good look at the dragon, I started noticing a few differences between his predicament and mine. First off, he looked like he was in much worse shape than me. As I watched, I could see him twitching and panting, but not struggling or making any real conscious motion. The jet black dick resting along the red scales of his stomach was bloated and stretched around a tube similar to the one they stuck in mine, only his tube was much thicker. His eyes were open, but they seemed glazed over and vacant.

There were also quite a few more things connected to him than to me. For one, he didn't have a face mask, but there were transparent tubes threaded down into his nose. I couldn't even guess what most of the other things were for, but some of them, like the two thin tubes that vanished into his ears, made me shudder.

"This is one of our... longer term guests. He was very promising, during early tests, his genes are simply marvelous. Sadly, our regimen of tests may have proved a little too hard-wearing on him. We've been able to continue some of our tests, of course, but there are many things for which we need a subject who's a bit more... lively."

The fox laughed a dry cackle, and there was sharp click in the room with me, like a switch being thrown.

"But now we have you! Let's hope you're made of stronger stuff than this one... We have a lot of things planned for you, after all."

On the projection, I could see the dragon arch his back and start jerking, his shaft jumping and pulsing visibly, all on its own. Why the hell were they showing me this? To let me know what they had in store for me? If the fox said anything else, it was drowned out by the loud strained groans the dragon started making.

It took me a moment before I realized that I wasn't hearing the sound through the same speakers the fox had been using. No, this sound was real, and it was nearby. I strained to look around, but all I could see were the blank walls of the room.

My mind raced. Was the dragon's room on the other side of one of those walls? How many other "subjects" might they have nearby? If any of them weren't strapped down, like me... If any of them would lift their tail for me... I forced the thought down, with some effort. Escape. I needed to find someone to help me get out of this thing.

I had risked taking a deep breath of musk, preparing to yell through the mask to see if anyone could hear me, just as a new sensation hit me, and all of the air was forced out of me in a loud grunt. I couldn't understand, at first as the feeling lanced through me like I'd been kicked in the gut. That was when I saw the tube running from the damn machine to my balls tense again, like a hose being pressurized, and I felt the sensation again, my eyes going wide.

The dragon on my ceiling thrashed, his dick flexed, the tube hanging over me tensed, and there was a hot pressurized rush, straight down my dick, before a pulse of heat slammed into the center of my nuts.

Oh fuck.

I'm not entirely sure when I passed out, or how long they held me there, strapped into that machine while they pumped musk into my lungs and dragon spunk into my nuts. What I do know is that when I came to, I felt like I'd been hit like a bus.

I lifted my head up and immediately regretted the decision as all the muscles in my body burned, like the morning after the worst workout in existence. Which, I guess, was true, if you count fighting the cuffs keeping you a psychotic scientist's sex machine as "exercise."

I sat up and propped myself up against the wall of the empty room I was in, and noted that not all of the soreness was in my muscles. As I scooted back against the wall, I let out a hiss of pain under my breath. I was sure that my balls hadn't quite dragged along the ground like that, the last time I sat down.

Slowly, I bent down to get a closer look at my abused crotch, carefully prodding my nuts and wincing. My sac was easily twice as big as I'd ever seen it, and sore as all hell. What the fuck was that fox doing with me?

As though summoned, the voice of the fox crackled in over the damn intercom.

"So you've come back around again? Good! It would be a shame if you were so easily broken... The dragon lasted quite some time, after all, and we have such high hopes for you."

"What the fuck do you want from me?!" My shout reverberated off of the empty stone walls of my room.

"Oh, don't worry, we only want you to do what comes naturally. You've been through the difficult part, and you should find that the rest should come quite easily."

That raspy almost wheezing laugh burrowed into my ears, before there was a click, and silence.

I slammed my fists against the wall and gritted my teeth against the powerful ache that rolled through my already sore arms. For a moment I considered trying to force the door with my shoulder, but decided against it. If they know how to keep dragons captive, I figured, I somehow doubt I'd be able to muscle my way out of here.

