Agumon's Need

Story by Ligiastorm on SoFurry

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Agumon's Need

The young man pulled on his shorts, and shirt getting ready for school. Picking up his digivice, Tucker placed it on his hip, and then walked to school. The teacher was already taking roll, when he got in his seat,

" Late I see again, Mr. Tenkanowi, this makes the second time this week care to explain?" , the teacher asked, a little irritation in her voice,

" I've been having to help my mother around work, the bakery is hard enough with just me and her working there. Ever since my dad divorced my mother, the stress has been getting to me. I apologize if I offended anyone about my recent absences." , Tucker replied.

The teacher smiled, and taught her class for Social Studies.

Later that afternoon, Tucker was on his way home, when Michael the school bully, stopped him in front of the school doors.

" You think you're really cool don't you?" , Michael challenged. "I don't talk to people who wish to start fights. Good bye, Michael.", Tucker pushed past him, and walked home.

The bakery was apparently busy, and he walked to his room, and sat down at his computer. '1 New Mail' the screen read. Tucker opened it and noticed that it had the same digivice that was on his side. " Dear Tamer, If you wish to see the digital world then you must first point the digivice at the screen." , so subtly wrote as if it was just then talking to him.

With a brilliant flash of light, Tucker was sitting in a meadow of flowers. The air was sweet, and the birds chirped happily. Something beeped at his side, " Warning! Wild digimon approaching, find safe place to observe." , it was the digivice.

Tucker scrambled up behind some trees, to see a Darktyranomon, and Dakagumon appear, their voices could be heard from where he hid, " Where is that tamer? He just came through the gate a few seconds ago." , Darktyranomon demanded.

" There's no telling now. Let's go." , Dakagumon's hissed reply.

Tucker jumped when he felt something brush his leg, a single paw was put in front of his lips, " Shhh....don't want them to find you do you?" , the agumon asked. " No. Thanks for your help.", Tucker whispered. The agumon nodded in reply, "Follow me, I know a safe place you can rest.", the Agumon said.

Tucker followed the agumon deep into the woods, and into a village of biyomon. "I'll be staying here with you, okay Tucker?" the agumon asked. " do you know my name?" , Tucker asked, having never introduced himself.

" It's written on your digivice. I've been waiting for you a long time." , the agumon said. "Me? I don't think I am worthy of even being a tamer." , Tucker said. " That's what your digivice, and your heart's told me ever since you first created the digivice." , the agumon said.

The little cottage that they had built for Tucker, he sat there in a bath tub, soaking in the nice warm water, he had barely closed his eyes for a second when a splash surprised him, the bubbles didn't disperse, and agumon came up covered in suds.

" You didn't mind did you Tucker? I've wanted to know you, because I've been really lonely without you." , Agumon asked. " No, just next time tell me when you're coming in. And what do you mean you've been lonely without me, I just met you today." , Tucker replied.

" Oh, when you were little, a digimon had appeared in the real world, to destroy you, before you could grow up. I appeared next to you, and defeated the monster that was close to destroying your home." , Agumon replied.

Tucker then surprised Agumon, with a hug, the digimon, didn't know what to do at first, but then he hugged back enjoying the feel of Tucker's warm skin. Tucker let go blushing a little, and noticed that Agumon was blushing too.

" Hey agumon?" , Tucked asked nervously.

"Yes, Tucker?" , Agumon replied, looking at Tucker.

Tucker was to busy staring at the pink rod sticking out, " Can I touch you, to see how you feel?",

Tucker asked. " Yeah...I don't mind." , Agumon replied unaware.

Tucker reached to agumon, and ran his hands down the reptilian like body, the digimon sighed enjoying the touches. Tucker stopped, and Agumon looked at him, " Why'd you stop Tucker?", he asked, and then he realized. "It's okay...I don't mind you touching me, there. I was going ask the same from you." , he said.

Tucker nodded, and both digimon and Tucker, explored both of each other's private areas. Agumon grunted a little when Tucker moved his hands in a massaging motion on his rod. Tucker sighed when he felt the little paws rub on his cock more when he massaged Agumon's cock more. "Tucker...I" , Agumon said.

Tucker nodded, and the digimon, opened his mouth and slowly descended onto Tucker's cock, his hot maw, making Tucker groan in pleasure, begin to bob up and down. While sucking on Tucker's cock, Agumon began to slip a paw into Tucker's ass fingering his hole, which made Tucker groan even louder. Before Tucker could get too far into his climax, Agumon pulled off and rubbed his tail hole onto Tucker's cock before it went soft, and grunted as he pushed himself down onto him, the water now gone.

Tucker moaned as he entered the horny digimon, his dick going into agumon's ass, stretching it, making Agumon gasp as Tucker took over, and thrusted into the wanting tail hole, in and out. After a few minutes which felt like hours, Tucker thrusted harder feeling his climax, and he held Agumon tight to him, flooding his ass with cum.

Panting, Tucker laid back," That was....amazing." , he said. Agumon nodded, and said, " Are you ready for me?", he asked. With a smile Tucker nodded, and picked the digimon up and took him to the bed, and placed him on it, and then laid on his belly, with his legs apart showing Agumon his tight little rose bud. Agumon crawled up to him, and licked at the little entrance which made Tucker shiver in delight.

Then rubbing his cock, Agumon, placed his hardened dragonhood at it, and began pushing in, Tucker grunted relaxed for he wanted it to. The cock slid in and Tucker bit on his lip not to cry out, and pushed back widening more for that sexy digimon.

Fully inside of Tucker, Agumon pulled out and in, stretching out to his fullest, and nibbled on Tucker's neck as he drew to his climax. Getting rougher and rougher, his dragonhood pushing against Tucker's prostate, making Tucker moan louder and then agumon went limp Tucker sighed as he felt the dragon digimon's cum flood his ass.

"No, I was wrong now that was Amazing!" , Tucker exclaimed hugging the digimon close to him. Nodding in agreement Agumon hugged back, " Please don't leave me again." , he said. " Don't worry I won't." , Tucker replied.

The End

End of Part 1 maybe more coming soon.