Tobias' Story

Story by theredvulpine on SoFurry

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This is my first story. It is a bit wordy, but please be patient. I intend to make it part of a series so all the back information was necessary. Enjoy!

5,495 words


It was such a beautiful day. That was the first thing I thought that morning. The sunlight was streaming down through the window, warming my face. It felt wonderful. I had been lying in bed awhile, and just as I started to reach down to, well, quiet the beast, as it were, I began to feel as if something was wrong.

Something was different. It took me a moment to realize that my mother hadn't come in to wake me up yet. That was very odd. I stopped to look over my mental calendar to try to find a reason for my being allowed to sleep in. It wasn't the weekend, and it certainly wasn't a holiday. In fact, the night before my father had asked me to get up early and help him with some work out in the forest before dawn this morning.

I got up and pulled on some pants and a shirt and stepped out of my room and into the main room of our cottage.

It wasn't the biggest home in the village, far from it. It was just an average, everyday home, though my mother would argue to the contrary. On the side of the room opposite to me was the kitchen where my mother spent most of her time. To the left of that, was the "family area" as my father liked to call it. There was a big bookcase filled with many books, most of which I have read and all of which have been read by my father.

My father was a hard working man. Although he wasn't an especially strong fox, he made up for it in intelligence. Lately he had been working a lot in the forest with the working crew he oversaw. He said he was just making trails so that visitors could come and go more easily, I knew that he was doing the exact opposite, nobody wanted anyone strange coming to visit during these times.

There was a war going on. By the most recent news I had heard, the battle front was far from our small village here in Arlock Forest. However, the war was a bloody one. Of all the men from our village who had gone to fight, one came back. He told tales of horrendous battles to anyone who would listen, which had become progressively fewer people.

I wasn't sure what the war was about. Though, I did gather that it all began with a small skirmish between some villagers of the neighboring country and some of our soldiers. It wasn't clear how it started, but it was clear how it was going to be fought. The King of our country, Lord Malachi, had led numerous battles and had been victorious in all but one. Or, at least, that was what the recruiters for the army had told us.

Thoughts of the war popped into my mind and I became nervous. Had the battle reached our village? Is that why my parents aren't here? I ran outside and looked about.

It was a beautiful day. The air had that summery scent of dirt and pollen in the air and birds were chirping all about. The sunlight was streaming through the trees with a beautiful yellow color.

Our village was not a very big one. It was surrounded by deep forest and huge trees, which I enjoyed greatly. It was hard to get to, which many viewed as a good thing. I agreed. I was happy with how my village was and didn't want it to change, which may be why this war was such a frightening concept for me. The people here were friendly and neighborly to all. It may because we all knew and grew up with each other, but some of the older folks contended that it was the untainted surroundings that made everyone so benevolent. There were varying species from house to house, and there was no kind of separation between species. My family was one of two Red Fox families in the village and I secretly deemed our family the more attractive one.

I was a fox of an average height and with a slightly leaner build than most. My fur was varying shades of red and orange across my body and my chest was a soft, creamy white. I had dark black "gloves," as my mother called them, on my hands and paws that ran from my elbows and knees to the ends of my fingers and toes. I had a big, poofy tail that I particularly enjoyed and a larger set of ears that many deemed cute, but I could have done without.

I looked about trying to see where my family was and if anything was wrong. I noticed a large crowd in the town square, which was more of a small yard in front of the village common building. The people all seemed to be listening to someone speak, though I couldn't hear. I looked to our neighbor, an elderly hedgehog who enjoyed talking to me about her past.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh, Tobias, good morning dear!" She replied with a smile. "It seems that earlier this morning a messenger came and announced that King Malachi will be coming to our village!" She said excitedly. "I've always wanted to meet royalty, you know. I almost did once. I was about seventeen and-."

"Have you seen my parents?" I interrupted, not being in the mood for a story.

