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This story was inspired by sheer boredom...that and i have a coon fetish...yeah ^_^; anyways tho, this is a story told from Jake, a 10 year old boy raccoon who loves his father more then most ever will..hes telling it to someone. its abit longer then i thought, i just kinda got on a roll, thought about chaptering it out, but that just tends to break it up. so its all here. theres a decent amount of sex in here, so if you dont like m/b and b/b shouldnt be reading this. enjoy and happy pawing! *oh not distribute this without emailing me first!!* ^_^ -darkcougar

Backtracking -

It was somewhere back when i was a 7 when i realised that i wasnt like the others. sure, i played like they did, ran like they did, everything like they did, but i didnt look like they did. I was gay. Before i go on, I guess i should take a step back here, my name is jake, im a 10 year old raccoon from the west coast. i really used to like it there, but some big foxes in suits told my daddy that i couldnt stay there anymore. i really do miss him alot, he loved me so much, much more then i deserved. it was back last year, just before my 9th birthday, we were laying on the couch, and i fell asleep while daddy was watching some car racing thing. i had a really bad dream and woke up to him hugging me tight, telling me it was ok. it wasnt until i turned to nuzzle into his chestfur that i realised that i had ended up wetting myself...and him, i cried into his chest, afraid he was going to be mad, normally i would get grounded or something like that, but today was different, he picked me up in his arms and moved quickly upto the bathroom. he told me to get out of my clothes as he started to undress himself, i blushed abit and turned around as i lowered my pants showing him my small rump, pulling my tail through my legs to cover my bits i turned around to see him fully naked infront of me. i blushed even deeper when i saw that not only was he naked but he was poking out of his sheath and leaking something. he only smiled and picked me up and put me into the tub, only this time, he came in with me. i sat down as the warm water slowly filled the large tub, and leaned back into his chest feeling him poke me in the back, but not thinking too much of it. i could feel him lean foward as he began to rub my chest slowly, brushing my nipples, giving me this new sensation. kinda felt good, almost a tickle, but not quite. anyways though, he whispered into my ear "yanno lil guy...your almost 9...your becoming a man...i.i..want to show you something. something that only you and i can share...for now, itll make you feel really good, but you gotta promise never to tell anyone about it...i can get into some big trouble and they might take me away from you." i looked up into my daddys eyes, abit confused as to what he wanted to do, but trusting him fully, and how he said it would make me feel good i said ok. as i said that he turned me around and kissed me on the muzzle. if it were anyone else i would have pulled back, but this felt different, my whole body felt different. lost in the moment i was pulled immediately back when i felt his paw on my firm little sheath, gently rubbing it in his big paw. i asked him what he was doing, and why it was making me feel funny, he kissed me again and told me that its what daddys do for their sons when they love them very much. relaxing in his paws abit i close my eyes and kiss him back, feeling him run his other paw up under my little wet tail and rub at my lil tailhole. he looked at me with a serious look and told me that what we are gonna do might hurt some, and if i wanted to stop we could. smiling i rubbed noses with him abit and told him i wanted to make him happy. i guess that put him at ease, after that he turned me around and laid me on his chest rubbing my 4 inches of cubhood. i murrred abit as this started to make me feel really good inside. just then i feel his finger poke into my rear making me take a quick breath. it hurt at first and i whimpered, but in his arms, and his paws movement worked out the pain into a pleasure id never had before. shortly after he pulled out his finger and i felt something else poking me, something much bigger. i realised what it was and how big it was and i whimpered more as it pressed firmly against my opening. as my daddys big 10 inches of raccoon cock pushed past the tight ring, i nearly screamed loud enough to break glass, it felt like i was split in half. he stopped with just his tip inside and moaned softly, trying to comfort me by rubbing my belly and telling me it was gonna go away. all i could do is cry as he worked in the rest of his length into me, after he was hilted inside he held me tight, just resting inside. after a while i could feel myself relaxing abit, enough as to where it didnt really hurt at all, and looking down i had noticed that my cock was standing tall, harder then its ever been. he started to slide in and out of me very slowly, i could hear him moaning softly in my ear. this went on for only a short time, suddenly he grabbed me tight and thrusted a few times hard into me, then i felt this warmth spread inside me as he moaned loudly. whatever it was i knew he felt good from it, he held me tight and told me he loved me and pulled me away from him turning me around and sitting on his chest. i could feel whatever he put inside me running down my butt and leg, i felt so empty inside with him gone, that all didnt matter he took my 4 inches into his muzzle and started sucking on me making me murrr softly. it felt like a warm tingle allover. he kept that up and all of a sudden i felt like i had to pee, i tried to tell him then it hit me. my first orgasm, i nearly passed out as his warm wet tongue got its first taste of his sons cum...just a small squirt. the next thing i remember is waking up in bed curled up against him tight, my butt felt so sore but i knew it was worth it. that was the start of it. it continued on and on for several months after that, and we started to do it in other places, first was the bedroom, then the livingroom...soon even the kitchen table. anywhere where i could spread my cheeks for my loving daddy, i loved the feel of his thick cock buried inside me, making me whimper and murrrr. he started having me put on some girls underwear, he told me it made me look sexy, i just kinda blushed when he told me that. it did make me feel cute tho when i undressed for him. i was always nervous to do it outside, we had done it in the back of the car alot, i felt ok with that because it was hard to see into the car, that and being in the car usually meant i was getting ice cream or a new plush or something like that. my daddy was the one to come up with the idea to go camping, he told me it was something special