The Fox of a Thousand Faces - Part 2 - Big Fox on Campus

The Fox of a Thousand Faces - Part 2 Big Fox on Campus Copyright 2008, Zelphair/YaminoFoxie Did all of you crazy furs out there miss me since my last update? I know, it's tough to wait, especially when I have yet to get to the good stuff, but...

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The Fox of a Thousand Faces Part 1 - Clothes Make the Fox

The Fox of a Thousand Faces - Part 1 Clothes Make the Fox Copyright 2008, Zelphair/YaminoFoxie It had been just over six months since I'd discovered my new abilities when I came to the conclusion that I was ready to try them out with, or...

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The Fox of a Thousand Faces - Prologue

The Fox of a Thousand Faces Prologue Copyright 2008 Zelphair/YaminoFoxie My name, as far as you know, is Katachi Friedrich. That's not my real name of course, but you'll have to forgive me for the pseudonym. There are things that I want to...

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The Fox of a Thousand Faces - Part 3: He's Not Heavy, He's My Brother Fox

The Fox of a Thousand Faces â€" Part 3 He's Not Heavy, He's My Brother Fox By Zelphair / YaminoFoxie Hey there, fox fans! Sorry for the delay. I know this next installment's been a long time coming, but come on...if you could do what I can...

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Academia - Part 6

Academia - Part 5 Copyright Zelphair/YaminoFoxie 2008 It was all he could do to keep from jumping halfway out of his fur at the door closing behind him, but Kaze dutifully took a seat in the much less ornate chair in front of the headmaster's...

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Academia - Part 5

Academia - Part 5 by Zelphair _Alright_, Kaze thought to himself, _just take a deep breath and calm down._ The former was far easier than the latter, but as he leaned against the tiled wall and took slow, steady gulps of the warm, humid air, a...

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Academia - Part 4

Academia - Part 4 Copyright 2008 Zelphair/YaminoFoxie Author's Note: First, a little clarification. Part 4 has actually been done since I made the decision to post on Yiffstar, but I kept forgetting I hadn't put it up here. I apologize for that,...

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Academia - Part 3

Academia - Part 3 Copyright 2008, Zelphair/YaminoFoxie As always, the sun rose bright and early the next day, but thanks to those wonderful curtains, Kaze didn't have to rise with it. He'd never really been much of an early riser, despite his...

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Academia - Part 2

Academia - Part 2 Copyright 2008 Zelphair/YaminoFoxie Kaze was always slow to awaken, but awareness came even slower than usual this time. The first things to reach him were purely tactile sensations. He groggily noticed that he was in a...

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Academia - Part 1

Academia - Part 1 Copyright 2008 Zelphair/YaminoFoxie (Lyrics are not mine. In this particular case, they belong to Audioslave.) The wind howled. That was the only word the young fox could think of to describe the storm raging outside his...

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Academia - Part 7

Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who's posted comments and whatnot. For those of you who are still with me, I'm very sorry this last part's taken so long. All the mundane life stuff just seems to take over for a while, and before...

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Academia - Part 8

Academia - Part 8 by Zelphair * * * Author's Notes: So, yeah...I really dropped the ball this time, didn't I? Kept you guys waiting about 3 years since part 7. I can come up with plenty of perfectly valid excuses as to why this took so long, but the...
