G.R.R. Chapter 14

Story by Silverback_CP on SoFurry

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#14 of G.R.R.

Testify is officially the No.1 Contender for the GRR Championship No Holds Barred Match at Wargames. However he's not terribly excited about it. He feels it's too soon and he's not experienced enough to be a world champion, being only wrestling for a few months. Also, he doesn't want to be the target for Soultiger & Polarity's tricks after seeing what happened to Silverback.

However, Polarity plans to strike Testify down before Wargames. Where is she planning to do it? At a gas station? In the ring? In the backstage area? Nope, she picks the most unlikely of places.

*Full Speed Ahead: Only 2 chapters left


Chapter 14

By: Silverback Christianpaw


It's only been twenty-four hours since I got the phone call from Ms. Draxa saying I was going to be the No.1 Contender for the GRR Championship. I have a shot at Soultiger one-on one in a No Holds Barred match in less than two weeks at Wargames. This is so huge! I never thought I would see this coming after only being in the business for only a few months. This is an opportunity that every wrestler in the locker room craves for . . . then why couldn't they give it to one of them?

Tonight is this week's taping of Uncensored. I take a swig of my water bottle as I work into my bag of corn chips. My tail has not wagged once since the phone call. Zenaku spent most of the night getting me all excited for this world title shot, but the truth is I am not excited about it. For some reason, I am not looking forward to this opportunity at all. I don't feel like I am ready to take on the responsibility of being the champion after wrestling for just a few months.

I'm happy with being a tag team champion with the love of my life, but I think it's too soon for me to be the world champion. And that's just in the case of if I win, what if I don't win? I wouldn't mind stepping into the ring with Soultiger if he didn't have his Large and In Charge posse protecting him in every which way possible. Silverback was named the No.1 contender and look at what happened to him.

Everybody is telling me how great it would be if I won the championship, but honestly, I don't want to be the world champion right now. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be world champion in the future when I have more experience under my belt and became a little more mature, but not right now. I'm only twenty-two-years old; I would be the youngest world champion ever! Plus, I'm still enjoying being a tag team champion so much and everything right now in my life is just perfect.

I understand that my tag team title reign won't last forever and I do believe that I can be a world heavyweight champion someday . . . but not today. I just know in my heart that I am not ready. I am not ready to be the face of this company after walking out of a scheduled main-event just two months before. And I have all these changes going on with my life that I need to work on and get used to.

Last night before the phone call I found a purple marker left on the desk and I decided to color my nails. It's certainly not something I want to turn into a habit or anything, I was just curious about doing once or twice when I was straight . . . or claiming to be straight.

And Zenaku. I love him so much and he loves me. When he tells me how happy he is that we are together I sometimes look around to see if he is talking to anybody else. I just can't believe that he is talking about me. I never thought I would be in a relationship like this, course I never thought that Polarity would turn into a psycho.

Polarity and I met at a wrestling training camp a few months before we both came to GRR. We were getting ready to come into this company once our training was over. We just started talking and I fell in love with her, or what I thought was love. Now that I'm with Zenaku I know now that what I had with Polarity was not love. It was more of just clinging to somebody who actually gave me a second glance. I am clearly not the biggest or strongest on the roster and am not a showman like Soultiger. Although, I'm working on getting better.

She and I became inseparable at the camp. We claimed how we were going to be a hot couple in the company. We were going to be ringside for each other's matches and help each other get noticed in this company.

A few months into the camp she was called over to the GRR headquarters in California to start signing the paperwork. She was going to get her entrance music, work on some publicity, and also some more training with the higher-ups like Coach Striker. She was getting ready to be signed on with the company. But this meant that we were going to have to be away from each other for about six weeks. 'Six Weeks to Success' is what our trainers at the camp called it when they got the call to bring some of the students up to California.

So we told each other we were going to stay in contact any way we could over the six weeks; calling, texting, e-mail, whatever we could to stay connected. However, the plan somehow went sour. There would be days where I wouldn't hear from her at all. I would be literally sitting by my phone waiting for a text or a call. I would text her and I would get no response. After I'd get no response I would just call her phone only to find out she turned it off. I even started getting worried when ideas of her not being able to text or call back because she may be dead or something bad happened with the training and she had to go to the hospital and she left her phone behind. She wouldn't get online either and it would just drive me crazy. I was never a paranoid fox, but during those six weeks I definitely was paranoid.

