School Sex

Story by Karai Crocuta on SoFurry

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School Sex

by Karai Crocuta

The clock on the wall read two fifteen, and William was just about ready to bounce off the walls. His history teacher was droning on about the early political system of the US, and a quick look around revealed a room full of half-sleeping students. Not above mention was his friend Maria, who gave him a roll of her eyes, going as far as to flat lupine ears at him to show that she was just as antsy as he was.

Of course she was. Maria had a boyfriend, a fellow wolf named Benjamin, and it was no secret that she got banged by him nearly every day after school, usually in one of the sheds out back that were used to store sports equipment. Ben was a handsome male, and on top of that he was captain of the school basketball team, apparently trusted with certain keys to certain places on school grounds by Coach Slant. William found it hard not to be a little jealous of Maria, despite knowing that Ben was essentially an asshole and that Maria was just about the only girl in school that didn't care about how the wolf acted. Ben's physical attributes, though, were a topic that William occasionally had to listen to Maria and her girlfriends talking about when he just happened to be close by.

William was still in the closet himself, but for reasons he couldn't begin to understand, about halfway through high school his little 'secret' was revealed to just about every female in his class. He'd long since given up on figuring out just how they found out. It wasn't as if he went around staring at other guys. That was far too daring and risky for him. He'd even dated girls here and there, but only during freshman and sophomore year, and those relationships were predictably short-lived. Then, upon starting Junior year, girls started showing him a different attitude, treating him almost like one of them--at least compared to other guys they were interested in dating. His male classmates began to burn green with envy, watching William get surrounded by girls all the time.

That was when the first of them started calling attention to William, letting their accusations of homosexuality fly. To William's surprise, he found such rumors suddenly quelled. The same day they stopped, certain of his female friends shot him smiles and waggled their tongues during class, confusing William all the more until he finally got the pertinent information out of his best friend. This also got him quite the reputation as a ladies' man, which luckily kept the rest of the male members of his class off his back.

Maria had turned up the previous year as a transfer student, apparently coming fresh from a private school for girls in a neighboring town. William had caught her eye almost immediately, and she had apparently asked the other girls about him during P.E. the first day she saw him. The news that William was gay didn't deter her efforts to get to know him, thankfully, as Maria turned out to be a potent mix of level-headedness and a cunning mind that quickly made her a force to be reckoned with among the female half of the class. Maria hadn't told him just how she did it, but somehow she'd cowed the offending male students, Ben among them, into total silence regarding William. That was apparently when Maria discovered just how blue Ben's balls were, and took full advantage. How she got the other guys to shut up was yet another mystery, but at least William had one explanation down, and for the most part could stop accusing Maria of sorcery.

William had another reason to want class to be over as well--besides the normal, daily yearning for freedom that every student felt in their veins during the tedium of class--but he wasn't about to let himself think too clearly about it. For one thing, the jaguar often found it a bit difficult not to stand out from his fellow male students due to his above-average height. For another, there had been a very embarrassing moment in junior high that William had done his best to block from memory. It still haunted him occasionally, though, because of the words of one fellow student who had ended up moving away somewhere between eighth grade and ninth. William himself hadn't noticed his predicament until standing up to head to lunch with the rest of the class. Suddenly, the dog next to him looked down at the tent in his pants and uttered the legendary phrase: "Willy's got wood!" It was soon made clear to him just how impressive he was down there, though it was several years later that William could confirm it in any tangible way.

No, William wasn't about to let that rather painful experience happen to him again. Instead, he kept his eyes on the clock, and his mind concentrating on just how badly he wanted to kick whoever it was who decided to have history class--by popular opinion the least engaging and worthwhile subject--at the end of the day when everyone was already itching to leave.

Finally, that magic bell rang, and William was the first to make a hasty exit, quickly followed by Maria and the students who hadn't been more than half-asleep. The wolfgirl shot him a knowing grin whose meaning was all too clear to William. Gonna go see your most favorite teacher, huh?

