I Know What You Want

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#1 of I Know What You Want

A short yiffy one off. Gratuitous, cliche, but who cares. Trying something different while I recharge my muse.

Marked extreme for the hint of n/c and the age.

Smoke em if you got em, and tell me what you think or I will cease writing and become a televangelist. Unless thats what you want.

"I know what you want."

Fucking hell I do.

"No...no...you've got it wrong..."

He covers the distance between us in a flash, hooves echoing off the tiles is the shower room.

An arm reaches out, pulling aside my hands. I blush, my erect doggy cock a guilty plea. I throw myself on the mercy of the court.

"Please..." it comes out as a high pitched whine. Yeah, fucking sexy.

My whine turns to a yelp as his hand grips my cock, pulling me towards him. Big equine muzzle on my lips. Burning hot sensation, lips opening. Tongue sliding down my throat.

Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck.

He pulls off, and I stand there still in the same position, kissing the memory.

"See, you want it. I could smell it on you husky pup. "

"Please Brad, I'm not into that, honest."

"Fucking oath you are pup. Your dick don't lie."

His nostrils flared, drinking in the air of the changing room, obscenely wide. I could smell it too, sweat, stale piss. Musk. Crotch sweat. Precum. My sheath, dripping.

"And your smell. It tells me you like cock, same as me."

Holy fuck. Did I just hear that?

"I've seen you staring at me for weeks pup. You are so fucking obvious."

Big hands rub my chest, carefully avoiding my nipples. Big hands, big hooves, big...

"Holy fuck!"

"Never seen a stallion hard before pup? Bet you have, in those videos you watch late at night when your 'rents have gone to sleep. I bet you've seen plenty on the screen, picking up a 640 line tan like a good pixel."

I blushed even darker. Did the fucker have a feed to my webcam or something?

"Bet you've never seen one in person though. Wanna touch it?"

"Oh shit Brad, what are you doing?!?! Were at school, anyone could come in?"

Fingers gripped my nips, pinching hard. Yelp now, as he grins. Even his evil grin is sexy.

"Wanna touch it?"

"Yes!" a soft hiss.

Water off, silence. A hand takes my paw, pulling me through a corridor, to a storage room. Dark and dank. A single 'click' as the lock is turned from the inside.

"Go ahead pup."

Zombie pup, that's me. Brain checked out, no one at the controls except my cock. Aching hard, red and angry, precum drooling at the tip, single droplet running down the shaft. I feel it all, like my cock is me. Zombie pup, with his evil cock overlord.

Paws grip, oh so fucking big. Softer than expected, leathery and warm. Pulsing in my paws as I rub clumsily.

I can feel it growing, bigger, hotter. Acrid smell, colt precum on the head. So wide, that head, thick rim feels so good against my paws. What would it feel like....shudder at the thought. God it would hurt.

"Cmon husky pup. Suck it. You know you want to."

Zombie pup listens and obeys, knees falling to the concrete. At eye level now, it seems even bigger. Nick nack paddy-whack give the dog a bone.

Shuddering nicker, just like the studs on yifftube. Real though, not faked, somehow even Zombie pup can tell. Hands grip my muzzle, driving me onto him. I try to take it all, thick and hard, medial ring hurting my lips as he slides in.

Throat burning now, clenching. I grip his ass, muscles every bit as good to touch as they look, tail brushing my paws as it swishes hard. This is better than yifftube, better than anything.

Then his ass clenches and I'm choking, throat filled with colt cock and sticky pre. It hurts to breathe. It hurts so good.

He's mine right now. No one else matters to him as much as me, right here right now. I hear his whinnies. I know.

"Oh fuck yeah pup, you are a natural cocksucker."

Face burns, embarrassment, pride.

Jaw starts to hurt, aching as he thrusts. So deep.

Plop as he pulls out, my muzzle suddenly empty. I whimper again. I was just getting good at it.

Lifted to the heavens, my body a rag doll, zombie pup now out of breath. Lifted again, cradled in his arms, heavy body, light feathering on his forearms tickling my fur. Heavy horses. Fuck why do I love heavy horses?

Unfamiliar sensations now, laid back on a benchtop. Waist height. His waist.

"Relax pup, I know you want this."



Legs raised, over muscled shoulders, paws to the buzzing fluorescent lights. Ass exposed, vulnerable. Realisation dawns. Zombie pup flees, leaving me.

