G.R.R. Chapter 15

Story by Silverback_CP on SoFurry

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#15 of G.R.R.

Tonight on Monday Night Warzone, with only 6 days left til the big No Holds Barred match at "Wargames" Testify and Soultiger have a final face-off before the match.

However, later that night he gets a phone call from a certain somebody, and this certain somebody is going to be the one that changes everything going into "Wargames"

Inspiried by the song "Slow Down" by Third Day

*Stay tuned for the next and final chapter of the series.


Chapter 15

By: Silverback Christianpaw


My entrance music kicks on and I exit the black curtain to head down to the ring. Soultiger is already standing in the ring, wearing a fancy-looking business suit. Ms. Draxa has us having a face-to-face confrontation tonight on Warzone. It's the last chance to ask any questions to the opponent before the big No Holds Barred match this Sunday night.

I walk the steps and stare down at my opponent as he has that big gold championship slung over his shoulder. The crowd cheers me on as I make my way into the ring.

I was hoping that my mind would change so that I would actually be excited about my big world title opportunity, but it didn't. I still don't think I'm ready for a match of this magnitude.

An official gives each of us a microphone. Soultiger, feeling uber confident feels free to start this off,

"Before we get into this I first want to say that you have some balls coming out here, because you are standing in the ring with the toughest and most dominating GRR Champion in history. On top of holding onto this championship for months, I am also the guy responsible for retiring that walking foot-note, Silverback."

I just roll my eyes as the crowds boos all direct towards him and his arrogant attitude.

He continues as he takes a few steps towards me, "Now, I know that Ms. Draxa has us out here to say any final thoughts, 'Wargames Face-Off' or whatever she's calling it, but I'm glad that she has us out here because I want to ask you a question, rookie. Do you think you're ready for a match of this magnitude? I mean think about it, No Holds Barred, I do to you whatever I want to do and it's all legal. If I want to crack you in the skull with a steel chair, it's all legal. If I take your little leg and snap it in two, it's all legal. If a bolt of lightning comes through the roof of the arena and hits you right between the eyes, it's all legal. The only way to win this match is by pinfall or submission inside this ring. This is a match that could end my, and will end your career. So let me ask you, are you ready to face me in that kind of match?"

Soultiger's last words started getting very serious. I would love to give him an intense promo and try to get inside his head before the match, but I don't care really. My mind is not on Soultiger, it's on a match that I don't want. Everything is happening so fast that I can't keep up with this pace.

I ask God of what I should say and make a quick prayer to myself that his words will speak through me so everything will turn out fine. Finally, I speak up,

"You've made some interesting points. No matter what happens at Wargames the match doesn't stop, that's pretty intense. To be honest, if you want to know if I'm ready for this match . . . no, I'm not ready.

"I've always been pretty good at keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself, but that hasn't been working out too well for me. So I'll tell you the honest truth, I think this is all happening to fast and I need to slow down and get some more experience under my belt. In fact, I don't think I should even be in this match. However, that's not cards I have been dealt. Since I am in this match I am going to do what I always do and that's fight the good fight . . . which is something you never do."

The fans give me mixed reactions. I look at the expression on Soultiger's face, it looked a little puzzled when I said what I thought, but now he looks focused and a little angry.

I continue, "You see, I believe in giving it everything I got in each and every match I compete in. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose, but that's just how it goes. You on the other hand; believe in breaking the rules and taking cheap shots whenever you can to get ahead. I mean, who do you call a champion who has to surround himself with yes-men so he holds onto his championship. I call him a coward."

I didn't say much, but it was enough to piss him off. He walks up to me and stares me down in the center on the ring. I know he's angry and he might go off on me like he's done everybody else. But I'm tired of him getting away with everything just because he is the champion. And if he tries to take me out right here and now, then I'm going down swinging.

"I didn't hear what you just said. Say that to my face. What did you call me?"

I don't take my eyes off of his, I meant what I said and I want him to know that it is me that said it, "I think you heard me the first time." Before he can even think of unloading on me I punch him right in the face. His head shakes and the belt slips off of his padded shoulders. I continue my fury, punching away at his face. I think back to the times when he would attack guys like Silverback and Coach Striker, I remember the images I had when he hit me in the face with the same championship months ago. All of those images fuel me as I fire away at the champion.