"Oh yes, yes, of course. Why didn't you ask? They went to speak with the mayor after hearing the news of the messenger."

"Thank you!" I shouted as I jogged toward the town square. King Malachi? In our village? The thought was amazing. Why would the king want to visit a small, unimportant village like ours?

I approached the crowd and listened to the mayor as he was telling the townspeople how to prepare for the king's visit. There was going to be feast the night the king arrived, I gathered, and that everyone was to pitch in to make it flawless. I looked around to try to spot either my parents or the messenger, but couldn't find them.

After a few moments of listening to the mayor's plans, I decided to return home as my stomach was growling and I was hungry. I went inside and sure enough, my mother was already cooking for the feast.

"Tobias! Where have you been?" She demanded.

"Well, I woke up and no one was here so I went outside and-"

"No matter, your breakfast is on the table, hurry up and eat it before it gets cold."

As I sat down and began eating my father came into the room and sat at the table with me.

"I trust you've heard the news?" he asked.

"Yeah, but why would the king want to visit here?"

"That's not important, we've got a lot of work to do, hurry up and eat and meet me outside."

It was a tough couple of days preparing for the kings arrival. Tents had to be put up and firewood chopped and trails cleaned and streets fixed...

The town was all a bustle the day the king was to arrive. Food was in its final preparations and bonfires were being built. By the mid afternoon, all things had been prepared and everyone was just waiting for the king to arrive. No one had ever seen the king before, but most had heard that he was an attractive wolf who towered over most normal people.

Then, we heard it. A horn sounded from deep in the forest announcing the approach of the king. The whole town waited where the expected the king to emerge from the forest. The first to emerge was a large, scarred black bear leading a group of soldiers. They cleared the way and pushed villagers back to make room for the king and his apparently large entourage. Next was a wagon pulled by two beautiful horses, followed by another identical wagon. Then there were more soldiers and finally, a beautiful carriage, which held the king. The soldiers formed a circle around this carriage as the door opened and the king stepped out.

If people called him attractive, it was an understatement. He was stunning. He was a tall, handsome wolf with striking yellow eyes and a commanding presence. Most striking, however, was his color. His fur was black as midnight without a single flaw. Even his nose was a dark black, almost indistinguishable from the surrounding fur. He leaned over and whispered something to the messenger, who had left the village earlier that day to meet with him.

"Your Highness, King Malachi!" The messenger shouted. The townspeople looked confused and I shared their dilemma. Should we bow? We didn't know, being that the most important person we knew was the mayor, who was treated like everyone else.

The king smiled as he seemed to notice our dilemma and nodded to us and stepped forward. "Hello," he said in a loud voice that, for some reason, made me feel warm inside "I understand that you have put together a feast for me?"

The mayor stepped forward and bowed. "Yes, your majesty, we have been working for quite a few days to make sure your visit was a pleasant one."

The king chuckled. "Well, if I'm not being to forward, I'm famished. May we begin the meal?

"Oh, of course!" Shouted the mayor, followed by a cheer from the crowd. The mayor began to lead the king to the large tent where the food was to be served and to my surprise, pushed me right out of the way. I lost my balance and fell backward into the crowd. Just as I was about to hit the ground someone grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I found myself being pulled into the chest of the king himself! I stood, stunned for a moment, close to the king. He smelled nice; an herby, almost spicy scent seemed to emanate from him. I looked up into his face and he looked down at me, with a pleasant, curious expression on his face.

"Gotchya," he said quietly

"Uh...Er...I..." I was dumbstruck. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his. He was still holding my hand and keeping me close to his chest, I didn't dare move.

"And what might your name be?" He asked.

"Uh, Tobias, I'm Tobias."

He smiled. "Nice to meet you, Tobias. I'm Malachi, why don't you come and kick the mayor out of his seat so you can sit next to me?"

I smiled, not sure if he was serious. "Um, sure," I whispered, I don't know why.

