The Nagai and Nureta Of Pokémon Dynasties chronicles - Book 1

Story by A_Mouse on SoFurry

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#1 of The Nagai and Nureta Of Pokémon Dynasties chronicles - Book Series

Author: A Mouse

Edited By: A Mouse (Phase 3 editing)

Book 1

(Book 1 of the Nagai and Nureta Of Pokémon Dynasties chronicles. Includes the first 5 stories; Realization, Paybacks Are A Dream, Decisions, Life Changes and Almost A Family after several edits, revision's and some addition's)


Story 5 will be added to this as soon as it gets

Through the last few phases of my editing process.

This series will continue with every 5 chapters being

Made into one long story and named a book.

This was done early because I did my editing on

The chapters and hadn't finished chapter 5 yet

Soon I promise it will be done soon..

Basically if you cam looking for a new story It isn't ready.

This is an edited version with several additions.

Nothing Major however.


(M/F, Oral, Anal, Vaginal, Impregnation, Pain, Love, Pokémon, Sleep Sex, Zangoose, Incest, Age-Play, and all that jazz.)

The air was cool and crisp as Tina looked out over the plains that surrounded her home. The young Zangoose had just turned fourteen today, along with her twin brother Tadd and they had been invited to go on the Seviper hunt. Tina was a fine zangoose specimen; her fur was long and white, with her markings as well as her eyes being deep blue. Her brother used to say one could get lost in her eyes.

The village was all busy this morning. Everyone was getting ready for the big hunt, hanging colored ribbons from posts. Tina turned and looked back over her tribe. She felt so proud to be taking part in the hunt today. She took a moment to take a deep breath as her pride welled up inside her like a ball of light, soon extinguished as she was pounced from her feet, rolling a few times before she landed on her back and looked up at her twin brother Todd.

"Hi Todd, " she said with a giggle and hugged her brother softly. Todd looked just like Tina except that his markings were dark red, nearly a crimson in color. Todd chuckled at his sister and kissed her nose softly then slipped to the side to let her up.

"The hunting party is getting ready to head out; I came looking for you, I didn't want you to miss it, " Todd said with a chuckle and gave his sister a nudge, "Come on let's get a move on" He said and started off toward a crowd that was gathering.

Tina giggled and rolled to her feet to follow Todd as they made their way to the gathering, where one of the village elders stood atop a raised platform, giving a speech to the young warriors. "...and let no Seviper out today survive, lest the egg smashers think we are weak and raid the village. We are strong. All of you are strong and shall prove your strength today." The elder zangoose shifted on the platform and looked out over the plains, "Now go and show the Seviper our might!" He shouted. The group of zangoose started off like a rolling wave of water across the grass toward the closest Seviper camp, every one of them having the full intent to drive the Seviper from their lands.

Tina had other plans in mind then raiding the camp, there would be tons of others there, she was going to slip her way off to a clearing where she normally encountered Seviper. She would be the smart one and show up with so many fangs from her foes she would be able to make a necklace from them.

Tina quietly stalked in the tall grass, having seen a Seviper just over the rise. She moved with the fluid grace of a trained dancer, flowing through the grass nearly silent until she saw her prey. The Seviper couldn't have been much older than herself, playing in a small clearing just beyond the edge of the grass which Tina hid in.

Tina tensed and jumped from the grass flying at the startled Seviper, her claws sinking into its flesh and ripping its head from its body, splattering blood over her claws and face as she landed and slid from the corpse which twitched as its life blood oozed from the severed stump which was its neck. Tina growled in victory for all but a second before something hit her hard, nearly knocking her out from the impact that felt to her as if she had slammed into a rock wall.

The feeling wasn't too far off as the parents of the young Seviper corpse had been close and saw the decapitation take place. The larger of the two had hefted a large rock and thrown it at Tina, knocking her from her feet. The two slithered over to Tina who was still recovering from the blow and towered over her as the young zangoose slowly came back to her senses. Tina looked up, terrified of what would happen as the larger of the two Seviper lifted the large rock again and slammed it down on Tina's side, a sickening crack echoed through her body as her right foreleg snapped under the pressure as the rock which was lifted again the Seviper preparing for a second attack.

Tina, fearing for her life, jumped and tried to run only to find that pressure on a broken limb wasn't the best course of action. Her leg bent back, in a way it was never meant to bend and she tumbled, pain alive in the broken limb and she howled in pain that echoed so loudly both Seviper stopped, surprised by the intensity of it. The break was short lived as both converged on Tina preparing to drop the rock on her head this time and bring an end to her life.

Suddenly a feral growl echoed through the air and a blur of red and white whizzed past the Seviper, both hissed in agony their bodies splitting as Todd all but materialized in front of Tina from his blinding speed. The two Seviper retreated, both hurt badly. Todd turned to check on his sister, who had passed out from the pain. Tears in her eyes and shivers running through her form showed she was indeed, still alive.

Todd gently worked to pull his sister over his back and carried her back to their village, much to gasps and shock from some that saw him. Some are expected to be hurt and some even to die, but to see one so young and a female injured in such a way was more than some could bear to see. Todd carried his sister in to the local healer and laid her on a mat in the room. The healer was an older zangoose, whose bright red coloring had faded from age and become dull. He also had a scar which crossed his left eye, having caused it to heal closed.

