The New and Improved "A New Beginning" series. Chapter 3: A Steamy Surprise

Story by foxy101 on SoFurry

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Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or older to read this story. No, I'm not held responsible if your underage. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. All characters are devised by myself and are all copyrighted to me and cannot be used without my permission. If you have happy go lucky lawsuit parents and your still reading then they should really think about setting up some parental locks.

Enjoy! :)

6:35 a.m.

Not wanting to open my eyes just yet I lie there on the couch wrapped up tightly by two warm and familiar pelts of fur. A smile spread widely across my face as I peeked through one eye gazing at such an adorable sight. Alex and Kevin snuggle up to both sides of me, holding on to each other while the three of us lie there naked. I found it so cute to see this pile of messy fur locked together in a lovely embrace.

After a few more minutes of staring at the two most important people in my life right now; I decided that the time to awake had arrived. I stretch my arms up and yawn deeply careful not to disturb the others too much, but just enough to nudge them awake. As their beautiful eyes gazed into mine I bid my lovers a good morning. Their cheerful reply seemed almost simultaneous.

To their surprise I abruptly left their side, stood up and told them it was time to start the day. They both groaned a little and turned around sticking their faces in the pillow, but eventually realized that I was right and sluggishly got to their feet.

Kevin went upstairs to the take a shower while I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Alex turned the news on and flopped back down on the couch. After washing my hands I reach into the drawer by the stove and pull out one of my mother's aprons, it was one of my favorites. It was burgundy with a golden/brown ruffle hem at the bottom, and an elegant gold and blue floral pattern reseeding up the sides and around the neck. My mother sure knew how to sow, and this piece was just a glimpse of her talents.

After tying it around my back and gathering all the ingredients I needed to make my famous homemade blueberry/banana waffles; I promptly began whisking them together. As I stood there staring out the window, admiring the sunrise; I shudder slightly as I felt one hand rub along my waist and another slipping under the apron scratching at my chest and circling my nipple. Seductively purring in my ear and nibbling on my lobe; I lean back as the heat from his breath was just too much for me to keep my footing, and exited purrs of my own. Feeling his member rub on the small of my back, and his hand slowly creeping down past my stomach; I began melting in his arms. While messaging my inner thigh with his right hand he brought his left up to chest and circled my other nipple; his tool growing ever so impatient and slicker by the moment. Just as he started cupping my groin I regrettably stopped this wonderful morning foreplay early; not wanting to get this apron dirty and still in the process of making breakfast. I look back seeing the big grin on Alex's face, and give him a peck on the nose.

"Be patient my love we'll have plenty of time for that after school."

His expression fell flat, and huffed as he turned his head away from me closing his eyes.

"Fine, have it your way, but that means you owe me."

"Of course, we'll do whatever you want."

That toothy grin came back as one eye peeked at me.

"Whatever I want? You know I have a very creative imagination."

"Oh, I sure do. That's one more reason I love you so much"

After that being said, he kissed me one more time before retreating back into the living room until breakfast was ready. By now Kevin had finished his shower and joined Alex in front of the TV. A few moments later I place a big stack of pancakes in the center of the table, plenty of bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, natural apricot preserves, and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice.

The smell from the bacon instantly caught their attention, and you could see both of them popping their heads around the corner.

"Alright you two come and get it."

Ears perked as they ran in and sat down. I joined them and prepared Kevin's plate.

"So Kevin, did you sleep well?" I asked knowing the answer already.

"Yeah, it was the best sleep I ever had."

"I hear that." Alex said nodding in agreement.

"So Kevin, after we finish eating me and Alex need to take a shower so do you think you can get on the bus by yourself."

"Yeah don't worry I'll be fine."

After the three of us finish eating I clear the table, wash the dishes, and follow Alex up stairs to take a shower while Kevin's went outside to wait for his bus. We decide to take a shower together to save time, but of course being the sexy piece of ass I am Alex kept up his numerous advancements. Again I was forced to deny him, and myself, of some well-deserved pleasure until later. After we finished washing, drying, and combing each other I threw on my usual jean and collared shirt attire, while Alex borrowed a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt.

