New awakenings part one

Story by KyteRognas on SoFurry

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A little growth story I wrote for my friend Aidan. Hope everyone enjoys it!

Bulk Up Gym was a place that was normally bustling with people of various sizes, lifting and grunting, not in order to get toned, but to get bigger. Yet tonight was different. The gym was vacant, save for one mouse that was still inside the gym, having been there for a few hours now. Aidan was busy doing a few lifts. For years, he had been busy trying to bulk up, to become the biggest that has walked through those doors, yet within the past few months he seems to have hit his level. The six foot white mouse is wearing a dark blue A-shirt, giving a good show of those thick biceps as they swell and thicken while he raises the hundred pound dumbbell in each of his hands. He was sitting in front of the mirror, watching the full three hundred and fifty pounds of mouse on the bench, staring at every inch of his muscles and the rather obscene bulge that was pushing out from his matching work out shorts.

After a few repetitions of lifts he set the dumbbells back down on the ground and sighed, standing back up to raise his right arm up, curling it and flexing to see that they still haven't changed, though he could smell the rather thick musk coming out from under his arms from the workout he's gotten. He was naturally always musky, but it really came out during a workout. The scent was making a stir down in those already overly tight pants of his, but he just shrugged it off for now. The workout is done, the gym was empty, save for him, and decided it was time to hit the shower. Though taking a shower at the Bulk Up Gym was going to be his downfall for the night, and the rest of his life.

Walking into the locker room he went to his own personal locker and opened it up, grabbing the towel he had stored and stripping his sweat drenched shirt and tossing it to the bottom of the locker. He went for those shorts next, to take them straight off and let flaccid member flop out and let a rather loud smack echo against his leg. He was a beast in the sense of muscles, but truly a beast when it came between his legs with a flaccid two foot dick and balls the size of two ripe cantaloupes hung right under that flaccid shaft. He didn't give any mind to the twitching his dick was making from the scent of his own musk that rose from those heavy nuts and the end result in his training for the day. He could take care of that later. Instead, he started his way to the showers and reached inside a stall and turned the water to a nice, hot setting and stepped in, letting the water splash down and slowly gave those muscles a nice set of definition.

While Aidan was busy undressing and getting all showered up, a shadowy figure was watching him with a rather devious grin. The figure had been watching during his entire workout, taking note of the drive and dedication he was giving, from squats, to bench presses and the rest. Once alone in the shower, though, the unknown figure was able to make his move. As Aidan was busy taking his shower and trying to bring down that scent of his, the lights within the shower room were suddenly flipped off, leaving him alone in the darkness.

"Hello?" He called out, but no one answered, but he could hear steps in water that made his ears twitch. "Is anyone there?" again nothing but a deep rumble that sent a shiver down his spine, his tail going a little stiff.

His hands reached out into the darkness, trying to find his way out, but where the walkway would have started from the stall was greeted by something else, something hard, fuzzy and breathing. "Who are you?!" He cried out, but was quickly silenced as a prick could be felt against his neck. He quickly jumped back, stumbling and grabbing onto the walls of the stall, feeling his legs starting to shake. The room was dark to start off, but he could feel his eyes starting to grow heavy, head slumping down to his shoulder. With his knees failing, he managed a small squeak as he slumped down, landing on his butt, knocked out cold, the sounds of someone giving a deep chuckle being the last thing he heard.

What seemed like hours later he was starting to come to, groaning and moving his body around, yet something seemed wrong. As he tried to move his arms he realized it was in vain. As he lifted them he could feel something pushing against his wrists, keeping them trapped down. Same with his legs with bindings near his ankles, his set of abs were pinned down just like the other parts of his body. It was hopeless. He was standing up against some kind of wall, light shining just down on him with anything else past the light nothing but darkness. With another groan, he called out into the darkness, expecting no response, but it was worth a shot he thought. "Hello? Is anyone out there?"