But of course I would breathe a sigh of relief when I would finally get a call or text saying she was fine. She kept saying things like how the battery on her phone died or she was very busy training and was just too tired to respond. Too tired to send a text message? This would happen over and over again during that time. We would talk for a few days and then she wouldn't say a damn thing for a couple of days. It drove me crazy.

Finally she came back and told me all about the trip. She was so excited to finally get a contract with GRR and I was excited for her. But then she would be getting calls from guys and she would start acting giddy whenever they called. She says she met a few guys during that time in California who helped her a lot with the training. But she never told me anything about anybody helping her when we talked over that time. Why wouldn't she tell me about these guys earlier? That rung a bell.

She would continue getting these calls and then they'd be followed with texts throughout the night. I started getting suspicious that she may have slept with some of, if not one of these guys during that trip. Because I vowed we wouldn't have sex until we got married. Of course that vow would get broken later on when I hooked up with Zenaku hehe.

But I was suspicious and I started questioning about it. She never admitted it. I noticed her getting very weird and defensive whenever I asked her. I wanted to take her 'no' and just leave it alone . . . but I couldn't. So when I kept asking her about it she started getting very pissed and it led to us fighting a lot. To this day she still has never admitted to sleeping with any of these guys she met in California. I would have forgiven her for it. I've been told that even the most righteous people can make a mistake, and although I never thought of Polarity as a saint, I figured she would be loyal as I was to her. But she never admitted it. I know she did it though. It was obvious.

Two weeks after that I was told I would be going to California for my 'Six Weeks To Success', I thought this would be a good opportunity for us to get away from each other for a little while so we could calm down. I did my six weeks and again, tried to keep in contact with her, and the same damn thing kept happening again. Phone turned off for two days, dead phone batteries, and busy schedules. And I did the training, it wasn't that bad. It was just a few trial matches for TV and some photo shoots. It was more relaxing than anything else.

After my six weeks I came back and I thought everything would be cool between us now . . . but it wasn't. We just ended up kicking up right where we left off on the fighting.

Then it got worse when one of the wrestlers, Elok, told me in the locker room that Polarity has been cheating on me with one of the wrestlers. He wouldn't tell me who it was, which just left me even more confused. Because for all I know this guy maybe was just playing a joke on me or just wanted to see me quit or something. And this wasn't a friend; he was a total stranger, somebody I didn't even know. There is no evidence saying that he was right . . . however, there was nothing saying he was wrong either.

Finally I just decided that this was just way too complicated and that we just break it off. I told GRR during my six weeks that I wanted Polarity at ringside for my matches. I really wished I didn't, but I did. This led me to walking out on the big mix-tag match on global television.

That was just two months ago. Am I really ready to be the company's world champion? I don't know. I'm still unsure about my abilities. And normally I would just go ahead with the match and if I lose then I lose. But knowing that Polarity was the root to all those freak accidents that happened to Silverback, makes me not even want the match. I'm having the time of my life being tag team champion with Zenaku. And we've only been champions for about two weeks. We just got done with the husky brothers and I want to enjoy being tag team champion for a little while longer. I love where I am at right now and I want to ride this for as long as I can.

I smell her scent as she walks up next to me at the table,

"Hello Testify," she says with a sly smile while grabbing a little bottle of iced coffee.

"Hi," I say calmly back.

"So, how does it feel to be the number one contender?"

"How does it feel--since when did you become an interviewer?"

She chuckles, "I'm not an interviewer. I just wanted to see how you felt. It's a big opportunity."


"You get to main-event a pay-per-view, and it's a shot at Soultiger's world championship. You must be very excited."

"Well, actually I'm not."

"What? Why is that?"

I look down, "I don't want to talk about it."

She rubs my shoulder, "Well I'm sorry you feel that way. But it's understandable that you feel this way."

"Really?" I look up at her.

"Sure, because you are a contender now and you know what I do to contenders don't you?"

