
Story by Asa fox on SoFurry

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For Vincent, a dear friend.

A round golden pendulum suspended in the gray furry paw of a tall feline ticked away denoting the time. Professor Vincent Tenebrae was nothing less than a gentleman and held himself to a strict rule of punctuality. The gray cat planned to have dinner with a colleague, maybe have a few drinks. The professor strolled the sidewalk towards the bistro wearing a black suit. One paw casually tucked in his trouser pocket and the other gripping the head of a cane that tapped the surface of the concrete as he walked. Along his path he came upon a void between two buildings and two streetlights. Though it was dark his bright blue eyes detected something retreating into the shadows. Vincent paused for a moment, sensing something was amiss.

"Is anyone there?" He called out to the darkness.

"Please, just go away." A soft voice replied.

"Are you alright? I only wish to help." The professor turned and walked towards the voice.

"I'll only ask nicely once mister." Vincent took another step forward and the young red fox shuffled in the trash bags that surrounded him. His black paws gripped an empty glass bottle and bashed it against the ground creating a sharp edge.

"I mean it!" The fox pleaded.

"I don't want to hurt you, I promise." The professor took another cautious step and the fox hurled the broken bottle in his direction. Vincent turned slightly to avoid it in vain. The sharp edge caught his cheek, though the professor doesn't flinch or show any pain. Tiny nanobots repair the wound and clean the blood. Feeling hopeless, the fox succumbed to the feline's wishes. Vincent took off his coat and wrapped it around the petite fox who was obviously cold.

"You're too young to be out here all alone." The professor said.

"I don't have anywhere else to go." The fox said.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Ava, " Said the fox in a sweet tone.

"Well my name is Vincent. Why don't you have anywhere to go Ava?" The feline said kneeling, looking into Ava's eyes. The fox buried his face into his arms and curled away from Vincent. It was terribly painful for Ava to even think about, let alone tell a stranger.

"You can stay with me if you like." The professor offered. Ava's ears immediately perked up. He looked up and rubbed the tears from his eyes.

"You mean it?" Ava said.

"Sure, I'll feed you, get you some new clothes, and hell, give you an allowance even." Ava collapsed in a hug against Vincent. The professor canceled his dinner and on the same device at the same time he summoned his driver to take them home. He lived in a modest home perched on a hill overlooking the city. The orange lights beamed and the traffic clattered off in the distance well below them.

A thin blanket of neglect covered the fox and contrasted him against the background that was the neat and organized home of professor Tenebrae. The feline looked at the boy with disgust. Not for the fox himself, but for the countless amount of people who ignored such a young person's needs for love and shelter. Sure, some may have spared change or food for him, but at the end of the day he was still living on the streets.

The professor wasn't immediately apt to care for a minor, much less a guest of any sort. Vincent stood at the refrigerator awkwardly, realizing he didn't even have much to make a sandwich. Being a very busy individual, he often had food brought to him or ate out. The clear shelves of the fridge were mostly empty besides deli meats, cheeses, bacon, and eggs. Everything one needs for a healthy diet.

"I don't have much." Vincent said slowly. "I can make you a sandwich. Would you like a sandwich?"

"Um, sure." Ava said with his paw buried in the pockets of his ragged black hoodie.

The professor did his best to fashion something appetizing for the boy, though he was sure any sort of food would have been a Godsend. Ava ate it quickly, though politely. "Another?" Vincent asked.

"Yes, " The fox said with a hint of eagerness. Then after a small pause "Please."

With Ava's hunger abated the professor offered him a hot shower. "Everything you need is in there, just help yourself. I'll have clothes waiting for you when you get out." The red fox locked himself in the small room finding solace underneath the air vent that excreted warm air like a child trying to fog a window. Ava was a little nervous about being in a stranger's home, but he had concluded that if the professor wanted to harm him he wouldn't have been this nice to him. He stripped down from his dust covered clothes revealing his boney frame and sparse patches of matted fur.

A shower after spending months on the streets feels like being baptized, only better. When you're thirteen and your parents decide you need to be dunked in a cold lake in front of a cheering crowd it's kind of scary and a little nerve-racking; especially if you have something to hide. Ava tweaked the knobs getting the water as hot as he could without burning himself. The water gradually cleansed his orange fur and softened his rough exterior. Such a simple thing was therapeutically mind-numbing for the fox. He did indeed lather, rinse, and repeat because the warmth felt so nice.

You don't get to relax often when you're sleeping on the street, or privacy for that matter. The fox hadn't thought about anything inherently sexual yet he was as hard as a rock. It had been forever since he'd pawed and he wanted to badly, but not in his host's bathroom. Where he came from there was a lot of shame attached to the act. That's one of the costs of growing up with immensely religious parents: you don't get to jerk off at strangers' houses. The fox suppressed his needs and left the warm safety of the shower. He wrapped the towel around his waist and cracked the door, peering out. Neatly folded at the foot of the door was a pair of fleece pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt.