He looked over Tina then gathered some herbs and started a small fire, chanting into it and showing some of the zangoose power, long lost through generations of relying on brute force rather than abilities. The bones shifted and aligned themselves, mending enough to allow Tina to walk again, but remaining fragile. The healer nodded to Todd and slipped from the tent letting the flap close behind him. Todd knew Tina had to sleep and he was to be made her guardian for the night, none would visit as was customary.

Todd sighed and laid down beside Tina, trying to let sleep take him, he knew both him and his sister needed it. Visions of the fight continued haunting him. If he had only been faster or followed her more closely. It was all his fault she was in pain and hurting. As sleep finally took him his dreams were filled with Seviper attacking his sister while no matter how hard he ran to save her he could never reach her.

Todd woke from the nightmare looking at his sister lying on her back, dreaming presently. She shifted in her sleep and groaned softly. Todd watched her a smile slowly spreading across his muzzle as he thought of how lovely his sister looked and how much her truly cared for her. Then she shifted again and something caught his nose, it was a strange scent that tickled at his nostrals and seemed to stir feelings deep inside him.

Todd shifted as he noticed the scent seemed to fill the room and stirred some sort of primal instincts in him causing him to feel strange all over. He took a deep breath and realized what he smelled, looking over at his sister's crotch. She was entering her first heat strongly, which was extremely obvious. Todd shivered and swallowed hard, dare he try what he wanted. He slipped over to his sister as quietly as he could, leaning down, his muzzle inches from her overheated sex. The smell of zangoose heat nearly overpowering his senses.

Todd could feel the heat from his sister's loins radiating in waves. He held his breath and closed the distance pressing a soft kiss to her heated sex and letting the taste of her sweet nectar clinging to his lips as Tina moaned softly in her sleep spreading her legs a little. Her swollen sex spread slightly, revealing her black sex lips normally hidden by her fur. Todd swallowed his heart pounded so hard he could feel it in his eyes as he dared to slide in closer to his sister and steal a gentle lick over her slit, his rough tongue gathering the droplets of her moisture that had collected around her opening, dampening her fur.

Tina shuddered, her brother's attentions doing exactly what Todd would have wanted, slowly lulling her into a deeper sleep as she relaxed under the teasing pleasure her brothers tongue gave her. Todd had no idea what his attentions were doing but he knew he loved the taste of his sister and was doing something he and other males had only bragged about doing to the hottest females around the village. His tongue slowly worked deeper, searching every fold and teasing every inch of flesh that it could reach. Tina moaned softly and wiggled as her dreams carried her deeper into sleep filling her dreams with naughty images. Todd's tongue lapped at her hot juices like a dry rag trying to gather up all the fluid it touched. His nose bumped her clit and Tina jumped, squealing softly in pleasure. Todd froze for a second, his tongue still buried inside his sisters passage as he thought for a second he had hurt her or woken her. However, When her soft moaning returned to his ears his attentions increased, gently gripping his sister hips and pressing his lips to her neithers.

Todd could feel his sisters clenching passage, so tight around his small tongue, trying to pull the invading appendage deeper. He rubbed his nose to his sister's clit and groaned softly into her sex, licking as deeply as his tongue would fit into her. Suddenly Tina's body tightened and she moaned loudly in her sleep, flooding Todd's face with a torrent of her hot juices. Todd was eager to lick the juices dry and continue licking at his sister's sex, but she seemed a little reluctant to continue. Rolling to her side as her tail coiled under her and over her bits, hiding her from his relentless attention any longer.

Todd licked his lips and took a deep breath, his mind racing with what he had just done and how wrong it was. What the elders would say if they knew, what his parents would say if they knew. He shuddered to think of how fast they would banish him. He slowly slipped up beside his sister, and rested against the mat just looking over her, thinking how lovely she was and how much he truly loved her. He wanted her to be his mate and so wished that the tribe would allow it. He knew better though, this was a onetime ordeal and he should put it out of his mind.

Todd sighed softly as he curled up, not seeming to mind the raging erection that eating his sister out had given him as he slowly drifted off to sleep next to her, his dreams filled with those of a kinder world which would allow them to be together.

Light filled the room as Tina laid back in her bed smiling to her brother as he jumped from one spot to the other to get to where she laid. Once beside her he slid up and kissed her deeply, his tongue pressing into her mouth and dancing with hers, making her feel so wonderfully special. She moaned softly as he was instantly between her legs, his rough tongue teasing her sex, it felt so wonderful so right so incredible.

Tina closed her eyes as the tongue assaulted her passage, eliciting moans and grunts of pure bliss from her. She leaned up to look down at her brother, but something was strange about him. She tilted her head trying to figure it out as suddenly the head of a seviper raised from her sex, hissing at her. Tina squealed and tried to push herself back from it, clawing at the bed that seemed to be too slick for her to grab. The seviper gave a little hop and pressed it's head into her sex, stretching her wide as it wormed it's body inside of hers.

Tina screamed as this had to be the most terrifying moment of her existence as she watched the beast slither deeper and deeper into her. Her body ached from pleasure as the Seviper moved until all that was left outside was the tail tip. She moaned as the wiggling frame of the seviper teased her in ways she had never thought possible as everything got brighter and brighter.