How could I forget the hell that she and Soultiger put Silverback through? It's because of their schemes that I am even in this match in the first place. Grr, she's just trying to get inside my head.

"It's not going to work with me," I say.

"What's not going to work with you?" she asks.

"Your mind games. If you think you are going to get inside my head you are mistaken."

"Oh really now?" her ears perk up a little, "From what I heard, once I was suspended I couldn't get out of your mind."

I can't stand this bear. In what state of mind was I in that I would give a female like her a chance?

"I don't need to listen to this," I go to walk away when I feel her paw wrap around my wrist. She turns me around and growls,

"You're not going to listen to me? Well then listen to this. I have a deal to keep with Soultiger. Something bad is going to happen to you. You don't know when or where it is going to be. It could be at a hotel, at a gas station, it could be right here, it could even be in the ring. So watch out foxy."

She turns to leave but I grab her wrist and almost yank her arm out of socket pulling her back. Only one is going to call me . . . I realize I'm getting mad, which is probably what she wants. She's not going to do anything; she's just saying that to get me worried. She may be crazy, but we have a history. She'll probably just say that and stick with mind games because she knows that's where it hurts me most. Well it's not going to work.

"Alright fine, if you're going to play that game then let me tell you this. If you try to do anything to me, then I'll make sure I do something to you in return." I growl.

She pulls her arm back and gives me an evil eye before she finally goes away. Damn mind games.

* * *

All the television shows for this week are done and now it's time to relax for a few days before our live house show on Sunday in Bakersfield, California. So Zenaku and I decide to go to the mall,

"I need to get a Testify action figure for my niece's birthday," I tell my loving wolfy.

"Okay love, I'm going to look at tires for my truck. Just meet me in there when you're done."

"Okay," I kiss him, "I love you."

He rests his arms on my shoulders and gently kisses me back, "I love you too." He smiles and winks before leaving for the tire store while I head for the toy store.

I feel the air-conditioning hit my fur when I walk in. Ever since I was a pup I always got chills when I walked into a toy store.

"Good morning," the cashier, a female tiger, says to me as I enter.

"Morning," I say back. I looked at my watch and it says 9:47, I didn't even realize how early it was. This mall hasn't been open for very long today. That would explain why I didn't see very many people walking around.

This toy store looks so cool. It not only has aisles and aisles of toys but also has some arcade games, including a DDR machine. I wouldn't mind seeing Zenaku on that. It might be funny to see a big, strong wolf dancing around on it.

I find the sports section and look at all of the GRR toys they have. I still haven't seen my action figure yet. I hope it's out. I went through the process of getting it done during my 'Six Weeks to Success' as part of my publicity.

I look around and find everything from toy cages to championship belts. I stare at the tag team championship belt. It's amazing that I actually have the real thing, me! I keep looking around at the action figures. I find mine and look at it.

"Oh nice," I say to myself. It looks really cool. It's got me smiling and me wearing my black trunks with the golden design around it. It even comes with a little plastic title belt and a little plastic steel chair. The toy company did an awesome job.

I actually grab two of me; one fore my niece and one for me. Then I look around and find Zenaku's action figure. I decide to go ahead and buy it as well. I take one last look around at what other GRR toys they have and there's a special four-pack of Soultiger, the Husky Brothers, and Clyde S. Dale, labeled "Large and In Charge: The Deluxe Edition." Polarity's action figure is not in the set. I guess they didn't know she was going to join with L.A.N.C. I certainly didn't know.

I walk up to the tiger again and place my three toys on the table. She smiles as she rings them up.

"$27.58," she says. I look down to get my wallet, I take a quick glance at her before pulling anything out and realize she isn't looking at me anymore, she's looking above me . . . and she looks shocked..

Suddenly, someone's scent runs across my nose. It smells like a horse. I turn my head and before I know it, it's the big horse, Clyde S. Dale that is towering over me.

BAM! He punches me in the bridge of the nose. I yelp as I fall over, taking down a box of trading cards on the way down, ironically enough, they are GRR trading cards. The little bags of cards fall all over me as he grabs me by the neck. The cashier starts screaming.

