The Final Hunt

Story by Glenn Connor on SoFurry

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While you read this, please keep in mind that I haven't written for a while, and just got back into it with a sudden burst of insperation. Suggestions are warmly welcomed.

A light breeze wafted through the old forest as the sound of running feet rang through.

Kayla ran as fast as she could away from her pursuers. As she sprinted, she gracefully leaped over fallen logs and stumps. Even though she was young, only 16, she knew the forest like the back of her paw. This really helped around this season, with all of the hunting. From an onlooker, the red fox was a red blur.

Even though the vixen ran as fast as she could manage without hitting her head on low branches, the hounds still ran after her. Her sensitive ears picked up the sound of the dogs sprinting, getting closer with each second. I'm so close, her racing mind thought, my den is just a half of a mile . . .

She didn't have time to finish her thought, however. All of the sudden a sapling, only a meter away from her exploded, sending wood splinters everywhere. She ducked, covering her head. Behind her, she could hear that they had stopped and fired at her. Quickly she regained her senses and turned left. Lucky for me the Jenkins mutts can't shoot, she thought as she quickened her pace.

Only a few yards ahead were a small enclosure, surrounded by tightly woven ivy and trees. When she was a young kit, Kayla would play with her brothers there all the time. And it wasn't noticeable unless you got right up too it. At least she hoped so as she dived and crawled through the small opening. As she went through, sharp sticks and thorns scraped against her fine coat and face. Trying not to make any sound, she crawled to the center of the enclosure and curled herself up, ignoring the pain from the scratches. Her chest heaved with her mouth open and her tongue hanging out.

Seconds later, her ears picked up sounds of snapping twigs and leaves. She willed herself to calm her breathing and not make a sound. You know what will happen if they find you, her own voice said in her head. You've heard the horror stories.

Just in front of her hiding place she saw the shadows of the hunters, looking around with their rifles out in front of them. One of the hounds, which looked and sounded to be the pack leader, turned to the other two.

"Fan out, I can smell the vixen close to here," he said in a deep, harsh voice. "And remember our plan . . ."

With his final statement, he nodded to them and they nodded back. Kayla could only imagine what this "plan" was, and even then it was gruesome. They then continued their search, each going in different directions. After five minutes, she could see their silhouettes fade away from her.

Thinking she was out of hearing range, she sighed in relief. Her breathing hadn't slowed down, since she had held her breath for a long time while they were close. But this mistake, of moving and making noise, was the worst mistake of her life.

Out of no where, as she moved towards the entrance, one of the hounds kicked through the enclosure behind her. As she looked behind her with wide eyes, the butt of a rifle hit the side of her face. Kayla was send bursting through the wall of ivy and out onto the path. Her head was spinning, blood forming by her eye, and she couldn't get up. As the pain started to set in, she turned on her stomach and started to craw back towards the woods.

A hand wrapped around her bushy tail, and pulled her back. She closed her eyes and dug her fingers into the soft ground, but it was useless. The dog turned her over with his foot, and she opened her eyes a little to look at him.

He was the dog who had smelled her, she realized, by his size. He smiled wickedly down at her as she cowered and whimpered, with a complete dark brown body and eyes except for his white stomach. The hound raised a paw to his mouth and whistled loudly to his companions, and they were there in seconds.

Kayla didn't turn her head to look at them, because she stared up at the leader. She tried to shrink herself, hoping she would just melt into the ground. They all closed in around her, with all the same smile. And through her concussion, she realized why he hadn't just shot her as they all reached down and started stroking themselves . . .

"No - please, I beg you . . ." she said, panting in fright.

The leader put his gun over his shoulder, and looked up at the other two.

"I've got to go report back to boss; do as you wish with this bitch, just don't hurt 'er to bad," he said, and quickly turned, walked back off into the woods.

Her other two captures walked over and leaned their rifles against a tree, and walked back to her, one at her feet and the other at her had, kneeling. When she looked up at them, she saw that they had gotten large erection from just watching her naked body, cowering on the ground.

"On your hands and knees," one said, who was spotted brown against white fur.