Tina jump to all fours and looked around the little tent she was in. There was no bed, no seviper, her sex was not stretched to a horrible state, even though it was damp and dripping. It had been a nightmare. Slowly the events of the previous day rolled back into her mind, the hunt, the attack, the pain, the rescue. She felt the break in her foreleg and shifted off it, glad that the bones were protected. She glanced at her brother who laid beside her and noticed his shaft.

Todd was apparently having a very good dream as he shifted and his hips gave little thrusts, the tip of his member having oozed all over the mat they laid on. Tina shivered, she loved her brother, and had always dreamed he would be her mate, even though they both knew it was considered immoral and wrong by the elders, and most of the tribe. She had to try though, hoping that perhaps she would be lucky, and he would sleep through it, while she got her first taste of her handsome brothers member.

She slipped in close and Todd shifted a little, lifting his member from the mat. Tina sniffed at it, then hesitantly leaned in and licked the tip as if the touch of her tongue would wake her brother. Todd shivered and took a deep breath but continued to sleep as Tina took a second lick, the taste of the deep red member, not at all bad. Why she would almost say she like it, kinda salty and with a taste almost like iron. Tina dared to pull the tip of her brothers cock into her mouth and sucked on it, softly, like a baby sucking on its mothers teat. She was rewarded with a splash of pree into her muzzle as she pressed her head down a little farther, taking his shaft deeper into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, her senses were assaulted by her brothers hot male musk, making her pussy throb with her heart beat. She moaned softly about the member, her brother making little whimpering noises as she pressed deeper until the tip of his length hit the back of her throat and she sucked on it a moment, just savoring the feeling. Tina contemplated trying to take her brother farther, but her contemplation was short lived as Todd suddenly bucked his hips in his sleep, pressing the rest of his eight inch member down his sisters throat roughly. Tina nearly choked but was able to relax quickly and allow her brothers member access deeper inside. She started to slowly bob her head, pulling off until just the tip remained in her mouth then pressing down until she could kiss her brothers sheath, her nose rubbing into his balls and giving her a dose of his musk before she pulled back to repeat the process.

Todd was in bliss, he was balls deep in his sisters pussy, his dreams letting him take here where he didn't believe he would ever be able to. He humped harder into his imagination, feeling the fire well inside him, starting deep in his balls then slowly worked its way up, the spark rolling up his member to the tip before his muscles contracted and he unloaded into his waiting sisters mound.

Tina was caught completely off guard as the first shot of hot seed was fired right down her throat. She pulled back to catch a breath and the second shot found her mouth, where she was promptly forced to swallow as more and more hot cum flooded from the shaft. She thought of pulling free and slipped back from her brothers shaft, only to get a hot salty splatter over her muzzle before she clamped back on his cock, sucking and swallowing all she could before he finally relaxed. Tina giggled and sucked the tip of the member until no more seed leaked from it then pulled back. Taking a deep breath and belching loudly. 'Damn that tasted good' She thought and giggled.

Tina slipped out of the tent slowly, looking both ways, she didn't want anyone to catch her with her brothers cum on her face. Luckily it was still dark outside and most of the tribe was asleep, hiding from the darkness. Only a few loyal Zangoose who stood watch for Seviper were awake. She quietly slipped to the well and drew a bucket of water to rinse her face in then a second to take back with her. She carried the water slowly and carefully, holding the specially made bucket handle in her mouth as she slipped back into the tent and placed the water by the fire to heat it.

Todd woke up slowly and stretched as he looked around, noticing his sister. He rolled to his feet, completely oblivious to the act that had just taken place and slipped over to sit beside her, "Are you ok Tina?," He asked looking her over carefully. She nodded and smiled a little to him, not wanting to say anything just this second, fearing she would have the scent of his cum on her breath and he would find out what she had done.

Todd smiled and gently examined her leg, "How's the leg, you took quite a beating from those Seviper, I was really worried about you." Todd smiled, as he gently pressed here and there to see how the leg was healing, feeling over the bones under the taunt furry skin and muscles. Tina giggled and pulled back trotting away from him toward a small cabinet where berries were kept.

"I will be fine. Thank you for rescuing me. If you hadn't shown up, I.. well I might have died," She said as she opened the cabinet and got out two berries, slipping back over to her brother with them, she wasn't really hungry, but the thought of berry masking the scent of cum on her breath was promising. She dropped a berry at Todd's feet and sat down pulling hers up and tearing into it as if she was starving. Todd watched his sister a second, thinking she was acting a little strange, but shrugged it off. He pulled his berry up and began eating it as well. For a time Tina and Todd sat there in silence, exchanging glances, each wondering if the other knew what they had done, each scared someone else might find out, someone would know, someone would turn them in.

It was Todd that broke the silence first with a smile toward his sister and cleared his throat before saying, "So, That was one awesome kill, I mean you sliced the head clean off that Seviper" He said trying to move the subject toward a lighter tone. Tina nodded a little finishing her berry and licking her claws before rinsing them in the warmed water by the fire. She took a deep breath, ready to confess to her brother everything, her feelings, her longings, the times alone when she would dream he was filling her, even the recent oral act, however as she turned to face him, that confidence shattered as if it had been made of glass and hit with a hammer. How could she tell him, it would drive him away he would think so horribly of her afterward.

"I.. think I should rest more," Tina said slowly shaking her paws to dry them then slipped back over to the mat, noticing the little damp spot of pree on it and grinned inside a little before curling up beside it and yawning. Todd was dumbfounded, his sister looked at him so full of life and love then just as suddenly the life seemed to drain out of her before she had turned to sleep. What was she hiding from him.

