Chapter 6: Incomplete

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#6 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


~{If I got a nickel for every sunrise and sunset that took my breath away while I was in that cage, I would have probably gotten... well... about a dollar...

Still, my point is, ever since I returned home, here on Piccadilly, the rises and sets of the sun have never been the same.

I guess ever since the sun started burning out, our planet rallied every strong mind in existence to come up with a solution for the whole need for light thing.

The solution? A guy named Chilly Chonka came up with "Chilly Chonka's Everlasting Light bulbs". Definatly not a joke, either. The rich bastard's living on the moon now in a dome, so you can go ask him if you need. Just make a left at Marauder's Crater, and it's the giant bubble straight ahead.

So upon this break-through, the leaders really have been reaching into keeping the damn thing lit 24/7, which really bums you out every once in a while. I mean, it's like someone figured "Hey, maybe we can actually compete for the title of the sun, seeing as it's previous holder started dropping the ball a couple billion years it. Pfft... Noob..."}~


{The wind starting picking up at around noon or so, which was a relief from the pounding

sun that had been snickering above them ever since the two unfortunate souls had been

thrown in the brig. Although the sound a motion that was brought on by the waves was

terrifying, the two couldn't help but sigh in relief as the clouds curdled up in the sky, ready to

expel a couple months worth of evaporated ocean back onto them.

"We need a good rain," Angela smiled, looking to the sky. "Right? I mean all the days have

been clear. My fur definatly needs a good soaking, ya know?"

She turned to Wyler, as if he were educated in the super secret art of "Sun vs. Fur", to

which he replied with a small sigh.

"What's your problem today?" She asked, eying the mutt's arm. She reached out and

compared her fur to his before he violently pulled away.

"Could you NOT touch my fur?" He shouted at her. "Honestly... I don't care how dry my fur

is! I don't care how dry your fur is! I just DON'T care!"

"Um... holy shit?" Angela chuckled almost manically. "You're like, going psycho in this cage,

aren't ya?" She then started moving closer. "Aren't ya! Aren't ya!"

As sudden as the lightning bolt behind her flashed, Angela began to change. Her teeth

grew 2 inches longer, her claws extended into extremely sharp points, and her fur became

ragged as she ripped out of her clothing. (And not like a good ripping out of her clothing or

anything. Think more along the lines or the She-Hulk, and you'll just about have it pictured.)

She expelled a low growl that sent shivers up Wyler's spine just as he was exiting the state

of shock that, yes, this whole thing was actually happening. He suddenly whimpered as he

instinctively scuttled away from the beast that was closing in, poking at him with her vicious


"Aren't ya!" She repeated, this time in a deepened, almost unnatural tone that shook the

chains that held the cage down. He had reached the other side of the cage and was

beginning the slide to a corner to his right. The bars began imprinting into his back as if

Jigsaw himself wanted him to escape by forcing himself into various, inch-wide strips, length-


And spontaneously, as if one last thread of hope remained, the whimper of "Angela..."

called out from Wyler's muzzle that made the monster stop in its tracks. She cocked her

head and looked at her paw, which was suddenly oozing black goo from her still growing


"Angela!" He screamed, provoking the demon, causing her to raise the paw she had just

examined, and as soon as she did she let it fall like a guillotine, which seemingly raked

across the chest of the mutt who cowered. The wound sent three identical sprays of blood

screaming through the air before...}

*Tip* *Tap*

"...GahAHAAH!!" Wyler screamed into the darkening afternoon sky.

"GahAHSAS?!" Came the response as Angela flew up from the corner she was sleeping in

and instantly glared venom at Wyler. "What the hell did I say about WAKING ME UP!"

"Oh great," Wyler moaned. "Why don't you just go all demony and slice me with your

gooey black claws then!"

Angela opened her mouth to reply, wrinkled her nose, and spread confusion about her

face. "Excuse me...?" A loooooong pause followed, complete with more *Tip**Taps* from


"Is it actually..." Wyler tried changing that subject as he held out his paw. "... raining?"

"Oh I hope so," Angela sighed, raising her cloak as she sprawled out, revealing her... well

revealing and sexy underwear. "My fur could use a good soaking, ya know? It's been so dry


Wyler's eyes widened. "Say what...?"

"Ya know? Dry fur..."