"Good," the king shouted as he released my hand and began walking again. I looked around, no one was moving and everyone was looking at me, especially the mayor who glowered at me.

"Well, I never-" The mayor began.

"You should be careful to treat your townspeople with more respect, they are, after all, the most valuable part of the town," The king said. He looked back at me "Are you joining me or not?"

"Oh, yes, of course!" I quickly walked up beside him and followed him to the tent.

Sitting next to the king was the single most important event of my life up to that point. I could see I was the envy of most everyone in town as the king made idle small talk with me. I could see the mayor was obviously very irked to have lost his spot to me.

The king was very funny and very good at conversation, which was good because I was far too nervous to even try to start conversation. He told me of his traveling and asked me about my life. He also asked me about the town and the surrounding forest. The entire time I was wondering how I should act around him. I dared not make eye contact again, as I'd heard that royalty considered that rude. I kept my head down and answered him with the most respect I could, which, to my surprise, seemed to entertain the king.

"Why are you here?" I blurted out, not thinking, in the middle of our third entrée. "I mean, if I may, why did you come to our village, your majesty?"

He smiled and lowered his fork. He looked around and then leaned in close to whisper something in my ear. "I'm looking for someone."

"Who?" I asked.

He leaned back and smiled at me. "I'm not sure, but I think I have a good idea."

I was confused. "Your majesty, if I may be so bold, how can you be looking for someone when you don't know who that someone is?"

"'Tisn't important, young one, now enjoy your food." I could do anything but. Although I had been starving all day, I hadn't felt hungry since the king first caught me.

The meal came to a close and the king got up and offered his hand to help me up. I gladly accepted and quickly chanced eye contact. He was smiling at me. He had been all night. I looked deeply into his eyes for a moment, frozen with my hand in his. I was suddenly brought back when I think I caught a small wink from him, but I couldn't be sure.

The king announced that he was tired and needed to go to bed. The mayor stood up and thanked him for coming and pushed me out of the way again to shake the king's hand. The king waved to me as the mayor took it upon himself to walk the king back to his carriage, which had now been brought to the center of the town.

I was quickly swept up into the crowd and bombarded with questions about the king. I did my best to answer them all and then made my way home.

I entered my hose to find my mother and father waiting for me. My father was grinning and my mother also seemed to be happy.

"The king seemed to take a liking to you," my father said.

"Heh, yeah..." I was dead tired and just wanted to sleep.

"Who knows? Maybe you can join the military and become an officer now that you two seem to know each other so well!" he teased, jabbing me in the ribs.

"Yeah," I said half-heartedly. I had never really given any real interest to the military, but maybe with the arrival of the king, my father had been hit with the idea of me joining up to fight in the war. "I'm, er... going to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning."

I closed my bedroom door behind me and stripped. I climbed in bed and snuggled up to my pillow, thoughts of the king filling my mind as I drifted to sleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. It was another beautiful day and there was an air of excitement. I got dressed and came out of my room to eat breakfast. My parents were seated at the table, already eating breakfast. As I came out of my room, my mother looked up and got my breakfast out of the oven, where she was keeping it warm. I sat down as my mom served me and began to eat.

Both of my parents were just staring at me, not touching a thing on their plates. Finally it was too much.

"What?" I asked.

"Your presence has been requested by the king!" my mother exclaimed.

"Huh?" I had thought that last night the king had just been being polite and that I'd probably never talk to him again. Seems I was wrong.

My father handed me a small slip of paper that simply said: Tobias, King Malachi politely requests your presence at 10:30 am. Please be present at the king's encampment at the above time.

I looked at the clock, I had ten minutes to get ready and get there. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I demanded.

"We thought that you would want to be rested for your visit with the king," my mother said.

"Ack, I need to get ready!" I took another bite of breakfast and ran into my room. I searched for something to wear and decided on the same thing I had worn the night before, that being my nicest outfit. I ran outside with three minutes to spare and ran to where I was told to be.