'What the hell is going on.' Todd thought to himself as he watched his sister curdle up to sleep, 'This isn't like her at all.' He sighed and shrugged, slipping over to his sister's side, blinked at the little spot of pree as he noticed it and tensed suddenly. He slowly relaxed though, surely his sister hadn't seen it, should would have said something. 'Likely, eww you pervert' He thought to himself and sighed, using a paw to wipe the little smear up as best he could before laying down beside his sister, pressing his side to hers gently. He loved her so much that it hurt to think that one day, she wouldn't have him to protect her, that she would favor another male who may hurt her. He sighed softly again and pressed a little closer, leaning in to his sister who had all but drifted back off to dream land.

"I will always be there for you sis, I promise, I love you with all my heart," He said, taking a deep breath and hoping she didn't hear him. He wondered inwardly if he really had wanted her to hear his words, he had felt he had to say it. He knew in his heart it was true and the truth of the fact guided him back to dream land and filled his heart with Light.


LOVE stirred in Tina's heart. It had been two says since her injury and she was finally back as a working part of the tribe. She had worked most of the day, gathering herbs and berries as the celebration of the hunt had a feast on its 4th day. The visions and thoughts of her brother, his shaft and what she would do to him the coming night filled her mind the entire day and distracted her. Several times she hid away in the forest to rub her poor sex just a little, being so hot and bothered. Luckily for her the ones she was working with passed her needy state off as part of her heat and didn't give it a second thought.

The work had been long and the day hot, causing poor Tina to be thoroughly exhausted by the time she made it back to the hut her and Todd shared. She slipped in and laid down, resting in a pile of pillows that served as the bed the two slept in. Tonight she was going to do it again, she was going to wait for her brother to sleep and take his member into her mouth, to taste him again, she needed it, or so she thought.

Todd had been doing more grunt work then Tina, savaging firewood for the feast the following day. Once things were in position he made his way home, slipping in and seeing Tina sleeping soundly already. He made his way over to her and nuzzled her side gently, of course Tina was going to play sleep until her brother passed out, so she shifted a little laying on her belly over a pillow another pulled up to prop her head up, with her little legs stretched out behind her. What happened next nearly made her gasp in surprise and delight, as Todd slid around and gently nuzzled at her sex lips.

Tina was still in her heat, not as badly as two nights earlier but it was still quite obvious. Her eyes shot open and she laid there unmoving as Todd slipped in and kissed her sex then very softly drug his tongue over her outer lips. Tina moaned softly trying to make it seem as if she were still sleeping. Todd swallowed the bait, hook line and sinker as he pressed his nose to Tina's sex and his little tongue slowly found its way into her overheated folds working deeply and teasing her inner walls. He loved the texture of his sister's passage, it felt so interesting so nice, the forbidden territory which tasted so wonderful, as if she were made to be licked like this. Todd deliberately took his time savoring every moment of his attentions on his sister's passage, knowing in his mind he was only making her dream pleasant dreams and she had no knowledge of what he was doing; he moved to extend her pleasure as long as he could. He had no idea how wrong he was.

Tina thought she was going to lose her mind, the feelings of her brother's tongue probing her most intimate locations felt like a wand of pure pleasure being rubbed between her legs. She bit the pillow she was laying against, trying desperately to keep still as her brother licked here and there then suddenly his lips came down and sealed around her clit hood, his tongue pressed in between the little flap of flesh and her hard little nub. Tina couldn't hold back and squealed as she cam rocking her hips back against Todd who was still oblivious to his sister's state of awareness as he continued to lick her passage deeply for several seconds, his tongue gathering up all the hot juices it could, most of them splattering his face however.

Tina groaned and finally pulled from her brother, "What are you doing dear brother?" She asked him in her sweetest most genuinely surprised voice she could muster. Todd sat strait up, his member hard as a rock and jutting from his sheath. His mouth moved but no words came as the look of sheer terror on his face suggested you could have knocked him over with a feather. Tina grinned and slowly turned slipping closer to her brother and without a word kissed him full on the lips. The kiss was brief and she tasted her own juices on his breath before she slid down, kissing the tip of his member.

Todd was lost, he had just got caught eating his sister out, and rather than scold him, or turn him in to the elders, she kissed him, and now he moaned loudly as her lips met his member then slowly slid down around it. Tina pressed down feeling her brother's long shaft slip down her throat just like last time, and she swallowed around it, electing a moan of pleasure from Todd. She slowly pulled back and started to bob her head just like last time, forcing more moans and whines of pleasure from Todd.

Suddenly Tina gasped as Todd shifted, mounting her head and began thrusting his hips, shoving his member down her throat, nearly making her gasp as he started to hump into her mouth greedily. Tina gawked and coughed, but soon learned the rhythm that her brother was setting and rocked with his thrusts, his balls slapping her chin each time he would rock forward. She closed her eyes and let him ravage her mouth, a feeling stirring deep inside her as he did. She was enjoying it, no not just enjoying, she loved the feeling of her brothers hot cock filling her throat as it slid into her again and again. The feeling of being used by her brother as he wrapped his forelegs around her shoulders and rocked into her.