"NO!" Wyler shouted, cutting her off as he ripped at the fur on his head. He moved to the

corner of the cage and fell to the fetal position before Angela cocked her head.

"What's your problem...?" Angela asked, sort of repulsed and annoyed from the sudden


"Shut up!" The mutt shook. "No more talking, Kay? Just... shut up!"

"Whoa whoa," Angela could hardly hold her smile as she caught on. "Just calm down,

buddy, okay? It was just a..." She stopped, clenching her gut. The raccoon had suddenly put

on the sickest expression Wyler had ever seen, which was soon followed by immense

fidgeting. It started in her knees, then moved up her spine until it shimmed to her neck, then

fell down to her ankles.

"Angela, cut it out!" Wyler braced for what he saw coming, covering his head while the rain

had begun a constant knock on his skull.

"But Wyler!" She cried as her gaze fell to the ground. Her shaking became violent as the

mutt started screaming.

"Get me out of here!!" He raked his soaking paws against the bars of the cage. "Just

please! Get me out! Somebody!"

Suddenly, Angela's body stopped its terrorizing display as the expression on the raccoon's

face began to pucker. She looked up to the horrified pooch who had his body contorted

around the corner.

"Oh my god you SUCK!" She hardly got out before she erupted in laughter. Onto the deck

she landed as she exhaled pure enjoyment into the still darkening sky. "I can't believe you

actually FELL for that!"

A few painful and embarrassing moments of laughter floated around the cage, followed by

the first sound of movement. Wyler had slowly risen with a blank stare set into his stone face

as he walked over to where the raccoon was still rolling on the deck.


And that was the hardest I had ever hit her... or any other girl for that matter...


"Boy..." Trusser said as sat on his bed, giving a slight glace to the circular window on the

wall behind him. It was the only light source that illuminated the room, which it did in a cold

grey that cast menacing shadows from everything. " looks like a tough one a'comin', eh


"Sure..." Hudson sighed. He lay with his back to the tiger, holding his pillow close, hugging

it dearly.

A couple silent moments slunk by before Trusser rolled over, putting his paw on the

dalmatian's shoulder. "You're worried about the two in the cage aren't ya, mate..."

Hudson lowered his ears as he balled up tight. "How could I not...? It's too cruel what the

captain Agnus is doing to them... He could at least let us take care of it..."

"Oh come on, lad," Trusser replied. "He ain't cruel... Just cold is all... He's always.."

"Cold equals cruel, Trusser..." Hudson cut him off. He then quickly sighed before he buried

himself into his pillow and blocked off all sound from his head. This left him in a dark

nothingness known as his "happy" place.

This is where he thought. Simple as that. It had always been this way.

Recently, though, posters of to faces intruded the black walls that surrounded him. The

riddled two sides, expelling good and bad whichever way he looked.

On one side lay a certain caged mutt, his fur shining from some source of light, unseen.

Embroidered in things as good as flowers, it brought a smile to Hudson's muzzle each and

every time he thought about him. More so, ever since his constant guest star appearances

had begun to frequent his dreams.

Then, opposite to happiness lay the smug corroded face of Captain Agnus. Every time he entered this room, he ripped down the thought of him, only to turn around and see his face

snickering again, back on the wall of black.

And so, this is where he thought. Simple as that.

"Hey!" Trusser's voice had finally broken through, shattering his room into shards. And

once again he found himself back in reality. "Are you even listening to me, lad!"

The dalmatian found himself where he had left him, lying on his bed again, only the clock

on the wall had taken upon itself to skip ahead an hour. The rain pitter-pattered on the

window harder than ever as he turned around to look at Trusser, who stared at him waiting

for a response.

"Whatcha say?" He yawned wide. "I wasn't listening..."

"God damn, kid," The tiger yawned hard as well. Contagious things, yawns are. "I was just

asking what you think we should do... about the two outside, ya know?"

"Is that a trick question...?" Hudson raised an eyebrow. "I haven't felt right ever since we

threw them in there!"

"Okay okay," Trusser chuckled, amused at how strongly he felt about the whole

thing. "Let's make another trip to the Captain's quarters then, alright? I feel horrid about

leaving that coon-lady outside in this storm... that fragile thing..."

"What about the boy?" Hudson perked his ears. "You don't feel bad for him at all?"