William sneered back, showing teeth. Yeah. You gonna go get nailed up the ass by your wolf jock? This got him a wink as Maria pulled away. He wasn't quite sure whether or not she knew the full extent of William's feelings for Mr. Lewis, but she clearly suspected him of crushing on the older hyena at least a little bit. William couldn't help it, though. Not only was Mr. Lewis attractive, but the subject he taught was the jaguar's favorite by far: chemistry. It was also William's best subject judging from his grades, his aptitude having been what had gotten him enrolled in Lewis' advanced placement class.

It was also supposed to be the reason why William was meeting his AP Chemisty teacher regularly after school. Mr. Lewis was considered more than generous with his time, since he was helping William prepare for participation in a very prestigious junior science competition. However, the rest of the faculty didn't know that William had already qualified, and had even completed his entry. Nor did they know just what other things William and Mr. Lewis did behind closed doors.

It was a fairly long walk from class to the science wing where the laboratories were. William, like always, felt himself winding up tighter and tighter with apprehension and worry that he would be followed, or that another student or a teacher would comment on his after-school activity. At the same time, the excitement of just what was going to happen when he finally arrived built and built until William felt as if he were going to have a heart attack.

Mr. Lewis had said that it was simple biochemistry. In other words, those teenage hormones telling William's body that something amazing was about to happen, while his insecurities told him that if he got caught, there would be hell to pay. To the teenage feline, it felt anything but simple, but the idea that it would get less bad as he progressed further into adulthood was at least a little comforting.

William trotted up the steps to the slightly-elevated wing of the school, and from there passed the last two turns in the hall and finally arrived at the door to what had become his and Mr. Lewis' private test lab. The room was partially soundproof, and on the inside of the door, venetian blinds prevented eavesdropping through the large window that every schoolroom door sported. All in all, William really didn't have to worry about his activities with Mr. Lewis being seen or overheard. A try at the doorknob told him that it was even locked ahead of time, but William had definitely seen Mr. Lewis' car still in the faculty lot during his trip over. Even if Mr. Lewis wasn't in, he'd certainly be on his way there for the special after-school meeting with his star student.

He unlocked the door with the special key he had been given, closing and locking it behind himself as quickly as he could. There. Now it was only him and his favorite teacher, alone in the very secluded and private room and able to spend as much time at their 'labor' as they desired. He periodically came home late for dinner, but his parents had luckily never questioned him about it. They had merely remained proud of his dedication and hopeful that he would get the scholarship he so richly deserved after so many hours of work.

The teenage jaguar's ears immediately swiveled to pick up a set of unexpected sounds in the room, even before he turned from locking the door. He was in the main part of the lab, lined alternately with the same rows of fireproofed work surfaces and stools that made nearly every student uncomfortable during class. The room wasn't used instruction anymore, though, not since the recent budget cuts had eaten down the number of employed teachers and made classes too large to even fit inside the smaller laboratory classrooms. The sounds were coming from the adjoining room, which had become a combination office and personal workspace for Mr. Lewis and William himself when the jaguar had been working on his entry.

There were sounds of heavy breathing coming from that room, as well as that of softer, wet clicks and sucking noises that William had grown used to hearing only when he and Mr. Lewis got going. The jaguar immediately froze in place, listening as an icy chill traveled down his spine. This wasn't as bad as some of his nightmares regarding being caught, but it was just as perplexing and frightening. Unless he was mistaken, someone else had already arrived, and was going to work on that part of Mr. Lewis that made William's pants and chest tighten the most. Luckily, a voice rang out before the bemused student could make the instinctive decision to flee.

"Come in, William. You're right on time today. I have someone I'd like to introduce you to," said a voice that definitely belonged to Mr. Lewis, from its deep tone of command.