"Brad, I'm not sure, I've never..."

"Relax pup, you want it, I'll make it good."

"Brad, please, I don't..."

Hand covering muzzle, muffled words all that come out. His long equine muzzle drops, drool falling to cover my taint, my hole, his cock. Precum makes him sticky, hands stroking as he readies himself. My little chocolate starfish, wet as the sea.


"Shhh husky pup...relax, breath slow, and push."

Burning pain fills me, my fingers never prepared me for this. Thick flared rim fills my memory, throbbing as I licked, now forcing its way inside like the Russians into Berlin. I breathe, vision blurring from the pain, and push down trying to push him out, but he slides in deeper instead, forcing me wider and scraping all the way inside like stinging nettles up my ass.

I bite his hand, screams lost in his grip. I realise he has stopped, my ring trying to close but instead clenching around the thick shaft. Paws hurt, and I notice I have dug my claws into the tabletop when he filled me.

"God you're tight pup. Now just relax."

I try, fuck I try. Long slow withdrawal, ass feeling empty and damp, hot and burning. Then the return, amazingly gentle but still hurting. I whimper, and moan. Paws go to his biceps, claws digging into the muscles. He doesn't mind; perhaps it's always like this for him. Perhaps he likes it this way.

Last twitch of his hips, and something shoots through me. Not pain. Not pleasure. Not anything I know. Like stars distilled to molten fire and injected through my body, cock, balls, ass. Another twitch, another shot of star stuff. I moan this time, finding the pleasure in the light.

Hands come off my muzzle, panting.

"That's it pup, right there. Now hold on."

Erotic low rumbling groans as he begins, pulling back and sliding in. I feel every inch, touching, stroking, pain and pleasure in one.

His eyes are closed, head thrown back, mane shaking as he speeds up. I feel him inside me, new places being conquered, thick flared rim battering its way deeper on each thrust. Zombie pup is back, pushing back into his thrusts, words tumbling from my muzzle. More. Harder. Brad. Yes. Yes.Yes.

The feeling is back again, every thrust a little wiggle of his hips to slap against my butt, the flared head slapping that spot. Pain dissolves in the star stuff, and ecstasy enfolds, filling and overflowing. My pleas become demands, become growls, husky barks filling the small room. Every thrust sees another shot of pre fired from my tip, joining the pool on my belly. He grins down at me, seeing my need painted across my fur.

God I hate the cocky son of a bitch.

Leaning down now, lips on mine as he speeds up again, beating a ragged tattoo on my buttcheeks. One handed pushup, left still planted on the bench, athletic prowess on display like he does on the football field. Right hand grips my leaking doggy cock, knot now swelling like it smells a bitch in heat.

Maybe it does. Guess it's me.

I whimper into his muzzle as he nickers, then whinnies, then cries out as I feel the long horsecock inside me twitch and throb. Hot, filling, heavy, first time I feel it, marked by another male, seed painting my insides with his signature.

Part of me wants to deny him my pleasure, but that part is weak. All of me is weak. I feel it in my knot, and in my balls, then I feel it on my chest, ropes of my cum blasted out as I succumb to the invasion, surrender unconditional. My battered ass clenches him, a last pleasuring he doesn't deserve but I can't prevent.

Long silent moments broken by panting, chests heaving, athletes after their race. I know who won and lost, but sometimes it's about competing.

Long sticky withdrawal, pain returning as the thick head pushes its way past my ring, a line of colt seed seeping from my hole. He bends to me, tongue extended, long lick a beautiful reward. Fire ignites again, my taint quivers, the gesture repairing him in my eyes a little.

Click of door unlocking, a grinning colt framed against the doorway.

"Thanks Neil, that was great. You are one sexy husky pup. Same again, next Saturday after the football match. Meet me here. Don't be late."

His arrogance leaves me stunned, anger boiling but coming out in puffs of steam.

"Its Noel, asshole."

His grin gets wider, long tongue poking out to lick the remnants of his cum from his lips, ears flicking in amusement.

"Sorry, Noel, my asshole. Always my asshole."


"Nah, I prefer asshole, if its yours. See you there Noel."

"What makes you think I will come?"

He pauses, laughter filling the air.

"I know you will. I know what you want."

He turns and saunters out, that awesome muscled ass and tail receding from the room.

Fucking hell I do. God I hate the cocky son of a bitch.

Now if only I could stand.