Todd was in heaven as he humped against his sister, pressing deeply as the fire started in his balls and ran up his shaft, the first thick blast of cum splattering down his sisters throat. She pulled back quickly to get a blast in her mouth then off her brother's cock, pumping it as he emptied his balls on her face, making her moan in pleasure.

Todd slowly slipped from his sister and sat on the floor beside her, his cum dripping from her face as she grined at him. He swallowed, "D.. did you know b.. both times?" He asks her his voice a little shaky

"Both?" Tina asked with a start, guessing her brother was awake last time she sucked him off, "You were stone cold asleep last time I sucked you bro" She said looking at him.

Todd blinked again, "Last time? I.. I meant.." He giggled as he realized what had happened, "You sucked me off before didn't you?" He asks testing his theory. Tina nodded as the two shared the stories of the first times they had teased the other both laughing a little before Todd looked to his sister, "Tina, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Tina shivered and nodded to her brother, "I love you too, but we can't be together here, you know that," She said looking at him her eyes telling him all he needed to know.

"Then we will leave, tomorrow after the feast, you will announce that you wish to go off into the world to seek a place free from the Seviper, You will go and I will be your body guard, You are allowed to choose one member to accompany you when you leave." Todd said with a proud grin on his face. Tina nodded and kissed her brother again before washing up.

She slid to him and gently cuddled up close, not caring if they were found, she loved her brother with all her heart. He loved her as well and gently pulled her against him, the closeness causing his male bits to stir. The two slept that night, dreaming of what the following day would hold.


The following day came as Tina spoke with the elders, explaining her desire to leave. She had prepared a departing statement, as those who became adults were allowed to do and made her proposal. The elders conversed and decided it was customary to send a young warrior out to make a name for themselves in the world at the end of the hunting feast and agreed that Tina would be that warrior due to the incredible ordeal she had survived.

The feast began with much dancing and singing and music from specially made instruments. Tina hurried to Todd and explained that her request had been granted. Todd leaned in and kissed his sister deeply. He grinned and whispered that they should find a place to 'celebrate'. Tina scolded and poked his side, noting there were too many around that would notice them walking off together.

Near the end of the feast Tina was called to a raised platform and announced her wishes to depart giving the lengthy speech about her time with the tribe, who she loved and would miss and how she would bring honor to her people. This was followed with who she had chosen as her body guard. Todd slipped up beside her and formally agreed, much to the cheering of the tribe as they watched the two. As was customary the elders each blessing them in their own way and they were given supplies, gifts of well being and a special hut to rest in and prepare for the journey. They slept peacefully that night, each feeling so much love for the other that they felt their hearts would burst.

The following morning was a joyful gathering to see the young warriors off, on a quest to kinder lands where they could be together in life and LOVE.


Todd and Tina traveled over the plains that surrounded their village, leaving behind friends, family and everyone they had ever known, for the love they felt for each other. Journey wasn't easy, however with each having the other to support them, the challenges they faced seemed less severe. They hadn't partaken of each other's love since they left home, and after setting up a camp during their 7th night out Tina decided it was time to share a decision with Todd.

"You want to what?" Todd asked, both confused and surprised at what his sister had just proposed to him.

Tina smiled, "I want to change our names. This will be it, be the final barrier that ties us to who we were, I want to leave all that behind and be someone new. Someone special with you." She said, gently leaning against her brother's side.

Todd smiled and nodded, "Alright, so what do we change them too, just something random?" He asked looking at his sister as the small fire they had crackled and popped its encouragement for them.

Tina smiled, "Tell you what, I will pick a name for you and you pick one for me, and we will accept them no questions, but, we will write them down first, so we can't change them if we don't like the name we pick for each other." She said looking at Todd who nodded and slipped from his sister. They both took a little time thinking up a name for the other, it was decided the names should have special meaning to them alone and be in their native language, not the common that most spoke.

Todd looked at his sister as he clawed the last of the Name he had chosen into the dirt and smiled, "Alright I have your new name sis," he said as his smile spread into a grin, "and I hope you like it."

Tina giggled, "Yes and I have yours. You go first bro" She said with anticipation.

"Oh no," Todd said with a grin, "Ladies first, you know that" He chuckled at what he thought was his wit and looked at his sister who huffed then grinned.

"Alright, for you dear brother, I chose Nagai Yari, a strong warrior's name." She said with a giggle. Nagai Yari meaning long spear in their native language and she thought it had a bit of sexual innuendo in it. Nagai however had the same idea in mind.

"Alright," Nagai said with a grin, "and for you my dear sister, I chose a suitable, fair females name. Nureta Hana." He said with a grin, Nureta Hana meaning wet flower in their tongue. They giggled at the name change and moved to hug each other as tightly as they could; feeling as if they were one and nothing could ever tear them apart.

Nureta smiled at her brother, kissed him softly and then whispered, "Nagai, I want you to make me your mate, please. We have shed everything we knew and held dear to be together. Let's make it official." Her body pressed close to his and held him tightly to her as she spoke.

Nagai looked at his sister and grinned, "Are you sure you are ready to go that far sis.. I won't force something like that on you, you know that. I'll only agree if you're asking for this for you and not because you think it is something I want, I am content to just be with you."