He had expected to hear nothing from the darkness, but he was wrong. Those rounded mouse ears flicked around from the sound of a deep rumble, making his head turnaround from left to right, trying to see anything, whether a person, or some sort of table or window to figure out where he was. "I know you're there!" he cried out to the darkness and right when his head had went straight again, he could see one small shine of light. It was a bright yellow light that was soon joined with a line of white in the form of a grin. A small set of claps was awarded to him as well as a deep and booming voice.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, little mousie." That word, 'little'... It made Aidan's face burn red with anger. Being reminded that his work for so many years had come to a halt, but that burn of anger started to turn into a different sort of burn, a rushing burn of lust. Most know that when a person wakes up, the sense of smell is the last thing to come back into work, and as his was coming back the scent of a rather strong musk was starting to rise up. It was nothing that he had ever experienced, even with his own strong workouts his own musk paled in comparison to it. Yet still, he had no idea who his captor was, just his scent.

"Who are you?" he said with a small squeak in his voice, trying to break free from his restraints, but soon stopped as the sounds of heavy footsteps were heard, making the ground shake as that yellow light and line of white was coming closer. He gulped gently from the beast coming closer, and before long he was able to see a shadow. A shadow of something immense in front of him, and his suspicion was right when the figure stepped into the light. In front of him was a towering fox, rising at least ten feet into the air and bulked with such immense muscle over his entire frame. He couldn't even begin to guess just how much weight his captor had, yet it must've been around a ton of pure muscle bulking out. Yet while looking at the towering beast, he noticed that he was also just as naked as the mouse.

While Aidan was proud of his two foot limp snake, it failed to compare to the monster that laid between this one's legs, already around five foot long and it looked soft on the bulked out, towering crimson fox, staring down at him with that wide toothy grin, his one eye yellow while the other a deep dark brown. The mouse twisted around in his chains all the more, trying to fight for his freedom, but it was to no avail. "What do you want with me!?" he cried out, starting to slowly worry for his life.

"What do I want?" He asked in that deep and booming voice, "I want exactly what you want." he stepped closer, now mere feet separating the two with the scent of power and dominance starting to drown the mouse and even going as far to make that fat shaft twitch and slowly thicken despite his protest. He was intrigued though, blinking and tilting his head in that moment of silence, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, the hybrid tower finished his line of thought while leaning down closer to him "To become the biggest ever." A deep chuckle followed right afterwards before standing straight back up again, arms folding over those wide and thick pectorals.

"Why do you need me for that?" Aidan asked with another small squeak in his voice. As he stood there trapped, a theory ran through his mind 'this crazy bastard has some way to drain mine for his own use!' and that didn't sit well in his stomach. Though for now he didn't respond, just merely moving to the side of the standing table that Aidan was trapped on, grabbing a rather small beaker filled with crimson liquid and started to shake it around a bit, head tilting to the side a bit to double check his work. "What the hell is that?" he was trying to give a bit of dominance, trying to make, what he felt, was a final stand.

"This?" the unknown hybrid responded, raising it up into the air and grinning down to Aidan. "This is the serum to unlock your true powers."

Aidan was lost, tilting his head slightly to the side. But before he could manage a word, that deep voice came out again to explain more of what he had in mind.

"You see, Aidan, I've been watching you for quite a bit now, more than you would hope someone to watch for you. I know your dream is to become massive, to be the biggest of them all. You can call me a sort of genie, here to grant you your wish. For you see, once I am done with you, not just this little city will know of the truly massive mouse, but the entire world!"

To say he was confused was an understatement, but those words echoed throughout his ears, and deep into his mind. 'The biggest? The whole world?!' it was what he had hoped for, and now someone was willing to offer it to him?! How could he say no? Though, something was bugging him in the back of his head. Something like this could not come free, but it was just a small portion of his mind and the desire to become the biggest made that fat spire of mouse twitch even more.