William's thoughts of running off were overridden despite the intense anxiety that was starting to make his stomach turn flip-flops. His ears flicked back, and he hesitated for a few pivotal seconds before his body complied, taking over for his stalled and confused mind. His legs carried him into the smaller adjoining room, where Mr. Lewis often graded papers and did other teaching work. William still remembered the first time he had been alone with the older hyena in this room, and the thought of that encounter was making his pants entirely too tight already, despite his sudden apprehension.

Mr. Lewis was sitting back in the extremely comfortable office chair that he had supposedly brought in himself, staring at William as the jaguar entered the room. Just above the level of the fireproofed surface of the desk, the head of a gray fox that William didn't recognize was visible. The slender, tear-marked muzzle was hard at work on Mr. Lewis' cock, the black length of manhood clearly being pleasured by a whip-like, vulpine tongue, and an apparently very well-trained mouth.

William had time to gape before he met Mr. Lewis' eyes, his yellow irises meeting the hyena's hazel ones. Mr. Lewis was smiling, one elbow resting on the desk while the other casually caressed the pair of tall fox ears bobbing up and down above his lap. "William, this is Daniel, my new temporary lab assistant. Daniel, this is my star student William, and the male with the huge cock I promised you. Say hello, Daniel."

The vulpine only whined in reply, one of his yellowish eyes glancing over William as the jaguar stood in the doorway. William could only stare as the fox pulled back, making a distinctive vulpine murr as Mr. Lewis' dark foreskin and glans were bathed and caressed with that red tongue. The jaguar's pants immediately grew tighter, even as he felt the level of tension in the room climb. Mr. Lewis let out one of his rare groans, before tugging down on Daniel's ear and having all nine inches of girthy, black shaft taken back into the warmth of the fox's muzzle and throat.

"William, don't be shy now. Daniel is going to be aiding in our studies, as well as cleaning up any messes we make for the time being. I had to promise him that you'd be on his other end today in order to secure his help, so don't disappoint him now."

Mr. Lewis could speak in a completely normal voice even when he was being sexually pleasured. It made William almost feel as if he was in a perfectly normal situation, being given a perfectly reasonable request. At the same time, his body was responding to one of the most erotic events that William had ever personally witnessed, the very visible bulge of his arousal now running from crotch to hip. Of course, it wasn't his male endowment that had originally gotten Mr. Lewis' attention, or even William's academic talent or intellectual sharpness in class. Despite William's stature, he had in every way acted his age when his crush on Mr. Lewis had hit him full-force. On top of revealing his feelings through shyness and instinctual feline body language once he was alone with his teacher, William had also proven himself a very enthusiastic bottom. He had ridden Mr. Lewis' black shaft with his rump or his squat, feline muzzle (most days, with both) after almost every day of classes for most the whole school year to date.

William had never been with another male besides Mr. Lewis, despite this being the jaguar's Senior year of high school. William had certainly never fucked another male before, though Mr. Lewis had shown himself to be willing to go down on the handsome jaguar here and there, aside from getting the boy to cum messily through the usual anal and manual methods. That was the extent of William's sexual escapades, however, and being asked to hump a male he had never met was more than intimidating enough a task to give him pause.

"You want m-me to..." the jaguar stammered, drawing a very distinctive hyaenid smile from his teacher.

Mr. Lewis slowly nodded, then turned to the fox at his lap. Both of the hyena's dark paws worked to lift Daniel off of that jutting erection, causing the fox to cough a bit and spend several seconds licking saliva from his muzzle. Daniel's eyes were torn from that beautiful cock so that Mr. Lewis could look him in the eye. William noticed that though shorter than most, Daniel was obviously older than himself, though obviously younger than Mr. Lewis.

"Now now, Daniel. Didn't I mention that young William was a bit new at this? You'll have to guide him a bit." Mr. Lewis turned to regard William, his smile showing itself with more than its share of amused smirk at the corners of the hyena's muzzle. "William, be a good boy. Stop standing there gaping and get behind Daniel. We're going to test your potential for pleasing a horny bottom."

