Interlude - Sarah's Dream

Story by Taki on SoFurry

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#2 of The Flash

Author's note: This is a side story set in the same world as [First Person Perspective](%5C). If you want to know a little bit more about what the hell is going on here, I recommend reading it, though it isn't necessary. Also, if not for the comments on my first story, I would never have written this one. If you want more or have anything at all to say, positive or negative, please leave a comment.

Sarah giggled as she sat down at her desk and opened her sketchbook. She always loved the first steps of a new project. The next anime convention she was planning on attending was a couple months away, and she needed the time to prepare her next cosplay outfit. She had been going to cons since high school, and always made a new costume for each one. As she was now pursuing a fashion design major, her ideas were getting more complex and well-executed. For the last convention she had gone as Milfeulle of Galaxy Angel fame. That was the day she had discovered her boyfriend Jeff's love of pink hair. That had been a fun night, she recalled with a smile.

The next design, however, would be both simpler and harder to pull off. She had decided to give Jeff a treat and go with an idea he had been asking her to do for a while now. He had long been a fan of Felicia from Darkstalkers, and she often found him staring at cosplayers of the white-furred kitty when they attended cons. She decided it was time to see if she could put her own spin on the design and try and be the center of his attention.

Fortunately, she had the figure to pull it off. Her large, firm breasts rode high, which was convenient because a costume made up of small strips of fur definitely ruled out a bra. She also knew her thin waist and nicely-padded hips would look great being mostly uncovered.

Sarah first sketched two vague female outlines, to stand as a base for front and back views of the design. Next she added in the patches of fur, starting with just enough to avoid a public indecency charge, and adding more patches to flow along her hips and bust to accentuate her curves. She was planning on bucking tradition by using black fur instead of white, to make a greater contrast on her pale skin, so she made sure to shade in the furry sections to get a better idea of the effect. Her favorite part of this outfit was the exaggerated size of the catlike features. She smiled as she drew in large cat ears atop the model's head, marking the inner sections to be white fur. Next she sketched in a large fluffy tail, reaching almost to the ground from her lower back. Finally she drew in the oversized paws for her hands and feet, with accompanying fur reaching up to her elbows and knees.

Satisfied with the overall look of the costume, she flipped to a new page in the sketchbook and started work on some detail drawings of the different parts of the costume. She drew up the paws with approximate measurements and an "unwrapped" image of the fur that would be --barely-- covering her body. She had a good idea of how much faux fur she would need, but some other parts would require research. The paws would need stiffening or stuffing of some kind to maintain their shape around her comparatively smaller hands. She usually didn't like to go in a costume that would impede her dexterity, but Jeff would be there to help her carry things and she could always take the paws off temporarily if necessary. Affixing the body strips would also not be easy. There was probably some sort of double-sided costuming tape she could use to keep it on, but she'd have to make sure it could stand up to sweat and movement. It wouldn't do to have it fall off in the middle of a crowded convention hall. For that matter, she was used to working with ordinary fabrics, and wasn't sure if there were any techniques for working with fake fur she should be aware of. Maybe she could find a furry on campus to ask.

She couldn't wait to show off to Jeff. She hadn't told him what her plan was, only that he would like it. In truth, "like" was probably an understatement. She would be lucky if he didn't try to tear it right off her once he got a good look. She smiled as she closed the sketchbook for the night. It was a shame the nature of the costume would prevent them from having too much fun with her wearing it. Maybe just the ears and paws would be enough when they were alone. They didn't block any important parts. She glanced at the clock and sighed as she put off that fantasy for another day. If she didn't get to sleep soon she'd be dead for class tomorrow.

Sarah began to strip down for bed. The air conditioner had been broken for a week now, and she had started sleeping nude to compensate for the heat wave they were having. She checked that her alarm was still set for the next morning and crawled under her single light sheet. She fell asleep making a mental list of the typical catgirl mannerisms she would have to practice. Not long after she drifted off, there was a bright flash of light outside her window, but her curtains dimmed it to a soft glow.

Blaring country music shocked Sarah out of her slumber, as it did every morning she had class. She left the alarm set to a radio station she hated to ensure she would wake up enough to turn it off. She rolled over out of habit and slapped at the clock radio, turning the alarm of as well as clumsily hitting several other buttons. A measure of classical music came on as the sound faded out. What was that about? she thought, I never miss the off button. She sleepily glared at the alarm clock, suddenly noticing her hand still atop it.

No, hand wasn't the right word. It was clearly a large cat's paw sitting on top of the radio, covered in black fur that extended halfway up her arm. The strange sight pushed Sarah a little closer to wakefulness. My costume? But I haven't even started it yet. She moved the strange limb closer to her face, experimentally bending her fingers. The paw was more flexible than she expected, but would probably not be as dextrous as a normal hand. It was also comically large, looking out of place but terribly cute at the end of her slim arm. No costume can move like that. It's all me, she realized. There was only possible explanation. She was in a dream inspired by her late night design session. Nothing else made sense.