his daddy did with him, and i would get to have him mount me, he told me this weekend was going to be special though, he was going to have me mount him for the first time. i was so excited, more so then when that racing game came out not too long ago...anyways. so the weekend came and we drove out into some park in the middle of what seemed nowhere, everything seemed perfect. i was sleeping almost the whole way there, i woke up to daddy giving some man with a hat on some money, then we drove up for a while to a campsite that was pretty deep into the woods. he let me sleep while he set things up and got a nice fire going, and cooked me up some yummy dinner. after dinner he smiled at me and we ducked into our big tent and i got naked as quickly as i could, he took his time giving me some little tease show as he pulled his tight pants over his crotch. in the middle of him taking my young tight coon butt i thought i heard something but i was too tied up in the pleasure to pay any real attention to it. the usual hard thrusts a loud moan and a nice warm feeling inside as my daddy filled me up with his cum. i fell asleep in his arms with him still inside me, taking me a few times thru the night while i slept. i woke up in the afternoon, still tired from the wild mating the night before...wait...still sore from the night before he popped in and told me not to get up, rest up alot, tonight was the special night. i shivered in anticipation, and snugged up with the soft blankets, loving how they felt against my naked fur. nighttime came and eventually he came in, he quickly undressed and told me to get behind him as he got on all fours, crouching down to my height by spreading his rear legs apart. i nervously got up behind him and pressed my cub cock against his warm tailhole and pressed in. we both moaned softly as i entered him, i nearly came at the tight warmth that newly surrounded me. i thrusted maybe 10 times and i was on the edge of cumming, with a hard push and a loud whimper i shot inside him, two good spurts of cum inside him. feeling pretty tired but not wanting to let him down i pulled out and presented my butt for him to take. i giggled as my fur from my tail was matted and stuck to me from the matings the night before, pulling my tail up it tickled as the fur pulled away. he didnt mount me right away, he leaned down and sniffed me, murrring at what hes done to me and he started licking my tailhole. at first i thought it was icky...i mean cmon, my tailhole and his muzzle, but it felt soothing so i didnt protest it. soon after the familiar fullness was there again, my daddy fucking my tight 9 year old tailhole, me moaning like a good son under him. he was taking me so hard i didnt even hear anyone open the tent, i couldnt see it because we were facing away from the entry and i was face first into my pillow. i was enjoying the pounding i was getting when suddenly it stopped and he pulled hard out of me, it took me a moment to turn and realise that the man in the hat had pulled him off me and had a gun pointed at him. i yelled at the man, but he told me to stay back or id get in trouble. *shakes his head* the court battles that came after that were bad, they had told me that it was illeg...wrong to play with my daddy like that, and that they were going to take me away from him. i didnt belive it till the night the foxes came and ripped me away from him. when i got here i cried in my room for nearly 2 weeks, refusing to leave. they told me that if im good, i might be able to go back to him. having that hope inside ive been listening to them...i dont like it here tho, they call it a 'boarding institution'...i call it a prison. they wont even let me have a plushie to sleep with at night, there really mean. but i want to be with my daddy cuz i love him. i went to a class today and in the lil kit's room there was this big fox, he had to be in 8th grade or something. he looked at me and caught me looking at his cock, gripping the tip and aiming it into the urinal. it had been months since i had gotten any cock, i wanted my daddy to take me so badly..i never thought of another male...but he seemed pretty big and i was too horny to care so i went up next to him, and undid my pants and started to pee, just so i could get a look at him finish up and leave. well he looked at me and almost like a bully stopped what he was doing and looked at me 'i saw you looking at must be one of those assriders,*puts his paw on my shoulder* look boy, before i can let you go...your gonna hafto do somethin for me'. i looked him right in the eyes and smiled 'oh yeah...what do you want?'. he pointed down at his wet tip 'give me a bj...and ill let you walk out of here with both your legs, hows that sound'. i was abit set back with that comment, but i agreed and we moved into the larger end stall. i turned around to see his pants already down around his ankles and he was sitting on the toilet pawing himself abit 'get over here and use that muzzle the way it should be'. i walked over and leaned down 'wouldnt you rather get off a better way?' he looked down with a paw on my head 'what the hell are you talking about?'. i turned around and flagged my tail for him, he got the hint because he pulled my pants down and bent me over the toilet leaning foward and whispering in my ear 'if you tell anyone about this, im gonna cut your balls off' and he harshly hilted his cock inside me, taking me as hard as my father did the last day we were together, only this time the fox was holding me by my waist plowing into me. this went on for a while, then i felt something hard popping in and out of me, he rammed it in and moaned as i got that familar warm feeling filling me up. before i had a chance to paw with him inside me he pulled his knot out of me and pawed himself abit shooting the last of his cum on my butt as a stream of slightly red foxcum leaked out of me. he yanked his pants and walked out of the stall leaving me bent over the toilet to paw myself off. its been two weeks since that time, and every wednesday i go into that same bathroom and we do the same thing, i think ive turned him gay he leaves his knot in now so i can squeeze makes him whimper. "i think thats just about time Jake." a grey bunny woman interrupted his story "next time i want to talk more about your father, when you were younger, before he started having sexual experiences with you ok?" ...

well thats the end for now, im not really sure how this came out, i wrote it while working for my brother delivering chinese food...this was done in between the deliveries in the 10 hours of boredom ive had. anyways, if people like it, i may do another. send me emails at [email protected], AIM at darkcougarkat (im on either on my phone or pc, pretty much all the time) tell me what you think! thanks :) -darkcougar