"It's simple, Hudson," Trusser laid a paw on the dalmatian's shoulder again. More for

support as he rolled out of bed then anything else. "You can't fuck guys... Now that coon on

the other hand..." He rubbed his paws together and stuck out his tongue.

"Ya know..." Hudson sighed as he rose and followed him to the door. "That's a little creepy.

Having sex with someone like... 20 years younger then you..."

"You mean you wouldn't?" Trusser asked as he opened the door. He stopped dead in his


"Well, no..." Hudson replied, getting them both coats from the corner. "I mean they would

even exist yet... and that would kind of be..." He caught sight of outside and let his jaw drop.

The rain was coming down harder then major league baseball pitches as golf-ball sized

drops exploded on the deck just outside the door.

"Suddenly..." Trusser gulped as he slammed the steel door. "I'm having second thoughts

about going out there..." He turned to Hudson, who had his arm extended with a coat hanging

from the end of it.

"We're going!" He demanded as he pushed him. "And that's that!"

"But..." Trusser's ears drooped as he seemingly shrunk to a puddle of stripped liquid. "Cats

don't like water..."

"Tiger's LOVE water!" Hudson screamed as he multitasked in opening the door, sending the

tiger outside, then following him with a slam. All the while pulling on his own coat in the

process. The rain hit them hard as they ran down the exposed hall until the hit the very last

door on the left.

Trusser knocked hard and stood listening. He grimaced at each gigantic drop that burst on

his head until a full five minutes had passed. Then, finally, the door creaked slowly opened,

revealing a very scary looking Captain Agnus.

"Tell me this ain't about the cagelings again..." He sighed as he walked backward, leaving

the two room to jump in until the captain halted them. "Stay there, mates. Just cause it's

raining doesn't mean you can soak my carpet."

"Captain Agnus, please..." Hudson couldn't hold it in anymore. "Please let them out.

Honestly, they could die tonight it the rain doesn't let up."

"So?" The captain chuckled as he poured himself some gin into a cup shaped like a

mermaid. "That'll just make my life easier... Let them drown I say!" He toasted himself like

he had just gotten married.

"You can't do that!" Hudson screamed. "It's not moral!"

"Hudson!" Trusser barked as he covered the dalmatian's muzzle with his paw. Captain

Agnus seemed ready to pounce on him if he had said another word. "Stay you're tongue,

young'un." Hudson mumbled obscenities that were muffled out by Trusser's voice.

"Sir..." He smiled as he bowed slightly, holding wriggling canine to his chest like a rag

doll. "If I may suggest something?"

The captain nodded, sipping his cup.

"Well," The tiger sighed. "You see, I feel like we're angering God by doing this to those

poor souls... I feel if we show them a little mercy, this storm'll let up and it'll be smooth

sailing from here on in. The ship just can't take this much abuse and we need..."

"God...?" The captain busted out laughing. "You and I both know that God is a load of

crock, Trusser." He raised his paw and held up two fingers. "Two things..."


"First, Trusser. These two outraged you to no end a few days ago. What's with the sudden

change of heart, eh?"


"Second!" Agnus pounded his fist on his armrest. "You've never believed in religion a

second of your life. Or any God for that matter. I'll tell you what you really want out of all

this, Trusser."

"What sir...?" The tiger gulped. Silence then followed. The only thing Hudson could hear

was the speeding up of the tiger's heart that restrained him.

"I've eyed you eying that lass in there." He finally said, following up with a low growl. "You

could care less about the good of the two. You just want a good fuck, then cast them away.

You're more shameless then I am, coming in here and badgering me, just so you can have

one night of pleasure..."

Trusser took a breath in to reply, but was cut off by Agnus once again. "I should throw you

in there with them..."

"Alright cap'n... Let's forget about the whole thing then... You've already spoken and I

shouldn't impose..."

"Damn right," The captain toasted again as he laid back in his chair, sipping the last of his

glass. "I assume that's all then?"

The tiger nodded, still holding Hudson close. The dalmatian had gone limp in the strong

arms of Trusser's. The feeling of hopelessness bad become solid in his chest as his last hero

reality had to offer, fell like a fly to the dirt. It was then and there, the he realized matters

must be taken into his own paws...


