Stories from the Magic Eight Ball-Chapter 2 Back home

Story by lonethewolfc on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories from the Magic Eight Ball

UH OH back to the lab again. Wow it's been a long time and a lot has happened in my life. Sorry about the HUGE gap between stories. First I lost my internet. Then my computer, but FINALY THE ROCK.........wait that's someone line...... ok enough with the jokes. If you have never read chapter one I suggest you do *Looks at his watch* now........*wait's a few minuets* OK back good. We don't see much of our dragon friend here because the loners life at home is boring but, we do meet Cody's roommate James So with out farther ado the......warning......FURRY GAY MALES HAVING SEX if your under 18 you should not read this......if furrys are not your cup of tea......not sure why your on a furry site......if you dislike homosexuality leave now *wait's a moment again* ok now for all you depraved individuals like me on with the story

The wolf put his paws in his pockets, "Man, what a night!!" he said to himself. He finally reached his apartment building and nearly ran up the steps. As he reached the door he knocked on it. " James man you in there? I forgot my key again." He had a big smirk on his face. Since he had met the dragon he had wanted to talk to his roommate.

A small sigh could be heard from the other side of the door. "Just a minute, deary." Says a mysterious voice. The lock came undone and the door opened as an otter walks off back into the apartment. "You're much later than usual...I was worried about you!" he says in an almost whining tone.

He smiled and walked into the apartment it was like someone cut it in half and on one side an interior decorator made the place. On the other a bachelors pad complete with his shirts tossed all over the place. One wall had fashion gurus, the other a poster of Labron James. It was the odd cupules house all over again. The wolf smirked to his otter friend "And seeing as you know me you know why I've been out

old friend."

The otter dropped the small purple colored plastic plate he had in his paws and gasped. "Oh no you didn't, did you? Oh! I'm so excited! You have to tell me all about it!" The otter was full of excitement, gripping the wolf's paws and frantically jumping up and down. "Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"

The wolf chuckled looking at his otter friend "Calm down, calm down I'll tell you when we get inside away from wandering ears James." The wolf slowly walked into his home plopping down on the couch putting

his footpaws up on it, knowing how much the otter hated that he smirked at the otter waiting for his scolding.

The otter smiles and nodded, slowly turning around to pick up his plate and set it down in the sink. He shrieked when he saw the wolf with his feet on the couch. "Cody Kay Tomson! You get your feet of that couch this instant! I don't care how good of a night you had or how good this friend of yours was...when you come home and sit on my couch, you keep your dirty footpaws off it!" He rushed over to the wolf and quickly swatted at the furry footpaws on the couch. "Off! Off!!!"

He chuckled as he moved his feet off the couch "Ok mom" he said sarcastically as he sat up looking at the otter. "I'm not sure I should tell you if your going to act that way huhp." he smirked a bit

as he looks to the otter.

The otter frowned at the wolf and plopped down on the couch, gripping his paws together and squeezing them between his knees. "Well...someone has to act like the mother of this place...I mean, just look at how you live. But, have to tell me! You haven't gotten laid in...well...a long time if I remember correctly." He finishes his words and stuck his tongue out at the wolf.*

He smirked a bit at the otter, "You know better then anyone that was because I did not want it seeing as you beg me nearly every chance you get," he stopped here for a short while to let the otter think before he continued "But, someone decided to take me for themselves."

James gasped and placed his paws over his mouth. "Wait...that means you were raped?! You were raped and you're smiling about it?! What kind of a...heeeee...was he big?" The otter cut himself off

mid-sentence to ask that question. He wanted to know every detail and was going to force the wolf to give him what he wanted.

The wolf smirked and nodded a bit "He was more then one way." He smiled knowing that the otter loved to hear about the wolfs sex life.

The otter bit down on his index finger with excitement. "Eeeeeee! So...where does he live? What's he do for a living? How he raped might not know these things." He thought for a moment. "Well...since you two had sex and all...tell me...did the size of his load go along with the size of his goods?"

The wolf smirked and nodded a bit rubbing his chest and slowly taking off his shirt. "He had the whole package."

The otter licked his lips slowly before snapping back into reality. "So...mind if I ask what your new lover's species is? I'm dieing to know who'd force themselves on a big bad wolf like you." he says

as he poked the wolf's chest.

The wolf chuckled "You know I'm a slut so we're just friends with benefits right now not lovers and he's a dragon"

The otter's eyes grew wide in surprise. "D-dragon?! You mean those large beasts with the smooth scales...powerful jaws, and, just, mmmmm"

He finishes speaking and closes his eyes, holding his paws out a bit in front of himself, palms up and fingers gripping at imaginary objects.

The wolf smirked "Yes but unluckily for you all you got is a horny wolf with a large knot and nine inches of wolf meat"

Frowned slightly and looked down, but then instantly perks up and stares at the wolf. "Wait...was that an invitation I just got from the

wolf who doesn't like to sleep with anything?"

The wolf chuckled and smirked "That's an invitation from a wolf who just found out how great sex can be if you let it be I always felt the need to please and never let myself be pleased"

The otter grinned like a fool and taped the wolf's nose with a finger. "So...does this mean I finally get to have some fun with my favorite wolf? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?"

The wolf smirked, "I'm yours" he rubbed his own chest a bit. Flexing his abs a bit like he knew the otter liked. Just to tired to move much.

