Destiny Calls: Emotion

Story by Samhain on SoFurry

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#3 of Destiny Calls

Destiny Calls: Emotion

Later that evening Nana laid in bed remembering the events from earlier in the day. Thinking of how she had mated with her son and hoping that the mating would not produce offspring. After she talked with Mina, Nana took precautions to try to keep her from conceiving a child. She only hoped she acted in time. Nana began to drift off into sleep thinking of how it felt to be with her son. Having those desires fulfilled and her wanting body satisfied after many years of doing without. She tried to tell herself that she could never do that again, she didn't want to take the chance of hurting Ren. But at the same time it felt so good and right to her, she longed for it to happen again.

As the week slowly passed Nana reluctantly kept her distance from Ren trying to keep from having a repeat of the incident. The village elders finished their talking and while they were unable to come to a consensus of what to do with Ren they had decided that it would be ok for him to return to his school and resume life as normal. They needed more time to study the legends and really find out what this would mean for the village.

Ren was joyful to be able to finally leave the house after being cooped up for a couple weeks. In the morning as he was walking to school with Mina, he felt excited and interested in what would happen at school that day. Would the kids be curious about his new tail or shun him for it. Either way he didn't really care too much he just was happy to be out. As they walked Ren received many glances and stares from the villagers that saw them along the way. The village elders talked with most of the towns citizens and told them to act normally and to not make Ren feel like an outsider. Even with that they couldn't help but be a little off about the whole thing.

At school that day there was a big commotion both from the students and from Ren. The students asking all sorts of questions about his extra tail as they looked on in awww about it. Ren also contributed to it himself happy to be the center of attention he showed off the change and was happy to see his friends. The school day went by fast for the cub. As he and Mina walked home that evening he went on about the questions he other kids had asked and how they couldn't get over the change in him. A couple more weeks went by with Ren attending school every day. Slowly everyone came to treat Ren normally again and not worry about the tail too much.

After a couple weeks as Ren stood outside of the school waiting on Mina so they could walk home together growing impatient by the minute. "Where is Mina, I want to get home and have some dinner." Ren thought to himself. He decided he would walk back towards the school to see what was keeping her. As he walked towards the school he heard some rustling in the bushes along the side of the school building. Kinda curious but more worried about his sister he kept walking towards the front entrance when he heard almost a cry come from that same spot in the bushes. Now being worried about something over there he headed closer to the side where he had heard the noises from. As he approached he could see one of the upper classmen hunched over something, holding it to the ground. Ren tried to peek around the foxes back to see what he was holding down when he asked "Is something wrong here?"

At that moment he saw Mina's face shoot around the side of the foxes back his hand on her muzzle. In Mina's eyes was a look of dread as tears welled up at the corners, visually asking Ren to help her. To save her from what the fox was trying to do to her.

At the sight Ren at first shocked began to feel a fire burn within him as he quickly became angry at what was happening. "What is he trying to do to my sister?" the question resounded in Ren's mind. His anger quickly growing into a rage.

"Turn around and just walk away kid!" Ren heard as the fox turned his face speaking to him.

Ren couldn't turn and leave his sister. She was scared and needed his protection, he knew this in his heart. Slowly Ren walked towards the two. His head hung down low as he clenched his fist. He reached out to the guy's shoulder and grabbed on. "Huh" the startled fox yipped, as Ren pulled him off of Mina and tosses him to the side. "You're going to pay for that you little punk." he said to Ren. Picking himself up off of the dirt and running towards Ren. Ren just looked at Mina as she tried to cover herself, her school uniform torn to shreds just barely covering her fur and her undergarments.

Ren turned around quickly as the fox charged into him grabbing onto him and trying to force him to the ground. Much to the foxes surprise Ren wasn't going down. Ren just stood upright pushed back a few feet but then standing firm as the fox couldn't push him anymore. With one fist Ren hit the fox along his muzzle sending him flying over in shock at the punch. Then Ren started his offensive going after the fox with punch after punch the force of his blows causing the would be rapist to tumble over. As Ren got over the guy just hammering him with punches to his face having no control over his fist.

Soon Ren felt an odd feeling waking him from his mindless rage as 2 arms wrapped around him. He heard a faint whisper speak to him bringing him out of the darkness in his mind. "Ren please stop, please don't hurt him anymore." He knew the voice, this voice that asked him to not hurt the vile fox anymore. It was his sister's tear soaked voice as her arms wrapped around Ren, her muzzle pressed against the back of his neck. Ren slowly stood up looking down in horror at what he had done in his mindless rage. The almost lifeless beaten bloody body of that fox laying there. Turning away from the sight he saw his sister, tears running down her cheeks as she tried to cover herself. Ren handed his school jacket to her to cover up with.