Mr. Lewis' voice was a bit softer than before, and that was perhaps what brought William back to his senses again. The jaguar noticed Daniel's tail waving in high, side-to-side flicks above the desk. The fox could apparently only stand a few seconds of separation from Mr. Lewis' erection, his muzzle and tongue going back to work without so much as a word spoken in reply. William could only watch and envy the fox's apparent skill at taking such a thick member with his throat and muzzle. Mr. Lewis was still watching William expectantly, even as a half-muted groan rolled from the teacher's throat. Those soft, wet sounds started up again in earnest before William remembered the command. He quickly stepped past the desk to the space behind Daniel, seeing that the fox was already completely nude.

"Good boy," Mr. Lewis soothed, "Though you might want to undress. One you're done, get down on your knees behind Daniel. I suppose I'll have to instruct you, as poor Daniel's cock withdrawal is more serious than I thought." The fox's whines came softly, partially muffled by Mr. Lewis' erection as the latter was kissed from root to tip, before again being sucked on wetly.

William flushed a deeper shade of red than he previously thought possible under his fur. He knew from experience that Mr. Lewis could tell when he was blushing, and to his mingled horror and arousal, the hyena only smiled more broadly at him then. Hurriedly, William shed his button-up shirt, his shoes, and his pants, as Mr. Lewis watched. His cock was already protruding from his briefs, nearly half of its pink length already visible before he was fully nude. With the briefs discarded, all ten inches of the jaguar's teen-hard erection could swing free. He remembered to keep from lowering a paw and jerking off only through rote, since Mr. Lewis had insisted upon being in control of every iota of sexual pleasure that William received during their meetings.

Today was a bit different, though. As William knelt behind the fox's swaying tail and rather pert rump, he was afforded a closer view of the fox going down on his favorite teacher. Daniel frequently tilted his muzzle this way and that, nudging the firm hyena shaft during kisses, and using a paw to rub the fat cockhead against his tongue and lips. He was mostly teasing now, though from the fox's moans, he was enjoying himself greatly, absorbed enough that he hardly seemed to notice the toned, spotted feline form behind him or the even larger erection he was about to receive.

"Good, William. I've been led to believe that Daniel hasn't taken one as large as yours in a while, so you'll have to go slowly at first." At William's blank look, Mr. Lewis chuckled softly. "I've already gotten him ready for you. Do I have to simplify it even more? Put it in, and fuck him," Mr. Lewis continued, his tone growing more husky and sensual all of a sudden. That could have been a result of being taken into Daniel's throat again. At the teacher's words, the fox started shooting looks back at William, but Daniel was still obviously absorbed in his current task of pleasuring the older male before him.

William looked down, and found that indeed, on the exposed rump before him, the small visible glimpse of anus was shiny, and the scent of Mr. Lewis' favorite brand of lubricant was detectable from where he was now. The young jaguar was close to panting from the arousal he was already suffering from at watching the spectacle of Mr. Lewis being given head by someone else. His shaft was already wet at the very tip, his rather ample glans shining as it brushed against the fox's fur. It was no great leap to put his feline sexual instincts to work, and place that glans against the vulpine's exposed, shiny ring of muscle. William's cockhead made Daniel's anus seem tiny, but William had already discovered that large things can fit in surprisingly small places during his meetings with Mr. Lewis.

The jaguar pushed, and found Daniel's hot, slick sphincter giving way more easily than he thought. The fox began to grunt and gasp, squirming as the penetration continued. Yet William saw that his new mount was still giving enthusiastic head. The jaguar could hardly feel bad if he was stretching the smaller fox to the limit, not if Daniel wasn't even slowing down. William watched as his shaft slowly began to disappear into that shivering rump. The sensation itself was sharper by far, and though William could remember Mr. Lewis' lips being able to form a tighter grip around his cock, Daniel's ass felt like an all-encompassing sea of friction compared to the hyena's mouth.