"Please, no -"

She started to beg, but was cut off by the one by her head slapping her very hard, and she started to cry. When she turned to her side and held her face, the dogs became impatient. The one by her head, who looked to be the pack leader's brother, cruelly grabbed her ruff and yanked her up onto her hands and knees. Her arms and legs trembled in fear, but she stayed up for fear of her life.

"Joe, take her ass. Master wants to break her in," said the leader's brother to his companion.

The one behind her moved up behind her, and pulled up her tail, pushing it at the base back towards her back. She moved her head back and yipped in pain and she felt something push against her anus. At the same time, the other grabbed her muzzle and pulled her to in front of his cock.

"If you bite down, bitch, I swear I'll skin you alive," he barked down.

She nodded and reluctantly opened her muzzle, starting to sob again quietly. Without hesitation, the hound behind her suddenly pushed into her, and the one in front forced his cock in her mouth.

It felt like she was being ripped in half from her behind up. He still pushed her tail down painfully, and she felt herself already start to rip from his large girth. As if on cue, the leader's brother pushed his cock into her mouth and down her throat.

Kayla surprised her gag reflex the best she could, not wanting to think what they would do to her if she threw up. Both of them started a rhythm together, the one behind her pushing forward so the other's cock was pushed in further, and the one in front pushed back so he felt pleasure. The process lasted for several minutes. They seemed to be taking their time, enjoying her revulsion and pain.

"Oh god, please, stop," she muttered around the penis in her mouth.

They burst out laughing at her request, and answered by quickening their motion. But they didn't last long when they quickened their pace. And each cummed at just about the same time. Kayla felt the one called Joe behind her shoot his seed into her bowls, and nearly gagged again as the other shot his jism down her throat.

Uncontrollably, when she felt the cum in her mouth, she made disgusted noises in her throat. He answered by pounding her hard on the back, and her tail being pulled.

"You'll take every inch we give you, bitch, and like it. No fox could fuck you like a hound could," the leader's brother said down at her, as he pulled his semen and saliva coated penis out of her mouth.

Joe pulled out as well. But before the got up, each crawled around to her side and wiped their wet dicks on her beautiful fire red coat.

"She was tight, Ben," Joe said, standing up.

Ben nodded in response, and Kayla's arms gave out. She fell forward, half-lying on the ground with her butt in the air. One of them quickly slapped it and she yipped, still crying.

Ben reached down, and with a large paw he gripped her ruff and yanked her up, so she was kneeling on the ground. Joe walked over to a small bag he had brought and sat near his rifle, and came back with a choke chain. While he put it around her, Kayla showed no resistance. She didn't want to be hit again.

"You'll follow us; and if you fall behind, you'll be choked," said Ben as Joe finished it by putting a short leash on her.

"Please, I beg you - You had your fun, let me go home to my family," she pleaded again, reaching a paw behind her and rubbing gently her sore and wet anus.

"Master still has to have fun with you. And trust me, you'll see your family soon enough," answered Ben, as he picked up both rifles and threw one to his companion.

They then proceeded to walk back through the woods. She made sure to follow close. The one time she fell behind, both men continued walking while Joe pulled on the chain until she caught up. Kayla nearly passed out, but managed to follow.

Ben led the other hound and captive over about four miles, not stopping once. After about three hours, they stumbled out of the woods onto a grassy plain. Thinking they would rest here, Kayla collapsed to the ground, panting heavy, still crying. However, she was answered with a yank of her leash.

"We're almost their bitch. The house is just across the meadow," Ben answered, pointing across the meadow at a large log cabin in the distance. "The faster you get there, the faster you can have water and rest."

Kayla leaped up and followed close as they led. She hadn't had water for at least six hours now, and was parched. Her footpads also ached, and had she felt large soars form on them.

Minutes later they reached the porch. From the distance, the house didn't look very big. But up close, she realized it was the biggest settlement she had seen. It had two floors, with several windows. The porch they now stood on was huge, with a couple of chairs on one side and a mahogany door in front of her. Beside the house, which started at a garage was a dirt road leading into the horizon.