I got there and a guard approached me. It was the same big bear that had lead the troops into the town the night before. He seemed to be the commanding officer, right under the king of course.

"What's yer business 'ere?" he asked in a gruff voice.

I averted my eyes and handed him the summons I had received.

"I see..." he said. "Wait right there." He handed the summons to a nearby guard and the guard ran off to the mayor's house, where I assumed the king to be. I waited in awkward silence, feeling the bear's eyes on me but refusing to look back at him.

Finally the king arrived, now dressed in what appeared to be clothes made for him by the townspeople. A mismatched vest and shirt and a pair of pants that were a bit too short, as well as a scarf that appeared to have been made by my neighbor, who happened to be the town's best scarf-maker.

"Tobias! Good morning to you!" The king smiled and waved at me. I cast my eyes down to the ground, again uncomfortable to meet his gaze. "Give me a moment while I go change out of these, er, clothes," the king said and disappeared into his carriage.

Moments later he came out and was wearing clothes that suited him better. He had also put on a sword, which confused me slightly.

"Aldrich," he said to the bear, "I don't want anyone following me or my young friend here. That includes townspeople and guards."

"But, your highness-" the bear exclaimed.

"No, no, I want no one to follow me. No worries, dear friend, I've got my sword, and your men have swept the surrounding area multiple times, all will be fine." Aldrich appeared to be irked, but didn't protest again.

"Tobias, I'd like you to show me the surrounding forest, show me some of those 'special spots' you were talking about yesterday," the king said as we walked towards the forest.

"Alright, though I'm not that good of a guide..." Why had the king chosen me to be his guide? There were many people in the village that could have done a much better job.

I took the king down a familiar trail and started to talk about the trees and the flowers that I liked, trying to be as good guide as I could.

"Tobias," the king interrupted me as I was explaining why a certain vine fascinated me. "I'm afraid I wasn't completely honest with you last night."

"What do you mean your majesty?"

The king reached out and took my hand in his and continued walking. "I told you last night that I was looking for someone, but not who or why"

The feeling of his strong hand holding mine sent a tingling down my body. I began to feel lightheaded and almost dizzy. "I don't understand, I thought you said that you didn't know who you were looking for?"

"That is exactly why I'm apologizing." He smiled at me again and stopped, reaching out and taking hold of my other hand. I dropped my eyes but he lifted my chin so I was looking directly into his eyes. "I came to your village looking for someone. I've been going to many villages searching for someone. But, I think I've found who I was looking for." He dropped one of my hands started walking again.

I couldn't speak for a few moments and just continued walking with the king. All of a sudden, we rounded a corner and reached my ultimate destination.

We walked into a small clearing where a stream tumbled down some rocks and collected in a deep, clear pool. All around the pool was a bed of soft moss where I had enjoyed lazing about since I had found this spot a few years ago.

"Wow..." the king let go of my hand and stepped into the clearing, with me right behind him. He sat down in a sunny spot near the water and motioned for me to sit next to him. I sat and he took my hand again, this time taking it into his lap and softly rubbing it. I whimpered softly at the kings touch, the feeling of his warm hands around mine making me feel tingles all over my body. The king smiled as he looked at the euphoric expression on my face. "As I was saying," he began, "I have been looking for someone and I think I have found them, and I think that that person is you."

I felt my heart jump into my throat. I didn't know what to say. I felt as if I was floating. I finally managed to whisper, "Why were you looking for me?"

"Because," he answered softly, lifting my chin to look into my eyes. "I've been looking... for a mate." And with that he leaned over and, ever so softly, pressed his lips to mine. I moaned as I felt an almost electric tingle shoot my spine. He pulled back and stared deeply into my eyes.

"I...I don't know what to say..."

"Don't say anything."

