Penchant: Ch 5-2*: A Deranged Day for Discord

Story by Lord_Ike on SoFurry

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#6 of Penchant, Predilection

Discord gets whats coming to him as an unexpected effect of the poison joke takes its toll.

Discord awoke from a short catnap that he had been taking on the royal throne. Or what was left of it at least. He had changed the illustrious velvet hoof cushion into a metal vat of magma to steep his one draconic leg into. The side rests of the royal throne had been similarly defiled. One had been turned nearly into tattered scrap due to his lion claws on one hand, and the other had been turned into the visage of a dead rodent that he dug the talons of his other hand into.

Discord pulled his dragon leg out of the vat and shook the hot magma off. He stood up from the throne and let out a yawn stretching his dis-similar wings. With a snap Discord made all of his damage disappear, returning the throne to normalcy.

"Well that's no fun."

Let me finish!

Discord didn't need the Princess /too/ angry with him. After all he hadn't even gotten to see the results of his poison joke scheme yet. What Discord did do as a small prank was make a little slit in the back of the royal seat, inserting an amazingly hysterical device. This device was magically set to go off only if there were at least five people in the room.

"Stop teasing them and tell them what it is already!"

It was, to put it simply, a magical whoopee cushion. Set to make it sound like the next occupant of the throne had farted in front of a group. Whether it was Luna that night or Celestia tomorrow Discord didn't care as long as he got to see it.

Discord, headed across the chamber, flying. He decided the door being closed was perfectly fine and that he would ghost through it instead bothering to open it. As he approached the door his horns smashed against it, he held the position for a few seconds looking like an arrow vibrating after hitting its target. He awkwardly set himself down and pushed his hands against the door pulling his horns out of the dense wood.

"Oww." Discord commented shaking his head to recover from the jarring impact. "You did something to the door didn't you?"

No Discord, this is all you. Remember that poison Joke?

"Aww Biscuits..."

Discord's power was draining fast and soon the spirit of disharmony wouldn't even be able to tell I was writing his story anymore. Apparently it had already happened as there was no response this time to forgetting the 'Reformed'.


Celestia powered her way into the throne room, this had gone too far.

Discord, who had been about to skulk off through that very door was knocked backwards a good six feet.

"DISCORD!!" she shouted, yet again, the same as earlier that day. And quite a regular shout to be heard recently.

Discord looked up to her from the floor giving a sudden gasp. Celestia had been changed and looked even more divine to him than normal. Her body was still the same shape but one of her Majestic wings had shifted into a silver dragons wing, complete with gold patterning. Her tongue had become forked like a serpents and a drip of venom fell from what looked to be retractable fangs. Looking upon her form Discord gave a contented sigh. There was a dark flame in her eyes and grey aura surrounding her that accented her newfound form wondrously. Was this caused all by the poison joke?

How could such beauty be a joke? He sat there gazing upon Celestia as she stared daggers at him.

"FIX IT!" Celestia growled.

"Why would I? You look marvelous!"

Celestia advanced upon him horn glowing with a blood read aura as she placed it against his throat. "NOW!"

Discord was legitimately afraid for once in his life. He was powerless to stop her if she decided it was time to run him through.

"Princess, please forgive but the poison joke seems to have affected me as well. I simply have no power to help."

Celestia moved her horn from his neck discharging the magical blast. Luckily she had aimed it at the royal rug that led through the middle of the room. In front of Discord's very eyes the rug shifted into a black and red patch of brambles.

"Th.. that's disharmony magic." Discord said incredulously as the brambles spread throughout the room. His seat on the rug became very uncomfortable quickly as the miniscule thorns began to poke and prod him. It seemed the poison joke had done more than take his power; it had given it to Celestia.

Celestia smirked, she flipped around and bucked Discord with all her might sending him flying across the long room, directly into the throne that he had took a nap in earlier. The throne gave a sickening crunch as it was shattered and demolished by his impact. Discord stood and launched himself into the air quickly. He was scared, and needed to give Celestia time to cool off.