Sweet, she thought, I always wanted to be aware in a dream. Now I can do anything I want! Disregarding the impression that everything except her form seemed quite real, Sarah leapt energetically out of bed and ran to her mirror. After all, dreams were great for inspiration, and what better way to make sure the catgirl costume looked as hot as she hoped? She squealed in delight as she twisted in front of the mirror. She was perfect, with the midnight-dark fur contrasting beautifully with her pure white skin. The shape of it seemed to be caressing her as it covered the bare minimum of her private areas. The oversized ears and paws were mind-searingly cute and her large fluffy tail started to lash back and forth behind her. "This is so cool -nyo!" she shouted, adding a giggle at the unintentional meow she appended. With a closer look she thought her breasts looked slightly larger, which was fairly standard in her imaginings. She brought her paws up to verify and ended up brushing a furred forearm against her exposed nipples, causing a shiver of pleasure to run through her. Whoa, she thought, _maybe the furries are onto something there. And I guess having my nips poke through proves this isn't just a costume. _

It was then that Sarah realized she was wasting a golden opportunity. A lucid dream was a great chance to have some consequence-free sex. She just needed Jeff there. She attempted to summon him there by force of will, but her efforts were unrewarded. What a lame dream! I still have to play by the rules, she thought as she grabbed her cell phone and dialed Jeff.

"Hello?" Jeff answered with a yawn.

"Jeff! I need you to come over," Sarah brightly replied.

"It's 9 AM, can't it wait?"? "You lazy punk, just do it. I promise you'll enjoy what I have to show you," she said, an enticing note entering her voice.

"Fine fine, I'll be there in a few," Jeff said, hanging up right after.

Now it was all coming together. Jeff lived only a few minutes from her apartment, and soon she would get to act out her fantasies. Actually, there was no reason to wait for him to show up. She sat down in an armchair in her living room and set about passing the time until Jeff showed up. She threw a leg over the arm of the chair and looked down at her crotch. As she expected, she could see her pink slit peeking through the dark fur. Good thing this is just a dream, she thought, I'd hate to have to hide this cute fur under clothing. Sarah began using her right paw to stroke her nether lips, leaving the left to alternately rub fur across her nipples or tweak them with one of her new claws. She would make sure to be nicely worked up by the time Jeff arrived.

Jeff walked up to Sarah's apartment and knocked on the door. He had no idea why she had woken him up to come over. She could be a little ditzy sometimes, but this seemed kind of silly even for her. "Come in! It's open-nyo!" he heard her yell from inside. The "nyo" at the end of her statement added to his confusion, but Jeff shrugged and walked in, only to be instantly tackled to the ground as soon as he cleared the door.

He found himself looking slightly dazedly up into his girlfriend's face, which he noticed was topped by large black cat ears. He raised he head as much as he could with Sarah resting on him, and took in the rest of her appearance. Her large furred paws were holding his chest down and her tail was seeming to wrap around his leg.

"Whoa! Awesome costume babe," Jeff said, "But did you really need to call me over so early to show me?"

"I didn't call you to show off. I called you to have sex-nyo," Sarah replied, "Besides, this is my dream and you have to do what I say." She began fumbling with his pants, having trouble undoing the button with her paws.

Jeff wasn't sure what that dream comment was about. Maybe she meant she was acting out a fantasy. Whatever she meant, he wasn't about to complain. The catgirl costume was hot as hell, and he was willing to indulge a little silliness. He pushed her paws out of the way and helped her undo his pants. She energetically yanked them down to his ankles and crawled back on top of him. Sarah's furred form and forceful manner had Jeff hard as a rock, but he was unsure how to continue with her still apparently dressed. "So how does this work?" he asked. "Do you need to take off the- oh fuck!" he exclaimed as Sarah dropped herself down on his cock. She must have cut a slit in the costume piece so that she could have sex without taking it off.

"Damn girl, a costume with holes for easy access? That's kinkier than I expected from you," Jeff said.

"Not a costume," Sarah said as she began to bounce on top of Jeff, "Everything is real in dreams-nyo."

Jeff was impressed with her ability to stay in character. The little mews she inserted at the end of sentences and at the bottom of every downward thrust were really cute. He began thrusting his hips upward to match her movements and sat up slightly to run his hands through Sarah's fur. "Mmm.." she moaned, trailing off into a purr. He moved his hands upward to her breasts and found her nipples poking through as well. She must have put a lot of thought and work into this thing. Jeff stroked and pinched her hard nubs as he sped up his thrusts. Usually he was content to take his time and enjoy the journey, but this situation was just way too hot. Sarah obviously agreed as she let out a catlike growl and met him with greater force. She seemed to be tighter than Jeff remembered, but that might have just been a result of the position they were in.

