Helios Awaken, A Band’s Journey: Chapter 3 – Psychiatry; The EP

Story by ThelenOrca on SoFurry

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#3 of Helios Awaken, A Band's Journey

Hello, everybody!

So, after a week of no internet, I got some time to do this next chapter. This one focuses a bit more on Max, and should bring a couple interesting things to light.

WARNING: This story may or may not contain naughty bits of the male on male kind. If it's not your thing, please go back to the last page. It's okay, I won't judge ;)

"I'm home, Max!"

The middle-aged gator closed the door and stepped through the house to the kitchen, her hands filled with bags of groceries. She whistled a tune she heard on the radio on the way back as she unpacked and sorted the groceries, all the while wearing the cheery expression she always wore. She did her best to block out the thoughts of the past week, hoping that her showing strength would help with Max showing strength as well.

"Honey, I bought some sodas for the game Sunday. That way you and your Dad don't go berserk getting more midgame like last week!"

She chuckled at her light joke, but was interrupted by a loud crash from upstairs.

"What the... Max?"

She dropped what groceries she had in her hands and ran upstairs, all the while shouting for her son.

"Max, are you okay? Max? What hap..." she was stopped short as she entered Max's room.

What she had seen made her blood run cold and froze her in place. In front of her was Max unconscious below a ceiling fan, with a chair turned on its side and a noose around his neck. She couldn't tell if he was breathing.

"MAX!!! MAX, WAKE UP!! MAX!" she yelled, tears flowing from her eyes.


A small moan came from the gator's mouth as he opened his eyes.

What...what happened...where am I?

Max was strapped to a hospital bed, with a brace around his neck and oxygen tubes up his snout. His neck felt like it'd been snapped in half, and his shoulder felt on fire. He tried moving his arms and legs, and sighed, relieved that he could still move them. He couldn't remember a thing.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" He tried to shout, but his voice was weak.

Hearing their son's voice, Max's parents ran into the room, his mom visibly crying. They both embraced the young gator in the bed, thankful for his survival.


Looking off the wooden balcony of his home, Max rubbed the scar on his neck. He could still hear his doctor's words repeating in his mind:

"You must have somebody up there looking on you, because you're lucky to be laying there, kid."

The doctor was right. The gator had tried to kill himself, but he ended up only with a strained neck and a dislocated shoulder, as well as a large gash on the back of his neck. The scar from the accident remained there, a reminder of what he lost.

He remembered why he did it. Wallace was all he had, and without him, there was nothing. Life was leaving him behind, and he didn't want to be here anymore. Not without Wallace. The dragon kept Max's life together; he was everything to him. Then it was all gone.

He lowered his head, fighting back the tears brought on by his memories.

Max could remember their Senior Prom, with Wallace dressed in a black and white tuxedo, greatly complementing his scales. They got a picture together on the hotel balcony, which he still has framed in his room.

He lost his virginity to him that night. He could remember just how well that dragon knew him, both in and out of the bedroom. That night was the best he'd ever had.

As well as the worst...

He looked back up, tears successfully quelled, with a light grin on his face.

"I miss you," he said to himself, as he started looking up into the night sky. He knew he couldn't have Wallace back, but though that pain lingered; he still needed to stay strong. For him.

Adjusting himself and wiping the tears from his face, he walked back into the house, meeting with his new boyfriend, a calm and passionate orca, whom he was glad to have met. He's not sure about ever loving anyone ever again, but he thinks Wallace would've thought differently. It wasn't about finding love again, it was about spreading the love he'd already found. The love he and Wallace shared together.


Boy, time sure does fly.

Six months have passed since Helios Awaken has formed, and their fan base has grown exponentially over that time. 3,000+ likes on FurBook have been accumulated, with the band having played a dozen shows since their inception. They had already begun writing songs for an EP (extended play record), with Nat, Rory, Max, and Thelen being the main writers for the songs.

Nat held to his word; he had one HELL of a knack for lyrics. His lines had great flow as well as structure, and could really strike the listener on an emotional level, something Thelen greatly envied.