"Here we are," said Joe, and pulled her in the house after Ben had opened the door.

She stood in a large living room, with a fireplace and fluffy chairs around it. In one was her captors leader, and in the other, a human. When they entered, both stood.

The human was Frank Kindrel. His hunting pack and shooting skills were a legend in the area. Kayla had heard horror stories of how he would brutally rape his captors, no matter what gender, and skin most of them alive until they bled to death. But some he would keep for years sometimes, as servants and sex slaves. Her father had told her about him, with peer hatred in his eyes and voice.

When both started to walk to them, one of her captors hit the back of her knees with the butt of his rifle, which sent her falling to the floor onto her knees. She looked up at him, and he smiled down at her, which didn't quite fit with his stern and hardened face.

"Quite the catch, guys," he said in a professional yet taunting voice. "Go put away your rifles and relax; you deserve it."

They murmured thanks and closed the door, taking her leash off. Both then exited the room to the left, walking through a doorway into a separate room.

Kayla kneeled before both of them, shaking and starting to cry again. When Frank motioned for her to stand, she did so, clumsily. He brushed back brown bangs from his face, and put his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Now, my new pet, are you going to cause trouble?" he suddenly asked her.

She nodded her head slowly in a no motion, still looking up at him since he was several inches taller than her 5'6" height.

Frank motioned towards his companion, still looking her up and down.

"This is Hugo. He will have complete control over you, unless I contest," Frank said while Hugo moved forward and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the stairs. "Make her presentable, and get her something to drink, Hugo. I'll be up there in a few."

Hugo dragged her towards the stairs in the corner, and led her up them. Kayla didn't pull back but instead followed, knowing that she was defeated. There wasn't much left she could do. Only except her fate.

He led her out into a long hallway, which ended in a master bedroom with the door open. Once inside, she found that it was quite eerie, with dark red curtains and white carpet.

Hugo spun and pushed her around onto the bed. She sat on her tail, and crawled back as far as she could. He let her do this, and smiled his wicked smile, and walked towards her, crawling onto the bed.

"Master won't be ready for a few minutes, so I think I'll have a little fun with -" he started, but was cut off by a very loud bang downstairs. It sounded like a truck backfiring, yet louder. Hugo jumped up from the bed.

"What the fuck was that?!" he stated, and quickly ran out down the hall and stairs.

Kayla was left alone, cowering. Up until now, she had the worst luck of her life. Maybe a twist of luck has come my way, her racing mind thought. Has someone come to save? She almost laughed out loud at this thought, even under these conditions. Only her parents and brother knew about her, and she didn't even have a mate yet.

As suddenly as the last bang, another rang through the cabin. She jumped almost a foot off the bed in shock, and whimpered again. This truly was the most strange and terrible event in her life, and now she might die.

In her mind, Kayal fought with herself whether to go look or stay. It might be her father or brother, coming to save the day. But then again, it may just be them moving stuff . . .

Eventually, her latter thought won, and she crept slowly off the bed. Using her quiet, hunting walk, she stalked down the hall to the stairway where Hugo was just going down.

Isaac crept silently up to the door, his sawed-off shotgun out and cocked. For nearly two weeks now, he had prepared for this. Night after night Isaac had watched all their movements, observing their weaknesses. The other slime he had hunted in his life turned out to be good citizens compared to this group. It was obvious they took their sweet time with rape and murder, even though he had only witnessed three kidnaps.

For the time he had tracked them, they had hunted time and time again with no success, except for this time. All the other Furs in the area had been scared away. All except for the Trent family. Isaac new Gin, the father of his family. He had helped him with locations and resources. It was a damn shame though that he and his family had to get caught . . .

Isaac hid his gun in the folds of his long leather jacket, so that the one that answered couldn't see it from the peephole. Someone shouted to the other, and the peephole in the door went dark What they must be thinking, to see a fox deliberately knock on there door.

If only he could see the hound's face right now, Isaac's final thought for the moment was. Just as the door opened a crack, Isaac kicked it open. It flew back open, with a surprised dog in the doorway. In his trembling paw was a revolver. His last thought was probably something along the lines of "He found us . . ."

