Fun In The Nest (Non-Eggs)

Story by the roo on SoFurry

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Some random thing I had to write. Never done straight dragon tf.

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff

A warm breeze blew in the night sky, strong enough to shake the trees; their bristles scraping together to form whispers. Jane sighed as she walked with her head on Theo's shoulder. The wind felt good blowing through her orangey brown hair as she ran her fingertips over his powdery white, smooth skin. He had been an awesome date the entire night; walking her around town, getting her an awesome dinner. She looked up into his shiny green eyes; one of the things that first attracted her to him. His short, wavy black hair hovered just above those eyes, hiding much of his thin face in a mysterious way. Jane slowly closed her eyes and groaned deeply as he gently stroked along her stomach with the hand at her far side. She liked his gentle advances. "We're here..." he said suddenly.

As they turned down a driveway, she almost stopped. "This is your house?" Theo's house was really large and seemed in a state of disrepair; the car in the driveway didn't even look like it would run.

Theo snickered, "Yeah, my brothers and I have been thinking about fixing it up..."

"Oh, you have brothers...?" she asked curiously. "...are they as sweet as you?"

He chuckled in a very strange way as he bluntly said, "Not all of them. Would you like to meet them?"

As they stopped at the beat up looking door, Jane tapped her foot, "I don't know...I think my mom would kill me if I went into a house full of boys. I've only known you for a few weeks."

She almost pulled back as he leaned forward, bringing his lips close to her jaw line as he whispered, "I insist!" Jane breathed in deep as he said it, sighing heavily as a strange scent hit her hard. She felt like clay in Theo's hands as they opened the door and disappeared inside.

The small hallway that led to the rest of the house felt really warm. Jane almost tripped over something made of cloth; maybe some clothes. It was really dark inside. "Theo...can you turn on the lights?" For some reason, she was starting to feel really warm. When she felt that Theo wasn't looking, she bit her fingernail as she reached into her pants, exhaling a quiet breath as she rubbed over her unusually warm slit. "Theo?" she whimpered in a quivering voice.

A small flame appeared out of nowhere, lighting the large red candle in the center of a table. Theo soon appeared out of the shadows surrounding the light of the candle, "Is that better?" Something was different about his face. As he reached up to the buttons on his shirt, his nails were a dark black; completely different from the well kept pointed pearls that were there before. As he popped each button, his face became a powdery white, as swirls of sparkling blue appeared, "What's wrong look like your blushing..."

Jane's heart was pounding in her chest as Theo exposed his white chest, sparkling blues scales and dull blue plates appearing around his shoulders and then down to his abdomen. She watched as Theo's short, pointed nose sank down towards his upper lip; becoming two very narrow slits. With one blink, his eyes shifted into almost diamond shape, reflecting in the light. Holding out his clawed, scaly hand, "Wrongs wrong Jane? I hope I don't scare you..."

She was frozen in place, "The...Theo, is that still you? Wha...what are you?" Even she was surprised that she was still concerned for his well being.

He walked up to her and gently took her by the hands, pulling her to the soft, cushiony maroon colored couch behind him. "I'm called a drake...Jane..."

She gasped and shivered as was pulled into his lap, trying to hide the fact that she was near uncontrollably horny at the moment. As she noticed the scales on his body and the spines growing out of his hair and on his back, she asked with genuine fascination, "Are you some kind of...dragon...human?"

He smiled at her interest, "I'm a male dragon...but pretty close. Do you like it...?"

Jane's heart beat pounded in her head. She was experiencing so many intense feelings inside she wasn't sure what to think as Theo slowly undid his pants, allowing his fly to fall open to give way to his raging, blue shaft; it's rounded base nestled between a thick slit like sheath just above his plated sac. Her breath was caught in her chest as she took in the sight of the fleshy plates along the shaft, following the spines along the center as they traveled all the way to its pointed tip.

Her head was filled with desire as his talons took hold of the rim of her pants; easily pushing them down past her hips. He even removed her dampened underwear as he pushed it all down to her ankles. Something worked its way from behind Theo, slithering its way between Jane's legs before its smooth, blue scales brushed between her damp, swollen, slit. "What's wrong Jane?" Theo asked, pulling his tail away as he teased her by grinding the fleshy spines on his shaft between her legs. "Don't you want to be with me?" he asked sympathetically.

Jane moaned and gasped as he pushed that spear like tip in her aching folds, falling forward into his embrace. As more of him entered her, she felt all kinds of sensations she had ever felt before as the plates and the spines teasingly brushed against her insides. And as she gazed up at him with a raging blush on her cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes, she leaned in to kiss his thick, blue lips. They closed their eyes as they kissed, but Jane clenched hers when she felt Thane's thick, forked tongue teasing the back of her throat.

She reached out, moaning as she ran her fingertips over the smooth white skin and the blue scales along his abdomen. With each smooth, slow thrust, his spines sent more amazing sensations throughout her body, forcing her to arch her back and gasp as his pointed head struck that spot deep inside her. Jane was gasping as she felt his warm, scaly talons reach up and touch her cheek, "I forgot to mention one my family...we share everything..."

Jane gasped as she was pushed forward; a big red talon wrapping around her waist. When she looked to Theo for answers, her confused face faded into that of pleasurable discomfort as she suddenly felt a familiar shaft grinding against her ass. As wave after of wave of emotions filled her body, she reached back to touch the face of the big drake now leaning over her; running her fingertips over the dark spines on his face that passed for a beard. "I'm Marcus..." he hissed in her ear.

Looking up with hazy eyes, she saw that they were surrounded by bulky, shadowy figures. They were all waiting to meet the girl that Theo had brought home to them. One of them stepped forward. She was then face to face with a similar white belly, dotted in green scales and plates; another barbed shaft hanging between his legs. Looking up, a green shaded face was looking back at her as he said, "Thomas..." She moaned as he touched her face, touching her lips to one of the spines along his shaft and teasing it with her tongue. In no time she had the pointed tip of Thomas' rod oozing with a purplish colored pre.

Jane then erotically looked to Theo, losing all idea of what was right or wrong. From then on, she knew that she belonged to him...mostly him. As Marcus forcefully grinded against her back, Jane moaned as she felt something warm dripping on her shoulders, leaning in to kiss Theo as his thrusts turned more forceful. He brought his talons to her burning, blushing red cheeks, giving off a growling grunt as he thrust one last time, forcing her to whimper with blissful satisfaction as he filled her with hot drake seed...