The orca was responsible for writing most of the rhythm stuff, which meant drums and bass. Drums were second nature to the orca, so after quickly expressing some base ideas to Travis, he showed the dragon some of the base grooves, which were repeated and then expanded upon in ways Thelen didn't (and in some cases couldn't) even imagine.

Rory and Max were both grouped on melodic sections, and boy, can they deliver. Rory would often bring up ideas for riffs, where Max would rebound with ideas for backing samples and programming. They were the dynamic duo for the instrumentals in Thelen's eyes; each one having a great idea and building off of the other, further making their music better composed and pleasing to the ear.

About a week into writing, Nat brought up his idea for the EP's lyrical theme.

"I was thinking about using emotional states as the songs themselves, with each talking about its views on its surroundings," he started, drawing the band as a whole together. "We could do songs about major mental states in one's life, whether it be happiness, surprise, depression, anger, and so forth."

Garrett was the first to respond. "Uhh, I'm not quite sure what you mean. Doesn't it seem a bit too general, lyric-wise?"

The rest of the group agreed with his thoughts. The idea seemed unstable in general to all of them, and the subject matter was vague. But Nat kept to his idea, showing them one song he had already thought up, which he had titled "Love".

Max started to cry as he read it. It was absolutely beautiful. The lyrics told a story of two lovers, torn apart by circumstance but not by spirit. The irony of the lyrics related to his own past really struck home to him.

"This is perfect." he stated, looking up to the group with tears in his eyes.

The majority of members shared a look of confusion towards Max, all except Thelen, who walked over and put an arm around the gator's shoulders.

"I agree. I think this can work with our material rather well." The orca remarked. "So, what do you wanna call it?"

"I'm glad you asked." Nat said, grinning at his successful presentation of his idea. "I want to call it Psychiatry. I'm writing these lyrics about emotions, and I think the songs should be presented in a way that the listener is moved by every note. Every word, every chorus, should shake the listener to the core.

"In essence, these lyrics will be audio therapy for those who listen."

Silence stood for a while in the room, as the band pondered the words, while further looking at Nat's presented lyrics. Thelen agreed with it completely; it was something he too thought about when he used to write for his old band. The lyrics should be meaningful, and they should be from the heart, no matter the subject. In this case, they truly were coming from the heart, because they were about emotion. Emotion put to music.

After a few minutes of silence, Nat was met with an almost simultaneous "Alright" from the band. That would be the name of their first recorded piece as a band. Psychiatry.

The band closed practice for the night, with the seven members going their separate ways once again. Thelen and Max left together in the gator's car once again, but this time, Thelen wanted Max over for dinner with his father. It wasn't the first dinner they'd had, but after the first dinner being rather enjoyable, he felt the need to have him over once again.

As the two entered, Thelen's father shouted to them from the kitchen.

"Hey, boys! How was practice!?"

"Good dad, we got a lot of stuff done today!" Thelen yelled from the door.

"It went great, Mr. Salek!" Max yelled after.

"That's good! I've got some ribs in the oven that should be done very soon, so just have a seat in the living room and I'll yell for ya when it's done!"

"Okay!" they shouted back before entering the living room, with both sitting on the couch and turning on the TV to some comedy channel.

Thelen was the first to speak.

"I hope that Nat didn't upset you today, big guy. I know why you were crying."

"No, its okay," the gator replied, looking to the orca. "I'm thankful for the idea. It means a lot to me."

"Okay. Just remember, if you need to talk about it, I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks, Thel."

Thelen then reached in and embraced Max, kissing him deeply. Max gladly obliged him, kissing back with equal passion. However, before the two could get very far in the make-out session, Thelen, who had his arms wrapped around the gator, felt something strange on the back of Max's back.

He pulled back from the kiss and spoke, confused.

"What's that on your back?"

Max's head dropped at the statement, a frown appearing immediately on his face.

"I. I'm sorry. I was afraid to show you."

"So, what is it?"

The gator took off his hoodie and shirt, and then turned around for the orca to show him. On his lower neck was a large scar going diagonally from his neck to his left shoulder blade. The scar was much darker green compared to his scales, and it was easily noticeable.

"I got this about a week after Wallace died. I had tried to hang myself and failed."

Thelen's eyes went wide, the look of shock not surprising to the gator. Max continued.