Isaac fired one of his barrels, and the dog flew back across the room with a bloody hole the size of a bloody melon in his chest. He hit a chair and collapsed, dying instantly.

Hearing footsteps from the room beside him, he sprinted and leaped behind the chair. As he looked over the top, he saw Frank and another of his hound dogs with raised hunting rifles pointed at his hiding place. Each fired at the same time, and the chair burst into fluff and fabric. As they both pulled back their bolts to reload, Isaac took his chance.

He cocked the other barrel and fired at the center of them. The spray of the metal pellets hit both of them, but the dog was hit the most. The dog stumbled back and fell over something with a loud thump. However, the human just fell back, clutching his deformed arm and chest. Isaac stood from his kneeling position, opening up both barrels and pulling out the used shells. He reached his paw into his jacket and pulled out two more shells. What happened next could have ended his life right then and there, coming out his hiding place without checking the rest of the house.

Suddenly, he heard a loud bang above and behind him. Right after, he felt like someone with an iron fist punched him in the shoulder. His shells and shotgun flew out of his hand, and he spun around, pulling out his pistol. At the top of the staircase stood another dog. This one though was dressed and much larger.

Each Fur raised their guns at each other, hammers pulled back. This only lasted for seconds when Isaac noticed a girl had appeared behind the dog with a chair raised above her head.

The dog must have followed his gaze, because he spun around to face her. And just as he was about to fire at her, Isaac pulled the trigger. The bullet hit him in the middle of the spine, and he froze. That is, until the girl brought the chair down on him. It broke over his head and he stumbled back down the stairs. When he landed, his neck was at an odd angle, and a puddle of blood had pooled under him.

Isaac's attention quickly turned to the girl. She still stood where she was, noticeably trembling. Slowly she walked down the steps, jumping at each creak. He just stood watching her, knowing that if he went to help her it would only make her more scared. Hopefully I'm not too late, he thought, since she's naked. But maybe he wasn't; maybe she was just shaken up. After all, most wild Furs went naked . . .

After a few minutes she reached the floor a few yards in front of him. She started to walk towards him. Now was the time he held out his paw.

"Here, I'll help you walk. I'm not going to hurt you," he added, when she looked nervously at his paw. "My name is Isaac."

As she reached her paw reluctantly forward, suddenly she pulled back, gasping. He followed her gaze and turned around. Frank was slowly crawling towards the rifle, which was thrown from him. He was inches from the strap of the gun. Isaac walked slowly towards him, his pistol still out.

"Tell me, Frank. What's it like to be in the other persons shoes?" Isaac asked him. With one sweep of his foot, the rifle went spinning off away from them.

Frank put his outstretched arm on the ground, and looked at him with his one, good eye, blood coming out of his mouth as he opened it to talk.

"You - Fur filth, we - dominate this planet . . ." Frank answered, in short gasps. "You can't - save them all . . ."

"I can try," answered Isaac.

He raised his gun, pulled back the hammer and emptied the rest of his clip in him. From behind him came a small whimper, and crying. When he turned, the poor girl was bent over, bawling, hanging onto a couch arm. She threw up and fell over to the floor, passing out.

Kayla woke up hours later, laying on a couch in front of a blazing fire. At first she couldn't focus her eyes and couldn't remember a thing. She just blinked at the fire until she regained her eyesight, then looked around without moving her head. Sitting in a chair by her sat a large red fox, staring into the fire. A little ways away on the fire place hang an under jacket, with a visible bullet hole in the shoulder. When she saw him, everything came back to her in a second. She remembered the woods, her captures, everything.

"Wh - who are you?" she asked quietly, scootching back away from him as far as she could manage. Her body still felt week from the trauma.

The man shook his head, getting out of the trance he was in. He looked at her with big yellow eyes that seemed to search her whole soul, but the rest of his face seemed empty. He hypnotized Kayla for some reason, and she couldn't possibly think of running.

"My name is Isaac Raymond," he said, in a raspy, low voice. "I saved you from these murderers. Have a drink."