The 'genie' hybrid was lowering his arm and brought the drink right to Aidan's face, the scent of something like cinnamon was rising right into his nose, making it twitch and burn just a bit. "All you have to do is open wide and drink up." He said with a sly grin on his face. Aidan hesitated for a second and then proceeded to open his mouth the best he could and before he could realize it that spicy mixture was getting poured down his throat. He was forced to gulp every last bit and once it was gone, he was coughing just a little. With a shake of his head and a small cough, already he could feel warmth start to surge though his body. He flexed once, seeing his biceps stretched out and going to just the way they normally were during any other flex. He blinked and tilted his head to the side, looking back confused and squeaking.

The mysterious figure chuckled slightly and placed the glass back, starting to slowly lower down till the two were face to face. "Now then, let's test this theory out." And with that his head moved lower and gave a small slurp right to the left bare nipple of the mouse, who gave out a deep groan from his chest and arched his back. A rush of warmth started to quickly run through his frame, every fiber and nerve starting to burn as he looked around to see his biceps quickly starting to push out thicker on his frame already. Veins popping out and pumping along his expanding biceps, but it didn't stop there. With a firm burn in his chest he looked down to see his pectoral muscles pushing out thicker, pressing wider and bulking up closer to his own chin by the second. A deep chuckle came from the fox hybrid as he watched the change, giving a small nod before standing back up.

As the rush of warmth started to die down he could see the mouse was nice and thick with even larger muscles, standing there with a good six hundred pounds of pure muscle. That one lick had doubled his muscle mass and quickly his dick was pushed up against his own pecs, standing erect in front of his new dream maker at four feet long, still falling short to the mass of meat the other had, but he didn't care! He was pumped up bigger than he could hope for! "Part one was: success." As Aidan was reveling in the pleasure of being so much bigger so fast the hybrid just grinned all the more towards him. His body was starting to lower again, reaching further than those pecs and abs till he was at level with the base of that thick mouse dick and the heavy orbs. "Now, part two."

With the end of his sentence he was leaning in closer and gave a single kiss against one of those cantaloupe size nuts and stood back up. The bulked up mouse had his head titled to the side, wondering what the kiss was for before he gave a deep gasp into the air and started to curl his hands into tight fists. A low groan escaped his mouth, head leaning back as he could feel a surge starting to push right into those orbs, the sound of sloshing and churning could be heard from those nuts as they started to gain more mass. Slowly, but surely, they were filling out wider and fuller, filling with more of that warm mouse spunk inside them till they pushed out twice the size of what they used to be. With the extra weight he would groan and move his hips about, making those heavy orbs bounce and slosh around against his legs, toes curled and the scent of his musk starting to pick up stronger.

For now he stood there, muscles flexing and relaxing, orbs churning for release as small trickles of pre started to come out from his cock head. "Now, let's get started with the real fun." Said the figure who took a grasp right on that pre spurting shaft and gave a firm breath in, making his own chest puff out and quickly blew right into that cock slit, sending a gush of air down and just like in the cartoons, that cock was quickly rising up into the air, pushing up longer and thicker and once the flow of air was done, and the hold off, Aidan could see his dick shoot up into the air, a tower of eight feet worth of mouse dick, throbbing with need. He squeaked from the sudden change of weight between his legs, making his knees shake a bit. Shaking his head though, the hybrid leaned forward and gave another slurp towards a nipple, making that rush come out once more.

Something was odd this time. Where the first time he felt the sudden expansion seemed to take a few minutes to notice, these changes seemed to come quickly. Those muscles were tensing and flexing even without his help and again, Aidan was bulking up quickly. The restrains on his body were starting to groan from the added pressure against them, but they held him still for now. After the added muscle mass, Aidan was a heavy 1,200 pound mass of muscle mouse with his dick throbbing with all the more attention before him. With a chuckle and nod, his growth inducing partner leaned forward towards his face; cock pushed off to the side "Let's even this mouse out a bit."

