The Masters Chapter 5

Story by Oloroso Rhone on SoFurry

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The Masters... ...of Education

(September 16th)

Elliot Masters walked silently through the crowded hallway, grumbling at the crammed and rushing mass of life to his every side. He never liked this. Most times, the images of livestock being herded to the slaughter came to his mind -- which he didn't feel was far from the truth.

This WAS a high school after all.

After pushing through the last furry blockade between him and his next 'class,' he stumbled into the small offshoot of a hallway, which connected the main area of the school to two old locker rooms and to the school's smaller gym: the gym too small for any real sports, and relegated to be used for PE.

A few yards away, by the entrance to the boys' locker room, was a mass of orange and black fur. It stood at the head of a crowd of other fur colors, feathers, and scales, some crowded near, and others breaking away to either venture past Ell or disappear into the lockers.

That mass of orange and black was a sophomore, a tiger whom Ell had met just less than three weeks ago. His name was Hunter Thurman, and he had been forced into taking PE during his second year with nothing but freshman -- freshmen like Ell -- because he had done everything he could to avoid it the year before...but could only manage that feat for so long.

Why the large cat hated PE so much to begin with, Elliot couldn't understand. He was fit, coordinated, and seemed to really enjoy playing those games which the husky himself was frequently annoyed by.

Not that Ell minded the tiger's presence though.

The young dog had been terrified of high school. Every movie and TV show portrayed it like the battlefields of a war, with upperclassmen as the relentless and battle hardened enemy soldiers, and the freshman as the unfortunate recipients of every figurative bullet and bomb. But Elliot had been pleasantly surprised to find himself mostly segregated from the upperclassmen...and even pleasantly surprised at the first upperclassmen he met for any real length of time: Hunter.

Not only was the tiger friendly and nice, but he had even become a FRIEND to the husky in these short first three weeks of high school. In fact, in this PE class -- even though surrounded by furs he'd been through school with for years before high school -- Hunter was his only actual friend.

Elliot strolled casually past all the other furs, acknowledging only the tiger with a slight head tilt and a small wave, "What's up, Hunter?" He continued past the tiger and into the locker room, where he sat his backpack down and began to put in the combination for his locker.

"Hey, Ell!" leaning through the locker room door, Hunter snapped his fingers at the slightly younger student and completely ignored whatever prattling he'd been dealing with before, "Come 'ere!" A couple of the furs around him left, and the others continued talking to one another, "No need to get into your locker yet! Bell hasn't even rung."

The husky continued to undo the lock, but just left it hanging open instead of continuing to get ready for PE, "Uhm...okay." He walked the couple of yards back over to Hunter, a massive fur compared to himself, and looked up at the cat, "...but you know I like to dress-out quick." He scratched his headfur with mild embarrassment that he was still as self-conscious as he was.

"I still don't understand why you're so embarrassed!" Hunter smiled a wide, sharp grin, "I mean, you're not overweight or anything, and," he looked up and away with his eyes, "not that I've been like lookin' at you or nothin'...but I've never seen you pop a tent in there or anything, either."

Ell continued in a more relieved tone, "Well excuse me for having modesty!"

"I don't believe in modesty! I think it's just a word people who had something to be embarrassed about made up to protect themselves," the tiger nudged his friend's shoulder.

Elliot just chuckled, "Anyway...what's up? You need a freshman's all-knowing advice again?"

"Nah, it's nothin' really. I just wanted to talk, but don't worry about it. We can talk when I come in there to change here in a few minutes," Hunter waved him off, "You go on to your privacy, before more people get here."

"Okay, as long as it isn't SUPER important. Talk to you soon!" The husky walked back toward his locker and from it, gathered his usual gym class attire and proceeded to quickly change clothes.

Hunter greeted a few other furs as they filed in, but now with an ulterior motive. He intentionally captured as many of them in conversation as he could, as he continuously glanced back at Ell. And ONLY once his husky friend was completely finished dressing out for class did the tiger let the small group file inside. It was a habit he'd gotten into over the last week or so, but one he wasn't sure if his canine friend had ever noticed...

Hunter followed the group in, as well, and sat down on the bench closest to his younger friend, "You know...if you have anything to be embarrassed about, it's being seen in these gym clothes. I mean, I don't mean to sound gay or anything, but you look a lot better naked than you do once you're draped in these big baggy things."