Soultiger is leans on the ropes, looking dizzy. I take a few steps back and then go full speed ahead as I clothesline him over the top rope. He hits the floor and tries to get back to his feet. The crowd's cheers are deafening. I raise my paws in the air and the crowds cheers get even louder.

I hop myself onto the top turnbuckle at the corner of the ring and look down at the floor as the champion, business suit-and-all, makes it back to his feet. He looks around and turns to me. I jump in the air and knock him back down with a flying-crossbody. The fans cheers don't stop.

The muscles in my gut are hurting but they are nothing I can't handle. I look down at the champion on all fours trying to get back up again. A smile hits my face as I slap my knee and start bouncing my leg up and down on the floor . . . my Final Breath leg.

I wait patiently for Soultiger to be in perfect position. Putting the champion down with the Final Breath would be such a sweet feeling after the months of hell he has given to me and my friends. How he hired my ex-girlfriend to take out Silverback because he couldn't beat him. And then he sicked her on me when I became the No.1 Contender. I don't know what is going to happen at Wargames, but I don't care about the pay-per-view right now. What matters is what is here and now.

Soultiger is up. I go for the kick. He quickly ducks out of the way. I almost fall over but catch myself at the last second. I turn around--


"Ohhhh!" the crowd yells as he hits me with the Pounce.

"Yeah! Yeah! Punk!" the champion yells at me and follows it up with a few slaps to my face. He gets off of me to play it up to the crowd. My head and neck hurt a lot with the jolt of whiplash.

I turn over onto my belly and slowly make my way back to all fours. I see polished-shoe feet walk past me. My tail pops up as I try with all my strength to stand. I sweat and stagger but I make it back to my feet. The crowd starts yelling at me. One teenage female panda in the front row yells,

"Look out Testify!"

I turn around and Soultiger hits me right in the head with the ring-bell.

DING! I go down instantly.

"Ohhhh!" the crowd yells again.

I feel a sharp pain in my forehead and the blood starts pouring out of my forehead. I think my forehead caught the jagged point on the center of the ring-bell to bust me wide open.

"Oh my God!" I hear a guy from the front row say. I lift my head and some blood pours down the center of my face and into my mouth. I smell the scent of the big white tiger as he pulls me by my hair to get me back up. He holds me up by grabbing me violently by the neck.

He growls and snarls at me as my eyes water up from the blood. He pulls my head in between his legs. I watch the blood make dark-red streams on the floor. I feel his paws grasp around my hips and the blood pours into my eyes as he pulls me up over his head and slams me down through the announce table..

CRASH! I lay there, too exhausted to move. The crowd's yelling doesn't help either.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! . . ."

"Ugh!" Cough. I try to turn over but the intense pain in my back and spine is just too much. I lay there for what seems like forever. The blood drained from my head has left me weak and unable to move. I may be dead for all I know.

I start curling my toes and the crowd's cheers and boos are still ringing through my ears.

"Get someone out here!" I hear somebody say.

"Watch his head," another guy says. It may be the announcers.

I open my eyes and see a white towel start being pressed gently on my face. I look around with the one eye that is not covered and see Zenaku surrounded by some of the EMT's.

"Testify, can you walk?" one of the female medical technicians say to me, she puts her finger near my eye and I say,

"Yeah." I try again to sit up but my back feels extremely numb. Soon Zenaku holds my back and sits me up. Some more blood drips down from the towel and onto a broken part of the wooden table.

"We need to get him to the back," Zenaku says.

"Arlight, let's go," the female says. Somebody else holds my back and moves my arm over their head. My body is lifted up and starts to be dragged to the back.

"Don't worry love, you'll be fine," Zenaku says to me.

I hope he's right.

* * *

I sit on the hotel bed with my head all bandaged and stitched up. Thankfully, I didn't need a blood transfusion. I sit on the bed safely snug in the arms of my big wolfy as we watch TV. Warzone is already over and now it's showing some kind of reality cop show. He kisses me gently on the cheek. I don't feel too bad despite the attack. I'm starting to get used to these attacks and I've gotten up from every one, so I know I'll be alright.