All at once, Daniel started whining and moaning loudly around Mr. Lewis' cock, and William froze. The teacher stroked the pair of large fox ears, and smiled down to his star pupil. "I think you hit a good spot, William. You've still got a long way to go before you've filled Daniel up, though."

That was enough to renew William's deep blush, but the youth of seventeen years was hardly stalled by his teacher's words. He pushed more firmly, and found himself sinking deeper into the hot, rather snug depths. It seemed as if the warm tunnel of flesh was endless, but though long, his shaft was hardly so. Daniel calmed down, but began to murr ardently as William gave the fox more and more cock. William felt more resistance as he sank in the final few inches, but Daniel proved to be more than accommodating, even to a penis that dwarfed the fox's petite rump. A soft yip resounded in the room, but it was followed by a muffled groan from the fox as Daniel obligingly pressed his rear back against William's plush crotch and hips.

William found himself looking up from Daniel's well-filled rump, barely noticing that his own jaw was hanging open a bit. Mr. Lewis was still smiling at him, even giving an encouraging nod. The older hyena's jaw was set, though, and William noticed that Daniel had begun sucking and bobbing in earnest, the fox's fingers ringing the base of the black shaft. William knew that the best way to get Mr. Lewis off was by tugging his foreskin back and just bobbing away, and he could tell that, though it took a lot of skill and practice, it wouldn't be more than a few minutes more before the hyena reached orgasm at this rate.

The young jaguar felt his arousal and need blossom at the thought of his teacher cumming, remembering the numerous times it had happened during their meetings. He began thrusting, slowly at first, remembering his own first lessons at taking cock. But once the teen felt the friction of the fox's smooth depths, it became much harder to be gentle. To the fox's obvious delight, William was soon working the thick jaguar cock in and out with firm strokes. Daniel's ears quickly folded back, and one of the vulpine's white-gloved paws disappeared between his legs as the squishy sound of a third cock being stroked echoed in the small room. William's shaft was gripped by Daniel's eager anus as it plunged in and out, and the jaguar was surprised to feel an involuntary, pleasured growl escape his own throat.

The fucking continued in earnest, with William's eyes on the fox's body as Daniel was pushed forward and back by William's thrusts and the fox's own counter-movements. William also couldn't help but stare up at his teacher as the blowjob happening at the other end of Daniel became louder and messier. Mr. Lewis was half-grinning down at him, the other half of his expression made up of an open, panting mouth and eyelids that seemed to be fighting against gravity to stay up.

The feeling around William's cock was exquisite, the well-applied lubricant combining with the velvet of Daniel's inner walls to send waves of pleasure through the jaguar's loins and body. William knew that he wasn't going to last nearly as long as he wanted to. He was going to cum in a fraction of the time Mr. Lewis usually spent fucking him. The only consolation was how much enjoyment Daniel seemed to be having, with a cock in either end, and his paw stroking rapidly on his own shaft, hidden from view. William's body worked tirelessly, and it was simply impossible to slow it down now that his arousal and instincts had taken over.

Mr. Lewis' moment arrived soon after, and William watched through half-closed eyes as the hyena's body contracted and tensed. The teacher's cock was too long to fit completely inside Daniel's muzzle, so William was able to watch the exposed lower portion flexing and pulsing. He could certainly remember how it felt to have his teacher cum inside his muzzle, and knew that Daniel's loud moans and murrs meant that the fox enjoyed it just as much. The thought seemed to trigger a sudden, powerful itch in William's loins, and the jaguar's aroused grunts rose to join Mr. Lewis' softer, deeper sounds of pleasure as the hyena enjoyed climax.

