Harrowing Dusk - Chapter 4

Story by Kiko Kuruma on SoFurry

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Here's chapter 4. its a little shorter than normal because i didn't want to pace some details too fast. well, enjoy it!

Morph bolted upright in his bed screaming. His terror slicing through the room. He shuddered with fear as his voice dampened. He gasped for air; sobbing in between. As he cried into his hands, he felt another one wrapping around him. He looked up, and saw Zai leaning into him. Their eyes met, Morph's grey purple eyes tear stricken with grief. Zai sighed and pulled morph close to him, his other hand pulling Morph head into his snow white chest. Morph relaxed seemingly melting into his friend's soft fur.

"I'm really sorry about earlier." Zai started slowly. "I should have told you where I would have been....And I definitely should have defended you when Jodie called you a freak."

Morph had sunken down as he lowered his defenses. He knew Zai never meant any harm. Actually it was Morph doing the harm. Zai was always too caught up being there for Morph for him to do a lot of things. Sports, friends, relationships. Zai gave it all up so he could be there for his friend.

"And for what it's worth..." Zai continued. "I...I'm sorry morph."

Morph broke away from Zai and laid back down. "I forgive you Zai"

Zai sighed with relief. He moved closer to Morph and laid down next to him. "Would you like me to sleep here tonight?"

Morph looked over at Zai. "Please..."

Zai lowered himself under the blanket and faced the wolf. He then wrapped his arms around Morph and hugged him close. Morph nuzzled into the fox's chest, and there they fell swiftly asleep.

When Morph woke up the next morning, Zai was gone. Confused, he looked at the empty spot in the bed. Then something caught his eye on the night stand, it was a note from zai.

"Morph, Jodie-Lynn wanted to go grab an early breakfast. I hope you don't mind walking yourself to the campus today. Sorry." Morph's ears fell against his head as he read the note. With a grunt of disappointment, he readied himself for the day.

The next couple of days were really saddening to the small black and purple wolf. Zai was always off with his lady friend, and morph was left alone. Zai would always come home late, make up some excuse, and then go straight to bed. If morph had a nightmare, Zai would always come in and sleep with him, but he'd always be gone the next morning. Morph was getting depressed. He felt like he was losing Zai.

Morph stumbled in the door. Class was hard today, and work was even worse. He stripped down to his boxers and then flopped on the couch. looking up at the ceiling, he realized what tomorrow was. Tomorrow will be 5 years exactly since he tried to take his life. Morph hated the thought of it. If Zai hadn't followed him that day and stopped him....Morph shuddered. He didn't want to think about it anymore. He just wanted to be with Zai. Wanted to be with Zai.....He said it over and over in his head. Morph always felt attached to the fox, but the more he thought about it the more it made sense. Morph had feelings for Zai. He couldn't explain it, but he wanted Zai for himself. Morph was jealous of Jodie-Lynn most of all. All she had to do was ask and Zai was putty in her hands.

Morph was tired, depressed, and very upset. He just wanted to go to bed. He walked into his room, and laid down. His head hit the pillow, and as he fell asleep he had never felt more alone in his life.

Morph awoke some time later. There were voices out in the living room. Morph got up and walked to the door. He listened closely. One voice was female with a Boston accent, The other was Zai. Morph walked out into the other room and got their attention.

"Oh....morph. glad you're here. I have something to tell you."

Zai's voice was cold. Almost brutally uncaring. "W...What's that?"

"I'm going to be living with Jodie-Lynn here. So you're going to have to fend for yourself."

Morph couldn't believe what he was hearing. What happened to Zai? Zai would never do this. "Zai...what do you mean."

"It's exactly as it sounds. I'd rather live with my girl than some purple freak that doesn't amount to anything." Zai turned to Jodie-Lynn. "C'mon babe, let's get out of here." They both got up and headed for the door. As Zai was walking out, he looked back at morph. Their eyes met briefly. Zai showed absolutely nothing but apathy. No regret, remorse, or anything. Just a cold indifference; and with that, Zai closed the door behind him.

"Zai...What....Why..." Morph couldn't find the words he wanted. He felt like he was stabbed right in the chest. Zai's absence a cold steel blade.

Morph fell to his knees. Tears staining the silver markings on his face. He was done. He couldn't take it anymore. The room grew dark, and the walls disappeared. Morph looked up, The world before him was gone, all he could see was the spot on the floor where he was. The rest was shadows. He looked back down before him. A pistol was on the floor. Exactly like the one he tried to take his life with before. As he look down at the weapon, a figured slowly emerged from the shadows.

Zai looked down at the crying wolf. "Take it and just kill yourself already." There was no hint of emotion in his voice. "There's nothing left for you. Why would you want to suffer any more."

Morph picked up the pistol. His hands shaky. Slowly his held the gun up to his head. Tears streamed down his face as he sobbed. He looked back up at Zai.

"Do it." He commanded.

Morph heaved in tears as he started to pull the trigger. He took one final glance up at Zai, but he wasn't there. He looked around. There was nothing but blackness. With tears rolling down his face, and now completely alone, morph swallowed one last time. As he took in his last breath, he squeezed the trigger all the way, and fired the bullet into his head.