How Rider got his name.

New Love Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or over to read this story. No, I'm held responsible if your under. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. All characters...

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A New Friend.

A Tale of two friends finding love Chapter 2 Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or over to read this story. No, I'm held responsible if your under. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, you...

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First Love

A Tale of two friends finding love Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or over to read this story. No, I'm held responsible if your under. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, You don't have...

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The journey starts anew.

This story contains gay sexual relations between a fox his brother and their two friends. If any of that disgusts you in any way you should not be here. For those of you who continue to read I hope that you enjoy it. Comments are always appreciated. ...

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Rain of The West The Beginning.

Do not read this if you're under the age of 18. At the moment it contains no descriptive sexual content, but it does contain violence and war. So no cubs! If you do view this, "It Is Not" my responsibility to age checks every one of you. Sue your...

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Kevin wants to play dirty.

True Love Chapter 4 This story may contain mature content not suitable for children under the age of 18. If you are underage or find this material inappropriate please go no further. Those of you who will continue reading, I hope you will enjoy...

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The New and Improved "A New Beginning" series. Chapter 3: A Steamy Surprise

Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or older to read this story. No, I'm not held responsible if your underage. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. All characters are...

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The New and Improved "A New Beginning" series. Chapter 2: ménage à trois

"A New Beginning" Chapter: 2 Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or older to read this story. No, I'm not held responsible if your underage. This story contains sexual scenes of homosexuality. So if you don't like it, you don't have...

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The New and Improved "A New Beginning" series. Chapter 1: First Love

**Chapter 1 of the new and improved "A New Beginning."** "A Tale of two friends finding love" Here's the basic usual warning. Yes, you should be 18 or older to read this story. No, I'm not held responsible if your underage. This story contains...

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