When she sat up, there was a large, oak coffee table in front of her. On the corner by Isaac were a bottle of rum, and two glasses. One was already poured for her.

She reached her paw to him, and took it. It could be poison, she thought to herself as she was drinking, most likely.

Since she lived in the woods, Kayla had never really had alcohol before. It burned as it went down, and she coughed and sputtered. But yet she drank more, since it seemed to take the edge off the situation. Isaac had been watching her while she drank, and he nodded at her.

"You've probably never had rum, or alcohol for that matter, before. Even though you're young, you need it," said Isaac, sitting forward and pouring himself a tall glass.

As she sipped the rest of the drink, Kayla sat and watching him, thinking. Even though the booze numbed her mind, her logical thought process was coming back to her. Though judging by the fire, it was dark out, she had to go back to her den to make sure that her family was okay.

When she had finished off her drink, she burped to herself and stood up. Her legs were wobbly and awkward, but she would manage.

"Look, thanks for doing all this for me, but I've got to go back home and make sure my family is okay. They must be worried sick."

When Kayla turned to walk towards the door, Isaac cleared his throat. She turned and looked at him.

"There gone, Kayla," he said quietly, soothingly. "All of them."

The minute she heard "there gone", her legs started to give out again from under her. She was brought down on the couch. Instantly, tears started to form, and squeezed her pillow. Denial started to sink in.

"No - you're wrong. My father would never let anything happen to us, never," she added, watching him again.

Isaac drained his glass again after pouring another, and sat back, now watching her instead of the fire.

"If you don't believe me, go to the garage. Trust me, you don't want to, but you can if you don't believe me," he finally answered after a long pause. "Tomorrow we can bury them, and I've got a place for you to go to live."

Now it was her turn to stare into the dancing fire, deep in thought. After another long pause, which seemed to fill this conversation, Kayla spoke, tears still in her eyes.

"Why did you hunt these people down, risking your life?"

Isaac seemed to have an answer prepared for that question, because he answered quickly without much thought.

"Because it's my job," he said, with a hint of spite in his deep voice. "One day, our kind will be free. But until then, I will hunt every one of them down."

Suddenly, Kayla had a lot to think about. On top of what he had just told her, she would have to figure out where to go from here. But instead of breaking down again like her body told her to, she sat up and wrapped herself in a blanket tightly. But as she started to move, a strange sensation ran over her fur. When she looked down, she gasped. Suddenly it seemed Kayla was dressed in clothing, and not naked like usual. She had on a white, silk shirt with lace and loose blue jeans.

Looking at Isaac, she narrowed her eyes.

"Did you dress me?" she asked him, although the answer was obvious.

He just moved his lips to one side, almost like a smile, yet not happy.

"Yes. Tomorrow, I'm taking you to a shelter in the city, and it would be best for you if you started wearing clothing," he explained slowly. "It's time you became civilized."

She didn't have a response to that, and grudgingly excepted that fact. Ever since Kayla was born, she hated clothing. Her parents had dressed her in clothes they had made for her once, but instantly it seemed they would be shredded off.

All of this New World she was forced into swirled in her head, and as she reached up to itch her shoulder, her thought blurted out before she could think.

"I don't want to go to some shelter in a city; I want to come with you. You're right, our people need as much help as they can get."

This seemed to surprise Isaac, because he moved around in his chair. For several minutes he sat there again, just thinking, draining a glass or two of rum. Then he spoke, in a strait forward, even raspier voice.

"Listen, it's just too dangerous. I can't forgive myself for the death of your family, and I don't know what I'd do if they killed out," he started, but when he looked over at Kayla and saw the expression on her face, he quickly changed his answer. "All right, I can't keep you from coming with me. Do you realize what you will have to do? Endless nights of observation, and even more days without food or water. Also, you would have to kill people."

In response, she just nodded, making her mind up quickly.

"I don't want to have other people go through what I had to, no matter what it takes," she answered quietly, helping herself to more of the rum.

He just sighed and nodded. They both sat there quietly the rest of the night, only talking a little about random topics, just thinking. In the course of just a day, two people's lives have completely changed.