Ell let out an uncomfortable huff at that statement, "You've never seen me naked! I don't take my underwear off in here.

"Fair enough. But I have seen you in these!" the tiger swatted at his friend's baggy black shorts, "and anything's gotta' look better than this."

Elliot sighed deeply and looked down at the shorts, "Yeah, I know, they do look like some nightmarish shit, don't they?" He chuckled at his own comment, trying his best to convince himself Hunter didn't mean anything by the naked comment. For a moment, he almost let himself be convinced that the big cat meant he WANTED to see him naked. But Ell knew from much prior experience, that simple things like that never meant anything and if he tried to make something of it, he just might get his ass kicked. "But at least everyone else is wearin' 'em too! You know how coach is, if you don't dress-out the way he wants us to."

"Yeah, I know!" Hunter stood up and unlocked his locker -- luckily, very near Ell's -- and continued in a sarcastic tone, "I mean...I forget my shorts, and go out there in my jock strap ONE TIME and he acts like it's the end of the world!"

The husky chuckled again, remembering that day...and what a glorious day it was for gay canid spectators, "Yeah, that was pretty great."

"He was probably just jealous of my nice, round, orange ass!" Hunter hadn't bothered pulling his clothes out of the locker yet, waiting for the bell before he did anything. "I know his poor, flat, little, gray one couldn't pull off a jock. And so does he!" He finally chuckled a bit, "Oh! Hey! Didn't I need to talk to you about somethin'?"

Elliot dreamily remembered that 'nice, round, orange ass,' and wanted to just reach out and give it a big firm squeeze in his mind's dream world. Luckily, Ell's mind didn't fall completely into the gutter, and he managed to stay somewhat focused, "I don't know. Did you?"

"Yeah! I was wondering if," the tiger got cut off by the bell, growled a little, and finally reached into his locker, "I was wondering if you wanted to do somethin' later this week. Maybe Friday? You know, since you probably won't have to be home as early then."

Ell was struck by how casual the question was, even though the two of them had never even spoken outside of school. After a slight moment of shock, though -- at wondering why any upperclassman, even a sophomore, would want to hang out with a freshman outside of school -- Ell finally responded, "Oh! Uhm...well I'd like to...but..." He hurried to come up with good excuse to have to think about it, not wanting to seem too eager, "I'll have to ask my parents, but they should be cool with it."

"Cool!" Hunter pulled off his shirt and tossed it into his locker, "Not sure what we'll do yet...maybe just hang out at one of our houses." He unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them, "...unless you'd like to see a movie or something instead? Anything out that looks good?" He dropped and stepped out of his pants, stuffing them in his locker too.

The husky looked briefly at his feline friend's boxer covered ass, but quickly looked quickly back at his face again, knowing that this was NOT the time or place to be caught staring at anyone's ass. Slightly dazed and obviously not thinking about his question, he answered, "Yeah it looks good to me."

Hunter looked away from the jockstrap in his paws, the jockstrap he only bought because his boxers wouldn't fit in his intentionally undersized gym shorts, "It? No...I said: 'is there a movie out?' I didn't name one, yet." He looked back at the jock, mumbled to himself, "Fuck this shit. I'll just go commando," and tossed the jock in his locker too. Then, shameless as always, he slipped out of his boxers and turned around back around to his locker again to put on his gym shorts.

"W-what?" If his feline friend wanted to get him focused, stripping down to nothing inches away from him wasn't exactly the best course of action. Though only for the slightest of moments, Elliot caught full sight of the tiger's hefty package, followed by a lengthy shot of his ass before his shorts covered them up again.

Once Hunter's correction finally registered, though, he realizing how stupid he must've just sounded, and tried his best to regain his composure. One paw reached up to hold his head as if it was being strained, while his other pulled his tail around to cover the front of his shorts. "I mean...nothing looks good. I meant to say, 'd-doesn't look good,' like, the movie scene doesn't look good, but I just got messed up. I don't know what the hell I was thinking..." he gulped hard, realizing he was rambling, struggled to be calm again.

The tiger, though, was paying more attention than Ell realized, and he noticed the dog pull his tail in front of himself. The big cat seemed startled for a moment, at the sight, knowing exactly what it meant, and his eyes grew wider, before he spoke, "Oh! Yeah. No, that makes sense." He blinked a lot and shook his head, trying to act like he didn't notice anything, and like nothing happened, but quickly pulled his shirt on, "I guess we'll just hang out at one of our places then?" he offered a smile despite the situation.