As Mina put the jacket on her tears slowly stopping. "I'm sorry sis." Ren said quietly "climb on I'll carry you home." Mina climbed onto Ren's back wrapping her arms and legs around him. Not believing completely what all happened still in shock from the whole occurrence the thoughts raced through Mina's head on the walk home. When they reached the house Ren let Mina down as they went inside. Helping Mina to her room so she would be able to relax and change.

"Ren, I'm sorry about what happened today. I thought I would be safe for another day before I needed to worry about that but I was wrong, It was all my fault Ren."

"It's not your fault sis, it's only nature. You can't help it that you've come into heat. But that male should have been able to control himself and not try to force himself onto you like he did. I was able to control myself cause you're my sister and I love you deeply."

Startled at the reply of Ren knowing that she was in heat. Mina blushed, knowing that it couldn't of been easy on Ren to walk her home on his back. Not now that it appears he's grown beyond his years into a virile young male.

"Ren can we talk?" Mina asked him.

"Sure sis" Ren replied

"Ren, I love you."

"I know Mina and I love you too, we are family after all"

"No Ren, I mean I really love you and I always have. I've been thinking about you almost constantly since the night of your fever. I've been trying to save myself for my one true mate for a while now waiting for him to come along. And when you saved me from that pervert earlier, I realized something." Mina tried to explain

"What is that Mina?" Ren asked with a puzzled look in his face.

"Ren I want you to be my mate. I always have but I just didn't realize it. I have always had this love for you but like you I thought it was just cause you're my brother. But now I realize that it's more then that." Mina said as she started moving closer to Ren. With just her undergarments on Mina wrapped her arms around Ren hugging him close to her. Her muzzle moving towards his. She kissed Ren as her eyes closed feeling a new passion in her for her baby brother.

Ren standing wide eyed at the kiss he was getting from his sister he instinctively wrapped his arms around her returning her affection. Losing himself in the kiss a feeling of love started to develop in his chest. A love for his sister that he hadn't felt before. He now felt that he wanted to always protect her and be there for her.

"Ren I want you to be my mate. My one and only mate. For me there is no one other then you that can be that for me Ren." She softly spoke into his ear.

Ren blushing profusely through his fur now. Knew that he wanted to be her mate too, but he also knew that he had already mated his mother as well and wanted to be with her too. He explained this to Mina, and though she was a little shocked at the news of his mating with their mother she didn't feel hurt or turned away from Ren cause he still wanted to be Mina's mate as well. It wasn't too uncommon for males to have more then one mate. So she decided to still be with him even if it meant sharing him with her mother. Slowly Mina pulled away from Ren and began to undo her bra letting her breast come into full view of Ren's eyes. He couldn't help but look at her examining her fur as he saw those luscious mounds being disrobed. They were a similar to his mothers but a little smaller as they were not as developed as Nana's.

"Ren, mate me please. Mate me here and now so I will always be yours." Mina sayed seductively

Ren couldn't help but want to oblige his sister's wishes. He began to pull his own clothes off as she finished taking off her panties tossing them to the side and crawling into bed. The sight being almost too much for Ren as he stumbled to remove the rest of his clothes and climb into the bed along side her. She focused on his sheeth as he removed his underwear seeing the large piece of pink flesh protrude from it, sticking high into the air. At first shocked and concerned about the size of Ren's member, mina began to wonder how it would fit into her. Stroking at her virgin lips Mina felt the fluids run from her own body as a wanting grew over her. She wanted that big piece of meat in her, she needed it.

Ren slowly climbed over his sister as she laid there playing with her little cunny. He kissed her stomach as he moved up. Kissing her fur along the way. Kisses planted over one breast and then the other feeling his sister's body shudder beneath him. He worked his way up further on her body planting soft kisses to her upper chest, over her shoulder, up her neck, before finally planting a deep passionate kiss on her lips.

Mina feeling his kisses on her exposed fur felt a growing heat inside of her. A feeling of yearning for what was about to happen. She wanted it more then anything else right then. Feeling him kiss her breast as he slowly crept up her body feeling his rod slide along the inside of her thighs and across her moist outer lips before slapping against her tummy as he kissed her.

