
Story by Velaala on SoFurry

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#8 of Twilight of the Alari

Neiame learns a new emotion, and we find out just how her kind reproduces!


Kalirindia belongs to

"When I allow it to be

There's no control over me

I have my fears

But they do not have me"

-Peter Gabriel

The hug seemed to have no end to Neiame. After the horrors she had simultaneously caused and witness, this simple, tender moment was a gentle feeling of release.

The memories would remain with her forever, the pleasant ones as well as the unpleasant. But at least now she would be able to control herself. At the very least, control herself in a way which would not result in such cataclysms as had happened previously.

At that moment, the only true danger was to the purple woman. While there was little risk of Neiame losing herself to the spiritual hunger contained within herself, the risk took on a very visible appearance. While Kalirindia's eight foot height was considerable in itself, the fact remained that Neiame was even larger and bulkier, despite their heads being the same size. Were Kali to curl up, a single of Neiame's thighs would take up more space than the tall elf.

There was also the direct hazard of approaching Neiame so closely. The sheer size of Neiame's chest made it impossible for Kalirindia to hug the Alari without disappearing within the soft, blue skin. The only way to get close was by the side, the elf's arms only able to reach around the closest of Neiame's necks. However, this also meant that in order to return the hug, Neiame could only use the five arms on that particular side. Five arms so thickly muscled; the purple woman's body was nearly hidden by their wrapping, much like a smooth, powerful curtain.

Next to Kalirindia, Neiame was a pure manifestation of strength and power. It would take nothing but a slight movement on the Alari's part, one simple accident, and the elf would be crushed beyond recognition. It could be anything, from slipping between the enormous thighs to making Neiame return the hug too tightly.

And yet, Kalirindia paid no heed to these risks. After all, if the Vela'Alari had wanted to destroy the comparatively insignificant creature she was, it would have done so. Neiame could sense this strange fear within the elf, but yet, there was something more. Something unknown to her, a strange emotion she had never witnessed in her long life.

"You're very pretty, you know that, Vela?"

Neiame opened her eyes in confusion. In her tongue, there was something quite strange about being called "Light". It was distant and alienating, as if she wasn't quite the one being referred to, yet at the same time, there was something strangely familiar to it, a kind of pet name.

However, if there was one thing she could not agree with, it was beauty. In her own eyes, she had become a monstrosity. There was nothing pretty about what she had become. Her number of limbs, her proportions, her chimerical additions such as her wings or horns. The death she had caused.

It was not beauty.

"Why pretty? I big, and ugly, and monster."

"You can't tell me what I find pretty and what I find ugly! If I think you're pretty, it's because I mean it!"

Neiame could tell that the woman was honest, through the tone of her voice and the serenity in her body. This was not just some way to appease the destroyer she had become.

Kalirindia suddenly shifted slightly. Neiame's confusion grew greater as she watched the elf move around slightly, taking a few steps on her thigh. Releasing the five-armed hold onto her new friend, the Alari tilted her three heads curiously.

"Are you good?"

Kalirindia nodded shyly, still blushing. She sat down onto the massive thigh she was standing on, and let herself slide off, landing on her feet on the rocky ground. At this point, Neiame grew even more confused. Using the five arms, she carefully pointed towards the elf, a tone of alarm in her voice.

"Something in there!"

She had no idea what she was pointing at. Some kind of strange animal had managed to make its way within the elf's clothing. By the looks of it, the creature was quickly feeding onto Kalirindia, as it was slowly growing larger and larger. It had to be some kind of worm, as it was long and round, stuck beneath the woman's shirt against her stomach.

Kalirindia seemed even more embarrassed by Neiame's reaction. She insisted there was nothing to worry about. Neiame was not amused.

"I help you!"

The Alari suddenly used those five arms to grab Kalirindia, keeping her still in case she were to try and squirm around. She had seen enough insectoid creatures to know the risks associated with removing them. Especially leeches.

"I take off, I know how!"

"Stop, it's!..."

Kalirindia couldn't even finish her sentence. Neiame had already peeled off the woman's clothes, although with the strength they had been removed, they would likely see no further use beyond shredded tatters. The sight of the purple naked woman caused Neiame's eighteen eyes to widen in surprise, taking no further action.

"What... That?..."

It was the first time she had seen such a thing. It was neither a worm, nor a leech, nor any animal she had ever seen before. It was more alike the strange additions she had gained during the Vela'Alari, a limb which should not be there. It was purple, just like Kali's skin, but also darker and appeared very solid. It even seemed to be pulsating slightly, with some strange energy unknown to the Alari.

"It's... That's my cock... A penis..."

Both words seemed as alien to Neiame as the world she was on. A careful poke proved it was nothing like she had ever seen. It was much too hard to be like flesh, and just soft enough not to be bone. It was very warm, and had a very strange shape. It even had a little mouth, which appeared to be looking directly towards her.