"Yeah...that sounds good." Ell was still very nervous, fidgeting around lightly while standing in place, and hoping to God his problem would go away before anyone noticed or he had to walk out of the locker room.

Hunter moved in front of his younger friend, intentionally blocking anyone else's view of him -- though Elliot had no clue. "And hey," he surprised his canine friend, leaning in close and lowering his voice, "Look, don't worry about it, Ell. It's okay." He looked the younger teenager right in the eye and smiled wryly, "Sorry on my part, though. I...I didn't mean to cause you any...uhm...trouble." He leaned back, still smiling apologetically and patted Ell on the shoulder.

The husky gulped again and looked at Hunter, this time nervous about what he was talking about, though he had had a very good idea, "W-what? What do you mean?"

Hunter raised an eyebrow and brought the corner of his mouth to a point in a smirk, "Oh, come on, Ell." He glanced down at the husky's tail between them and then back up.

Elliot tried again to be calm, "Oh no, Dude. That's sick. It's because of...of earlier..." He hurriedly put together a fake story, hoping Hunter would buy it, but afraid he it was far too late, "This morning, I know...I in the shower, and didn't...didn't finish. So now it's just...kind of popping up. You know?"

"And it just so happened to do it..." the tiger lowered his voice to a whisper, "...while I was naked?" He noticed his friend's tail drop aside, and assumed the predicament had passed, so he finally moved away and sat down, to start putting his shoes on, "Really, Ell: it's cool. Just relax, okay?" He chuckled, "Like I said, it was my fault. I'll be more careful with what I'm...flashing at you next time."

Ell blinked a few times in disbelief, never thinking Hunter of all furs would be okay with something like that, "'re serious? It's cool with you?"

"Ell...I'M apologizing to YOU." Hunter finished putting his shoes on and stood up, "And I didn't skip a beat about us still hanging out this Friday, did I?" He put a paw on Ell's shoulder as he walked past, "We'll talk about it after PE, kid." He winked and nearly jogged off toward the gym.

The husky blinked for a few seconds, watching Hunter go off toward the gym and quietly giving him a nervous 'Okay...' that he couldn't hear.

As soon as the tiger was out of sight, Ell leaned back against his own locker and sighed out deeply, not caring about what the few remaining furs would think, "Oh please...please don't be fucking with me." The last furs exited the locker room, headed toward the gym, and Ell started walking out after them, taking his time to adjust himself and make his lessened-but-still-present bulge less noticeable in his luckily baggy shorts.

By the time Elliot walked in, Hunter was talking to a vixen and her leopardess friend by the bleachers. It was hard to tell what he was saying, but the girls seemed more than a little entertained. He held his arm out to them and flexed it a bit. As the vixen felt of it, he looked over, smiled, and waved at Ell. It wasn't a 'knowing' smile, or smirk, or chuckle...nothing to show that anything weird just happened...but just a friendly smile and a wave like always.

The husky, though, was too uncomfortable not to read more into it than that. He looked over and smiled weakly back, for some reason certain that his feline friend was making fun of him by letting the girls feel his muscles. The freshman's mind ran away with him, imagining what his sophomore friend must be trying to silently point out: 'Hey faggot, look at what you'll never get!'

But he walked over to the tiger anyway and tried to pretend like nothing had happened, "Hey, dude." He rubbed his arm nervously, praying that the cat hadn't told the two females what had happened.

"Hey!" Hunter pulled his arm away from the girls, still flexing it, "Feel o'that! I think I'm makin' a lot of progress with my new weights." The vixen looked almost annoyed, as if she thought him letting her feel it was something special, just for her. Hunter, though, wasn't paying much attention to her annoyance, "I's nothing great...but it's a lot firmer now."

Ell looked at him, and waved Hunter's arm away, "'s okay. I'll pass." He smiled uncomfortably, very much wanting to avoid doing anything to seem any gayer right now.

The tiger shrugged, "Cool. Whatever." He lowered his arm, "On Friday...did they say we were playing dodge-ball, today?"

"Uhm..." Elliot looked around, mainly at the coaches, who were waiting for the rest of the girls to exit their locker room, "I think so?"