Ava emerged from the steamy room holding the lump that was his former attire away from his body so he didn't get his new threads dirty. Vincent's butler quickly came by and whisked them away. "W-wait!" The fox stammered.

"Yes, sir?" The tall doberman said as he turned.

"Please don't throw the hoodie out."

"I'll be sure to wash it then." The dobie left with a purpose. That hoodie was more safety blanket than jacket. Even when he was getting beaten, it was always there to cushion the blow. As Ava's focus left the departing doberman Vincent appeared in a way that almost demanded a dissipating ploom of smoke. "Can I show you to your room?" The professor asked politely.

"Sure, of course." The fox said.

Vincent led the small fox to the guest room. It was four walls, a mattress, nightstand, and a television. It was devoid of any embellishments and had only very recently been dusted. "If you need anything, anything at all, I'm the next door down." Ava nodded in confirmation and the professor left him to his privacy once again. His paws sank into the fluffy blanket as he climbed onto it. The fox burrowed underneath the cool sheets and wrapped himself tightly within them. He curled up like a kit and drifted off rather quickly.

The next morning Ava rose with the sun like he always did. In the search for food he uncovered the small supply of rations stowed in the fridge. He figured he could make a half-way decent breakfast if he could find bread. It was in the cupboard next to the mostly unused cups, plates, and bowls. In the center of the kitchen was a flat onyx-looking counter top with a rectangular indentation on the left half. About a quarter inch lower than the rest of the counter were four circles of various sizes. There weren't any knobs so the fox stood and puzzled over it for a moment. He touched the space between two of the circles and a white band of light illuminated the edges of each of them.

Probably hidden behind some kind of on way mirror, a small interface let him select which burner and a temperature. Ava quietly dug a pan out from under the island and placed it onto the hot surface. What he crafted was finely chopped bacon wrapped in cheese, then enveloped expertly in ham, and finally sandwiched between two slices of buttered bread which he then cooked to a golden brown on the skillet. There wasn't anything to drink in the fridge, but the fox noticed some seemingly old fashioned spouts on the counter next to the oven. More prodding revealed another interface, where he chose orange juice and filled a tall glass.

Ava crept down the short hall with the glass and plate in paw. It was dead silent except for the small creaks his weight pressed from the wooden floors. It was a morose sort of dark in the professor's room. The ceiling fan was on and the blinds were shut. It looked like someplace you might go to die. Yet there was the sound of steady breathing under the covers. The wood floors transitioned to carpet and put the fox at ease as his bare footpaws silently carried him to the side of the bed Vincent had rolled to. Ava didn't know whether to leave it or to wake him, but in his apprehension the feline stirred and smelled the hot food inches away from his face.

As Vincent shook off the sleep the lights slowly lit the room without any assistance. The professor rubbed his eyes and looked curiously at the fox, then at the plate. "You made me breakfast?" He said, still a bit groggy. Ava nodded in silence. He cradled the sandwich in his fingers and took a bite. His expression turned to surprise as he chewed and savored the bite. "This-This is really good." He said after he had swallowed. "You made this?" The fox nodded again. "I'm impressed, really."

Ava blushed and smiled. "I'm glad."

"Do you like that? Cooking, I mean."

"Mmhmm, yes." Ava smiled wider.

"Well I need to go shopping today. My butler will have some day clothes for you, so be ready by noon."

"Yes sir."

"Oh, please, you don't have to call me sir."

"Oh, alright. I just wanted to be respectful." The fox said as he looked down, slightly embarrassed.

"It's an admirable trait." Vincent gave the boy a gentle pat on the shoulder rising his spirits.

By noon Ava had a new outfit and a freshly cleaned hoodie. Once at the market Ava was allowed to lead the way and pick out whatever foods he wanted. This included a small trip to the deli for better meats and cheeses. Vincent was a little surprised when the boy put things in the cart like olive oil and panko bread crumbs. He obviously had good taste. Other than a few select desert items, the whole purchase seemed very nutritious. The professor never considered that taking in a stray youth might be good for his health.

When they returned home and the fridge had been stocked, Ava made lunch. Nothing too fancy, just Croque-Monsieurs that would make the frogs themselves jealous. The professor told Ava that he had dispatched his butler to get him a full wardrobe so he could wear something different everyday. When the young fox returned to his room his bed was made and littered with piles of shirts, pants, shorts, and even a few accessories. Vincent also told him that if there was anything he didn't like he could just tell the professor and he would have it exchanged for something he did like.