He made it several feet before he felt a powerful force at work. His flight stopped as suddenly as it had started his wings having disappeared. Celestia had taken his wings from him, and with his very own power. Discord crashed back to the thorny brambles getting countless miniscule cuts and scrapes. Discord picked his cheek off the floor and gazed towards Celestia. He looked over her marvelous form again, not being able to resist. If he died his last sight would at least be one of radiant beauty.

At his longing glance Celestia halted obviously noticing. She looked to be thinking about something, fighting with herself internally as the darkness pushed away Celestia's rational thought. She gave Discord a good look at her body, flaring her wings and even turning to flick her tail out of the way. Discord stared at her mound, his mind wandering. What was with the sudden change? Celestia fired another magical blast at the floor, the brambles receding nearly instantly.

Celestia sent a soothing wave of energy over him. His minor cuts and scrapes quickly lost their sting as they mended themselves. Celestia still had an evil look in her eye, but maybe that was just part of her new appearance. Discord righted himself, sitting on the floor in front of the posing Celestia. His thick member pulsed at the view. What he wouldn't give to take her right now...

Celestia gave up on the posing and strutted over to Discord. She flicked out her forked tongue and gave his neck a slight lick. Discord shuddered at the feeling, believing he knew where this was going. He was very wrong though as he felt Celestia's fangs shoot out to pierce the side of his neck. He tried to squirm away, but a hoof held him in place. The venom rushed into his veins, slowing his struggles. Discord knew already what this venom did; he would be immobilized, unable to move a majority of his own muscles but still able to feel, see, and hear everything going on around him.

What happened next surprised even him. He was expecting more revenge but instead the same mouth that had just bit him drifted down, retracting its fangs and giving an experimental lick to his member. Celestia then opened her maw, taking a portion of it in, Discord groaned as she did so. He wished he had control of his body so he could encourage her to take more of it down her throat. Her long tongue caressed his member as she felt every inch with it. She began to bob her head, lightly sucking on his thick member. Discord, unable to move and frankly not caring too much at the moment, gasped as she slid off him and took her tongue all the way from the base to tip of his member. She teased the head for a short while before moving to take more of it in her maw again. Her long tongue wrapped around his cock as she took him even further than before letting out a small gurgle. In a few more bobs of her head she had him completely encased in her maw. She kept his member there, allowing her tongue to squeeze around his base.

Discord let out a loud moan and began unloading his sperm deep into her throat. She gagged and pulled off, the rest splashing against her muzzle. Discord barely noticed as her horn glowed again. He slipped into unconsciousness due to her magic.


Discord awoke a while later, his eyes blurry. As he focused his vision he found himself to be in the Celestia's bedchamber. He smirked at the thought, noticing he was on her bed. His smirk turned to a puzzled look as he tried moving, finding he could but that he was tied to the bed. Perhaps Celestia was into bondage... The thought was relatively arousing to him and he felt a small amount of heat growing below.

He looked down at where he expected to see his member.


As he looked he realized that he could no longer feel his member, it was gone and in its place was a female's slit. Celestia had turned him into a girl???

Celestia emerged from another room at his noise jumping up on the bed. She stood above his face working some sort of magic. Discord saw a fleshy growth emerge from her, forming and growing rapidly. It was... it was his member. The growth took on his exact form and shape, as she had carefully measured each inch for her devious plot.

Celestia's newfound member dangled there rubbing against Discord's cheek. She quickly repositioned herself jamming it into Discord's maw, which she held open with her magic as she trust violently into his throat. Discord gagged, eyes welling up as she forced herself time and time again into him.

Celestia's eyes evilly lit up as she gained the ultimate revenge on Discord, his complete humiliation. He had always held himself in high regards, believing himself to be unstoppable, even after she had imprisoned him herself a long time ago in stone and had the bearers of the elements do so again when he broke free. Even though she had freed him to be reformed he still would not accept his limits, she would teach him who the_ultimate_ ruler of Equestria was.

Celestia threw her head back, the feeling of male orgasm reaching her for the first time ever. She pulled out of Discords mouth and spread her spunk all over him in short, powerful blasts.

Discord was worried about what was going to happen next, the princess would never do this to anyone. It must be that her mind had been addled by the power of disharmony. Discord slowly tried to saw through one of his restraints with a claw but found it to be impossible, some sort of spell instantly repairing the rope.