The king leaned over onto me as I leaned back. We kissed again, his soft lips making me weak. He softly kissed my nose, and then kissed me again, a little more forcefully. I pressed back, wanting desperately to taste his lips. I felt his tongue against my lips so I parted my lips to allow him to enter my mouth. I softly pushed my tongue against his, and he gently massaged my tongue with his. I whimpered softly behind the kiss and my eyes fluttered closed as he embraced me tightly. I could now feel how strong he was and I instantly felt safer and happier than I had ever been before.

He slowly broke the kiss, my tongue still hanging out of my mouth as he pushed his nose into my neck and began kissing and nibbling me there. I did the same to him and inhaled his scent deeply. His scent revealed that he was quite a few years older than me, but very healthy. His scent was strong, but not unpleasant. He smelled slightly of sage and vanilla, which I later found out to be his favorite cologne.

He pulled away from me, much to my dismay and I began to whimper. Although his face was just a foot from mine, to me it felt like a mile. I wanted to be close to this wolf and that's all that I knew. He smiled and silenced me with a finger to my lips, which I began lick at the instant it was put there.

"I love you," he said softly, "I've only known you a few hours and I know that I love you. You are the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen and I want you to be my mate, now and forever."

"I will be your mate," I somehow managed to whisper out from behind tears of joy. With that, he locked his lips onto mine and pushed his tongue into my mouth. My eyes fluttered closed again and my ears fell back as he embraced me. I don't know how long we kissed like this; to me it seemed to last both an eternity and an instant.

He broke the kiss and began affectionately kissing me down my neck and chest, unbuttoning my shirt as he did so. I kissed him between the ears and softly massaged his neck as he moved lower and lower until my shirt was completely unbuttoned. With a little help from him I pulled it off and he slowly rubbed his hands through the soft fur on my stomach. He bent down and began kissing my chest and nibbling on my nipples, causing the fur on the back of my neck to stand on end. I felt my cock begin to grow in my sheath start to push against my mate's leg. He seemed to notice too because he began kissing down my stomach again and, upon reaching my pants, opened them with his teeth, shredding them in places.

"Oh, no..." I whispered. I began to shake slightly.

"Shhhhh," my mate quieted and stilled me as he kissed my belly button and pulled my pants off. The pink tip of my cock had pushed out of my sheath and was quickly growing. My knot was growing in my sheath as my new mate kissed the tip of my cock and swirled his tongue around it. I whimpered and moaned as he softly suckled on me as I grew out of my sheath. It did not take long until I was fully out of my sheath and my mate swirled his tongue around my cock.

"Ohhhhhhh...." I moaned as he kissed down my cock and balls. He wrapped his tongue around one of my balls and gently pulled it into his mouth, sucking on it as I began to push my hips forward, already wanting release. He must have sensed this because he stopped sucking on me and stuck his tongue behind my balls, then licked up my balls and up the twitching length of my cock. I moaned loudly, the feeling overwhelming. Then, he plunged his mouth onto my cock and began sucking hard. I instinctively pushed my hips up and pressed my head back into the soft moss. I felt his tongue sliding around my cock, making me thrust slightly with each painfully slow rotation. I also felt one of his hands running up my inner thing to gently massage my balls. His other hand was gently scratching my side, but I reached down and took it into my hand, squeezing tightly and feeling him squeeze back. His tongue changed directions as he began to dip his head up and down. I moaned again as he took the hand that was massaging my balls and pressed two of the fingers against my cock as he dipped and sucked, effectively lubing them. He reached down with this hand and gently spread my legs and pushed the fingers into my tailhole. I whimpered at this new, strange feeling, but spreading my legs wider to allow him to press deeper. He was working my cock hard, keeping on the edge of climax, just bringing me to the edge, and then backing off by slowing down or stopping his tongue. He began to push his fingers deeply into my tailhole and pressing them against me. I moaned yet again at this feeling, then at the feeling of my mate sucking down extra hard and taking all of my cock into his mouth. That was too much; I couldn't take it any longer and exploded into his mouth. I pressed my hips up and clenched my teeth as he sucked down my seed and continued to massage the inside of my ass.