"Well this sucks..." Wyler sad as swelled raindrops fell through the bars onto them. His

voice cut through the noise of rain like a dull knife as he sighed, holding up his side of

Angela's cloak.

They had fashioned a makeshift, semi-working tent from her bleached, lime-smelling cloak

by sitting back to back. Both their heads held up the center and the closed it at the corners

with their paws. But then raise had started pelting them so hard it bruised, even through the

weak protection of the cloak.

"Tell me about it..." Angela finally replied. She was shivering in her newly brandished dark

green tank top and jean shorts, which she had somehow kept hidden in her cloak until she

removed it an hour before.

Deep tapping around them kept silence at bay as they say, feeling the water below them

churn and rock the barge this way and that. The chains that held the cage would rattle from

strain, causing a dull state of alarm that faded out after a while.

Soon, though, bewildered thoughts started encasing Wyler's head. Like: "What if one of the

links on the chain just felt like breaking?" Into the dark abyss that was the ocean they would

go. Nuff said. He began terrifying himself to the point of tears at the thoughts that followed.

"Angela..." Wyler whimpered. "I'm scared..."

"What?!" Angela shouted. "Speak up Wyler, I don't have canine hearing like you!"

"I said I'm SCARED!" Wyler shouted back, feeling good about screaming.

"Oh!" Angela said as she shivered. "Me too, Wyler. I mean I'm freezing my nips off here...

like... What if the chains..."

"Don't say it..." Wyler interrupted. "Just shut up..."

Angela didn't reply for a while, although she kept her shivering up. The cloak had become

so saturated that it stuck to them.

"If you had a choice..." She said moments later." Where would you be right now?"

"Say what?" Wyler asked.

"IF YOU HAD A CHOICE..." She shouted over the rain, causing Wyler to chuckle.

"No," He said. "That was just out of nowhere."


"I guess I'd be... on my roof."

"You're roof?"



"Yeah. With Jasey... Debating on kissing him like I always do..." He paused and waited for

the raccoon to laugh, but the somehow felt that she was smiling.

"That sounds sweet." She said. "You liked that Jasey guy didn't you...?"

"Oh..." Wyler scoffed. "More then you'd believe. He's so... girly it's a wonder how he's not in

my position, with me in his."

"What do you mean?"

"The gay thing...?"

"Oh right..." Angela said. "Go on then."

"I dunno..." The mutt sighed as he adjusted. His ass had gone numb from a mix of sitting

on a hard floor and the cold water that circulated around it. "He would have like so...

bearable..." He paused. "But sadly... he can only be my best friend."

And awkward silence filled before Angela asked "What about the dalmatian? You seem

pretty strung out on him too."

"He's such a dream..." Wyler replied. "But knowing my luck, he's off talking about boobs

and whatnot with that tiger he's always with."

"Now HE'S a dream.." Angela caught a drop of drool that leaked out of her muzzle and was

glad Wyler didn't notice.

They both laughed in spite of the scene until their sides started to hurt. After a minute or

so it quieted, and once again they were left with nothing but the sounds of rain striking wood.

"How about you?" Wyler finally asked.

"Hmm?" Angela raised her eyebrow.

"Ya know?" Wyler went on. "If you could choose...?"

"Oh!" Angela thought for a second. "Okay... but you can't laugh."

Wyler nodded.

"I guess I would be home too, in the third floor game room playing pool with my butler,

which is pretty fun considering he only tries half the time cause I'm a girl. He's really good

thought. My dad can't even beat him..."

Wyler thought about that for a second, then contorted his face in confusion. "Third floor?

Butler? Pool?!" Suddenly it dawned on him. "...what did you say your last name was, again?"

"McKlarrenWood," Angela chuckled as if that was an actual normal name.

~{Let me let you in on a little something. The last name of McKlarrenWood was basically

considered royalty where I came from, and when I found out that I had run away with the

heiress of the McKlarrenWood fortune, I almost shit my soaking wet pants.

Upper class to the Nth degree, They were a family that were hated by most, simply

because they thrived on gossip. Their estates were peppered across town, strategically placed in every corner of the city. You couldn't go to any street corner, alleyway, or shop without the McKlarrenWoods knowing about it.

But how did they get so loaded, you ask? Politics maybe? Maybe some royal bloodline that somehow creeped it's way into a dull and dank city like London?