Nureta giggled and kissed her brother with a slow deep kiss, letting her tongue part his lips and slip into his mouth, gently finding her brothers tongue and entwining her own with his before pulling back. She pushed from her brother and stepped a few paces from him before swishing her tail left then right and up and to the side, revealing her black lipped sex standing out against her white fur. The blackened lips were shining and sparkling in the dancing light from the fire as she looked over her shoulder, "Come claim me bro, please." She all but begged.

Nagai didn't need a second invitation as his deep red member hardened quickly, slipping from its sheath and out to its full nine inches of thick zangoose maleness. He took a step forward and leaned in, inhaling his sisters thick intoxicating scent before his tongue snaked free from his mouth and danced over her jet folds, which twitched and caused drops of his sister's nectar to fall to the ground. "You're still in heat," He stated as he licked his sisters sex again.

Nureta only nodded to her brother, "Yes, and I want you to mate me, claim me as your mate forever and give me your kits to show how much our bond means." She said, slowly wiggling her hips for him as her black lipped sex winked at her brother, "Now, mount up big bro, and show little sis what a real Zangoose warrior can do."

Nagai quickly pulled back and hefted himself up over the near perfect hips his sister had presented to him, caressing them with his paws before working his way forward until the pointed tip of his member finally bumped his sisters needy folds, "This is your last chance to back out sis, after this there is no turning back, no returning, this makes it official forever."

Nureta seemed to get impatient waiting for her brother to begin his life binding mating. She shifted her forelegs a little, making Nagai slip and slide forward his member spearing into his sisters sex as he slid until his sheath rested right in against her black lipped sex. Nureta's eyes went wide, this was meant to feel good, but instead the pain that erupted from her sex was incredible. Nagai on the other paw was in heaven; his sister's liquid heat enveloped his shaft in a hot grip of pure bliss. His instincts took over and he began thrusting as pleasure blurred his mind.

Nureta gasped as Nagai began thrusting, she didn't think the pain could get any worse, but it did, flaring like fire as she went to pull away from her brother. Nagai was having none of it however as his forelegs wrapped around her waist and held her firmly in place. His hard member pistoned into her depths rapidly, the powerful thrusts jarring Nureta's body with every contact between her hips and her brothers. The extreme pain soon faded however and was quickly replaced by the most intense pleasure Nureta had ever felt in her life as her brother slammed his hips in to hers over and over again.

Nagai began to thrust harder into his sister's quivering passage, a small puddle of her juices forming between her hind legs from how wet she was. His balls slapped at her clit as he moved thrusting even harder as if he were trying to press more of himself into her body. His frenzied thrusting caused his sister's dripping passage to make wet sucking sounds as he moved; both fully into the pleasure now, only wanting it to continue.

A loud gasping cry slipped from Nureta's lips as her passage suddenly flooded with her juices and clamped down on Nagai's shaft like a vice. The tightening of muscles and rippling of the slick passage he was filling was far too much for Nagai to handle, his member swelled a little before flooding his sisters passage with hot zangoose cum, pumping load after load into her.

Nureta panted a little, taking beep labored breaths from the climax with her brother before he suddenly pulled back and began thrusting into her overheated passage again. Nureta's eyes went wide and she looked back at her brother who kissed her and whispered, "If we want to make sure you have a littler, we should make sure there is enough cum in you." He teased her as his hips slapped against hers.

"Ohhh.. Don't you think you put enough in there already?" Nureta teased, but that was all it was. She didn't want her brother to ever stop; she could spend the rest of her life right here with him, making mad passionate love for eternity if it were possible. She took a deep breath and began rocking back against him again, her passage tighter than previously due to her recent climax, but that didn't slow Nagai down as his powerful thrusts jabbed his member deeply into his sister's heat.

The pair moaned in unison as Nagai picked up speed, his sisters wet sex so wet that the sounds of feral rutting echoed through the small clearing. His previous load of cum was churned into a frothy white foam and forced from Nureta's passage to drip to the ground in long sticky ribbons as Nagai's balls slapped it and caused it to splatter in all directions.

Nagai tensed as he pressed deeply into his sister, nearly lifting her hips from the ground with his hard member and powerful thrusts as he exploded into her passage with a second load of cum. A unique aspect of zangeese is that they can cum several times during a mating and always retain the same heavy, massive load of cum from every climax. Of course Nagai's second load of cum was just as copious as his first, the added heat inside Nureta's sex again pushed her over the edge and into a second climax.

The pair panted, resting there for a second as Nagai playfully bit one of Nureta's long ears and chewed on it. Nureta turned her head and kissed her brother deeply. Frothy ribbons of cum slowly cropped from the joined sexes to the ground as the pair shared a deep loving kiss, tongues entwining softly before being pulled back. Nureta whispered, "I love you bro," softly to Nagai who grinned, beaming with love and pride before Nureta suddenly rolled.

The experience was both pleasing and surprising to Nagai who found his sisters passage suddenly twisting around his member until she managed to roll on to her back, now laying in the puddle of mixed juices, her brothers cock still inside her sex, "Come on Nagai, Give me another, and I'll lay like this so it all stays inside." She said with a giggle and pulled her forepaws up and around Nagai, who was still recovering slightly from the last climax. That was of course until Nureta started wiggling her hips, making her inner muscles slide over his throbbing shaft.

Nagai moaned loudly and his hips were slowly coaxed into thrusting into his sisters sloppy passage again. He groaned and kissed his sister gently as this angle seemed to let him get a little deeper inside her as he could feel the tip of his member bumping her cervix deep inside with evey thrust now. This only served to encourage him to hump harder and faster into his sister.