Soon after we walked downstairs; locked the front door behind us, and jumped in the car to make our way to school. By the time we got to school it was about 7:30a.m. so we had fifteen minutes to kill before having to go inside. After denying and being denied numerous times I thought this would be a good opportunity to relieve some tension. As we sat there in the parking lot I lean over to whisper something in his ear.

"How about I start making it up to you right here, right now?"

Of course he didn't need to answer as it was written all over his face and the large tent now protruding in his pants was all the more convincing. Slightly bending forward I reach over and quickly unbutton his pants freeing the delicious meat stick from its confinement; exciting moans from his and the sudden breath of cool air against the heated staff. Gripping his base firmly with one hand while I tease his slit with my thumb; I began drooling as I stared at my new favorite snack. He pants harder as my strokes quicken.

Before getting too carried away I stopped my hands attention only to be replaced by my mouth as I take his length into my maw; sucking on his throbbing member as he moans in pleasure. I roll my tongue up and down his already slick shaft, and pull off just long enough to blow cool air at his tip. I savor the feeling of his cock massaging the back of my throat as I continued to suck him off.

It wasn't long before his humps became more frantic, while my mouth matched each of his thrusts. Giving me the sign I had been waiting for he placed his hands on the back of my head, and I gratefully accept my reward. I could feel his warm salty cum rushing down my throat, jet after jet filling my stomach with his warm seed. Sitting there with his head back and his hands holding me tightly in place; I lap up the remaining spurts of fluid while he enjoyed the afterglow waiting for his member to recede back into its sheath. After catching his breath he readily went to remove my pants trying to return the favor, but I stop him once again.

"We'll be late if we don't go in now."

The sly grin that always spread wildly across his face whenever he gets a dirty idea quickly showed its face.

"You know if you keep stopping me I may never leave your side."

"Is that a promise?"

Looking at me in such an adoring way we began kissing passionately, sending our minds on a trip of pleasure as our tongues entwine; the flavor of his seed still lingering on my lips leaving several strands of saliva connecting us as we broke the kiss. We exit the car and begin walking toward the main doors of the school. Alex held the door for me as I entered, and I was greeted by none other than my good friend Phil.

Phil and I have been friends for a long time. We played together as kids, spent countless days during summer vacation hanging out at the beach, and we even dated the Jenson twins in the eighth grade. Ha, I wonder what he would say if he found out about Alex and me.

We chatted a bit on the way to our lockers; discussing AP courses, and college plans. After grabbing my calculus book I wink at Alex and take my leave. As I walk away Phil grabs Alex's shoulder and they walk down the hall.

"Alex, I need to talk to you about something"

"Sure Phil, what's up?"

His eyes darted away, and his face became flush.

"I saw you two" his voice crackling ever so slightly.

" you mean?"

"I mean I saw you and Jake."

"Doing what?" Alex asked hesitantly.

"I saw him...sucking you off."

"What, when?"

"A few moments ago, in your car and in the showers the other day, but I knew how Jake felt by the way he's been acting."

"So what's your plan now, blackmail?"

"No...I mean it's not like that, you see I've...liked Jake for a really long time, but I thought he was straight. If I knew I would have asked him out ages ago. I was just wondering...well...maybe I could join the fun"

"I see, well I'm on board but we're going to have to convince Jake."

"Really, just like that? How are we going to do that?"

"Sure, stuff is always better in a group, and I have a few ideas. Just meet me before practice, and I'll fill you in on the details, okay?"

"Sure thing, but right now we'd better get to class before we're late for first period."

"Yeah you're right, let's go."

Phil went upstairs to his American Economics class while Alex joined Jake in Calculus 101 barely making it before the bell rang. Later on after a long day of boring classes we ended up on the track once again; Phil was nowhere to be found. We ran are laps and headed to the showers. Alex and I shot the breeze to kill as much time as possible until the other furs finish their showers so we could wash together. After the last of the furs left the locker room we went to the last stall at the end of the showers, turned on the water, and started washing each other. I turned toward the wall so Alex could scrub my back.