"When I kicked off the chair I was on, the chandelier in my room ripped from the wall and struck me on my neck."

Thelen was lost for words. He couldn't believe what he'd heard.

The orca then tried to at least reply.


"I was lost without Wallace," Max started, looking away. "I didn't want anything from this world anymore. All I wanted was my mate back, to see his face, and to feel him holding me again.

"I learned from that experience that I can't just stop living so I can see him again. That's not what he'd want."

He looked to Thelen, a smile forming on his face, though his eyes didn't agree with it.

"He wants me to keep going, for the both of us. That way, when I see him again, it'll be with a grin on my face and the truth in my heart that I did my best for him."

Max then put back on his shirt and hoodie before speaking again.

"The scar I think is Wallace's way of showing that he'll remain with me, so I can stay strong. I'll keep going until the end. For him."

Thelen was quick to respond after Max finished.

"I'll be here for you too. Always" the orca said, followed by another embrace.

"Thank you" was all that the gator could muster before accepting the embrace.

After a few seconds, Thelen's father broke the silence.

"Okay you two, dinner's good to go! Get in here before it gets cold!"


"Wow, those ribs were delicious, sir. Thank you so much!" Max exclaimed, leaning back in his chair, satiated.

"No problem, big guy. It's a family recipe. Best in the county, they say!" Thelen's father stated, happy that his food was met with happy faces.

"I'll clean up, you two go ahead and relax."

With an "Okay!" from Thelen and Max, they both went to the living room, where they turned on Thelen's Wii and began playing Super Smash Bros Brawl.

"I'm gonna take you out this time, blubber butt. I learned some tricks since last time!" Max declared, looking determined to make up for his last disappointing defeat in the game. The gator moved his cursor over to Fox, selecting him immediately.

Seeing Max's character choice, Thelen laughed heartily.

"You really don't learn, do you? Fighting Fox is in my blood!"

With that, Thelen's cursor moved over to Jigglypuff, a character normally laughed at in Brawl.

The match lasted four minutes, with the Jigglypuff coming out on top rather convincingly, only losing one stock to Fox losing all three. Anger and confusion was written all across Max's face, all while Thelen looked over to him, saying nothing. He wore a grin of quiet content at his boyfriend's demise in-game.



Just like that, they were back into it. They used the same characters, as well as chose the same stage.

Unfortunately for the gator, it was the same result. Only this time, it ended with Thelen killing him three times with Puff's Rest attack, a move with a remarkably small attack area.



The trend continued for roughly ten matches, though the seriousness of the matches dwindled down after Max's Fox got taken down without taking a single life. Their lighthearted playing would go on for another hour after the serious matches; they shut off the Wii and just watched the television, cuddling in each other's arms.

Max loved the feeling of being cuddled. He had missed it dearly, and Thelen was a great match for him. Big, soft, and warm to the touch, the three things he looked for in a good cuddle.

As they watched TV, Max would silently nestle his head into the orca's chest, loving the feeling. All Thelen could do was just look down and smile. The gator looked simply adorable in his arms, and he too loved the feeling of cuddling. It was at this point that a devilish idea popped into Thelen's mind, and just like that, a plan went into motion.

Without warning, he snuck his right hand down through the back of the gator's pants, finding the gator's rump and giving it a tight squeeze. Max jumped at the touch and shifted back, looking at the orca confusingly. As soon as Max turned his head, Thelen moved quickly and used his other hand to pull him close and kiss him. Within a few seconds, Max melted into the kiss, losing himself in Thelen's sweet taste.

The two made out for a few minutes before Max could feel Thelen's tent being pitched underneath him. He couldn't help but break the kiss and start chuckling, confusing the hell out of Thelen.

"Oh, NOW I see what your motivation is, you want to get in my pants again! Is that what this whole dinner was about?" the gator stated, fake anger in his voice.

"Well, can you blame me?" Thelen stated, reaching back to the gator.

"Hmpf. No more."

Max looked away, a wide smile on his face.

Thelen didn't even wait to finish the conversation. He immediately picked up the gator and carried him to the guest bedroom on the ground floor, where he threw Max onto the bed and shut the door.

"Woah! Easy there, big guy!"

"Okay, here's taking it easy for ya!"