Before he could even have a chance to blink and speak out in protest, he had the assault of a tongue running up along his nose and withdrawn to see a wide grin. He blinked for a moment, head canted to one side before his entire body started to go stiff, arching his back and letting out a loud groan of a squeak into the air. It almost felt like his entire body was on fire, toes curled into the ground, hands balled into fists once more as his bones started to crack and groan under his skin. It was happening, despite the pain that it brought along with it, but he was starting to feel his limbs stretch out longer. The restrains finally broke free, but with the pain wracking through his frame for his first major growth spurt, he couldn't do anything but stand and groan.

He was rising along the fox's body, once at level with the bottom of his pecs, he was soon looking at his chin, his nose, and still he grew higher into the air. Before he could think about how big he was about to get his arms came down, folding in front of his stomach and curling over in pain from a thousand needles seeming to poke at him. Soon though, the intense pressure started to subside, leaving him curled over and panting hard from the rush that hit his frame. Before his dick was rising over his head, yet now it was right under his pecs. He had to investigate just had happened to his body, so standing up he arched his back to figure out what all had happened to him.

The figure before him used to tower over him, but now, something seemed off, he had him standing at just his chest, and Aidan was towering at twelve feet into the air. He blinked and squeaked softly at the sudden change, head tilting to the side. He started to lift his arm up into the air, curling it and giving a nice flex. His muscles had grown as well in size with his frame, keeping that still bulked up frame on his body. He enjoyed the sight, enough that his tower of mouse meat was twitching and giving another firm spurt of pre that landed on the foxes body, making him chuckle. "Well, what do you say mousie?"

Aidan just stood there, still enjoying his size before he stared down at the one that captured him and was turning him. He loved the new size, but something itched at him in the back of his mind. He wanted more. More size, more power, more everything. "Make me bigger!" He demanded, squeaking at the sound of his own voice. It was slightly deeper than what he was used to hearing, but it was a good sound, a sound that made his ears ring with deep power.

The figure just nodded and leaned forward towards those massive thick pecs, tongue hanging out next to one of those nipples as he spoke right towards him, "You can call me Kyte."

With that he gave a lick to that nipple, quickly moving to the next one and lapping it. Back and forth he lapped at those nipples a few times each. That warmth, the rushes through his body, were starting to build again. He could feel every fiber, evert inch of his frame, every muscle in his body twitch and spasm. Aidan groaned out deeply as he watched those muscles quickly thicken and swell on his frame. Each bicep was getting thicker and thicker, bulking up with sheer mass and power with his arms and pecs pressing out wider to broaden his stance. Coursing down below, those legs were pushing out a bit wider, calves packing on thicker and stronger muscles with every twitch of his body.

The mouse was getting stacked, bulking on muscle that only body builders could ever dream of, a few good tons of solid muscle mouse. His shoulders were pushed up against his cheeks, back muscles towering over his head and pecs pressing to his chin. His head was lost within the frame of his upper body muscles, but he didn't care. They twitched and throbbed, veins popping out from his entire bulk and that scent. Gaining so much mass made his body smell of masculine dominance all the stronger, yet he craved for more. He figured out that a lick to the nipple brought him stronger with muscle, so he leaned forward and showed off his nose, looking at Kyte with a look of lust and desire to grow bigger in his eyes. He knew that look and just chuckled all the more towards him, nodding to the hulked out muscle mouse, his head leaned forward closer to him.

"Bigger and bigger!" responded Kyte, letting his tongue come out and start to lap along his nose. Already he could feel the warmth, but it was just building, giving Kyte the chance to keep licking at his nose, making that feeling come stronger. He slurped and slurped, making Aidan groan out deeper and deeper. Finally he leaned back away and watched the show as the musk mouse arched his back into the air and shuddered hard. Already his body was starting to expand out all the higher into the air. His bones creaked from the expansion, pushing out longer on his frame, abs stretching out further up to help his increase. Twenty feet, twenty five, he was growing closer to the ceiling by the second, thirty, thirty five, with a head bump he could hear the ceiling start to crack and bend at his head, but he wasn't done there. With a loud groan he arched up and boomed right through the ceiling and into the open air finally. Once free though, that growth just seemed to spurt on faster by the second. He was rising, forty, fifty feet into the air.

