The Fox of a Thousand Faces Part 1 - Clothes Make the Fox

Story by Zelphair on SoFurry

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#2 of The Fox of a Thousand Faces

The Fox of a Thousand Faces - Part 1

Clothes Make the Fox

Copyright 2008, Zelphair/YaminoFoxie

It had been just over six months since I'd discovered my new abilities when I came to the conclusion that I was ready to try them out with, or perhaps more appropriately for, someone else. There were certainly friends I could think of that I could trust to keep this secret, and who also would absolutely love the chance to live out their fantasy of yiffing a certain fur, whether that was a celebrity or just someone at school on whom they had a crush. There was just one small problem I had yet to work out: the clothes.

I could change my body any which way I wanted, but that didn't include my clothes. This was a serious problem, since I knew that having the fur of a friend's desire in the right clothes could really up the ante in making a fantasy come true. I could make an outer layer of clothes that was actually technically part of my body, but those couldn't actually be stripped off. The best I could do with them was make them disappear and leave me in just my fur. It was a neat trick, but it still didn't feel right for what I had planned.

After giving it quite a bit of thought, I was pretty sure I had the solution. Even if this didn't work, I was pretty sure that I'd at least have fun in the process of trying it. I did indulge myself in one expense, some new sheets, because if this worked, it was likely going to be easier to just throw the old ones out than to actually get them clean. With that in mind, I took a plain, old, worn pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, and laid them out, along with a pair of briefs, on the bed.

As I stripped naked in preparation for what I had planned, I couldn't help but admire myself in the mirror. Along with the many temporary changes I'd made, there were a few permanent improvements I'd made to what I was quickly coming to regard as my "default" form. I was still a fairly skinny little white fox, but I'd added a bit of tone and definition to the muscles under the fur of my abdominal region, giving me more of a swimmer's build than a geek's. I'd had to make the changes gradually to avoid drawing suspicion, but I must have succeeded there, because while a few people commented, they just assumed I'd started working out a lot.

Turning around and looking over my shoulder at the mirror, I lifted my tail and took a moment to examine my other major piece of handiwork. Over the past few months, I'd been gradually giving my rump the same treatment as my abs, making it firmer and tighter, until I finally had the kind of perfect butt that wet dreams were made of. On the occasions that I enhanced my peripheral vision in the locker room after PE, I caught more than a few lingering glances in its direction, including some from guys who would have sworn up and down they were straight.

Of course, there were also some less obvious changes. One of the biggest was that now, any time I became aroused, I would automatically stay that way, no matter what, until I manually shut it off. This meant that I now usually only took the time to paw off every few days, because I'd be just as yiffy after an orgasm as before it, meaning I'd usually pump out at least three or four loads before I got bored and turned myself off, so to speak. Frankly, I was lucky my parents pretty much let me have absolute privacy in my room, because I didn't always remember to tone back my scent, which meant it was sometimes nearly impossible to get the scent of sex and seed out of the room.

This time, though, I'd had to wait to get a little more privacy that that. The opportunity had presented itself when my parents planned a family camping trip up north for the weekend. At the last minute, I faked coming down with a mild bug of some kind (being able to give yourself a mild fever really helps with faking sick), and said that while I was pretty sure it wasn't anything I needed to see a doctor about, I should probably stay home. Mom fretted and worried, of course, but we'd all already cleared out schedules, so this really wasn't a chance they wanted to pass up. In the end, my parents agreed, prompted somewhat by my little brother's whining,that they'd go without me, but that they'd leave their cell phones on in case I needed to reach them.

I assured them I'd be fine, and a few hours later, I had the house all to myself for the weekend. If there was ever a time to do something otherwise impossible to keep hidden, this was it. With that in mind, I stretched out, nude, on my back on the clothes-strewn bed, my tail off to the side in a comfortable position. The thought of what I was going to try here already had my shaft fully extended from the sheath. I'll admit I'd done a little enhancement there as well, but decided to keep it relatively tasteful and in proportion, settling for a solid eight inches.

I did have one other change I wanted to make specifically for this experiment. As I focused my concentration on it, my sac and its contents began to expand. It added an odd feeling of heaviness between my legs, different but not unpleasant. When I was finished, I looked down with satisfaction to see that I now appeared to have two white-furred grapefruits hanging from my loins. It wasn't a strictly necessary change, but it'd make what was to come easier, and was something I'd been curious to try for a while. I reached down and hefted them experimentally in my paws, gasping a bit at an unexpected jolt of pleasure. It seemed the increase in size had brought about an increase in sensitivity as well.

There was another consideration that I figured might help as well. The few odd humans at our school had been surprised the first time we had PE, because they'd apparently been under the impression that furs didn't sweat. While it was true that the insulating effect of our fur helped somewhat, and that even when we did sweat, it didn't tend to be as visible unless it really started to soak our fur, we do sweat some, especially with really intense physical activity. For this exercise, though, I turned my sweat glands' production up dramatically, and as I started to paw myself off, it was only a matter of a few minutes before my fur was drenched with sweat, to the point where it was dripping off onto the bed and clothes beneath me. I'd probably find the smell a bit off-putting later, but for now, the smell and the feel of it just served to arouse me even more, a bit of pre leaking from the tip of my cock.

