The Fox and the Honey Bear

Story by the roo on SoFurry

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Just something cute and sexy that I've been wanting to write.

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff

Lockers closed all around Connor just as he was opening his own. The jock fox nervously looked around, although he tried not to make so obvious. He was the new guy, and he wasn't feeling too sure about getting to know some of the guys. But as he went for his book bag, a piece of folded up paper fell at his feet. Leaning down to pick it up, he unfolded it, running his paw through his short, brown hair as he started to read. His eyes jumped open:

Hey Connor,

"I know about you. It's cool. My place, tonight? Maybe we could have some fun?"

Just as he was reading the note, Connor arched his back and his whole body seized up as he felt a big snout pressed into his shoulder and a padded paw reached beneath his short blue top to grab at his hip. He shuttered and closed his eyes as he felt a warm exhaling breath all the way across his back to his other shoulder. Opening his eyes just as the paw left his body, he turned his head just in time to see a big, built, chocolate brown bear turning the corner; his clothes straining over his muscles. The fox's heart pounded in his chest as he looked at the rest of the letter. There was an address and a time; nine that night.

Later that night, Connor was in the shower; simply letting the water flow through his fur and over his aching muscles. He leaned against the white surface of the shower as he stared out at the folded paper now resting on his sink. Biting his bottom lip, he nervously tapped against the wall; trying to decide whether he should go or not. When the tapping stopped, he anxiously reached up to his showerhead and pulled it from its cradle. He felt a blush appear on his face as he lifted his tail and firmly pressed the showerhead between his butt cheeks, erotically biting his lip this time as he put his padded thumb on the dial that changed the setting. Giving it a good push, he gasped as he stumbled forward, giving off uncontrolled whimpers as he felt the warm water fill his butt. He lowered his head and moaned, grinding the tip of his pointed cock against the shower wall as it slowly poked its way out of his thick sheathe...

Connor stood outside the small, one story house with a blush still burning in his cheeks; pulling his foot out of his sandal and dragging it across the cracked concrete on the porch. When the door finally opened after he had rung the bell, he jumped. The big chocolate brown bear with the beefy build and smooth fur parted his dark lips and showed a big, friendly smile. "Hey Connor, come on in..."

The fox was hesitant at first, shoving his paws into his back pockets, "You know...I don't usually do this...I don't even know your name..."

The bear gave a genuine, friendly smile, "It's Keith..." Connor had to force back an excited gasp when he felt Keith's paw on his hip again, "...and I really want you to relax and chill tonight."

As they walked inside, Keith motioned to the couch and Connor sat down. The big bear disappeared into the small, nearby kitchen area as Connor tried to relax; even managing to slip off his sandals before crossing his feet. He was suddenly surprised when a bottle was dangled in front of his face. "I hope you don't mind one of these." Keith offered.

Connor cautiously took it, "Won't your parents get mad?"

Keith snort chuckled, "They won't know. They're on vacation right now..."

Connor looked from the bottle to Keith, and then smiled. Twisting the cap, he popped the bottle before taking a swig. He was surprised to be catching the taste of something fruity with a bit of a kick behind it. Coughing a little, "Aren't these sort of..."

"Sort of what?" Keith asked, noticing the judgmental look on Connor's face.

"...girly?" Connor asked in a witty tone.

Keith raised his big bear foot and nudged Connor's knee, "What are you trying to say?"

They both laughed and drank, turning their eyes to the TV on the other side of the table in front of them. Connor relaxed and he took more swigs of his drink. It wasn't until he snapped his eyes open and he noticed four bottles on the floor in front of him did he slide his phone out of his pocket to check the time. Two hours had gone by. He jerked hard, only to realize that he was in the firm hold of Keith's thick, muscular arms. Heart pounding in his chest, he was spooked because he wasn't sure how he had got there. The bear grabbed him before he could fall off the couch, "Whoa, whoa, slow down there."

Connor gave off a few more panicked breathes before relaxing against the bear's toned chest. Giving a sigh of relief he groaned, "How...?"

Keith gave a deep chuckle, "You kind of crawled your way over here before passing out." He noticed the concerned look on Connor's face. "Look, you need to relax a one's going to freak out here..." Connor was about to thank the big bear, but he was cut off by Keith's big legs interlocking with his own; the thick, padded soles of the bear's feet brushing over the tops of his.

Connor groaned heavily, looking up at Keith through a drunken haze, " are...awesome..." They stared at each other for the longest time...just before Keith leaned forward and kissed Connor on his warm lips. It was a quick kiss because Connor suddenly passed out; his arms hanging over Keith's shoulders.