"I'll try to be nice if we're on opposite teams..." Hunter winked and smirked mockingly, "I know how bad you are at this!" He pushed Ell's shoulder a bit.

The husky tried to resist against the playful push, but was easily pushed away, "Hey!" He looked over and finally whole-heartedly smiled, "It's only 'cause I don't try."

Hunter opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the screaming of the coach and just rolled his eyes a bit as he waved to Ell and ran off. After the initial roll call...the berating over whatever rules had been broken the week before...and once the assistant coach finally brought out the balls for the was announced -- as if no one had been told, before, that that was the game for the day -- and the class was split in two. Only once, during the opening ordeal, did Hunter even glance at Ell, and that was only as they passed each other, walking to opposite sides of the gym, and their opposite teams.

Despite how playful Hunter had seemed, Elliot still couldn't help but go over the whole situation between the two of them, in his head, again and again. The tiger could just be being nice for today, then never speak to him again! Or maybe Hunter was going to use the information AGAINST him somehow!

The game was started and each team began playing, rushing toward center court, grabbing a ball, then ensuing to pummel each other in a gleeful display of barbarism. Ell hung back with a few of the girls and other nonathletic males, avoiding the game all together, and just trying look busy, while actually still thinking of Hunter and what the tiger might be thinking of HIM.

Hunter, meanwhile, reveled in the supposed 'barbarism,' laughing and yelling uproariously as he always did when he actually got into the games. He caught every ball that was thrown at him, and tossed it back, pegging someone else with it almost every time, to score his side two outs more often than not any time anyone targeted him.

Unfortunately, not everyone else on his team was doing so well, and by the end of the first game, he was the only member of his side not eliminated, and Ell's side still had the husky -- who'd been lucky hanging so far back -- five other furs, and all the balls.

All five, excluding Elliot, hurled their foam projectiles at Hunter, and the tiger, barely managing to dodge four, caught the fifth and immediately threw it back, nailing one of the five furs in the head before running for the four balls he dodged. He threw them back almost frantically and pegged three of the remaining four as well...though two of them, only barely. And the final one of the five fell just as quickly: though he dodged Hunter's initial volley, the tiger hit him as well on his second try.

And with that, Hunter was left with only his friend, the obviously uninterested husky to face...which would have been an easy enough task, except there were no balls left on the tiger's side of the court, at all. A bit drained, he slumped over and breathed heavily, looking across at the younger canine.

Ell's shoulder slumped. Oh shit, why hadn't he been taken out yet?

He strolled casually over to one of the slowly rolling balls and picked it up, not even remembering the last time he actually THREW one in one of these games, and all the while his eliminated team mates and the coaches yelled at him to "Get into the game!" It was funny. He wasn't 'in the game' but he was the last one left. Discretion's the better part of valor, or whatever...yeah?

Elliot walked over, as close as he could get to Hunter while still on his side of the court, and stood there silently, toying with the ball a little and watching the tiger, knowing pretty well he was just going to catch the ball when he threw it. Might as well give it his best shot, though!

The husky took a few steps back, and then turned around quickly, rushing the line, jumping, and hurling the ball with all his might at his friend. And hoping that he'd catch the sophomore off guard -- his only chance that the ball wouldn't be caught -- in mid-air he screamed:


Sure enough, Hunter was startled by the sudden outburst from the normally placid dog, and hesitated for the shortest of seconds. He jerked up quickly and snapped his paws up to catch the ball with all the speed and tact he'd shown thus far. Unfortunately for him, though, he moved just a little too quickly and his hands clapped in front of himself and the ball simply bounced off his fingers.

As the red foam ball tapped against the glossy wooden court, Hunter's eyes went wide and he stood frozen. He'd...lost? He was doing so well...

Legitimately shocked that Hunter hadn't caught it, Ell landed squarely on his feet, while the rest of the gym either stared in disbelief or burst into laughter and cheers for the sole survivor.

Still in a daze, Elliot spoke over the crowd, "Sorry..."

The tiger looked up and opened his mouth to speak as the coaches and other students went about placing the balls back in the middle for game two, but he just blinked at first. He chuckled after a moment, though and gave his friend a dismissive wave, "No worries! I always win. You needed one too, finally..." he winked, "Besides, I've still got the whole rest of the period to get you back!"

