Brazen Endeavors Part 3

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#3 of Brazen Endeavors

It was suggested I write the next part to this series. I thought it was a good idea so I did. Now you can enjoy Gnarl getting her turn!

Gnarl couldn't imagine what had possessed her to agree to this. Here she was upon the belly scales of a towering tall dragon, his cock standing as a pillar behind her. Even standing a way up on the crest of his belly, the thing still reached the small of her back. How it was ever going to fit inside her, magic or no, she couldn't begin to guess. Despite herself she shivered with anxiety, in stark contrast to her normally imperious demeanor.

"Worry naught little one," Pahroudrasius chuckled, "You look as if you might mess yourself with nervousness. If you are, perhaps, a maiden..."

"HAH!" Gnarl mocked, though shakily, "As IF I be a maiden! One like ME has males begging for my favor!"

"Then... you are ready for me," the great brass dragon said with an impish smirk, "That is good, for I am desirous once again."

Without further need for explanation, Pahroudrasius touched the tip of his claw to Gnarl's forehead, amused by her defiant stance and shivering body, and then dipped it down toward her feral-looking bush. Unlike her kobold partner's groin, Gnarl was nowhere near hairless about her nethers. Where Pahroudrasius had enjoyed the sleek reptilian shape of kobold vagina, Gnarl's was so much more exotic to him. Mammals, in general, were exotic to the great reptile.

Gnarl shuddered as she felt the claw slip between her legs and through her moist folds. Besides that she had to angle things correctly, she gave barely a jump at the brazen invasion of her private treasures. What truly made her gasp was when that claw-tip dipped within her, quickly widening beyond what she had experienced before.

"What do you think..." Gnarl started before the flush of magical power flowed through her. The rush of unknown energies tingled their way up her spine, setting her lust alight and her nipples to points.

"Now you too are protected," Pahroudrasius confirmed with a toothy smile.

Euphoria surged through Gnarl as her desires flooded her senses. She was about to fuck a dragon! No one in her tribe or any other would come even CLOSE to such a feat! Her great grandchildren would brag and posture with that knowledge!

Almost hastily she turned to face the great beast's cock, eyes sparkling greedily at the several-foot-long pillar of flesh that was at once the key to fame and fortune as well as the object her loins ached for. Pahroudrasius' spell had buried an itch deep within her and there was but one solution. But still, a sort of perverse cloud settled over the pure fires of lust within her. She did not just want to hop on to this magnificent shaft. Rather, she wanted to worship it.

Boldly as she dared, Gnarl knelt down and wrapped her arms against Pahroudrasius' pulsing shaft, nuzzling it with her hyena-like muzzle against the moist, turgid flesh. Her bestial grin brightened as she felt a shudder run through the great dragon's belly; a clear sign that she was doing something right by him. Eager for more, she turned that long, lapping hyena-esque tongue upon it.

"Ooohohohohoooo," Pahroudrasius groaned in delight and surprise. Never before had he considered the warm and fuzzy bodies of 'lesser beings' erotic, but now Gnarl was doing things he never considered. Never before had he felt such intimate heat, or the tickle of her fur, or the oddly pillowy nature of her breasts. Still, though he feared breaking the mood he had to ask.

"W-What is that you're doing?" he breathed in an awestruck tone.

"Just a little play," she said sultrily, "I want to please you. I want to make sure you remember this forever."

I want you to shower me with all your affection... in gold and jewels, Gnarl thought privately to herself as she pushed her breasts up in a mostly futile attempt at a titty-fuck. With only mid-sized furry orbs of flesh, there wasn't much for her to wrap around the nearly foot-wide. It's the effort that counts, Gnarl thought insistently to herself as she continued rubbing her body against the shaft. For all their size differences, Gnarl still evoked ooohs and aaaahs from the great beast. A sure sign that her efforts were being appreciated.

It was not, however, quite enough for Pahroudrasius. Though he was inspired by the novelty of the show, he found himself craving to enter this manically eager female and furiously punish her with his cock. He reached for her, his claw wide enough to embrace her torso, and slid his claws delicately around her body. Gnarl took it all in stride, even writhing in such a way that his small-claw slid between her legs where she rubbed her moist flesh against it. Even so, he had to all but pry her away from his shaft to get her ready to become his sex-toy.