Suddenly she completely dropped her weight onto him and held herself down tightly with her legs. "Roooooowr!" she called out as her pussy spasmed on Jeff's tool, triggering him to let go as well and shoot inside her. Sarah sighed and collapsed down onto him. She rubbed against his chest and purred in his ear as her tail twitched against his bare leg. He'd have to have her explain how she got the tail to move like that. It almost looked real.

"Hey Sarah, how'd you learn to do such a convincing purr?" Jeff asked, as he scratched between her ears.

"It's easy when you're a real kitty-nya," she insisted. "And we're not done yet. We're still in my dream, so I want to try something new." She rolled off of him and sat up.

Jeff was starting to get a little worried. "You know this isn't really a dream, right? I mean, I'm not complaining about having a part in this little fantasy, but that's what this is," he said as he stood and moved to pull up his pants.

"Of course this is a dream. How else could I do this?" Sarah moved to her hands and knees and wrapped her tail around Jeff's leg. "See? Now put those pants back down and come over here. I need you to do me in the ass before I wake up-nyo."

Jeff began to notice some other oddities. He knew mechanical engineering majors who couldn't make something that moved like her tail, and he was starting to have his doubts that she was really in a costume. He was planning on saying something until he heard Sarah's last order. He'd been asking her to try anal for months, but she was afraid it would hurt too much or be "icky". Figuring out why his girlfriend had a functional tail could wait; he may never get another chance for this.

Sarah was bending over in front of him, ass in the air, her tail waving back and forth invitingly. Jeff was quickly coming to attention at the sight, and stepped out of his pants to approach her. He rubbed his cock against the wet fur between her thighs, enjoying the pleasant sensation, but with the main goal of lubing up for what was to come. Sarah mewled and urged him on again, "Hurry up-nya, I don't know how much time I have. My alarm is probably still set." Jeff lined up and began to sink himself into her virgin asshole. Though her belief that she was in a dream was keeping her relaxed, she was still incredibly tight. As Jeff slowly pulled back out, he briefly thought his penis looked larger than it did yesterday. That was nonsense of course. Nobody changes like that overnight. It probably just looked that way against Sarah's tight rear entry.

Jeff continued his slow thrusts, sinking slightly deeper each time. He wanted to be gentle, so that the kitty-girl wouldn't have second thoughts and back out. At one point he pulled all the way out and picked up more lubrication from her thighs. She must have been enjoying herself, as she was producing plenty of moisture. Sarah moaned deeply as Jeff sank into her once again, reaching almost to the hilt. She readjusted her stance and moved one large paw down to rub her slit as Jeff continued to fill her. "Mmm, that's great. You can go faster, it doesn't hurt."

Jeff picked up speed on his thrusts as Sarah matched him with the paw on her lower lips. He had never felt anything this hot and tight, and he loved the tickling of her fur on his balls at the bottom of each thrust. He hoped she would be willing to try this again later. Maybe she'd even keep this kinky catgirl costume. He was now pounding into her with impressive speed and force. Sarah continued to make a series of noises somewhere between feminine moans and catlike yowls. The long fluffy tail that had been mystifying him waved in front of his face, so he grabbed it and stroked it up and down. Sarah went wild, screaming in pleasure as she clamped down on his cock, holding him inside. Watching and feeling his girlfriend writhe in an obviously powerful orgasm pushed Jeff over the edge as well, and he groaned as he filled Sarah with cum for the second time that morning.

They both dropped to the ground and lay together on the carpet, breathing heavily. "Wow, Sarah, you really know how to show a guy a good time. I've never been so glad to have picked up my phone."

Sarah's thoughts were apparently elsewhere. "I feel kinda sore. Really good, but sore. Why?"

Jeff's earlier worries came back. "Um, I would think that's obvious. It's probably normal."

"Nyo-er, no, that's not what I mean. Nothing supposed to be able to hurt in dreams, right?" Sarah asked.

"I'm pretty sure that's true," Jeff commented, "But, again, this is not a dream. This is real."

"Then, my tail, my paws, my ears, they're all real too?" Sarah asked, looking closer at her changed hands.

Jeff lacked a simple answer for that. It was obvious now that something very strange was happening, and Sarah's catlike feature did seem to be real. "I...guess? At least you look cute." Jeff stroked her tail again to emphasize the point, and triggered another loud mew of pleasure from her.

The almost-orgasmic feeling spread through Sarah and chased away her worries. Things could be a lot worse, and she'd be doing even better if she could get Jeff ready for another go...