Nureta was moaning in pleasure as her brothers member reached deeper bits inside her then it had before, bumping something that would send sparks up her spine from the intense pleasure. Every time Nagai would hilt himself inside her she would squeal with the pleasure that shot through her body. She gripped at his shoulders with her forepaws, her claws gently pressing against his back, as he humped into her with fervor. His member forced hot cum to froth out of her sex and make thick foam around her opening.

Nagai raised up a little as his thrusting increased in intensity allowing Nureta to look down between their bodies and watch her brothers glistening member vanishing into her passage with every inward stroke. Time seemed to slow for a second and she could make out the strands of thick foamy cum that clung to his balls and crotch as he pulled back from her body until just the tip of his shaft remained inside. The member pulsated with his heartbeat, shining from the light of the fire, seconds before he would plunge back into her passage, sending tiny droplets of the frothy cum flying in all directions and hitting that spot deep inside her that made her melt in the heat.

Suddenly Nagai thrust hard, the tip of his member hitting and slipping just inside his sister's womb before he flooded the inside of her with another copious load of hot cum. This was a new feeling for Nureta, as Nagai painted her womb with his hot seed; the pleasure was almost over powering. The entire forest seemed to fade from existence for her. The only things in the black void where her and Nagai as her climax hit her again, her passage flexing hard and her body contracting, making her womb try to expand and suck Nagai's member just a little farther inside, pulling the hot cream flood he was giving her deeply in and storing it.

Nagai was a little surprised by the strong suctions his sister's womb placed on his member and soon after finishing his climax he pulled back, stumbled a little and flopped to his back, laying there panting as his still hard member leaked a little cum form the tip, having cum so many times so quickly. Nureta didn't seem ready to quit however and after a quick rest rolled to her feet and crawled over to her brother, licking at the froth of cum that coated his sheath and balls. Nagai groaned, "Not had enough yet?" he teased as his sisters mouth found the tip of his member and slide down around it, sucking it into the warm confines of her throat.

Nagai thought he was going to be fucked to death tonight by a sister in heat, but then again, 'what a way to go,' he thought to himself as Nureta started to bob her head up and down his member, her tail flagged behind her, as cum ran from her passage in thick ribbon stream. A paw soon found Nagai's balls and rubbed the poor little orbs, which were working so hard to satisfy a sister's lust as she pressed down hard, letting his large member slip down her throat until she kissed his sheath and licked past her lips into it gently but only for a second before pulling back and bobbing her head more.

Nagai's forepaws soon slipped up to his sisters head and caressed her ears as her tongue swirled around his shaft as if it were a lollipop, teasing evey bit of it from base to tip over and over again. 'This is the best night of my life,' he thought quietly as his sister pressed down deeply on his shaft again and squeezed his balls softly with her free paw. Nureta slowly pulled up and was rewarded with a spurt of pree in her mouth, deciding she wanted to see what it 'felt' like she worked harder against her brother, bobbing her head quickly and sucking hard.

Nagai felt his pleasure building so quickly, his love for his sister, and the sight of her sucking his member driving him towards another climax as he tensed a little, "Oh Nureta, I am g.. going to..." He tried to warn her but all he succeeded in doing was make her suck harder. She felt a familiar vibration in the base of his member that signaled he was about to cum and pulled back, working her paw around the base of his member and licking the tip to coax him over the edge.

The tactic worked as Nagai howled in pleasure and set hot roped of cum splattering across Nureta's face. This is what she wanted, the feeling of her brothers hot seed splattering her muzzle as rope after rope shot from his shaft to cling to another part of her face. She pulled back and flopped to the side panting heavily as they both took a little bit to fully recover.

Nagai decided if he was going to go, he was going to make the most of it and rolled to his feet, his member still hard and dripping from the action so far. He slowly climbed over Nureta and bumped her hip with his shaft, eliciting a tired grunt from her as she turned her head to look at him. "All that and you want to go again, one of the two of us is going to die from all this sex." She teased as he shifted and the tip of his member touched her tail hole.

"Well I don't know about that, but I do know I want to try something different." Nagai said as he gave a gentle but firm thrust with his hips, his member spreading his sister's tail hole before smoothly sliding in, the orifice already coated with cum from both of them, easily lubing the way for the invading shaft. Nureta gasped as her brother slid easily into her tail hole and stretched it out around his member. Having been taken several times and having had that in her mouth, she never realized just how huge it was until it was shoved into her tail.

Nagai closed his eyes and slowly began to thrust into his sister's rear, rocking into her firmly before slipping back out, his balls now slapping her stretched and abused sex with every thrust. He would press in slowly taking his time, not wanting to hurt his sister, but had wanted to try this with her since they started pleasing each other. Nureta on the other paw was very confused. The stretching felt strange, not painful, but different, there was a different pressure on her passage which sent a new kind of pleasure through her, and as her brothers balls smacked her outer lips she felt shocks of pleasure run through her and groaned.

Nagai worked his hips in and out slowly humping his shaft into his sister rear harder, slowly increasing the pace and force behind his thrusting as her rear seemed to slowly adjust and let him speed up. Nureta was gradually getting into the strange feelings her brother was giving her and started rocking back against him, clenching her rear around his shaft now as he thrust into her, stretching her little tail hole just a little farther.