No actually. Her father's father, Westley McKlarrenWood III was a carpenter who died of cancer, and his last dieing wish was that a lottery ticket was to be purchased in the name of his son, Westley VI. And by some cracked out turn of events, the dumb luck of death won his son a 22 million dollar jackpot.

Pretty sweet, seeing as all I got from my dad was a toolkit, a gold necklace from when he was 13, and $1,200 in life insurance...}~

Wyler gulped hard as he felt the need to bow. "Why the hell didn't you tell me you were a


It never came up?" Angela started getting defensive. "And besides, you'd treat me

different if I did."

"You're freaking nuts..." Wyler almost shouted, a drop of rain smacking him right on the

noggin as he did. It stung as he recoiled. "You're gonna be rich when your dad kicks the

bucket?! He's..."

"Westley McKlarrenWood VI," Angela said sarcastically. "Believe me... I know..."

"So that's why you ran away?"

"I got tired of being treated like a princess..."

"So you ran AWAY?!"


"You're freaking nuts..."

Angela's gaze fell to the puddle on her stomach that had formed from the dripping down

through the cloak. That's when a strange noise echoed through the cage.

A clanging vibrated, causing them both to jump. It started as a rattling at first, but then

grew into an aggravating array of grunts, curses, and clangs as both of them stuck their

heads out to see.

"Hi," A figure, barely visible through a curtain of rain waved to them as he fumbled with

the lock on the door with his paws. He seemed to have a towel over his head as he cursed.

"Who're you?" Angela called to him before Wyler could get it out.

"Oh, just the guy who's gonna get you out of here," He said, slurping falling water from his

muzzle. "Now lemme concentrate. There's a bunch of keys on this ring and I can't really see


"Hudson!" An enraged shout made all three of them jump as the bulky form of Trusser,

also draped in some sort of fabric, ran up to our hero and pulled the key's from his grasp.

"Trusser?!" Hudson shouted in response. "We HAVE to help them! Come on! They're gonna


"It's a cage, lad. Water goes through bars, ya know? They'll live."

"Trusser!" Angela shouted, throwing on her innocent face, although it probably had no

effect on the situation. "Let out... please... We're being pelted here..."

"Yeah," Wyler pleaded. "At least throw a tarp over or something..."

Trusser sighed, realizing that the longer he took to consider everything, the longer he was

gonna get wet. And without realizing it, he had reawakened his conscience, which was also

pleading along with them to take them in. Finally, he gave a groan and eyed the two behind

bars. "You better be quiet..." He connected the key to the lock and turned. "And this is just till

the rain stops, ya hear? After that, you're back out here baking, ya got it!"

"Got it," The two said in unison. Wyler wagged his tail, sloshing water across Angela as she

reclaimed her cloak.

"Now can we PLEASE get out of here?"

After about 5 minutes of the two trying to talk again, 3 minutes of groaning from climbing

stairs, and god knows how long of them trying to keep quiet while Trusser lead them all

stealth-like to the room, they were finally inside.

How glorious the small room (that was half taken up by the two beds inside) was. Even the

small light in the table by the door was a huge luxury compared to the crisp dark nights they

had to endure for who knows how long.

"Strip by the door," Trusser grunted as he took off the fabric he wore with a slurp.

Miraculously, though, he was left completely dry as he padded his way over to his bed and

fell with a thud.

"Strip?" Angela asked him as she took over her cloak, letting it squish into a pathetic pile

that she kicked into the corner. "Like... naked?"

"That's a little awkward..." Wyler said as he looked to Hudson, who looked away blushing a

split second after. "I mean it's not even the third date..."

"No you twat..." Trusser sighed, rubbing his temples. He pointed to the foot of his bed,

where there lay two outfits, generic sailor uniforms that all the other crewmembers

wore. "Those are our extra uni's... You can wear mine Angela. Wyler gets Hudson's. Any

problems with that?"

"I'll be wearing a tent..." Angela sighed. "Don't you have anything a little more... not huge?"

"We seem to be the same size," Hudson smiled, going over and handing the mutt his extra


He accepted the gesture and stripped off one piece of clothing at a time and replaced it the

sailor counterpart, each time looking to Hudson who blushed and turned away immediately.