As Hunter ran back to his side, Ell walked briskly to his own, letting the other furs' thanks and congratulations spur him on to play more seriously. He still played the next round timidly, of course, but at least he was actually playing...having almost completely forgotten about what happened with Hunter in the locker room and getting the feel from how the cat was playing, that maybe he really didn't care about it. That instinctive doubt still lingered in his mind, of course, but it would have to wait to be answered. There was a game to be played.

Hunter continued doing just as well in the following three games, almost single handedly scoring his team all three wins, which would have been much nicer had the thought not remained with him how close he was to completely shutting the other team out. Instead of just catching his own, in those games, he took the initiative to save others from being hit too, and luckily, was never left as the only member of his team again, and soon enough three other games, and three other wins passed by.

The husky, meanwhile, was eliminated about midway through, every time, as he was actually playing, now, and wasn't safe hiding in the back. Once they were done, the class split up again toward their locker rooms, and Hunter, one of the first in, was already sitting on the bench resting by the time his canid friend wandered in.

Elliot walked back into the locker room as if wounded, and went toward his own locker, wanting nothing more, at the moment, than to get out of his sweaty t-shirt and shorts, "Ugh...hey Hunter." He took off his shirt and tossed it into his locker, which he hadn't bother re-locking before class, "Coach said I had a good 'hussle' or something, for knocking you out by myself. I got an 'A' for today...that cool or what?"

"Well, it WAS a nice moment." Hunter looked up, "But you realize this is PE, right? I'm pretty sure we all get an A for every day." He hit Ell's hip with the back of his paw, not even bothering to stand up or try to change his clothes.

"Well maybe for you, because you can play any damn game you want, but for the rest of us -- the normal ones -- certain things are little above our skill set." The husky slipped off his shoes and pushed them away, while sitting down to take off his sweaty socks as well.

Hunter watched him as he went, "No...I mean I don't think this class is actually graded. I think they just slap an A on everyone and send them off. I mean, you know anyone who's failed PE, and had to repeat it?"

"I don't know that many furs to begin with." Ell looked at Hunter and motioned to the side right side of his face, "Does it look like it's swelling right here?"

The tiger's first instinct was to jokingly remind the dog that the balls were foam, and harmless. But instead, he humored him, reaching up and very gently turned the husky's face with his paw for a better look, "Nah...I think it'll be okay. When'd you get hit in the face?"

"That last round," without actually thinking about who was touching him, Elliot playfully nuzzled against Hunter's paw, "That fox, Nathan or whatever, got me good." He stopped suddenly when he realized what he was doing, and turned and backed away from the cat's paw, ears splayed and cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Hunter smiled at that, and put the paw right back where it had been for a quick soft pet, "You get embarrassed too easy, Ell."

"Yeah...I know." The husky smiled at the second touch, and then scratched his head, "I'm just afraid of making an ass out of myself."

"Well you don't have to worry about that with me." Hunter put that same paw on his friend's shoulder, "Things don't usually get to me." He tilted his head and continued before Ell could say anything else, "And hey, listen. I know more than a few gay guys, and if I've learned anything, it's that they always want to talk about it, if given the opportunity. I really don't see bringing it up on your own," he squeezed the dog's shoulder a little and then let go, "Do you wanna' talk about what happened earlier? You know, while we have the time?"

"I...uhm..." Ell looked around nervously at the other half-naked furs in the locker room, who were all doing their own thing, laughing and joking around while changing clothes and getting as clean as possible with the little time available, "I don't think right now is the best time to talk about it Hunter. Someone might overhear, and...and I don't think this is the place to talk know...something like that." He shrugged, "But I would like to...sometime. Like...if you really want to."

"Well, they'll all be filing out soon enough, when the bell rings...and I'll still be right here! I always stay afterward to shower instead of going to lunch, since the gym & lockers are empty for a while. So why don't you stick around with me?"

The husky paused momentarily to think. He was nervous at the prospect, but he knew his answer would be yes. He wasn't really hungry to begin with, nor did he have anything specific or important to do during lunch. And it would definitely be comforting to be open with someone other than his uncle Will. "Uhm...alright. Yeah. I'll chill for a little bit," still worried about seeming too enthusiastic, though, he hid his excitement at the offer.

Hunter, though, made no such attempt, "Cool! Probably best anyway. Seems like it's takin' you a while to get out of here, as it is." He motioned at his younger friend, "The bell's about to ring, and you haven't even gotten out of your shorts, let alone into your normal clothes." He wrapped an arm around the husky's shoulder with a smile, "But now, there's no reason to rush!"