William's body movements began to roughen as his own muscles began to lock up. He'd experienced this sensation before, but he'd never been moving this much when it came on. It was difficult to keep his hips moving smoothly, even as his pleasure started to heighten sharply. The young jaguar felt his body responding to a climax only seconds away, and immediately felt himself giving up conscious control of his muscles entirely. He watched Daniel's body shove forward sharply a few times, thumped from behind by the greater bulk of the jaguar behind him. William felt orgasm arrive seconds later, and his senses seemed to leave him as well, for a time. All he felt was the immense rush of pleasure filling him, and a few moments later, he was just barely conscious of Daniel's body clenching around his cock sharply as the fox shook and came as well.

An indeterminate amount of time later (the clock on the wall read two forty-eight, but William hadn't read the time since history class ended), the world came back, and William found himself still on the tail-end of climax, his vision soon clearing. Daniel was still moaning loudly, though the fox's body had let up on the harsh clenching a bit. William stared blankly as he watched the fox kiss and nuzzle against Mr. Lewis' partially flaccid cock. The hyena had slumped back in the leather chair, having finished and recovered before either of his juniors, and was showing William an amused grin.

"That was some snarl, kitten," the hyena commented, chuckling at William's sudden surprised look. The jaguar didn't remember making many sounds. Yet he recalled hearing a something that much resembled a typical feline snarl amongst Daniel's rather high-pitched yips and moans, now that he thought back. A sudden blush took over William's face and ears, and the jaguar began slipping out of the panting fox. The thick pink of William's shaft was soon visible again, though diminished from its previous throbbing state.

Mr. Lewis stroked Daniel's ears as the fox yelped softly, glancing back at the jaguar as William seated himself on the plush chair that had apparently been moved to the corner on that side of the desk. Daniel sighed, his tail slowly falling limp over the fox's well-used rump, now empty. Mr. Lewis continued stroking the vulpine muzzle that was now laid in his lap, William watching as the vulpine nose rubbed lightly against the hyena's shaft, which was now resting over Mr. Lewis' thigh in its semi-hard state.

"I think you've managed to make Daniel very happy, William," Mr. Lewis said. The fox nodded and murred deeply, glancing back at William for perhaps the first time so far. Daniel's eyes had looked paler before, but now William saw that those eyes were the typical vulpine yellow/orange, at least in the current light.

", thanks," William murmured, suddenly feeling self-conscious as Daniel gazed back at him. He didn't have a habit of getting nude in front of other males, though he tolerated the P.E. locker room. This was quite different, though. The jaguar jumped as a towel suddenly landed in his lap, looking up to see Mr. Lewis showing him an amused look.

"Daniel, when you recover I think William deserves a nice reward for fucking you so well on the first try," the hyena said, a soft chuckle following his words. "Don't worry. He's definitely ready for more. In our sessions, we've usually come out about equal in sexual energy."

William thought he might die of the blush that came on as a result of his teacher's words, but the sight of Daniel's rather messy muzzle forming a broad grin at him was distracting, to say the least. Apparently, Daniel was already well aware of just how large Mr. Lewis' sexual appetite could be.

"Oh really?" the fox said, revealing a slight accent that William thought might be British, or perhaps Aussie. He couldn't quite tell with just two words, though. Daniel's tail then started waving eagerly above that rather petite rump, distracting William all the more.

At length, William began cleaning himself with the towel as Daniel continued nuzzling at the hyena's shaft, the fox's rather hungry eyes now split between Mr. Lewis and William himself. Mr. Lewis let out a slow sigh, then stroked Daniel's ears fondly. "Time to change laps, my boy. I think William's dying of envy for both of us, and could use a little attention now."

Daniel quickly scooted over, and William found himself with a very warm fox's muzzle rubbing against his thigh and the soft pelt of his sac. Apparently, the fox wasn't nearly as shy as the jaguar boy when it came to nuzzling the crotch of males he hardly knew. Despite feeling awkward about the contact, William found himself responding to the warmth, especially when Daniel began nuzzling the jaguar's half-flaccid shaft. That length of pink maleness rose to the occasion without any more encouragement, while William gaped a bit.