"Are you sure you really want this Mina?" asked Ren with a soft look in his eyes.

"Oh yes Ren, I want this more then anything I want to be one with you brother." She replied

Ren pressed himself down on her as he reached back to steady himself and guide it into her. He pushed forward as it nestled between her lips but it wasn't going in. The tightness of her unused passage was keeping him from entering. He pushed a couple more times but to no avail as it would just slip up and over her clit. Finally she reached down and parted her waiting passage enough so that he could get started entering her. Slowly he sank the head of this massive log into her causing her to wince as she stretched to accommodate him. He pushed in a little more as she continued with the strained look on her face feeling it stretch every fiber of her. He pushed in till he felt something at the head of the passage that kept him from going further, knowing that it was what kept her virginity he braced himself and tried to push through it softly so that she wouldn't feel to much pain. As he pushed into it she gripped the covers below her closing her eyes from the pain of the intruder entering her body taking away her maidenhood. The pressure on her hymen kept building till finally it gave way and tore causing him to push forward abruptly into her. The pain was almost too much for Mina as she cried out wincing in agony. Ren stopped an reached down to his sister's face trying to console her and feeling remorse for hurting her like this. After a bit she overcame the pain and reassured Ren that this is what she wanted she wanted him to really mate her.

He continued pushing slowly into her as her passage gripped this intruder sliding deeper inside of her. Down to the very depths of her as he inched his way in finally coming to rest against the very tip of her passage where he could not push anymore. They both lay still for a while as she slowly become used to the feeling of him buried inside of her the pain slowly subsiding and feeling the heat of his rod. After a moment of stillness she began to move back and forth only an inch at a time under him. Feeling the movements Mina was making Ren lifted up and started making small movements himself. Pulling slowly back only a couple inches before pushing back into her making small strokes as she adapted to his length and girth. Ren began increasing the length of his strokes but still moving slowly in and out of his sister.

After several strokes at full length Ren felt he could start increasing his pace as she seemed to not be as tight as she first was. Ren pushed into her faster as he steadily moved back and forth lost in the feeling of her gripping passage. Mina likewise was now becoming lost in this feeling. The feeling of her brother pushing into her passionately feeling herself spread as he pushed in and constrict as he pulled back not wanting him to leave her. They pressed their chest together as they kissed. Ren pushing in and out faster with each stroke after a bit he pushed himself up on his arms as he changed his pace and motion. Alternating now between short and long strokes, fast and slow motions. Pulling out slowly before pushing into her with great power. Making her buck on the bed as she tried to lift herself into his thrust.

She moved her hips around meeting his every stroke. Feeling a welling up inside of her as she was approaching her climax. Ren's movements started to become erratic and hurried as he could feel his release looming. She wrapped her arms over his shoulders gripping into his back with her fingers as her legs moved up and wrapped around him. She could feel his member bounce about inside of her hitting every inch of her passage. Their hips slapping together as he pushed harder into her being over come by the need to finish. She didn't want him to pull away now she needed to feel him stay inside of her. Her mind knowing that he would soon release a torrent of fluid into her waiting passage. His strokes pushed at her more then before the tip of his member pushing into her cervix.

Feeling the pressure as he pushed into her only her cervix keeping him from pushing further she was quickly overcome by a feeling of immense pleasure. Her body felt like it was somewhere else as her mind floated in a sea of bliss. She moaned as her orgasm was overcoming every sense. Only feeling the movements of her brother inside of her as she floated in it. He began to jerk and swell inside of her as he lurched forward with one final hard thrust causing the very tip of his penis to spread her cervix as he began to release his seed into her womb. His knot swelling up and locking him there.

The feeling of his knot tying him to her caused her some pain as her opening was forced to stretch even more to accommodate it. Feeling it flare up just inside of her lips as he pumped spurt after spurt into her. The pain unable to overcome that feeling of pleasure as every nerve tingled. Her walls massaging around his shaft milking all it can from him.

Their breathing erratic as they were both lost in the moment collapsing to the bed unable to separate as he continued to sow his seed in her. They just lay there exhausted holding each other. Embracing passionately as they kissed. Neither of them hearing the door open.

"What is going on here?" is all they heard as Nana saw the sight of them tied together mating.

........................................................................................................................................................................................ Ok going to leave it there for now I'll try to have the next chapter up in a week or so. Hope everyone enjoys.