Celestia shifted herself downwards, lining up the thick member with Discord's tight entrance. She slammed her hips forward as Discord cried out in pain as Celestia took the virginity that she had cruelly given to him. She hilted herself leaning down to Discord's ear and whispering. "Admit you are a fool."

"I'm... agh" Discord cried out as Celestia jammed her way into his unready depths again. "I'm a fool." He repeated.

Celestia pulled out slamming into him again. The door to her chamber opened and Luna peeked in saying " Sister are you too busy to lower the Sun so that I can raise the mo..." Luna paused, jaw agape at what was happening.

"Get... Zecora...." Discord yelled out to her through gritted teeth.

Luna sprinted off leaving the door ajar, knowing that if Discord was powerless to help himself that she stood no chance fighting her older sister. Celestia made no move to stop her.

Discord found that through the pain he could feel a small amount of pleasure. It was strange to him but the feeling slowly grew. His passage ached from her brutal assault, but his body was starting to enjoy it.

He tried moving himself away but was pinned under Celestia, the dark powers that had consumed her increasing her physical strength. Discord knew he couldn't be angry with her even as she defiled him. He knew it was hard to curb his desire and tendencies towards disharmony.

Celestia continued to power her way into him pulling his thoughts back to the current situation. He was embarrassed at the feeling of pleasure that was rising rapidly within him. He shouldn't be enjoying this. His head fell back in an unsolicited moan as his aching body gained release.

His orgasm coated his abused vaginal walls in soothing fluid allowing Celestia easier entry. She noticed this and tauntingly whispered to him "Someone's a little slut." She continued to thrust into Discord, even harder and deeper than before. Her actions received embarrassed noises from Discord as his body gave in but his mind did not. The dark version of Celestia felt herself drawing close, the pleasure of violating her victim too much.

Celestia hilted herself one final time giving Discord load after load of sperm as her member pulsed inside of him. She laughed evilly as Discord cringed at the feeling of her hot mess spewing down his aching tunnel. This wouldn't be the last time she violated him that night, as it wouldn't be until the later hours that Zecora would arrive in Luna's Chariot.

~ The next day

Discord entered the throne room, having been summoned by Celestia. The previous night was fresh in his mind and he gave a shudder. He was back to normal now and so was Celestia but they had been separated nearly immediately and had not gotten to see each other yet. Discord awkwardly approached the new throne. The wood had been completely trashed and redone but the cushion was the same as before. Discord stood there awkwardly looking down instead of at the princess.

"Oh Discord, what have I done." Celestia remorsefully started. "I allowed the darkness to rule me last night, I should have kept it in check. I now know the regret Luna must have felt returning to normal after her time as Nightmare Moon."

Discord looked up at Celestia, seeing that a tear had formed in her eye. He was moved to comfort her despite what had just happened. "It isn't your fault highness, it was my darkness. My reckless prank cost us both dearly and I do apologize."

"Discord, Can you ever forgive me?"

"Someday, a long, long, long time in the future we may just laugh at this." Discord ensured, resolving to never cross Celestia in such a haphazard way again. He had seen her truly hurt and did not want to do so again. "Permission for a hug, Your Highness?"

"Certainty." Celestia replied the somber expression falling from her face.

The two embraced for a short while before Discord turned to leave.

Two Royal guards opened the throne room door, escorting Luna into the chamber.

"Wait... two guards, two princesses, one me... that's five.... Oh dear, please not now!" Discord mumbled to himself.

A loud farting noise reverberated from the rebuilt throne. Luna stopped in her tracks her mouth falling open yet again.

Celestia used magic to pull the deflated whoopee cushion from inside the plush throne. Discord turned around, making eye contact. The room was deathly silent as Celestia sat there levitating the spent trick cushion.

Celestia suddenly let out a snicker that quickly turned into a full voiced laugh. The tension in the room immediately evaporated as Luna continued to stare, watching awkwardly as the guards began to chuckle. Discord let out a relieved snicker. Celestia fell off her cushion hooves pressed against her sides as she laughed. Everything was mostly back to normal, and it looked like things were looking bright.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

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Luna is scarred for life... :p She needs the Unsee button.