"Shut up!" Clyde scowls at her. He pulls me up with his big thick hand. I try to hit his hand away but the grip is too strong and is starting to choke the air out of me.

"Goodbye fox," he says to me before tossing me into a nearby Hot Wheels display. Boxes of hot wheels cars spill everywhere. He steps around the boxes and pulls me up out of the mess by my hair,

"Ahh! Ahh!" I yell as my hair is almost pulled out by its roots. A little steam blows from his nostrils as he throws me back-first into the side of the cashier's counter. My spine hits hard with pain. I see more steam come out of the giant Clydesdale's nose as he charges me. I quickly get out of the way.

"Oh!" the taller horse hits the counter crotch first. I grab him by his mane and punch him in the face. I grab it again and punch him a second time. He pushes me away. I step back until I trip and fall back on something, a hard platform.

Sounds and lights start flickering as the DDR machine starts up. I quickly nip back up to my feet. Clyde steps on the platform and goes for a clothesline, I duck it, we both turn around, I kick him in the gut, he hunches over in pain, I quickly hook his head and drop him with a DDT on the DDR face-face-first.

"Let's Dance!" the machine says.

"Ohhhh," the horse is woozy as he lays on the platform. I quickly run down the nearest aisle to help fend off my foe. It's painfully obvious that Polarity sent him to try and injure me. Well I'm ready for this.

I run down the sports aisle and look around for a weapon. I need to act fast because he's going to be back up at any second.

I find a wooden baseball bat, perfect! I come back to the DDR and he's on all fours next to it still recovering from getting dropped on his face.

"Grrr-rahh!" I smack him in the back with the baseball bat.

"Ahh!" he screams rolling over onto his back in pain. I keep looking around for something else. I look at the far wall with the small line of shopping carts. I run over and pull one out of the line and toss my bat in the basket. I see the cashier is long gone as I rush the cart over to my foe. He gets back up to his feet. I kick him as hard as I can in the gut. He hunches over a little in pain. I give him another punch to his face. I position the cart next to his body and pull the bat out. I wind up and--

WHACK! I swing for the fences at his head. He falls over ass first into the shopping cart. I drop the bat and start hammering away at his face with furious jabs. I stop and look around at what else is in this store. There are cans of silly string next to the register for impulse buying. I quickly pop the top off of two cans and start spraying them in his face.

"Guh! Puh!" He spits a little bit.

I throw the empty cans down and look around again. I see a shelf filled with board games. I grab my favorite game and bash it on top of his head.


The horse looks dazed as he sits in the cart. I try to tip the shopping cart over so he lands on the floor but he is way too heavy for me to even move it. The cart's wheels squeak as I try to move it with no luck.

I give up trying to tip it over and just use all my strength to push it. The cart moves faster and faster the farther I push it across the store. I let go and the cart as it speeds itself the rest of the way and crashes into a shelf-display of legos.

CRASH! Big plastic tubs of legos dump all over him and splash onto the floor. Clyde, with a lap-full of legos, tries to push himself out of the cart. It tips over and dumps him onto the floor. The cart is left laying in the legos. I run over and kick the cart away and get a big blue tub of legos out and slam it down on his head. The top pops off and all of its contents spill out onto the floor. I grab another tub, a yellow tub, and pop the top and pour the legos all over his head before hitting him in the top of his head with the plastic tub.

I lean on the shelves panting hard as Clyde tries to get back up again.

"Grah!" he pops up like a cat and tackles me down. The back of my head hits the cement floor on the way down with a thud. I hold it in pain as I lay on the floor. His heavy-breathing is showing his fatigue from this fight. He gets off of me. I hold my stomach in pain from that spear-like tackle. I know he's going to capitalize on my moment of weakness, I need to get up.

I roll over and try to make it back to my feet. Clyde drops something next to me; I can't see what it is. I get up. I look down holding my stomach, looking down at his big feet. I look up at this monster. He grabs me by the ear and headutts me. I take a few steps back and almost lose my balance. I quickly regain it and look up just in time to see a plastic Guitar Hero Guitar coming for my face.

WHAM! He clubs me on top of the head with the guitar. The shot gives me a burning pain on the top of my head, right at the top of my forehead. I turn over and try to crawl away as fast as my smaller body will let me. I look down at the floor as drops of blood seep on the floor. My head is still burning from the laceration of that guitar shot.