The elf's embarrassment went largely unnoticed by Neiame. She was just fascinated by this strange external organ. While her height and angle made it hard to see at first, she had soon discovered another part to this limb. It was like a bag, containing yet more organs. A quick poke at these made her smirk a little; she was like a child having received a new toy.

"You've never seen one?..."

Neiame looked back towards the elf's face with all her eyes, and shook her heads. While she tried to remain focused, her middle head would occasionally glance downwards in curiosity.

"What it do?"

"It's for... Reproduction, basically... You know, sex?" Kalirindia smiled in amusement at the Alari's confused expressions. "It goes in there?"

Neiame followed the pointing purple finger, straight to her exposed crotch. She seemed even more confused at this point, which prompted Kalirindia to continue.

"This goes In there, then it feels good, and later it makes babies."

It took a few moments of thought to figure out what the woman meant. She smiled and nodded happily, her voice full of excitement.

"Can do it too? Thought was just Alari!"

Kalirindia nodded gently. After a short period of awkward silence, she hesitantly muttered.

"Do you... Want to?"

Neiame nodded eagerly. Such a ritual was a great way to know strangers. The intimate relationship resulting from such a connection was worth years of vocal communication. Of all the peoples her kind had encountered in the past, Kalirindia's was the only one able to communicate with her in such a way.

Unsure as to how to proceed with her gargantuan size, Neiame hesitated. Still sitting on her knees, she spread the first pair slightly, to give Kalirindia enough room to get in between them. She used her lowest pair of hands to help bring the naked elf high enough, even though this meant smothering her new partner's upper body between her lowest pair of breasts. From the outside, she imagined this would look rather silly.

She closed her eyes and prepared for what to come. She had done this quite a few times in the past, and even with her new body, she would still know how to proceed. She simply needed to maintain her focus, both spiritually and physically, and...

Neiame's eyes widened as the strange limb slid into herself, in between the short, vertical opening she had at her hips. She had had no time to prepare. Maybe it was not quite the same after all.

Kalirindia seemed equally startled, the muffled voice coming from within her cleavage showing clear signs of surprise.

"What are THOSE?!"

"What doing with that?!"

A feeling unlike any she had ever experienced before came over Neiame, causing her eyes to shut tight. One by one, they began to make their way out of her opening, against the limb Kalirindia referred to as her cock. The thin tendrils known as kehani began to wrap around the strange, large shaft, sliding slightly along them, much like tongues.

There were more than she could ever remember, and they were larger and longer, as well. Some made their way far enough to slide against Kalirindia's waist, wrapping around it gently, while others managed to reach the elf's breasts.

Suddenly, Kali began moving quickly, seeming to try sliding her hips out, only to get pulled back towards her. While the feeling was amazing and she didn't want it to end, Neiame couldn't help but feel slightly confused by all this. Her kehani were slippery and gentle as they had always been. She knew they would not restrain Kalirindia against herself, and she could feel them following the purple body, not the other way around.

It was as if the elf was willing pressing her body inwards, then back out again.

Neiame had no idea how long this strange ritual lasted. The feeling was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, an emotion unknown to the entirety of the Alari people.

And yet, not once was she able to make a spiritual connection to Kalirindia. This was entirely physical. She could feel the elf sliding her hands along her enormous lower breasts, as a sign of affection she was familiar with, but in a way she couldn't recognize. Was this how other species managed to reproduce without the use of psychic energy?

Another massive surprise came as she pondered these thoughts. While her kehani were hard at work examining Kalirindia's body, Neiame suddenly felt a strange surge within her own cavity. A strange fluid had been spilled within her, in very high amounts. Had the Vela'Alari transformed her in a way to harm the poor elf, causing her to lose such a high quantity of blood? The viscosity of the blood was unusual, but she was unable to think about it, nor worry about what she had done.

The feeling was too powerful.

"Tol... Ovu meto na, kehani le'an!"

After what seemed to be an eternity, Kalindia's movements began to slow down, and eventually stop. Neiame gently pulled her out to get a look at her face, as there was no way to see the elf with her massive chest in the way.

Kalirindia seemed exhausted, but blissful. Her eyes were closed, but she was certainly alive.

Using her upper arms, Neiame smiled and gently pulled her between her upper breasts, holding the woman's body close to her torso. A look of alarm crossed her faces when she noticed that Kali's limb had become soft and limp, but the elf reassured her.

"It's normal... Means it was good..."

Neiame smiled and gave Kalirindia a gentle squeeze.

Her kehani had seemed to enjoy the moment as well. They remained outside, sticking to her own inner thighs. She had been so absorbed in the feeling that she had not even noticed the kehani in her other pairs of legs had slid out as well.


Kalirindia smiled.

"I don't know what that means, but I hope it means pleasure."

"Mean good. Mean happy."

Neiame now had a name for the emotion.


The closest she had ever come to it was when her daughter's spiritual energy had been created.

"She Naliemi. My daughter."

The Alari closed her eyes and smiled, letting out a soft sigh from all three heads at once.

"Thank you."


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