Elliot looked down, only now realizing he was sitting there shirtless and had stopped changing, "Oh! Yeah well you got me all caught up in talking. Otherwise I'd be gone." He smiled, "Don't go thinking I'm gonna' take a shower though, just because I'm staying..."

The tiger slipped his arm off of the husky, "Oh, you don't want to shower?" He raised an eyebrow, "And after earlier, here I was thinking you'd do anything to be naked and alone with me!" He nudged Ell in the side with his elbow.

"Heh..." Ell blushed heavily and, though nervous, took the bold step to agree, "Well, I never said I don't." He smiled dreamily, remembering back to the stories his uncle Will told about how he had 'fun' during school, "But I don't think me sharing the showers with you would be a good idea..."

"What? You think I'd be mean to you if you enjoyed the view too much? Or do you think I couldn't defend myself if you decided to have your way with me?" Hunter looked around as the bell rang, "And look! Everyone's there's no more reason to be coy with your answers." With a wide smirk, he stood up and finally opened his locker.

The husky gulped and watched as the few remaining furs exited. "I guess it'd be okay," as soon as they were gone, he spoke up, his boldest yet as he tested just how far he could push these new boundaries, "so long as you don't mind me pawing off behind you!"

Hunter hummed in thought at that, "Maybe I'd be offended if you DIDN'T."

"Come again?" Elliot twitched involuntarily.

The tiger, though, just chuckled as he took off his shirt, "We're alone now. So I guess it's time to talk, right?" He pulled his normal clothes out and pushed his gym shirt in as he turned around to face his friend, "So how long have you known you were gay?" He tossed his clothes onto the bench beside the husky.

Ell thought briefly, "A few years? I mean...I've always known I was different, because like, in elementary school I tried to kiss this otter boy I knew, a few times." He blushed, "I didn't know why, but I wanted to do it. So it's not like I found out I was gay, I just found out I never became interested in girls. Heh..." He smiled proudly, "Even though a lot of girls seem to like me."

"I bet they do!" Hunter hooked his thumbs on his shorts and pulled them down and off, his rather full sheath coming into view right in front of his younger friend, "Who all knows? I'm not lucky enough to be number one am I?" He turned around, lightly swishing his tail, not exactly TRYING to show off his ass for Ell, but also doing nothing to hide it.

The husky gulped and instinctively watched the tiger's ass, while his own sheath swelled inside the fabric of his shorts, "I uncle knows...about me..." He forced himself to look away, back to the back of Hunter's head.

Hunter finished stuffing his locker and closed it, turning back around to look at Ell with his eyebrow raised, but still no attempt to hide his now full frontal nudity, "Your uncle? Is he gay, too?"

Elliot opened his mouth to answer, but only managed to lick his lips as his eyes darted involuntarily from Hunter's sheath to his face. The licking was only to sooth his rapidly drying lips...but he was certain it looked like 'hunger.'

The tiger laughed aloud at his friend's distraction, "Up here, Elliot! Your uncle, I said. Is he gay?"

Ell shook his head quickly and made himself look up at his friend with an embarrassed smile. Though, he took the hearty laugh as a good sign that there were no hard feelings for the wandering eyes.

Forcing himself to focus on the situation at hand, Ell thought back over Will and all of his past experience, but the fact that he had had a few girlfriends over the years and that he was so adamant he was straight, signaled that he probably wasn't gay, "No, he isn't gay. He just walked in on me...uhm...pawing off to gay porn one day," he chuckled, "So he found out that way..."

"'re laughing, so I'm assuming he's okay with it." Hunter sat down beside his freshman friend again, "Which is pretty cool of him!" He leaned back on his paws, continuing to be un-phased by being naked and sitting almost right up against a gay guy, "Anything in particular you want to talk about? Might help if you had someone to talk to...and I'd be happy to listen."

"No...nothing really important." The husky tried to look at Hunter's package again as inconspicuously as he could manage, " you really not care that someone like me...uhm...finds you attractive?"

"You'd be surprised how little I care..." Hunter smiled and pointed at the slight, but somewhat noticeable bulge in Ell's shorts, "I take THAT as a compliment."

Though slowly, Elliot stood and hooked his shorts with his thumbs, "So you'd be cool if I next to you?"