"Don't look so surprised, William," said Mr. Lewis, his voice suddenly close by. The hyena had apparently risen and slipped up alongside William's chair while the jaguar was absorbed in the attention Daniel was giving. William glanced up to find his teacher's shaft deliciously close. If the feline boy was capable of whining, he'd have done so rather loudly, but Daniel still held the monopoly on canine sounds for the moment.

William leaned in and immediately began purring deep in his chest, his blunt muzzle rubbing against the offered shaft, his eyes closing. Mr. Lewis quickly became aroused again at the attention, letting his student take over the task of pleasuring him. William was very well-trained by now, and didn't hesitate before starting to lick and kiss all over the black length of cock before him. Down below, Daniel watched while bathing William's thick glans with a warm tongue. For the second time that afternoon, the wet sounds of licking, kissing, and sucking started to fill the small room. William's lips wrapped slowly around the very tip of Mr. Lewis' glans, and with a deep rumble, the jaguar began working his teacher's cock in, his tongue flicking out to get underneath the pleasantly smooth and loose foreskin.

The young cat's eyes opened suddenly, glancing down at the feeling of Daniel's lips taking him in. The fox murred up at William, licking and sucking against the sensitive, hard tube of flesh, making William shiver. The jaguar had been given head before, but never while he was servicing a cock himself. Mr. Lewis seemed to be expecting William to stall at this point, the hyena's broad, warm paws slipping down to guide the boy's mouth forward until only an inch or two of shaft remained to be swallowed. William was overwhelmed for several moments, the scent and taste of Mr. Lewis' arousal and flesh combining with the feeling of Daniel's tight mouth slowly pumping up and down on his shaft.

This, or at least half of it, was what William had expected to be doing first in Mr. Lewis' office today. The jaguar greatly enjoyed going down on the hyena, and often he would just slip himself under the desk and use his mouth to act out his affections if Mr. Lewis was still grading papers when he arrived. William had learned quite a bit about foreskins in a very small amount of time when he had first started having sex with his teacher and idol. The first, and possibly the best part when he had just started, was that uncut shafts always hung free. You didn't have to spend time rubbing and nuzzling before you had a nice dick to play with. Of course, William was usually out of his sheath after just a moment or two himself, but Mr. Lewis had told him that adults generally weren't quite as quick as teens.

Apparently, Daniel shared at least some of his affection for Mr. Lewis' endowment, from what William had seen so far. Now, however, the fox's full attention was on the jaguar's very rigid penis instead. William found that if he tried, he could still concentrate on pleasing Mr. Lewis, even while being given very enthusiastic head down below. The sound and sensation of the fox's murrs and groans made William's toes curl and his hips tense, but his own mouth grew quite intent on keeping up with its work on Mr. Lewis. The hyena was drooling plenty of precum in William's mouth now, those spotted hips helping to nudge and tug the teacher's dark shaft in and out, pushing through the tight 'o' of William's lips.

Like before, things were quickly beginning to heat up. William began panting as the pleasure in his loins grew, Daniel's muzzle moving determinedly, this time with less flair and more business. Generally, William enjoyed the simplicity of a good, honest bit of oral sexing, but doubling the act was nearly too much. Mr. Lewis was beginning to hunch and groan in pleasure himself. The school's senior chemistry instructor had always claimed that having the jaguar's attractive, rosetted muzzle on his cock always made him get off sooner. William felt Daniel's paw cupping and caressing his downy sac, and remembered to lift a paw and cup the hyena's own dangling, furless balls.