Nagai groaned in the pleasure, the extra tightness of his sister's rear pulling another climax from him, he could feel it already building in his pelvis as he humped into her and suddenly pulled back his member slipping from her rear fully. He held there for a second, just long enough for Nureta to look back and open her mouth as if to ask if anything was wrong then he thrust into her passage, burying his length into her sloppy sex and began humping hard, as fast as his hips would allow him. The open mouth of his sister turned into a moan and he caught her, pulling her into a deep kiss as he slammed his hips into hers forcefully. Wet, lewd squishing noises came as Nureta all but screamed into the kiss as she came again, her passage spasming around her brother's member. This was more than enough incentive for Nagai who pressed hard into his sister and moaned as another load of hot cum flooded his sister's already overflowing passage.

Heavy panting echoed from the two as Nureta slumped to the ground, Nagai's twitching member still inside her and him laying on her back as they took deep labored breaths in unison. After several long moments Nagai finally spoke up, "So, did you enjoy your night sis?" he asked with a smile. The answer was a snort from Nureta who pulled out from under him, leaving Nagai with a dripping hard member, standing over a small puddle of cum.

"The night isn't over dear brother," Nureta said as she kissed him then pulled her head down and slipped between his forelegs, sliding back until she could get at his member and licked it. Nagai looked around at his sister and blinked.

"What are you doing sis?" He asked as she kissed his shaft, it almost felt to him as if he were mounting her face as she licked his shaft.

"I want you to take me, just like if I was turned around, and don't hold back." She said with a giggle sliding in and pulling the tip of her brother's cock into her mouth and sucking on it. Nagai swallowed, this was different, but he decided to give it an experimental try and gripped around his sister's shoulders, gently giving a thrust. His member slipped smoothly down his sister's throat until his hips softly bumped her nose and she moaned around his length making it vibrated in her throat.

Nureta held still as Nagai pulled back and thrust into her throat again, the feeling not unlike her moving to suck him off, only he was in control now and she loved it. Nagai took a deep breath and started to thrust into his sister's throat as if it were his personal pleasure hole. Nureta on the other paw braced herself letting her brother take her throat and hump into it as he pleased, sucking around his shaft when she had the chance with his movements.

Nagai groaned as his hips slid back and forth, this was indeed a new experience for him as his throbbing overheated shaft slipped down his sister's throat again and again. Nureta rubbed her tongue over the underside of his member and murred when she could to vibrate her brothers cock more. The vibrations and heat of this new strange position were quickly bringing Nagai closer to another peak but the thing that sent him over the top was his sister balancing on one paw and reaching up with the other to gently rub his balls.

Nagai stiffened and his member twitched before flooding his sister's throat with yet another load of hot cum. She pulled back swallowing a few coupes loads before pulling back and licking at the shooting shaft, letting what was left of the jets of cum to splatter her face again and moaned softly, "Damn Nagai.. this is so wonderful."

Nagai went to push himself off his sister and slipped rolling to the side and landing on his back. Soon after his landing Nureta had pounced him and was laying belly to belly with him kissing him lovingly, "I love you so much Bro, so much.. I never want to be apart from you, ever." With that she reached down, and grabbed Nagai's aching member before lining it up and pressing herself down on him.

Nagai moaned loudly and gasped as his sister sat up on his hips, his member deep inside her again as she started to slide up and down, bounding on him, causing his shaft to slip in and out of her wet passage. Nureta slowly lifted herself then just dropped back down on her brother's member moaning loudly as she worked harder against him. The bouncing forced Nagai's legs farther apart and allowed his member to press deeply into his sister's well used passage.

Nagai moaned loudly as his member squished into his sister's hot passage and he rolled his hips, starting to thrust upwards into his sister's heat. His paws gently found her hips and pulled her downward as she worked over him, his member twitching and drooling pree into his sister's hot passage once more tonight. Nureta rocked down against her brother, her passage so messy now that a splattering of mixed seed was herd with every thrust.

Nureta came first, her passage tightening and rippling over her brother's member, her juices flooding over her his crotch, which soon followed her climax with one of its own, shooting more, hot cum her. Nureta leaned down and panted against her brother looking at him, "This is the best night of my life." She said taking a deep breath and looked into her brothers eyes. The glint there in told her this night was far from over...


Nureta awoke to rain drops. She lifted her body which still had cum clinging to knots in her fur here and there from the intense night her and her brother had partaken of. Nagai, the lucky one, had ended up on his back under a limb partially, his hips out in the rain, and the water having cleaned most of his lower body. Nureta giggled as she slipped over and licked her brother's balls to wake him with a groan.

"I think we should find someplace to get out of the rain and dry up love." Nureta whispered to Nagai, who sat up, his ears causing a heavy, large leaf over his head to tip and drench his upper body with the water it was holding.

"Pfft.. Sure sis.. Where do you suggest?" Nagai asked as his sister started off, a little wobble in her walk, and Nagai could see why, her poor sex was still stretched from the massive mating the previous night and he had to give a little chuckle as he followed. A large tree with a hallow core was found that seemed to keep most of the rain out.

The pair shook themselves as dry as they could and cuddled up together, resting, loving each other more than they could express. The rain howled outside and lighting crashed as the storm picked up. They had each other, and that was all that mattered.


((Soon to be Part 5 here, check back))