"Wait!" Gnarl called as he hefted her into the air, "Don't just jam me onto you like I was some ratty little kobold!"

Down below, watching the spectacle almost forgotten, Kinj gave an insulted yap as she overheard.

"Let me put it in," continued Gnarl sultrily, "Let me guide it inside me, even if you are the one to hold me."

Without a word, but with his face practically beaming, Pahroudrasius complied. His claws opened, allowing her hand and foot-holds tip she was dangling, spread open, like some obscene marionette. Eagerly he lowered Gnarl to his tapered tip, wet with his excitement, and let her take control of crouching on top of it. Even the point of his cock was at least an inch wide, Gnarl saw as she crouched over it. Getting it in the right spot was little problem, but lining it up proved more difficult as she was perched upon his outstretched claws.

Still, as soon as she had popped the tip into her enchanted passage, Gnarl felt a surge of wondrous realization fill her. She had, in her very own twat, the power to conquer a dragon! She, not he, was in control and she, not he, would make him cum! She'd give to him such a fucking that he'd bow before her as his QUEEN!!!

Gnarl gasped aloud at how easily the next foot slid into her, stretching her gnoll-cunt from only an inch open to nearly a foot wide with not so much as a twinge of discomfort. His massive girth filled her such that she felt she must be bulging from the sides, but a brief, desperately disbelieving glance told her otherwise. It FELT like a foot-wide pole was buried in her greedy pussy, but amazingly it felt like nothing but pleasure... the next thing to natural penetration.

When her feet touched his hot scales she realized just how far he had gone into her. She felt like if she bent down she might feel the tip pushing at her throat! It was certainly in deep enough, as when she stood straight the thing normally came to just below her collarbone. Now her stance was awkward, having a foot-wide thing between her legs, but she knew that more was required before she would get her fortune.

Knees bent, testing the smooth slide of taking on that gigantic prick and feeling as if her cooch were bottomless. As her fuzzy ass came to rest against Pahroudrasius' scale belly, Gnarl could only sport a dominant grin. Now she put her powerful legs to work, bouncing upon the shaft with not so much as a breath out of place. She'd been mated before, it was true, but always the males found their way on top of her, rutting with their pitifully tiny cocks and slipping out more times than not. But now she was in the dominant position. Now SHE was the one rutting for HER pleasure.

Standing to her full height, even going on tip-toes, she slammed herself down on that massive invader as hard as she dared. Over and over again she repeated the action, grinding her fuzzy buttocks against his belly, letting him feel proverbially 'balls deep' within her. It was practically overwhelming, the waves of pleasure such penetration produced. It was only the intense twin flames of greed and power that kept Gnarl from being swept away by the acts time and again. Greed focused her mind upon the task of making the dragon cum so hard he handed over his hoard. Thoughts of power taxed her constitution, pushing her body as far as she could make it go and then forcing it just a bit further.

And then, suddenly, it was all over. Gnarl nearly sang for joy as Pahroudrasius let loose a cavern-shaking bellow as his shaft twitched and spasmed within her. Slamming her butt down hard, she squeezed her insides with all her strength as warmth gushed by the barrel-full into her seemingly endless depths. But even the magic had its limits as she felt rivulets leak from her overstretched pussy to form a sticky puddle beneath her. She even dared a few more thrusts, eking out bits more pleasure for herself as the spurting geyser ceased within her.

Her task now completed, Gnarl's body seemed to catch up to what it had been doing. With a cry somewhere between orgasmic scream and hyena's wail, Gnarl climaxed. When Pahroudrasius had emptied his load into Kinj, the poor little kobold had been rocketed off his cock with the force of it. Gnarl was more than twice as large and many times heavier than the little reptile, but the force of her clenching cunt sent her sliding, unwillingly, up the dragon's shaft. Up high enough, that her toes left his scales, leaving her momentarily suspended only on cock. The weight and the softening soon had her falling forward, landing face first upon his belly, pushed up until the massive meat was free of her.

Gasping for breath, Gnarl looked up at Pahroudrasius with a wicked grin, "You don't think we're through yet do you? Get us ready again!"