Without anything better to do, I reached down and started examining my junk again. My balls were still swollen and sore, that much I knew, but it also looked like my dick was bigger as well, and seemed to be permanently half-hard, the black tip poking up out of my sheath.

The examination didn't help that last part, and pretty soon the whole length was jutting out of my sheath and leaking a thick syrupy precum that smelled strange, but oddly familiar. I didn't even realize I'd been stroking myself until I brought my paw up to my nose, the fur matted down with the thick stuff, and gave it a sniff.

A shudder ran down my spine and it took some effort to pull my wet paw away from my nose. It wasn't exactly the same, but the pre leaking out of my dick smelled a hell of a lot lot like that musk they'd been forcing me to breathe earlier. The scent was mixed with my own familiar scent, this time, but as that warmth settled into me, it became pretty obvious that the effect was pretty much the same.

I did what I could, wiped my paw off as well as I could manage on one of the walls, before moving across the room and sitting down, clenching my fists and trying to ignore my dick. The scent was in the air, though, and while it wasn't as bad as when they were piping the stuff right up my nose, I could tell my dick wasn't going to go soft anytime soon. But I'd be damned if I was going to let that fox make me like that again...

It was hard to tell time in there, sitting there naked in the room, trying to fight back the influence of my own damn scent, but it had probably been an hour or two when, the door suddenly slid open, and the last person I would have ever expected came into the room.

It was the fucking cougar. The one I saw get snatched, back when I'd first moved to the city. He was older, sure, but it was definitely him.

He didn't seem to recognize me, though... He didn't even look at my face as the door shut behind him. The moment he saw me, his eyes were glued to my dick, and he immediately starting moving toward me.

"Hey, hold on there, dude. What do you think you're doing?"

He jumped as I spoke, his eyes jumping up to meet mine before darting back down to my crotch. His gaze was wild, almost desperate. Not quite the look of starving animal, but damn close. I'd been out on the streets long enough to know a junkie when I saw one.

"Uh... They say... They said... you have it. I need it so bad, they said I would... but they didn't know..."

He trailed off as I stood up and held up my paws, moving toward him, trying to seem as non-threatening as I could, given that I was naked and sporting a raging hard-on.

"Easy now, guy... Calm down... I don't know what they told you, but I'm not holding anything. What have they got you on?"

He whined pitifully, but didn't move away as I walked closer.

"Can't give them to me? But they said... You don't know what it's like, having them inside you... It's a side effect, they said, implanted instincts, preservation, rewiring your brain... Should never have so many, not meant to, one after another after another after another..."

I put my clean paw on his shoulder and gave a squeeze, but he didn't react. He just kept mumbling to himself.

"Then they took the last ones, but he wasn't there that time. He couldn't give me more, fill me back up... At first being free from them was easy, but it starts like an itch, and it gets worse, always worse... I'm made to do it now, I have to do it. Implanted instincts, preservation, rewiring your brain... Always more..."

He trailed off with a sniff, and I thought he was about to cry when his paws darted down and grabbed my damp paw, pulled it up, and buried his nose into it, breathing in hard through the fur. Before I knew what was going on, the cougar had pushed me back against one of the walls and had his nose buried between my legs, breathing in that goddamn musk.


I tried pushing him off me, but the cat was determined as he rubbed his face across my dick, which seemed more than happy smear quite a bit of pre into his fur. The musk in the room was getting much stronger, very quickly.

"Fuck! Hey, stop! Is that what they've got you hooked on, the fucking smell? Hey, listen to me. Get off!"

I gave him another hard shove, and he staggered back. Instead of lunging back toward my dick, though, he hustled over to one of the walls and turned, bracing himself against it and hiking his feline tail high in the air.

Yeah, I looked. Every breath I took was pulling more of that damn scent into my lungs, and even while I was trying to fight him off it had been hard to push down the thoughts of getting more than a little physical with him. So when he spread his legs and lifted tail, damn straight I looked.