Finally, I was done. I panted softly and squeezed my mate's hand as he sat up. I looked longingly at him as he stood up, wanting him to stay here with me. He walked over to the pool and crouched down to clean off his hands and to get a drink. Then he stood up and walked over to me again. I looked up at him with the warm ache of love in my heart as he began to take off his belt. I watched carefully as he pulled it off and set it on the ground. Then he slowly began to pull off his shirt to reveal a chiseled torso. I looked hungrily at his body as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off, revealing his naked body. His black fur was perfect and uniform all across his body, except at one point on his right thigh where there was a large scar, presumably from a sword. I whimpered and touched it lightly as he lay down next to me.

"It's okay, sweetheart," he said. "It's better now," and he kissed me between the ears. I kissed up his neck and finally kissed him on his lips again, feeling the electric tingle as I had before, only this time it felt multiplied a thousand times. We kissed for a long time, his tongue intertwining with mine. I pushed one of my legs between his and embraced him, feeling as one with him as we lie there and kissed.

This time, I broke the kiss. He looked at me quizzically and I smiled and lie on my stomach. "Take me," I whispered. "I want to feel you in me."

He smiled as he ran his fingers down my back, making me shiver in delight. I raised my tail as he reached it. He bent down and, to my surprise, pushed is face below my tail. He stuck out his tongue and began licking at my tailhole. I moaned softly, my own tongue hanging out in pleasure. He slowly pushed his tongue in and out of my ass a few times; until he was satisfied it was lubed to his liking. Next he sat up and began to guide his cock to my tail hole. I looked back and saw his cock, which was bigger than I had first realized. It must have been at least ten inches long, if not more! He must have seen my eyes widen because he hugged my tail and said "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

He pushed his cock against my tailhole and I whimpered in anticipation. He slowly pushed into me and I moaned as he did so. He pushed in as deeply as he could, and leaned down on top of me. He nibbled and kissed at my ears as he slowly pulled back and pushed forward again. I moaned, feeling him inside me and wanting more. I pushed back against him and urged him to go faster. He began to thrust into me faster and faster, embracing me around my chest as he thrust and thrust and trust. I could feel as he neared his orgasm because his thrusting became less even and his breath became ragged. Finally, he pushed deeply inside of me and kept pushing. I heard him growl a little as he quickly thrust one last time and came deep inside of me. He then whined softly and leaned against me completely, not pulling himself out. We cuddled and stayed in this position and I even believed we fell asleep for a while, but it did not matter because we had each other.

We had gotten up and cleaned each other off in the pool and were now heading back to the village. We walked hand in hand the entire way, stopping now and again to nuzzle or kiss.

When we reached home I noticed that his men had packed up while we were gone and everything appeared ready to leave. I looked up at him and he said "It is time for us to go, my love. You will have to go say goodbye to your parents as we cannot bring them with us."

This was fairly shocking to me. I knew I was to go with him, but not so soon. I returned home and explained to my parents what had happened, leaving out a bit of the more graphic bits. They seemed slightly confused, but knew they could not keep me from going. I hugged and kissed my mother and shook my father's hand. As I was beginning to leave, my father told me to wait. He walked over to the bookcase and removed one of my favorite books and gave it to me.

"Keep safe, He told me.

I nodded, choking back tears and left. I joined my new mate and he held me, comforting me. I climbed into his carriage, looking back on the village that I had grown up in and loved. Little did I know that that would be my last look on both my home and my family.

I stepped fully into the carriage and waited for my mate to climb in. He made some quick last minute orders then, as he climbed into the carriage, waved goodbye to the townspeople and shouted the order to move out. He sat down next to me and I curled up in a ball and lay my head in his lap, drifting off into sleep.