"Hehe, come on little fox," Clyde taunts, "How you going to take on Soultiger at Wargames if you can't even take me . . . that is if you make it to Wargames."

I get back to my feet and quickly topple over a basket of bouncy balls as I walk around to the next aisle. I know he's on my tail and I have to think fast. There's a bunch of bottles of bubble-soap to blow bubbles. The bottles on the bottom shelf are the biggest of them all, marked 'XXL'. I pick up one of these XXL pink bottles. It's about the size of a fire-extinguisher.

Clyde comes around the corner.

"Hyah!" I drive the jug into his gut. He hunches over in pain. Then I grasp it tight and hit him in the head with it. The bottle swishes and thuds as it ricochets off his big head. He falls back and sits down on the shelf, knocking some of the toys on display of their hooks. I open up the big bottle and splash the liquid into his eyes.

"Ahhh! Ahh! It burns! It's burning my eyes!" He gets on all fours in pain as the liquid gashes at his eyes. I go ahead and dump the rest of the soap all over his body. It splashes all over the floor. I drop the tub and stomp away at his body.






He tries to get up but he slips and falls on the slippery liquid onto his back. I growl as my leg is pulsating and ready to strike. Clyde gets to his feet--

"Hyah!" I superkick him right under his chin, the Final Breath, and he goes down and this time he stays down.

I get down to his level and get right in his face, "You want to get rid of me?! Huh? You want to take me out?! No way man!" I go to walk away and just leave him until I realize I'm in the toy store's sports section again. I stare dead at a Soultiger action figure. I rip it from its hook and pull away the packaging and pull the little plastic figure out. I get back to the beaten down horse and down on all fours. I look down at his face. It still looks lifeless.

We didn't have to endure this. He didn't have to endure this punishment. But he did because Polarity hired him to try and take me out. That no good dirty bitch!

The blood continues to stream down my face as I open up his mouth. I look at the expression on the Soultiger action figure's face before I stick it in his mouth. I almost try to stick it down his throat so he can choke on it, but I know God would not want me to do that, no matter what he has done to me. I quickly stand up and get away from him before I try to do anything that I will regret. I just look down at him.

"That's him officer, the horse is the one who came in and attacked!"

I turn around and it's the female cashier with two bulldog security guards with handcuffs already ready to go. I try to stand back to let the cops do their work.

"Sorry about the store ma'am," I say to the cashier.

"Oh its okay," she says, "I know you didn't start it. Oh, you're bleeding. Let me go get the first-aid kit."

"Thank you."

She scurries off to get the kit. I feel my forehead and look at the blood as it colors my white fur a crimson red.


My ears perk up as Zenaku runs in and gives me a big hug, "Are you alright foxy?"

I keep my body close to his, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"What happened?" he says looking at the cops getting the handcuffs on Clyde.

"L.A.N.C.'s tricks again. But don't worry I'm fine."

"Oh, that's good," we hug again. The cashier brings the little white suitcase and she opens it up while Zenaku takes out some bandages and a spray bottle to help stitch me up.

It was what I feared about being in this Wargames match, I was afraid that now I was going to be a target for Soultiger and Polarity. I didn't think Polarity would really do anything to me. I was dead wrong.

G.R.R. Chapter 15

**G.R.R.** **Chapter 15** By: Silverback Christianpaw **Testify** My entrance music kicks on and I exit the black curtain to head down to the ring. Soultiger is already standing in the ring, wearing a fancy-looking business suit. Ms. Draxa has...

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G.R.R. Chapter 13

**G.R.R.** **Chapter 13** By: Silverback Christianpaw _"The following contest is a Falls Count Anywhere match, and is for the GRR Tag Team Championship. The only way to win this match is for a team member to pin one of their opponents."_ ...

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G.R.R. Chapter 12

**G.R.R.** **Chapter 12** By: Silverback Christianpaw **Testify** My suitcases clunk as they hit the carpet of mine and Zenaku's personal locker room. I'm sore from head to toe from the match last night at _Gold and Glory_ . . . not to mention...

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