He had lost track of Kyte, but he didn't care, it wasn't till he felt a sudden force gush of wind into his shaft that he realized that there was something else than his body expanding, his feet smashing and breaking through houses by the minute. His cock was pressing up higher along his frame, pressing out longer and thicker. A thick muscled hand moved around, taking a grasp of that immense member that was starting to rise up along his pecs, sending a gush of that thick, warm prespunk that gave a white paint to his chest and started to flood through the city. He shuddered with power and pleasure through his entire body. He was a hulking giant, yet still, he craved for more!

Aidan started to pump that massive shaft of his, stroking up and down while he enjoyed the pleasure of rising, till that warmth of growth was starting to subside. He didn't even question his, now towering, hundred and fifty foot body, he just enjoyed it. His free arm rose up and flexed, watching as his biceps bulked up against his head, rising up above it. As he pumped up and down along that shaft, he could feel another rush of heat through his body, this time right down in his balls. Down below Kyte had planted a few kissed against those nuts, making them swell and swell, sloshing and churning with more thick spunk inside them. They lowered down on his body, first seeming to be in portion with his hulking frame and skyscraper dick, but then they sloshed again, bumping down to his knees and a bit lower till they stopped.

With such a rush, such pleasure through his frame, the mouse had pushed out his tongue and gave a lick along his mouth, accidently touching his own nose with it and sent a rush through his frame. Already his body was growing, pressing higher and higher still, letting out a loud groan from his body as the pleasure rushed over his frame. He rose up over the city, towering at three hundred feet and all the more horny. By this point Kyte had managed to stay right on those nuts, rubbing over them softly with a sly grin on his face, enjoying that thickening scent of the growing musk from the expanding mouse. Slowly he rose his hand up into the air, placing his thumb and finger together and gave a small snap of them, a snap that would rise up into the air and make Aidan's ear twitch about slightly. From that single snap he could hear feel something on his nuts, a small bit of weight growing on them. With a jump into the air and a flip Kyte was starting to grow himself, quickly rising up to the point of Aidan able to actually make out his frame.

Before long Kyte was standing around the mouse's pecs and was stroking along those well-defined rows of abs the he had grown by now. With a sly grin on his face, he leaned in close, nose pressing to that throbbing member of Aidan's, speaking out hotly towards him "Mousie want more?" Kyte asked as he gave a slurp along the underside of that titan cock, and was rewarded with a thick gush of warm pre spunk down along the top of his head, making him chuckle and growl at the thick scent that drifted into his nose. "I'll take that as a yes."

Just like before, he rose his separate hand into the air and gave a loud snap, one that not just made Aidan's ears twitch, but his entire body shuddered hard. He gave a deep groan from the power that started flowing through his mind, staring down to see his pecs starting to swell on their own, his arms doing just the same. A sly grin came over his face from that building power and quickly moved to push the dragon-fox down unto his back. Kyte landed with a slight oomph, shaking the ground and crushing a few houses, but he stared up to the looming mouse that was starting to lean down towards him. The change was still building within his frame, he could feel his body warming up, the onset of his new growth getting ready to take place, but he wanted to 'thank' his builder first.

Slowly he started to lower down, trapping the lower body of Kyte against those heavy nuts, coughing slightly from the strong musk that seemed to be building even thicker into the air. Kyte looked on with confusion before he began to realize something; he had created a growth fiend monster and it was too late to stop the changes. Aidan gave a deep groan as his spine shivered from that warmth once more, and it was time for him to start growing. Already he was rising up into the air, rising up higher into the air with the trapped hybrid under him. His head was rising higher into the air, muscles growing thicker and those balls, those balls were starting to cover up not just the trapped Kyte, but also the city under him. Inch by inch Aidan was rising up higher into the air, making him shudder and groan with the pleasure coursing through his veins, that warmth pumping through his rising frame.