The rising steam reminded me of the incident that happened just a few days ago when I moaned Alex's name without noticing that he was standing right next to me. I felt something hard pushing against my tail hole, and knowing what it was I instinctively leaned back on it Hearing moans coming from Alex as I ride him I reach for my own cock, but it was pushed away by some unknown figure knelt in front of me. I tried to look down, but before I could see who it was my head darted back with the mix of pain and pleasure from the feeling of a warm muzzle wrapped around my cock and Alex's mating bite sinking into my neck fur. I began uncontrollably humping into the mystery muzzle which in turn made Alex thrust deeper into the depths of my rectum.

Each time I try to look down my attempts fail miserably as my head is jerked back with the pleasure coarsening through my body. The warm lips and tongue wrapping tightly around my shaft and flaring tip draw me closer to my climax, and by Alex's quickening pace I could tell he wasn't far behind. I reach down and begin scratching behind the unknowns ears exciting murrs from its maw. The tantalizing sensation drives me over the edge as my body tenses up, and I show the signs of my release; Alex soon following with his own release. The muzzle wrap around my member continues to suck me dry while Alex fills my bowels for the third time.

We stay there panting for a moment. When I look down all I see is two big brown eyes looking back into mine and as fate would have it those eyes belong to my good friend, Phil. At that moment my weak knees gave out. I slid off of Alex's member and was embraced in Phil's arms. I could hear Alex's moan at the sudden release of pressure. I tried to stand, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it in this condition. I looked back into Phil's eyes and asked why he never mentioned how he felt, but my sentence was cut off short as I was pulled into a tender kiss.

"It was more fun for you to find out this way."

I blush at the statement that I was in full agreement with. Alex knees down and whispers into my ear.

"Hey honey, it looks like we have a new member in our little sex entourage, huh?"

"It sure does."

"Hey Phil how about we help you with that big old thing begging for attention between your legs" I said, as I grip his thick member.

"Well I don't know. How does your mate feel about that?"

"What do you say honey? Why don't we help are new friend get some relief."

He leans in and whispers something in my ear. I giggled at his words remembering a comment he made this morning about him having a creative mind. We quickly reposition Phil so that he's standing up in front of us. I begin lapping at the tip of his cock while Alex licks along the base. Folding my lips over the flaring point I start sucking up and down the shaft while Alex massaged and bathed his furry orbs. I reach around his waist and slide a single finger in his tight entrance. I then brought it to Alex's mouth to lather it up. Once slick enough I slide it back in while continuing my treatment causing Phil to pant heavily.

I then release his cock from my maw and let Alex take over while I move to Phil's backside, keeping my finger firmly lodged in his tail hole. Pulling it out I begin lapping at his pucker, burying my face under his tail. Slipping my tongue in between the soft flesh while massaging his balls with one hand and gripping the back of Alex's head with the other I swear I could feel Phil's heart beat matching the thrust. Moans echo through the empty locker room.

Phil's knot began growing at the deep throat treatment Alex gave him. I move my hand from his sack and grip just behind his knot. The pleasure became too much and before long Phil's back arched as he came in Alex's awaiting maw. I felt the pulsations of each release of gooey sperm while milking his cock from behind and trying to dig my tongue in deeper. Alex pulls off his member letting the remainder of his release land on his face; coating his fur in warm sticky love gravy. After milking the last drops of cum I could I removed my tongue from his tail hole and moved back next to Alex. I licked up all the cum off of his face, and we started swapping it back and forth in front of Phil.

I was starting to get horny again, but I knew that if we stayed here much longer someone were sure to find us. In any case there would be plenty of time for that after we get home. Alex and I gulp down the salty fluid and stand up. The three of us stood there panting and looking at one another all with a smile on our faces as we continued taking our shower. Once we finished the three of us walked over to our lockers got dressed, and exited the locker room.

As we left the campus and walked through the parking lot Alex went to pull his car out while Phil turned toward his car and told us that he'd see us tomorrow. I invited him over and told him that I was sure Kevin would like to see him, and I even through in a request to teach him the trick he just did with his tongue. Though a little surprised at the request he shrugged it off, I'm guessing after today he was going to believe that anything was possible; he explained that it would have to be another time, and the he needed some time to rest.

"What about tomorrow that is if you two don't get too excited in the locker room again?" Phil said with a faint chuckle.

"Sounds like a plan. We'll try to control ourselves, if you do" Alex remarked,

After saying our goodbyes we get in the car and head for my house to see if Kevin wants to join our little game again.

To be continued...