Now feeling quite adventurous, I figured it was about time for one of my favorite new tricks I'd perfected. It was a bit complicated, but I basically managed to fiddle with my sensory receptors in such a way that the fingers of my left paw felt like a tongue to anything they ran across on my body. I'd even managed to take the illusion a step further, to the point where my actual tongue felt and tasted everything my fingers were "licking".

I ran my fingers along my ears, from base to tip, feeling the wonderful sensation of having my ears licked, tasting my own fur and sensitive ear skin before moving my paw down to my chest. I shamelessly played with my nipples, the sensitivity of which I'd already long since upped. They were drenched in my own sweat, and the salty taste of it was driving me crazy.

At this point, I was nearing the edge of the pleasure threshold, but I wanted to have a little more fun first, so I simply told my body it couldn't cum yet. I ran my fingers down to the sweat-soaked fur of my oversized, incredibly sensitive sac and ran them over everything. The pleasure was so intense that I would have cum instantly if my body was currently allowed to do so.

My other paw was still working my shaft, and since I'd let my knot fully expand, I was tugging the base of my cock just behind the knot, sending still more waves of pleasure through my body. I decided it was the time was right, and opened the floodgates, so to speak, giving my body back its permission to cum. With my right paw squeezing the base of my cock, and the left one still "licking" my balls, the tip of my cock immediately erupted in several shots of seed.

This time, though, I didn't let it end there. I replenished the seed in my furry orbs as it diminished, and let myself cock continue to spurt seed high into the air, with it landing literally all over my body, the bed, and the clothes under me. As I let myself just continue cumming, I rolled around, spreading the seed on my body onto the part of the clothes it covered. When I finally let the flow of seed stop two hours later, my fur, the clothes, and the sheets were drenched in literally gallons of my own seed, and probably nearly as much sweat.

A bit tired, but still quite aroused, I decided that before I tested my theory, I really needed to get cleaned up. Reverting my sac to normal, and dripping a bit onto the floor, I padded down to the bathroom at the end of the hall for a very long shower. When I came back to my bedroom afterwards, it still reeked of sex and sweat, but I still hadn't turned myself off, so it only served to arouse me more as I gave my still-hard cock a squeeze through my towel.

Dropping the towel, I picked up the pair of briefs from the bed. They were stiff with dried seed, but I pulled them on as best I could over my hard-on, and similarly donned the sweatpants and the t-shirt. Once they were in such close proximity, it was odd, but I could actually feel them, just a little bit, like I feel the clothes I made if I chose to. Facing the mirror, I concentrated on what I wanted them to be. Within a few moments, I was wearing a clean pair of boxers, black jeans, and a sweater.

Then came the big test, stripping them off. As I pulled each article of clothing off and set it aside, I was thrilled that not only were they able to come off, but they stayed in the form I'd changed them to even when discarded. Unfortunately, I soon discovered I couldn't affect the clothes in any way once they were off my body. Once I donned them again, however, I could still make them whatever I wanted. It seemed that the fluids soaked into every fiber could still only grant me power over them when they were in close proximity to my body. Realistically, there wasn't much reason I'd have for changing them after I'd taken them off, anyway, so I was still immensely pleased.

I tried around a few different looks before temporarily settling on a wife-beater, silky athletic shorts, and a jock strap underneath. I'll admit I've always had a bit of a thing for jocks, and looking at myself in the mirror, with my erection tenting out the fabric of the shorts, I had to admit I looked quite hot. In fact, I decided I deserved a treat, as I sat down on the floor.

One of the first things I'd adjusted was my flexibility, so as I spread my legs out and doubled over, it was no strain at all as I began to nuzzle at my own crotch. The feel of the shorts against my muzzle was heavenly, and soon I was mouthing at the bulge in them. Pre was leaking profusely from my cocktip, and as I pulled my shorts down a bit, I could see where it had soaked into the front of the jock strap, which didn't leave much to the imagination as it was stretched out nearly to its limits.

I greedily began to suckle my own pre through the fabric, and before long, I wanted more. with my muzzle still mouthing my cocktip, I pushed myself to the edge, my whole body shuddering with pleasure as my seed shot into fabric of the jockstrap, and through it, into my maw. I swallowed every drop, enjoying the slightly sweet flavor I'd perfected.

Yes, I decided, clothes could definitely be fun. After I finally shut myself off later that night, I threw the sheets in a dumpster a few blocks away, then returned home and opened all the windows in the house, hoping it'd be aired out enough by the time my family returned. I realized I would hardly really need any other clothes besides this one set that could be anything. Given that, I'd have to offer to start doing my own laundry, to keep Mom from getting suspicious over the lack of it. That offer in itself might be a bit suspicious, but in the end, I somehow doubt she'll mind.