The fox blinked hazily as he felt himself being carried; feeling himself being lowered into the cushiony material of a very thick comforter. Everything was black save for a small lit candle. He groaned with such satisfaction as his head touched down on a silky pillow. Things were fading in and out; he wasn't sure what was going on. The next time he opened his eyes, he felt the staleness of the air against his naked body as his jeans slipped past the tips of his toes. "Keith...I..." He went quiet when a heavy, toned abdomen lay across his back; a warm, hanging, furry sac brushing between his butt cheeks. Feeling a warm breath and a warm tongue lapping at his shoulder, he moaned as he felt a jaw firmly nipping at his neck. Connor's toes curled and he balled his fists...that's when he noticed the white rope loosely tied around his wrists.

"Keith...!" he groaned, excitedly tugging at the rope. His heart started to pound in his chest as a thick, wet tongue slid from his inner right thigh and all the way up to his exposed tail-hole. He gasped, struggling to breathe as that tongue started at the bottom of his tight, needy pucker and worked its way to the top. "Oh fuck...Keith!" he huffed. The bear had barely touched him and already it was driving him crazy.

He started to gasp and give off the most submissive of whimpers when he felt something extremely warm and sticky dot the rim off his hole; forced to moan as Keith worked it in with his middle, thickly padded finger. The fox cried out from the painful ache deep in his ass, sucking through his teeth until it finally died down. But then he was suddenly disappointed as it left his hole, making him feel even more needy, " tease...!"

Connor heard a chuckle behind him before feeling a kiss on his neck...not expecting the feeling of warm metal that came next. His jaw fell open and he cried out; feeling the smooth material penetrating his rim and pushing deep into his bowls. As his body adjusted to it, he squirmed in place, near drooling as he moaned, feeling the warm metal brush against the walls of his ass. He didn't know what it was, but it felt amazing.

The fox whimpered harder...moaned it went deeper and deeper, arching his back when he felt Keith's paw on his shoulder. It wasn't until it was as deep as it could go did Connor notice his rock hard cock grinding against the smooth silk comforter beneath him; the smooth metal rubbing up against his prostate making it jump. He gasped for breath, loudly moaning and writhing as he humped the bed.

Keith was hovering over Connor's shoulder, exhaling warm breaths onto the fox's nape as Connor pushed back onto the metal cylinder in his paw. "Now...breathe!" Connor gasped wildly and collapsed deep into the pillow as Keith pushed in the end of the cylinder and something exploded deep within his ass. The fox was completely overwhelmed as something warm started to fill his bowels, driving his insides crazy as he felt an intense pressure building up deep inside him as the cylinder was slowly pulled out.

"What the fuck?!" Connor gasped, desperately wanting to grab his throbbing nipples because they ached just as badly as the rest of his body. When the metal cylinder was finally pulled from his hole, Connor grunted, trying to keep his butt cheeks tight because he didn't want whatever was inside him to slip out. "Oh fuck...oh fuck!" he moaned, curling his toes as he felt Keith's big paws grabbing at his ass, repeatedly flexing and pulling them apart. Whatever it was, it was so warm that it was driving Connor's prostate crazy, and his cock with its swelling knot was freely flopping around between his legs.

Connor felt flush, blissfully frustrated as he felt the pressure pushing at his insides. "I...can't..." Just as his tight pucker pulsed and released, the fox yipped as he felt Keith's big snout plunge between his butt cheeks; burying his tongue deep just as the sweet smell of honey filled Connor's nose. The bear gently massaged the fox's furry, tight ass, making Connor moan in such relief as the pressure inside him slowly died away. It was all overwhelming as Connor wildly thrust his hips, biting his lips and crying out as one of the bear's paws gently wrapped its self around his sensitive, humping prick; blushing intensely as he shot a long, heavy load all over his stomach and the comforter below. Still gripping to the ropes around his wrists, Connor soon gave into his alcohol and sex driven haze, a smile spreading across his muzzle as the bear stud greedily snacked on his hole while teasingly fondling his cock...

The next morning...Connor's head throbbed as he slumped out of bed. He saw an open door way and took one shuffled step after another; lost in the haze of a hangover and still not realizing he was in someone else's house. But when he came to another open door with a toilet behind it, he casually pushed the very tip of his cock down and started to pee; lifting his leg an inch off the tile floor. It was a pretty smooth flowing stream...that is until two large brown paws placed themselves on his hips. "Oh fuck! Keith!"

"Good morning..." the bear groaned, leaning into Connor's neck and taking a heavy whiff of his scent. " smell even better in the morning." Connor blushed as he did his last two shakes before turning around; the big bear leaning forward and wrapping himself around the fox.

"So...that all really happened?"

"Sure did." the bear chuckled, running his claws along Connor's back. As Connor relaxed and started to murr, Keith asked, "You want breakfast?"

Connor laughed in his chest, running his paws over Keith's shoulders, "Sounds awesome."

The bear groaned, "Cool. I hope you prefer maple on your pancakes because I used up all the honey last night..."