Kyte looked up at the towering mouse that was just growing larger right on top of him. Those nuts that kept him pinned down were starting to slowly to slowly rise up along his body, already covering his legs and lower part of his frame, and now they were on the verge of traveling up along his abs. That warm scent of musk was rising, but for the hybrid that was trapped under them was getting a full dose of that powerful scent that seemed to be getting thicker from those cum churning and sloshing orbs. Aidan was reaching up towards five hundred feet by now, his cock was straight up into the air, throbbing right near his pecs and starting to spurt that thick pre out again. Some of it splashed down right on top of Kyte, but a good portion of it was going through the city, slowly flooding the city that was in panic from the expanding mouse who seemed to not slowdown in his growth, but was expanding faster!

Five hundred, six hundred feet into the air with a deep squeak in his chest. Entire buildings were tumbling over from the expanding Aidan, even city blocks would be trapped under his massive feet if he was to stand, but for now he was happy squatting down to keep those expanding orbs trapped on top of Kyte, slowly growing more lost under those massive orbs that were right on his chest, even bulldozing through a few buildings off to the side. In the back of Kyte's mind he knew that something had to be done, and fast, or else this mouse wouldn't just keep him buried under those nuts, but would even go so far as to flood him with the mass amount of spunk that they were producing. So with a final attempt he reached his hand out above his head and gave a firm snap of his finger, and just in time; once he made that snap those nuts quickly covered over his frame.

Aidan was sitting at a good thousand feet tall and still rising, idly stroking off his own titan dick to cause more of that spunk to splash down and start to drown off the city before he could feel a rumbling under his body. With a small blink he looked down to see what was going on, only to feel his orbs slowly start to rise up into the air. With a tilt of his head he could see the shape of a head starting to poke out under them. That head was accompanied by a pair of arms that were bulking up and pushing up on those heavy cum sloshing orbs and a set of feet behind him that were crushing part of the city that Aidan hadn't gotten to yet. Kyte was packing on size, and quickly as to avoid getting smashed from those nuts, but something was starting to go astray for the two hundred and fifty foot dracofox.

That pushing up on those orbs was sending a rush of pleasure right into the mouse, making him groan out deeply and lean down to wrap his mouth around his cock tip and started to gulp down his own spunk. Kyte never expected what happened, having forgotten the collar he had wrapped around the mouse's shaft. Gulp after gulp Aidan was taking mouthfuls of that thick pre spunk and was getting quite the rush already. His body trembled right above the expanding hybrid who stared with wide eyes and mouth open at the resulting change that came next.

Aidan was starting to swell, and faster than ever before than Kyte had planned on! With deep groans, cracks of those bones, the mouse was expanding quickly higher and higher, those nuts quickly becoming more than the hybrid could hold unto and was pinned right back under them, coughing slightly at the resulting musk. With a deep shudder and a small stop of his growth, Aidan was rewarded as a massive gush of pure mouse spunk gushed into his mouth and sent him surging up into the air. He doubled up to two thousand, then four thousand, soon towering over a mile high into the air and only wanting more. Kyte was trying to keep his growth going on, but by now that powerful musk was starting to get into his head, making him moan out deeply and even go so far to start lapping at those expanding nuts.

Throughout the city, people were trying to run as fast as they could from the rising mouse in the middle of their once peaceful city. Every street had some layer of mouse spunk on it, whether it was the farthest edges that only had a small river, or right at the middle of the rising giant where a lake had formed at. Buildings were toppled over in ruins, cars floating off to the edges of the city, a city that was turning whiter by the second and the scent of hot mouse musk getting stronger with every passing second. With a deep rumble from his chest and a firm shake of his body that sent quakes throughout not just the city, but others that had watched the growing Aidan with a look of fear, wondering if he would get to them.