"I still don't know what to do about this match?" I say.

Zenaku already knows what I am talking about, "Well, what did you want to do hun? I won't force you to do something you don't feel like doing. I just want you to be happy."

He's acting like this is his fault, but it's not. It's mine. But I don't regret anything I've said to Soultiger.

I look into Zenaku's eyes, his golden eyes. I'm glad that as many changes that I'm going through in life, there are still those little pleasures that I'm familiar with. I reach up and kiss him between his eye and muzzle.

He giggles, "What was that for?"

"That was for you," I lick his muzzle until we start kissing. My tail starts to thump on the bed as I try to lie down on top of him.

"Whoa, whoa, where did this come from?" he smiles.

"Well, I love my yummy wolfy," I say happily.

"Wow, I'm surprised, you took a helluva shot today."

My tail keeps wagging, "You're right. I've taken Soultiger and Polarity's best shots and I'm still alive and well."

He giggles and licks my face, "I think those pain-killers are kicking-in."

I fall back on the bed laughing my tail off, "Yeah you're probably right hehe. But I am not scared anymore. I was honestly a little afraid of what Soultiger and Polarity would try to do to me. But now that they've both given me their best shots I have nothing to fear." I kiss him again.

"Alright foxy, hehe. But I gotta ask, what did you want to do about the match?"

Zz-zz-zz. Zz-zz-zz. My phone starts to vibrate on the nightstand.

"Paw me my phone, please," I ask my wolfy.

"Sure hun," he gives it to me. I open it up,

"Hello? . . . Oh hey, wassup buddy? How are you? . . . Huh? . . . Oh, really?"

* * *

It's the next night. The Uncensored crowd is electric as we watch the monitor. I told Ms. Draxa earlier today about the phone call I got and she has demanded that Soultiger go to the ring alone, right at the beginning of the show. I have a bandage taped to my forehead, but I feel pretty good right now.

Zenaku leans down and gently kisses me, "Alright, you ready?"

I take a deep breath before I say, "Yes."

My music kicks on and an official paws me my microphone. I take it. I look into Zenaku's eyes as we walk past the black curtain and stand their together wearing our tag titles belts around our waists. The fans start to cheer as Soultiger walks impatiently around the ring. The music stops.

Soultiger, this time in his wrestling gear, says into his microphone, "Alright, I was told to come down to the ring at the top of the broadcast for some big news. So what's on your mind?"

I raise the microphone to my muzzle, "I'm out here to talk about Wargames. Now Soultiger, I have been doing some thinking. I realize that I am a lot of things. I'm a little bit crazy, I have a rather short-temper, and I am a very emotional fox. However, one thing I am not is ready to face you in a No Holds Barred match at Wargames. So I am out here to say that I am officially dropping out of the GRR Championship match."

Some of the crowd gasps while I start to get a smattering of boos. However, Soultiger is doing anything but booing. He's smiling from ear to ear.

"Hehe, so you finally came to your senses and realized just how much of a little bitch you are, well that's all good."

I smile a little, "Well I wouldn't call myself a bitch. I would refer to myself as more of a . . . messenger. Since I am dropping out of the championship match, I believe the great GRR fans deserve a substitute for the match."

Some of the fans start to cheer me again. Soultiger just keeps that big, confident smile on.

"Alright fine, who do you have in mind?"

"Well I got a phone call from a close, personal friend of mine who is just chomping at the bit to lace up his boots and face you for the GRR Championship. And he's one very . . . tough . . . wolf."

The crowd's cheers increase, they think they might know who this wrestler is. Soultiger's smile is gone and starts to turn into headshakes.

My smile almost explodes into a laugh, "I think you know the guy, his name is . . . Silverback!"


My entrance music comes on but I am not at the entrance ramp. I push my way through the crowd wearing my knee brace. The fans screams and cheers grow loud as they are surprised to see me again. Well they are going to get me. I am at my ropes end with Soultiger.

I hop over the guard rail and slide into the ring and squat in the corner, pulsating, ready to strike. Soultiger starts freaking but keeps staring at the entrance ramp, waiting for me to come out, but he's not going to find me there. He starts looking at his side until finally he turns around.