The cat definitely had a nice ass. I wasn't entirely sure where that thought came from--I hadn't exactly been looking at his ass the first time I saw him--but I was caring less and less about things like that. The curve of the tawny rump, the tail raised high, a glimpse of the snug looking pucker under his tail, they all called to me as that heat worked its way deeper into me.

No, I thought to myself. This is what that crazy vulp wants, this is one of their experiments. They want me to give in. They want me to fuck him. They want me to lean over, and slide my cock right in there, and breed him good and deep. They want me to...

I had his tail in my paw before I realized I was moving up behind him. I tugged it up taught, making him angle his rump up at me and let out a needy whimper. He needed this just as much as I did.

As I brought my dick up under his tail with my other hand, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been trying to do something. Or stop something, maybe. They wanted... something. I wasn't sure. But I sure as fuck knew what he wanted, and I was sure as fuck going to give it to him.

He didn't yelp or anything when I shoved all the way into him in one thrust. Maybe it was the slick pre my cock was drooling constantly, but I could also tell that this cat was no stranger to being fucked. I could feel his rump stretching around dick, so it had probably been a little while for him, but this feline was no virgin. I grinned, showing all of my teeth. No need to hold back, then.

I fucked the cougar with everything I had, and everything that had been building in me since the musk first planted that itch in my brain. I leaned over and grabbed the scruff of his neck with my teeth and yanked his head back, his tail still gripped and held taught with my other paw. I was going to fuck him, breed him, and seed him, and nothing was going to stop that now.

The cougar sure as hell wanted it, too. I could feel him pushing back against me with every thrust, clenching down each time I pulled back, milking more and more of that slick precum right into himself. Even though I kept a firm grip on his scruff and tail, he shoved back hard, working to get my dick in as deep as it would go.

He did yelp when I threw him down onto all fours. Maybe the concrete floor hurt, when he landed on his knees, but I didn't really care. I was back on top of him immediately, my dick shoving back inside with a wet squish, my pre leaking out around my dick and trickling down over the cat's balls. This way I could get much deeper. This way I could breed him properly.

I drilled the cougar hard, with everything I had. Maybe it was the heat, or whatever it was that fox had done to me, but it felt entirely right and natural. Every squeeze of the cat's rump, every sensation of his flesh against mine, good and slicked up with my own fluids, this was the way it was supppsed to be. I could feel the pressure building in my oversized nuts, and I knew I was close. I was going to breed this cat, seed him deep, and knock him up.

With a low growl, I hunched forward and drove my dick in as deep as it would go and hold my hips hard against his. I could feel the wave start in my sac, warm and thick. It pulsed fowards, and I could swear that I felt my tube stretch and bulge as the heavy rush of cum pushed up through me, and down the length of my cock before spraying into him. I shot so much into that rump with the first pulse, I could hear it jetting into him, the muffled sound of my thick seed spurting deep into the other male's body. The cat let out a deep satisfied moan as I pushed the cum deep into him, his body grinding back against me, as though he was trying to make sure that he caught it all. Not that I had been planning on letting him him out from under me until he had every last bit.

We stayed locked like that for some time, as my dick throbbed and pulsed in him, pushing so much cum into him that his belly started to swell. When my climax finally died off, I collapsed on the cat's back, and the sudden extra weight caused his arms to shake and give way, his body landing with a wet splat onto the ground. It was then that I caught the sharp scent of his own cum on the air. I had no idea when he'd spurted, but by the smell of it, he'd made quite a puddle for himself to land in. Nothing compared to the puddle I was keeping plugged under his tail, of course.

There was a nagging in the back of my head that there was something wrong with the situation, some thought that I'd forgotten, but I pushed that down. I'd scratched my itch, and I was too content and tired right then to worry about it. With a deep huff, I rested my head on the cat's back and dozed off, leaving him pinned under my weight, dick still twitching occasionally and oozing fresh seed into him.

That thought, whatever it was, would just have to wait.