
Story by GoGoWolf on SoFurry

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I made this story as a reminder to people to be careful when going on-line. One of my close friends lost a family member because of, you guessed it, MySpace. I know that everyone here is very responsible, but still, please be careful.


The Internet is a really cool place for just about anyone. But that's the problem. It's for everyone. When people meet someone on-line, they don't get all the details. Josh found that out the hard way.

Josh is a sixteen year old Timber wolf who just likes to go with the flow. He is a Junior in high school. And his life is pretty stable. Average grades, good parents, good friends, etc. But things were about to change after one of his "friends" asked him out on a "date".

His birthday had just came and went. As a birthday present, his parents got him a new computer. And as an added bonus, the decided to get Internet, so he can do whatever he wanted. Before, Josh had to go to the public library just to go on-line. But now he can go on right in the comfort of his own home.

Then one day, when one of his friend, a badger named Chris, decided to came over to his house, he asked if he could use his computer for a bit.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Josh

"Oh, I'm just checking my MySpace. It's new, but really cool." said Chris.

As Josh watched his friend go on, he was really amazed at all the cool stuff that can be done on one little web-site. He can upload his photos, e-mail his friends, play music and even videos. So he decided to sign up for an account.

His friends helped him set everything up and showed him the ropes. They, of course, added him to their MySpace, and he did too. Josh even added people who he didn't know. But he eventually found out that there were from his school.

Then, one day, while he was looking at the Bulletin Board, he saw that he had a Friend Request. He takes a look at it, and sees that it's some girl. The Display Name says her name was Fallen Wingless Angel. The avatar shows a picture of a Final Fantasy character, but within the profile, it shows the age and everything else about the person. She was about Josh's age and was also a Timber wolf. Sure enough, the two start talking a lot.

Even though Josh was really into this girl, he wanted to find out more about her. So he goes to his friends and asked them if they heard of anyone my that name. None of his friends heard of anyone by that name.

Since no one knew who this person was, he decided to ask her personally about her. But one thing was certain about her. She didn't go to his school. So while Josh was on a chat with Fallen Wingless Angel, he asked if they could meet.

Fallen Wingless Angel- "Where should we meet at?"

Josh- "How about some place where no one will see us? If one of our friends sees us, then everyone will know."

Fallen Wingless Angel- "I see your point. Then where do you have in mind?"

Josh- "Here's an attachment of the place. *Attachment* I'll see you there. How does Saturday sound?"

Fallen Wingless Angel- "It's a date. *giggle*"

And sure enough, the day came. Josh was already at the place where the two would meet. It was an old house that was once the home to some rich guy. But it was still in pretty good condition. Josh was sitting on the porch, waiting for his rendezvous. He then looked at his phone, and saw that she was late. He was just about ready to leave, when he decided to give her more time. He then got up and started to walk around. He knew the house pretty well, so he knew where to go. But as he was turning at a corner, something hit him, and he blacked-out.

After several hours, Josh finally woke up. But he found that he could not move due to the fact that he was tied up with rope. He also found that his clothes were gone. And that the taste of something small, round and bumpy was in his mouth, which was being held shut by several wrappings of duct-tape. He was blind-folded, but he could feel that he was on a bed. Probably from with in the house. Josh was very scared.

Suddenly, he heard the door slam open and someone grabbed the blind fold off his face. As Josh gained his ability to see once more, he looked up to see who removed the blind fold. In front of him, he saw a large Doberman, whom was also naked. Josh was scared now more than ever.

"Well hello there," said the Doberman. "You must be Josh. Nice to finally meet you." Josh was wondering what he meant by "finally meet". The Doberman saw it in his eyes that he was skeptic. "Aww... Don't tell me you forgot. I'm Fallen Wingless Angel. Remember?"

Josh was shocked. Not only was he being wolf-napped, but he finds that the one person he loved, turned out to be a rapist.

"Now, why don't we have some fun?" said the Doberman as he whispered into Josh's ear. Josh began to tremble. "Aww... you're shaking. We can't have that, now can we?" The Doberman then raised his hand up into the air, and gave Josh a really hard punch to the head, hoping to knock him out. Josh went out, but soon gained consciousness after a few minutes.

Making sure that he didn't get hit again, he kept eyes closed. But what he didn't want to happen, was nothing compared to what he was going to get next. He felt the Doberman get on the bed, then he flipped him over. "Time to have some fun with my new toy," said the Doberman in an evil-toned voice. He than began to suck on Josh's cock, like it was a Popsicle. Josh began to whimper. Then he started to cry because his rapist began to bite him so hard, he started to bleed. And as he bled, a shot of cum came with it, and the Doberman began to drink both.

Then the Doberman stopped and moved to the back. He then grabbed Josh's rump rump and pulled him towards him. As he pulled him, he dug his claws deep, which then began to bleed as well. "Mmmmph!!!" cried the tied up wolf. As the Doberman heard is cry, he gave Josh another hard smack to the head. "Shut up, bitch!!" yelled the Doberman. Then he began to plow the helpless wolf. His claws were still in the skin of Josh's rump, which was bleeding so much, it was like a red waterfall.

With each plow, Josh screamed, but because of the ball in his mouth, no one heard his cry. And with each cry, the Doberman would hit him on the head. Just as hard as ever.

Then the Doberman stopped. "This toy is getting boring. I think I'll get rid of it now. But before I do, I think I'll wash it first." He then grabbed his own cock and stated to pump. He pumped hard and fast until eventually, he came. He shake his throbbing member so that call of his cum landed on Josh. Then he grabbed a bottle and a piece of cloth and poured some of the contents of the bottle on the cloth. Then he put the cloth on Josh's mouth and, this time, Josh was out once more.


The next day, Josh was found still tied up on a park bench. He was beaten, had blood all over him, and cum was dripping all over his body. When he was brought up to the police after being cleaned up, he explained everything to them. He gave them the e-mail address of his abductor, which they used to find and book the guy.

Josh was glad that he lived after that horrible event. But because of that event, Josh now lives his life with fear of the Internet. And he even promised himself to never go on again.