Aidan's eyes went wide for a spilt second as the underside of his shaft started to press out from the base, that cum tube starting to bulge and travel up along the girth of his member. With a loud groan his mouth was getting blasted with gush after gush of thick spunk inside of his mouth, gulping it down the second his cheeks puffed out with it. With a deep shake of his entire body, the sound of cracking could be heard, groans coming not just from his chest, but his entire frame. Aidan closed his eyes once more as he could feel that warmth rushing through his over muscled body, making him shudder as he knew what was coming, and from how strong that feeling was getting inside of his body, he could tell it was going to be massive!

Under those nuts Kyte could feel that the mouse had stopped growing for a second. 'He must've came.' The pinned hybrid thought to himself, knowing that his body was processing all that growth inducing spunk. 'Why did I have to put that collar on his shaft?' For a spilt second the pinned hybrid was regretting his choices, but with a deep whiff of that warm scent, he was quickly forgetting what he was regretting, lapping at the underside of those pumping orbs that didn't seem to shrink despite the massive orgasm that was Aidan was having and gulping. Though Kyte could feel it, he could feel that shaking, the trembling the mouse was having as that power rushed into his body.

With a final loud groan Aidan arched off his cock, flopping down on his ass and leaning back, hands crushing a few city blocks, legs stretching out to the edge of the city before it started. His stomach had bloated out just a bit from the mass amount of cum that he had engulfed, but it was already starting to quickly shrink down into his stomach, reforming his abs once more and then, it hit. With a firm arch of his back Aidan was rising into the air, once sitting at a mile and a half, he had rushed up to three miles. The entire city in panic by now as a single gush of thick spunk came bursting from his shaft, flooding nearly half of it with just one spurt! Three miles turned to six, six into twelve! He was rising faster by the second! Looking around he could see his biceps were joining in with his height, pressing out thicker on his arms, and even his pectoral muscles were pressing out thicker, pushing up against his chin all the more.

With a loud squeak he arched his hips and gave another massive gush of cum that was gushing out to the city next to him. By now cities all around him were going into panic as his hands were pressing into their boarders, even starting to get smashed under them. His legs stretched out for miles on end, crushing through city blocks, taking up half a city each! His orgasm was powerful as it gushed out and destroyed city block to city block. His original city was nothing more than a giant crater from the weight that he had put on it, and starting to become nothing more than a giant lake filled with his spunk.

Twenty miles, thirty miles. His cum was still being produced, shooting out in galloons by the second. Slowly he was starting to stand up, his feet, as they moved, were making loud booms and sending earthquakes for miles on end. Before long he had given Kyte a moment of breath from those heavy scented nuts, lying in the middle of the spunk lake, staring up at the monstrous mouse that was at forty miles tall and only rising higher. His hips bucked back and forth, sending gush after gush of that thick spunk over city after city. Before long the entire state was in disarray from the mouse, a mouse that started off so small, who was now rising up in power over the entire state! Cities were getting creamed over, waves of spunk flooding throughout streets and wildlife.

With a firm shudder the final blast came of spunk, shooting out past the boarders unto the neighboring state. Aidan panted and groaned from the release, standing at an impressive seventy miles tall, looking at the destruction he made with a wide grin on his face. He looked down to see a spot of red, black and white within the lake. He reached down and picked up the panting hybrid, having already came from the scent that had invaded his nose. He was staring at the monster Aidan who gave a wide grin and spoke in a deep and booming voice "More!"

Kyte gulped and then grinned slightly, knowing that he was going to make this mouse even more massive, but something else was running in the back of his mind, a bit of revenge for trapping him. But before he could do so he was pressed against those massive orbs, held there for now as the little toy of the mouse. Rubbing at what he could of the fur covered, sweaty and musky nuts, he sendt a shudder through that power hungry mouse who squeaked, hearing that snap and flicking his ears, wandering what and who was going to grow next....