It was all fine. They were all nice things that any boy would love to wear, but Ava wasn't too fond of the style. The fox usually gravitated towards something with a more feminine touch. This had gotten him into some trouble in the past so he put up with the lack of frills and simplicity of the attire. The gracious feline even gave him $20 for whatever comforts his heart desired. Ava told the professor that he wanted to open a bank account and he happily obliged. A few days later the fox received a bank card with his picture on it and everything in the mail.

Ava didn't have much to do around the house. He cleaned, if he could, but mostly he followed the professor around and helped him with whatever he was doing. In the lab he would hand him things and such, until he noticed a piano in the house. The fox pulled the small stool out from the instrument and sat at the hidden keys with a straight posture. A pull at the small knobs revealed the shining black and white keys. His furry fingers arched over them and he began to play a few notes. Not a tune, just a chord or two to test the water. Everything seemed to be in order so he continued to press upon the keys until a song emerged. It flowed effortlessly through the air to the ears of the working feline.

"Is that you?" The professor said, searching for the source.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I'll stop."

"No, please continue. I didn't know you were so talented. I should have suspected though, since you seem very bright."

Ava blushed. "Thank you." He said in a quiet and shy voice. The professor took a seat next to the young boy.

"How long have you been playing?" Vincent asked.

"A few years." Ava shrugged.

"Well you're pretty good at it. Who taught you?

"M-my mother, everyday after school."

"Heh, it shows. I don't mean to press you, but I do have to ask at some point..."

"What?" Ava said. He looked down and away from the professor a bit.

"Why aren't you with your parents?"

It was quiet for a moment as if the air had disappeared from the room. The silence was only broken by a sniffle and teardrops on the ivory keys. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out. The professor wrapped his long arms around Ava's shoulders and shushed him. "It's ok." He comforted. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." That was the last time Vincent asked him about it.

When Ava wasn't cooking, cleaning, or playing music, he was surfing the web. The fox slouched on his bed and cradled a laptop in his bed. He mostly browsed art, but he also looked at clothes and on rare occasions pornography. Ava hid a ravenous sexual appetite. Porn was so fake though, the only pleasure he got was through abstaining for weeks on end. The professor had no idea the little fox was bubbling with desire almost all the time. Vincent was oblivious to much of Ava's movements during the day. When the fox came upon something he couldn't resist the purchase went unnoticed.

Being a busy cat, the professor couldn't notice packages at the door. Not that he would anyway since Ava anticipated its arrival and quickly swept the small boxes away to the safety of his room. He was dying to get them open, but he had to make sure he was alone. The fox poked his head out of the door and called out to Vincent. "Professor?..." The house remained silent. With the door locked the fox hopped onto his bed and tore into the cardboard boxes. Inside the largest was a folded dress wrapped in plastic. His fingers stretched and ripped the thick wrapping setting free the scent of new clothing

Ava held a French maid outfit to his chest and twirled around the room as if he were dancing. The fox was overjoyed. It was the classic black format with white frills and bows. It came with matching knee high stockings topped with black bows and matte black high heels. The ensemble hugged every curve Ava's body provided. His heels clicked on the wooden floor as he paraded himself around the house. As he was bending over to pick something up between the coffee table and couch the front door unlocked and opened behind him. His orange tush was exposed by the short dress and he found himself paralyzed with fear.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" The professor fired rapidly. Ava turned and faced the him, unable to talk clearly.

"I-It's me!" The fox spat. I-I was just...just..." Ava shook and blushed a deep red in shame. He darted to his room and slumped against the door, his heels clacking along the way. Shortly after there was a knock at his door.

"Ava? You haven't done anything wrong! I just didn't recognize you."

"You must hate me." The fox sobbed into his arms.

"Hate you? I wouldn't dream of it. You...you looked very nice."

"Do you, do you mean it?" Ava said with a sniffle.

"Yes, your beauty actually stunned me for a moment." The professor was hard pressed to find the right words. He'd never had the opportunity to tell such a creature what he really thought. The door squeaked open just a sliver.

"Really?" The fox said, voice still quivering. The wet patches under his eyes were noticeable.

"Can I have a good look at you?" Ava nodded and swung the door open all the way putting himself at the mercy of Vincent's eyes. The professor took the fox's face into his paws and wiped away his tears, placing a small kiss on his forehead.

"You're stunning. I almost don't know what to say." Vincent said with a deep sincerity.

"Thank you so much." Ava smiled and sniffled.

After learning of the professor's love, the fox only grew more confident. The periods between times he wore boys' clothes grew longer with time. He would wear his maid outfit and actually clean around the house and on occasion "forget" to wear underwear. The fox would bend over in front of the professor just to tease him. The feline would protest and make him put on undies, but eventually it escalated. Ava would make him food and when he served the professor if he wore anything it was an apron, but most of the time he happily pranced about naked. Vincent tried to fight it, but truth be told he enjoyed it a lot. It wasn't long before he caved and let Ava dress (or not dress) as he pleased.

