Penchant: CH 5: And Now For Something Completely Different

Story by Lord_Ike on SoFurry

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#5 of Penchant, Predilection

The mystery of Ike's appearance is unveiled and the possibility of danger rises.


Discord sets himself up for disaster unknowingly.

Princess Celestia finished reading the letter from Twilight, her eyes aflame as she incinerated it in a quick flash.

"DISCORD!" She shouted in the royal voice. The whole castle reverberated with the anger and force.

The living chimera Discord skulked out of a nearby stained glass window taking on a tangible form. "Yes princess?" he asked, "What is it now that I need be scolded for?"

"Don't try my patience Discord! You know what this is about!" Celestia flung the ashes of the note into his face.

Discord collected the dust up with magic taking a quick sniff. He began mumbling something to himself. "Twilight... humans... new body..." A realization hit him as he somehow pieced together the words that had been on the page before its destruction.

"Oh, its not about the cake thing." He replied "Its about that other thing."

"CAKE THING!? What cake thing? GAH! Never mind... You do know what you could have caused right?"

"Yeah, Yeah, a distortion in space time that could allow nearly anything to slip though unannounced." Replied Discord in a nonchalant matter. "I was just getting the girls a gift as a thank you for my reformation. I did make him quite a looker too."

Discord winked "And it's fine, I know how to break things but I can also put them back, usually better than how they started..." Discord paused "Usually... Besides if anything goes wrong you can just have Dr. Whooves fix it. Things dealing with time and space do seem to be his specialty."

"Discord, please tell me you didn't make any 'betterments' to the space time rift you closed."

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" replied Discord using the classic Pinkie Pie swear.

"Fine. Now get out of my sight." Growled Celestia

Discord pretended to look apologetic backing around a corner. As soon as he was out of sight he created a whole platter of cupcakes. The quirky, magical chimera sat there jamming each into his eye one at a time. His eye formed a mouth of its own to eat the cupcakes.

What? He IS the ultimate force of chaos, he can... "Reformed." Discord interjected putting up a clawed finger, managing to blatantly break the fourth wall.

As the *reformed ultimate force of chaos he could do whatever he wanted, I amended. When he was done with the cupcakes he created a rubber squeegee and wiped the frosting off his eyeball delicately as if to illustrate my point.

Of course he had lied, but what could possibly go wrong?

"Ooh, goody." Discord chuckled to himself as a castle servant passed by with a tray. That tray contained a single piece of cake. Cake that Discord had laced with Poison Joke. It would be quite a laugh to find out what it did to Celestia. That amazing blue flower always knew how to pull the most wonderful pranks. Discord had of course touched it himself, believing that he, the spirit of disharmony... Discord put up a clawed finger again.

Yes, yes the REFORMED spirit of disharmony believed he would be immune to the flower's "petty magic" Discord finished.

Sigh... do you want to tell the story Discord?

"No, no you are doing a fine enough job. Carry on."

Discord peeked around the corner seeing the princess take a bite of the cake. She had always been a sucker for cake and Discord wondered how she kept her "divine figure."

Discord, if you interrupt me again... Celestia help me...

Discord made a quick summons note to Zecora, telling her the Royal Highness needed immediate attention due to Poison Joke exposure. He belched green flame in a similar fashion to Spike, sending the note. The message might reach her nearly instantly but it would take Zecora some time to collect her supplies and arrive.

2 days earlier:

"Why is it we just went back two days in time?" queried Discord.

Because I thought you would enjoy the non-time sequential order, now shut it!

In the heart of the Everfree forest a strange sight was to be seen. The air shimmered and looked almost like fabric, and that piece of fabric looked like it had been torn in two and reconnected with two giant staples. "Definitely fixed." Discord spoke /finally only/ to himself. The tear glowed with crackling energy, the fabric of reality straining against the unnatural staples in an attempt to pull back open.

Discord carried an unconscious human male in his clawed hand as he flew over the forest to a field near the edge of Ponyville. He set the pony down working his unusual magic on his victim. Ike, unawares slept through the mildly painful shifting of his body into another form. A spike protruded its way through his scalp as his face shifted and stretched into that of a unicorn pony. The protruding spire finished growing as it changed into a dark blue coloration. His skin also shifted slowly into a dark blue coat of the same color. His Body reshaped itself under the supervision and power of Discord who looked to be straining to maintain the necessary power to do this transformation.

Ike's hands and feet turned into hooves as his limbs were reshaped. His Brown Hair shifted down, turning into a mane. The process was near complete and Discord put on some finishing touches, changing Ike's eyes from his dull green ones into a vibrant viridian, and changing his strange floppy human member into a more appropriate stallion sized cock.

Discord also added a teeny little compulsion that would drive Ike to seek out and find a certain group of six ponies for the very first time. He also dabbled with a few of Ike's memories taking the /very/ few that would make him homesick and dulled them down a little just like putting a piece of textured glass to distort and obscure a view. The last thing Discord did was quickly incinerate all of Ike's clothing that had torn off as he was reborn into his new body.

The rest would be left to chance. Would the pony be accepted? Would he bring the girls together or drive them apart? And would he accept his new fate?

Discord, finished with his task was about to slink off when Ike shifted in his slumber. Discord panicked, disguising himself as a flower. Ike opened his eyes, blearily looking around before focusing on the flower.

The only flower in the whole darn meadow... great disguise buddy.

Discord remained silent at the direct jest, unable to respond at the time.

Discord had chosen better than he could have known when reaching his hand through the void, for this human turned pony could just be salvation from the very mistake Discord had made tearing the veil. A little while later Discord was able to un-disguise himself as Ike was out of sight.

"Why am I getting the inclination that this story isn't entirely about me?"

Because it isn't Discord, deal with it.

"Can you at least let me have one more chapter, this one was sooo short."

I may be able to do that, just for you. But sometimes you can regret wishing for things.

"The all-powerful spirit of disharmony regretting something? Is this a joke?"

No not a joke, a promise. And you forgot the reformed part.


Author's Note:


Thanks for reading!

Comment, Vote etc. I would love some input.

Consider sharing my story with somepony else pretty please?


"Please do, whatever he says. I fear he may be planning something drastic for me."

Shh... no spoilers Discord. I have something... different planned for you. Something you yourself set into motion. Also you used the Pinkie swear to cover a lie. That in itself deserves more punishment than a few cupcakes to your eye considering you managed to enjoy it.

"Oh dear..." Discord sounded worried, and he had every right to be.