I pounce and take him down with all of my massive strength. The thousands and thousands of fans cheers turn into roars as I hammer away at Soultiger's face. I have him pinned under my big body and he has nowhere to go. I've got him right where I want him and it feels so damn good!

"No! Guh! Ahh! Ugh!" he yells as I punch away at his little face. But I am going to do everything in my power to get some damn payback!

He pulls out from under me and scurries out of the ring. I'm right on his heels, not letting myself get any distance from him. He gets one leg over the guard rail but I pull him back in and take him down to the floor with a clothesline. A group of teenage wolves in the front row howl as I take down my prey.

I get on top of Soultiger and keep hammering away at his face. His fur is messed up, his whiskers are bent up, his eyes are red, but I won't stop. I've been waiting for too long to give Soultiger exactly what he deserves.

I get back up and kick him hard in the side,

"Ahh! Oh! Oh-ho-ho!" he lays there groveling in pain. I look under the ring and pull out a steel chair and wind it up like a baseball bat as I wait for this son of a bitch to get up.

The crowd starts to chant, "Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it! . . ." He gets up.


"Ohhhhh!" the crowd yells. The group of teenage wolves howl in appreciation from my hard shot with the chair. I throw the chair down on the ground and pound my fist on my chest. Oh sweet Jesus it feels so good!

"Aroooooo!" I howl. Most of the fans howl with me. I turn around and see blood seeping out of Soultiger's face. He clutches at his face . . . but I'm not done yet.

I get back on top of him and fire away with rage filled in every single punch. He opens his eyes wide as the blood starts getting spread all over his face with my punches.

I feel somebody tug on my arm and try to pull me off. It's a referee. I get up and deck him right in the face and he goes down. Another referee runs around the corner and I punch him down too. I turn back to the tiger and he's starting to crawl away. I quickly get on the attack and he goes down again. I sit on top of him with hard jabs to his face, his arms, his chest, any part of him I can get my paws on.

Somebody else gets on top of me and gets me in a headlock. I look up to see this time it's a security guard. I still try to fight away. A few more guards and referees pull me up to my feet and try to pin me to one of the ring posts.

Soultiger feels the blood on his face and growls and roars. He takes one look at me and dives into the group of security guards and takes me down off the post. I hear the crowd's cheering as he starts unloading on me with punches of his own. Soon the security guards split up and pull him off of me. Some of the guards and referees pull me up and try to distance me away from the champion.

"Let them fight! Let them fight! Let them fight!" the crowd chants, and I wholeheartedly agree. The guards try to get Soultiger up the ramp.

I yell, "I'm stopping! I'm stopping! Relax! I'm stopping!" I put my paws down to my side and some of the guards give me a nod, letting me know they will lessen the grip and that they trust me not to do any more damage . . . their mistake.

I break away from the guards and run down the ringside area and up the ramp to the monster that tried to end my career. The fans cheers grow again.

I club Soultiger in the back of the head and he goes down again.

"Hey! Hey!" one of the referees says.

I get on top of Soultiger and start pounding his head on the steel ramp. The security guards catch up with me and pull me off of him again. Soultiger runs with guards and referees to the curtain.

"I'll see you this Sunday!" I say to him before he is brought to the back.

I'm back and I am more than ready for the No Holds Barred match and I'm ready to finally take that title off of Soultiger.

Let the Wargames begin . . .

G.R.R. Chapter 16: Wargames

**G.R.R.** **Chapter 16** **Wargames** By: Silverback Christianpaw **Testify** I grab some food from the catering table as some of the wrestlers pull up some folding chairs and talk amongst themselves as they get ready to watch the...

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G.R.R. Chapter 14

**G.R.R.** **Chapter 14** By: Silverback Christianpaw **Testify** It's only been twenty-four hours since I got the phone call from Ms. Draxa saying I was going to be the No.1 Contender for the GRR Championship. I have a shot at Soultiger one-on...

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G.R.R. Chapter 13

**G.R.R.** **Chapter 13** By: Silverback Christianpaw _"The following contest is a Falls Count Anywhere match, and is for the GRR Tag Team Championship. The only way to win this match is for a team member to pin one of their opponents."_ ...

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