It was obvious the boy had certain needs that he wanted to express to the professor. Late one evening Vincent was just about to crawl into bed, but when he opened his bedroom door, there was a nude fox sprawled out on his bed. Ava had his ass in the air with his tail up. He was presenting himself to the professor and fingering himself, spreading his tailhole wide for the feline. Being at something of an impasse, the professor leaned in the doorway and took in the view.

"Please, " Vincent finally said. "You must stop."

"But why?" The fox replied, looking back at the professor between his orange and white thighs. "I want to be with you." He said as he rolled upright. He sat on the edge of the bed and crossed his legs. "Don't you want to be with me?"

"I do, but we have to talk about this first. I'm exhausted so we'll talk about this in the morning, I promise."

"Ok, " The fox whined with a slight tone of dejection in his voice.

After Ava had left him, Vincent dressed for sleep and slipped under the cool sheets. Following a long day, the professor didn't have much trouble getting to sleep. He even began to dream a little. Dreams of Ava indulged his subconscious desires. A paw slipped into his boxers and stoked the barbed head of his member. Before he could begin to satisfy his personal needs something disturbed him from his sleep. The door had been opened and light from outside spread across his bed. A foxy silhouette stood in the doorway.

"What's wrong?' The professor asked.

"I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?" Ava asked sweetly. Vincent being half asleep, he didn't see any problem with it.

"Sure, of course." He said groggily.

Ava joined the feline under the thick blanket and snuggled against him. Vincent quickly realized Ava was still naked. His pleasant form interlocked with the professor. His very early morning wood must have been painfully obvious to the fox. Ava rolled over and faced his provider. They looked at each other exchanging smiles and silent breaths. The fox finally elected to seal the gap between them by kissing the professor softly on the lips. Vincent accepted and purred with every pass of the fox's lips.

A black vulpine paw nudged and gripped the thick stem restrained in Vincent's underwear. He stroked the feline through the fabric and produced a wet spot on the front after a little coaxing. "I want it." Ava whispered between kisses. He hadn't masturbated in weeks. The fox wanted all of it at once, but fortunately for the professor he could only have so much at a time.

"It's all yours." The professor chuckled and rolled onto his back. Ava disappeared under the sheets in search for meat. Vincent helped him strip away what little clothes kept him away from the fox. A musky scent filled Ava's nose and forcibly made him quiver. The fox buried his nose under the hard cock into the furry balls that hung beneath it where the scent was strongest. His tongue caressed each oval shaped ball and his lips came together to suck at the gentle pouch. He savored every musky moment of it.

The fox's finger touched the tip of Vincent's member and slowly drifted away spreading a strand of pre between them. Ava licked his finger clean and leaned in for more. Once the professor's cock was spotless from licking he resorted to sucking the little bits of pre free from the feline member. Ava fought the urge to touch himself as the notes of musk and cum swirled on his tongue. He knew once he started stroking himself it wouldn't be long before he finished. The feline squirmed a little and moaned as the fox drooled over his cock and voraciously extracted his seed from him.

When Vincent had had about enough he took charge of the fox, trading places with him in the bed. He coveted the fox and kissed him while his paws explored the curves of his body. The taste of himself lingered in the fox's maw. Vincent gathered their cocks together in his paw and stroked them together. Ava's contrasted from his in that it was dripping wet with pre like he hadn't been tending to it the whole time. The fox suddenly stopped him.

"Please, I want you inside me." He whispered softly. "I need you to fill me up." There was almost an air of desperation in his voice. The professor happily obliged, pressing the tip of his cock against the tight ring that laid just above his tail. Vincent kissed the fox's neck as he gingerly entered, drawing passionate moans from the fox. Ava curled his furry toes in ecstasy as he was stretched wide open. Going in, the professors little barbs went in with ease, but on the return trip they gently tugged on the inside of the fox. He continued to kiss on the fox as he humped the fox's plush and generous rump.

Ava had his eyes closed tight. Whether out of pain or pleasure, it was hard to tell, but there was no denying that he was enjoying himself. The fox dug his nails into Vincent's back, surely leaving a mark. The feline groaned, but enjoyed it. In return the professor sank his teeth past Ava's fur and into the delicate skin of his neck. The fox whimpered in submission as Vincent pulled at the wet skin with his sharp teeth. He did this repeatedly, moving to a fresh patch every time.

The professor used the last of his energy to finish strong, hurling thick and sticky ropes of cum deep into Ava's bowels. The fox himself released a high-pressure spurt of hot fox seed that laid across his chest and even managed to touch his chin. Vincent withdrew and laid beside the fox, pulling his wet front side on top of him. A warm ember of passion remained between them both as Ava cuddled against the professor's chest. It was a rough trip, but he finally found his place between the feline's strong, caring arms.