After that, the movements of the three males began to meld together in William's mind, becoming less individually distinct. The sound of twin blowjobs began to mingle with the both William's and Mr. Lewis' panting as things progressed. William found himself quickly building toward orgasm once more, driven on by the fox's rather impatient attentions. The more aroused the jaguar felt himself getting, the more energy and effort he seemed to want to put into the pleasuring of Mr. Lewis' shaft. The hyena's paw slipped over the back of the boy's head soon enough, and squeezed firmly, giving the signal that by no means was William allowed to stop now, not until the hyena was finished. William groaned aloud around the thick member, knowing by the gesture that Me. Lewis was getting quite close, then finding his own body starting to lock up again with the pressures of an impending climax.

As it turned out, Daniel was just slightly ahead of William, though the jaguar was less conscious of the fox's progress than he would have been if not already busy up above. William felt his panting increase in speed and volume, the rush of pre-orgasmic energy hitting him just as he felt Mr. Lewis starting to give rougher thrusts into his muzzle. This time, no snarl was possible, not with William's muzzle so full and occupied, but he did groan quite loudly as he came, the sounds mingling with Daniel's encouraging moans down as the fox enjoyed the sudden rush of cum into his fox muzzle down below. Mr. Lewis had to hold William still with both paws as the jaguar finished for the second time in less than an hour. Poor William couldn't help his shaking, being subjected as he was to the second part of his first threesome.

To William's relief, Mr. Lewis was hardly delayed in pleasure by having the jaguar cum so soon in Daniel's muzzle. William heard the telltale groans increase in volume sharply above him, and just a moment later, felt the hyena hunch forward, the dark shaft fattening considerably as it flexed and dropped a full load of semen in about half a dozen consecutive spurts. William's cheeks bulged as his mouth was filled by both his teacher's cock and a considerable wad of cum. The jaguar was still coming off of his second orgasm, so he was forced to let the stuff collect inside his mouth or risk choking and making quite a mess. Finally, William's orgasm began to fade, and with a delayed, but very content groan, he swallowed the potent stuff down, rolling and squeezing his teacher's shaft within his mouth.

By the time the three finally got themselves cleaned up after the second time, William found, to his chagrin, that it was already dinnertime. Daniel had been fawning over the young male's genitals ever since he had gotten his second load of the day. The fox was hardly shy about mentioning aloud just how impressive the jaguar's volume was. Mr. Lewis had settled back in his chair, seeming quite satisfied after being serviced by both of the younger males. William himself had just sat and spent the time looking sheepish as he was cleaned delicately by the fox's tongue, lips, and eventually a fourth towel. One had apparently been laid down where Daniel had been kneeling upon William's arrival to keep the fox's mess from splattering directly on the floor.

It was Mr. Lewis who reminded William that he should probably get going. William first had to promise to give Daniel more of his 'exquisite' shaft the next day, but it was an agreement that he felt he could easily keep. Mr. Lewis was already mentioning having William over for the weekend to 'flesh out the final plans' for the jaguar's contest entry. Apparently, the fox was staying at the hyena's place, and would be there for at least a week or two on vacation. William was a bit anxious about the idea, but the jaguar knew that his parents trusted Mr. Lewis implicitly after all the extra attention the hyena had given their son, and most likely, they'd give in if he wheedled them enough.

William had stopped wobbling by the time he was off of school grounds. When he was halfway home, he was able to start thinking about just how he was going to ask his parents for permission to spend the entire weekend at his teacher's house. He had to force himself not to think in detail about just what was going to happen there. The young male's shaft was already threatening to stiffen up again, even after the two recent orgasms of the afternoon, and coming home with a boner was the last thing he could afford to do.

There was one thought that brought an instant smile to William's lips, though. He was going to call up his best friend Maria after he got home, and tell her (with great regret) that he had to cancel that movie he was going with her to see on Saturday. Once the girl wolf learned just what was in store for William, she'd be the one turning green with envy at the thought of William not just raking in two older guys, but being given permission from his parents to do whatever he wanted with them for a whole weekend. If Maria was the 'luckiest girl in the Senior class', that surely made William by far the luckiest guy.