The otter thought for a moment. "Hmm...I'm guessing that since you were didn't get to feel the lovely sensation of having a

tailhole wrapped around your goods...I can solve that." James grins as he kisses Cody's cheek, sliding over into his lap and taking his own shirt off. "Mmm...we're going to have fun tonight..."

The wolf smiled "You best get our pants off first." He said looking down at the otters hips.

James chuckled and poked the wolf's nose. "Patience..." The otter gently kissed the wolf's lips several times as his paws wander up and

down the wolf's furry sides. James slowly sled back and off Cody's lap, letting his kissing trail down to the furry neck of the wolf. He gently bit the wolf's neck as his paws work at his own pants, slowly

slipping them down to his ankles and kicking them off to the side.

The wolf murred kissing the otters lips a few times "when have I ever had patience?" smiles at the otter's nude body

The otter just laughed and stands up on the couch, one footpaw on each side of the wolf. He grinned down at his friend before turning around and pushing his rear into the wolf's face. "Mind getting me a bit wet down there before we start?" he asks, his paws having issues with undoing Cody's pants as he was too excited for his own good.

The wolf softly licks the tight tailring in front of him his tongue softly slips in, causing James to whimper softly. It was too good to be true, after a bit more fidgeting, the otter undid the wolf's pants and started to tug on them. He was trying his hardest to slide them down and out of the way.

The wolf stands up and lets his pants slip down around his ankles kicking his pants off. As the wolf stood up, the otter was pushed

off the couch and landed on the floor with a loud thud. "Ouch! What'd you do that for?" he yelled back at the wolf as he quickly stood up.

The wolf tried not to chuckle as he smiles "Sorry, hun I was trying to help"

The otter just gave the wolf a small push on the chest, making him fall back down on the couch. " you just sit there and let little James here do all the work..." The otter grinned as he straddled the wolf's legs, gently stroking his furry head as he gazes down at his friend.

The wolf murred and nodded licking his lips a bit. The otter reached behind himself and griped the wolf's pulsing member, propping it up and into position. James lowered himself slightly, letting the tip of the wolf's cock press against his tail hole before he stopped. "Are you sure you want this, hun? We can stop now if you want..." The otter looked down at his friend, sincere in his words.

The wolf chuckled and nuzzled the otter "Fuck me like you've always wanted to"

James grins and slowly lowered himself onto the wolf's cock, taking him in inch by inch until he hilted the wolf inside him. "Mmm...Oh my that's a good feeling...but hun, it's always been my fantasy to have you take me. No matter...tonight, I'll just have to show you a good time." The otter leaned forward and gently licks the wolf's nose.

The wolf shivered and moaned a bit nodding smiling. The otter started to bounce lightly in the wolf's lap, closing his eyes and focusing all his attention on the wolf's member that was buried deep within himself. Each time he lifted himself up, he squeezed down on the lupine cock inside him.

The wolf growled a bit as he was ridden. He smiled a bit as he licked the otters neck his knot growing a bit. "MMM your nice and tight James" He said a lustful look in his eyes.

The otter looked up at the ceiling, grunting with each bounce. "That...that's never use me..." James arched his back,

pressing his chest up against the wolf's chest as he

continued to ride his friend at a rather slow pace.

The wolf growled loudly looking at the otter. His knot was now fully engorged with blood. It was the widest part of his cock. He grabbed James pulling him down, forcing his knot deep inside the otters tail. The first blast of cum filling him.

James squealed with joy once he felt the wolf's knot swell, and he let out a lusty moan when the wolf pulled him down and onto that beloved bulge of flesh. "Oh! Cody, you have no idea how badly I've wanted you!" he shouts as he grips the wolf's shoulders tightly.*

The wolf howled loudly and panted softly as his cum filled his friend and he nuzzled the otter "Some night huh?" As we leave Cody and James we move to the are dragon friends apartment.

The dragon kicked open his broken door and walks into the dark apartment. He stumbles around for a few seconds, the sound of glass tapping glass could be heard. Finally, the dragon hits the light

switch. The floor of this old apartment was cluttered with pizza boxes and beer bottles, as it always was. He rarely ever had visitors, and when he did, he still didn't clean up. And as always, the dragon went straight to his bed, walking through the doorless entrance and flopping down on the mattress on the floor. "Hmph...I need to get better at pool if I'm going to beat that wolf."

The wolf woke up the next day and started to head to the magic eight ball. He knew today was going to be the day the waters would be tested as he introduced his friends who just happened to be his pool

team to his newest friend. He knew beaver boy would not be happy.

With a startles snort, the dragon woke up, half on the mattress and half off. He blinked several times before he snarled and got up to his feet. "Ugh...don't even remember falling asleep last...night? How long was I asleep?" The dragon's clock had reset and was blinking midnight. "'s going to be one of those days..." He said as he got dressed. He decided that a stroll sounded good, so he left his place and started wandering aimlessly. Either he didn't want to admit

it, or he did it subconsciously, but the dragon ended up looking straight at the doors to the Magic Eight Ball.

Well here we go again. Back at where it all started PLEASE send me feed back. Did you like it? Hate it? Think it was just ok. I know for how long you all waited (if you really have been waiting and wanting *bows* I thank you the most of all and I ask forgiveness for the time gap) it's a bit of a bummer but I will try to get the next chapter out qickly but lets end with a question I posed last time "What do his two friends have to do with anything?" well your about to find out if you want it to continue at The Magic Eight Ball.