The tiger just smiled really wide and repeated the same thing he just said, "You'd be surprised how much I' with."

Ell gulped hard, arguing with himself in his head over how he should be taking all of that. There was no way he was going to let his shyness get in the way of whatever opportunity this might be heralding. Even if he was just making a better friend out of it, he was going to make the most of having one he could be so open and comfortable with. So, accepting what Hunter said for at least what it was, the dog pulled down his shorts and underwear all at once, exposing his nearly full sheath...though not without a blush and a nervous laugh, wondering what the cat would do.

To his surprise, though, Hunter's nostrils simply flared on cur, and his chest grew when Ell's scent hit the air. For a moment, his eyes fluttered closed, only to open again and look right at his canine friend with a purr. Not only was he not pretending he wasn't trying to get a whiff...but he was making a show of it.

"Uhm..." despite that, the husky used his paws to hide himself timidly, "Well, that was unexpected."

Hunter smirked and tilted his head at his friend, "Why?"

"Well...I don't know. I're you like the smell?" Elliot looked back at the entrance to the locker room, expecting the whole school to come storming in on them.

The tiger, though, just looked away nonchalantly, "I don't have to answer that question so long as you're being secretive with me."

Ell snapped back to look at the tiger, "I'm not being secretive! I'm just...confused..."

"You are too being secretive! You're hiding things," Hunter looked back with a smirk, "In a more literal sense than you probably think I mean." He pointed at the paws still covering the freshman's crotch, "I haven't covered myself up once."

"You...I..." the husky gulped and looked back again to the locker room entryway, "D-do the coaches come in and check to see if anyone is still here?"

"I've never seen one. But even if they did, Ell...this is a locker room. You're not gonna' get in trouble for being naked."

Elliot looked back at the senior, took in a deep breath, and lifted his paws up, scratching his stomach absently for lack of somewhere better to put them, "Uhm...what if I'm hard?"

"Also not against the rules..." the tiger smiled, and leaned forward, head teasingly close to the dog's hips as he sniffed lightly again, "Oh...and yes. Yes, I do," he stood up, face to face with the husky, "do you?"

"Uhm...of course I do. O-of you that is," Ell stammered uncomfortable, "Or other all...I mean..."

"Cute," Hunter laughed. "Want a little sniff? Y'know...since I got one of you..."

The husky's eyes went wide, "You're serious?"

"Of course!" Hunter nodded, "I mean...if you wanted one, it'd be more than a little difficult for you to sneak one without me noticing. Besides, there won't be much scent left after I get out of the shower." He shrugged, "I just figured I'd make things easier on you."

Elliot blinked, still in slight disbelief, "Yeah...I want it." Unknowingly he became almost fully hard, now, more than an inch of his cock poking out of his sheath, obviously wanting to come out and play.

Leaning closer, the tiger spoke in a breathy growl, "Take it, then."

Ell looked down to Hunter's package and eyed over it lustfully, feeling himself legitimately start to drool. Despite wanting it...despite damn near NEEDING it, his thoughts immediately switched gears screaming from every corner of his mind, 'YOU'RE IN SCHOOL!' And he just shook his head and looked away, "I can't do it."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. It's just really weird to do this at school..."

"Well, I won't make you if you don't want to. I just thought you would." Hunter rubbed the back of his neck, "Hell, it seemed like you were about to ask me to fool around with you in the shower a minute ago..."

"I was," the husky admitted as he gulped hard again, "but you're straight...and I..." He thought again of his uncle. Will was straight, but he'd fooled around with guys. Maybe Hunter was the same way? Why the hell was he standing here arguing AGAINST this if the tiger was offering it? Ell wanted it! So why was he too nervous to just go with it?

"'s okay." Hunter put a gentle paw on his younger friend's shoulder, "All I suggested was a sniff, and we don't even have to do that. But..." he leaned in right by the dog's ear, whispering with his muzzle lightly touching -- tickling -- its outer edge, "...who said I was straight?"

Elliot recoiled, amazed and relieved that this was something the tiger might actually WANT to do, instead of all this being just him being nice. And that feeling of relief was followed immediately with a wave of shame at how dumb he was being to not have noticed. " saying you're..." he cracked a small smile, twisting it into a devilish little grin, ""

"You know? I don't know!" the tiger laughed aloud. "It's weird, you know? I can't say I've never been attracted to girls at all, but the thing is..." he paused to scratch behind his ear, "Maybe I'm just a romantic, but I've always thought it should be more about who you get along with, who you're comfortable with, and who you actually FEEL something for...not whether or not they're the gender that most turns you on. And the fact of the matter is: I DO find that my answers for all FOUR of those things are usually guys..."