Angela, on the other paw, just took off her clothes, stood there a second, and awkwardly

dressed in the 20 sizes too big outfit. Needless to say, Trusser had to hide his boner as he

almost drooled from the show.

Alright Angela," Trusser said as he ripped open the covers on his bed. "Your in bed with

me. Wyder, you get the floor..."

"Wyler," He corrected as he looked at his sleeping space which was riddled with wet


"Whatever Trusser said as he beckoned the raccoon over, which she hesitantly

followed. "Now go to bed, all. Tomorrow this nightmare will be over and you'll be back in that

cage before the captain finds out."

"Let's hope it doesn't..." Wyler thought as he sighed, moving the soakage, which left a nice

puddle for him to lie in. Then he felt a paw at his shoulder.

"You can sleep in my bed with me..." Hudson whispered, embarrassed. "I mean... if that's

not weird... or out of bounds... or something..."

"Why don't you just ask him out on a date..." Trusser laughed as he tried to put an arm

around Angela, who was pretending to be asleep as she groggily pushed it away each time.

Wyler just smiled and nodded, accepting the invitation as his heart fluttered in his throat.

"Oh geez..." Hudson thought as he motioned for the canine to climb in first, which he did,

leaving the dalmatian more than enough space for him to join in.

"Oh jeez..." Wyler thought as the dalmatian slipped under the blanket, smiling as him as he

did so, all the while keeping his expression of "Is this okay? I hope this is okay...". And that's

when he got the sudden feeling he had done this before...

Silence felled the cabin as the two stayed tense, each afraid that the slightest relaxed

muscle would offend the other and ruin the whole thing. It would have been perfect if not for

the worry in each of their heads.

"What if He just wants to sleep..."

"What if He doesn't feel it..."

And before each of them knew it, they under the Sandman's spell. Wyler had finally gotten

a comfortable sleep that lulled him into dreamland, while Hudson finally found a night where

he didn't shake. The sheets, so warmly soft... it was almost as if the world would end if that

moment did.


Night's embrace had kept the room cool and dark as the four bodies lay motionless,, resting.

The rain had, once again, picked up and was hammering on the deck, chipping paint off the

steel walls, and sending an almost euphoric rhythm through the cabins housing the crew. A

rhythm that woke a sleeping mutt ever so slightly.

How opened his eyes slowly as he took in the scent that lay over the sheets of it's owner,

and upon regaining feeling in his body, he felt his legs intertwined with those of the one that

lay beside him.

The position was uncomfortable, that's for sure, but the sheer force of touch had seemed

to be sending electricity through him. It made him smiled as he bared the growing ache that

his legs cried of.

It was the first he had ever felt something like this before. Or was it? Something so strong

from such a dull and senseless thing, it was incredible. Even if it probably meant nothing to

Hudson, it was more then enough to make up for dealing with a mood-swinging raccoon, a

loss of a best friend, and a, what seemed like, eternity spent in a cage.

Slowly, though, the dalmatian shifted closer, crossing his arms around his left bicep,

holding it near to his firm and warm chest. He slid against Wyler, who held his breath as if

expecting it to wake him, ceasing the moment. His whole left side lit aflame.

What had started as a simple leg cross had grown to the dalmatian holding his arm

seemingly closer then life itself. His muzzle resting on his shoulder. His breath swimming on

his neck.... It was then and there that the world melted away.

If heaven had a feeling, this made it seem like hell as each growing second was like a foot

on a gas pedal, accelerating the speed of his heart until he felt it in the fur of his toes.

"There's nothing to hold on to..." Wyler felt his head rush as he envisioned himself

wrapping his arms around the dalmatian, holding him close until they felt as if they were

one. "The world is gone now... And I couldn't be happier you stayed..."


(8)And maybe we would do this for the rest of our lives... Maybe we would live forever,

And maybe we don't have to think its right... And maybe we will.

And I can see, what you see... I don't want to feel this Incomplete,

And no one here, can tell me... How to fill this space between.(8)


-The Last Good Night.


Once again I'd just like to appologise how painfully slow I'm churning out these chapters. I just recently had a problem with my microsoft word 2007 and had to downgrade... How annoying is that? Abut anyways yeah, i hope you all enjoyed this and keep your eyes peeled for chapter 7 =). I'll try to get it out asap.

Love ya guys^^