The orca jumped clear onto the bed, immediately pushing his lips and tongue onto Max's muzzle, which the gator quickly allowed access to. The couple kissed for another couple minutes. Thelen's erection quickly returned, aching for release from his jeans. Without breaking the embrace, he reached down and undid his pants, taking them and his boxers off in one smooth motion, revealing his member already eager for action, a bead of pre already visible at the tip.

Max peeled away from the orca so he could take off his clothes, also carrying a rather stiff tool under his pants. With a few seconds of fiddling with zipper and belt, he removed his pants.

Thelen could never get tired of seeing Max's crotch. It was utterly amazing in his eyes; Nine inches of cut, well-crafted, thick cock looked back at him, equipped with two massive balls, seemingly aching for release even more than his own. He stared into the crotch, mouth agape and beginning to drool.

"Lucky for you, big guy, there isn't a No Touch sign here. Come and get it."

Heeding Max's words, the orca's head lunged to the crotch, anxiously suckling on its tip before taking most of it into his muzzle. Max immediately shivered back, with his eyes closed and head looking upward. Thelen adored his taste, just salty enough to make it interesting.

Max had never experienced such talent before. Wallace had been more of the dominant type with him, so he hadn't enjoyed oral sex from the receiving end before. He figured he could get used to it rather quickly at this rate. Thelen worked his tongue all around the shaft, then sucked deep until the cock hilted in his maw. He then began working back and forth, sucking hard on every change in direction, eliciting several moans from Max, now slightly shaking from the treatment.

"Oh....oh god....that feels so good."

Thelen didn't need words of encouragement, he knew what he was doing would work. It had worked all too well on Garrett, so he figured the same would work on Max, including his finisher.

Within a few minutes, he could feel the reptilian member stiffening, preparing for release. Acting quickly, Thelen moved his mouth to just the tip, all while grabbing the gator's balls with one hand and the bottom of the shaft with the other. He massaged the magnificent orbs and quickly stroked the shaft with precision and rhythm, causing the gator to spasm all the quicker.

"Oh...oh.....Ooooh....Thel.....I'm.....I'm gonna...AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

He erupted in the orca's mouth, shooting his thick load several times. Thelen had prepared for this by moving to the tip, and he swallowed his cum happily. He tasted slightly bitter, but the taste had its own sensation that Thelen greatly enjoyed.

After the orgasm, Max fell back on the bed, panting heavily.

"I don't know how you do it, Thel. That was absolutely incredible."

"You should've learned from last time to never say 'was', sexy."

"Wha... oh god."

He was quickly shifted and lifted by his legs, being positioned so that his hole was lined up to Thelen's member, now oozing with pre from waiting.

"Relax, hun."

"I AM relaxed!" the gator moaned back, loving the feeling of the orca's tip just grazing his pucker.

With that, Thelen slowly pushed in, eliciting even more moans and grunts from Max, which were now coupled with his own.

"Damn, how do you...stay so fucking tight!" Thelen grunted, with his cock now fully hilted inside the gator's confines.

"I.... unf....told you.....I don't practice much.....no....ooh....time."

He could feel Max tensing up again, as if approaching another orgasm. He didn't want the gator to finish before him yet again, so he picked up the pace, making his thrusts harder and faster. Thelen tried to keep the gator from finishing first, and though his orgasm was now quickly approaching, he wasn't sure if he could make it in time.

Max answered him not a minute later, moaning loudly as he shot several more loads onto his head and chest. The pressure from his walls tightening on the orca's cock sent Thelen over the edge as well.

"Oh God, Max, I'm gonna cum! AAAAAAgh!"

His cock shot a dozen times into the gator's waiting hole, his white hot semen coating the walls and leaking out from being overfilled. After a moment of silence, he pulled out from his lover's rear and laid down alongside him.

"I love you, Max."

"I....I love you too, big guy."

With that, they hugged and slept in their afterglow, cuddling together.

Upstairs, Thelen's father lied back down before he slammed his foot on the floor to tell them to stop. Their lovemaking was easily audible, for the guest bedroom and his room above shared a vent.

It's about damn time, he thought to himself. Jeez, that gator howls like a damn monkey.