"So wouldn't just be comfortable with a sniff," Ell boldly reached forward the few inched required, and cradled the tiger's nut-sack, "...but maybe even something like this?"

"Hey, hey!" Hunter snapped, in a playful tone, pretending to take offence, "I only offered you a smell! How rude! I haven't even TRIED to touch you, yet!" But for all his playful protesting, he took no steps to move the dog's paw.

"You can't say it's unwelcome though."

"No. No I can't." The cat then tried his best to look sad, "But I was so looking forward to you getting your sniff. I mean it''s just been so long since I've had a cute canine muzzle down there."

The husky smiled, "Is a handsome muzzle good enough?" He squeezed the sophomore's nuts experimentally.

"Assuming we're still talking about yours," Hunter ran his fingers up Ell's sheath, to its edge, and pushed lightly causing the husky's already hard cock and growing knot to slip free finally, "Better than good enough."

Elliot shuddered and tensed at the release, and had to take care not to squeeze down too hard on his friend's balls on reflex. Once settled, with his other paw, he grabbed the tiger's wrist, though, and moved it away from his cock, "Now, now. I'm way ahead of you. Let's get you up to speed." He rubbed the tiger's sheath and slowly lowered himself down onto his knees in front of him, "Now, you wanted a muzzle where?"

The tiger just smirked, and petted his friend's head, "You know very well where I wanted it...and it's basically already there." His paw shifted lower, softly stroking the side of his friend's muzzle.

Ell breathed in deep and smiled, not in the tiger's groin but already close enough to it to be buried in the scent of it, especially so soon after gym... "I wonder if I smell this good?"

Hunter smiled wider, "Better." He tugged lightly on Ell's muzzle, "Why don't you get a closer look? ...or sniff?"

The husky darted forward at the direction, but got ahead of himself and with one big rough, lick, took in the tiger's entire sack until his muzzle and to suckle on them. The smell of the tiger was nothing like his or his uncle's, and the taste of his light dusting of that moment, Ell wouldn't have feared the entire school and their the flashing cameras of their smart phones bearing down on him. He could have died happy.

Hunter let out a grunt and a long breath as he leaned forward, "God, you don't take direction well!" He felt his cock growing more and more and leaned forward enough that he was pressing it against the husky's forehead, "Definitely somethin' to be said for enthusiasm, though!"

Elliot backed off a little bit and looked up to give the tiger a small smile, "I think I showed great restraint," he reached a paw up immediately, took a firm hold of his friend's cock, and stroked, not about to be shy now and miss any opportunity, "I could have sucked this!"

The tiger laughed and nodded in agreement at that, but forced himself to move along: "Have you got a good enough sniff?" He smiled as he rested his paw on the husky's head and tried to pretend he wasn't being jacked off for at least a second, so he could keep his mind on track.

"Yes I have!" Ell went right about his exploring, though and licked at the edge of Hunter's sheath, trying to poke his tongue just barely inside.

"Then," Hunter leaned down and grabbed his friend under the arms, lifting him up, "what's say we head to the showers and at least PRETEND like we're thinking about trying to clean up and get out of here?"

Pretending to be a child, the husky huffed, "Aww...but I thought we was gonna' play!" He smiled and started to walk toward the showers, "Or...are we going to play over here?"

Hunter walked quickly up behind the canine, his dick lightly brushing against his friend's hip as they went, "What do you think?"

Elliot murred and stopped in his tracks at the feeling of the cat's meat poking around so close to his ass, "Mmm...or maybe we could stop right now and you fuck me silly?"

"Uh-uh! None of that..." the tiger put his paw on the other side of Ell's ass, "I'm just here to play. ACTUAL sex is for something a little more serious than a couple of close friends who got horny and curious...don't you think?" he began walking again, leading his friend along to the showers, "Plus, unless your uncle fucked you...this would be your first time, yeah? And I think you deserve something more special than losing your virginity in the school locker-room..."

Ell grinned wide, finding the cat's reasoning surprisingly sweet. He wanted to suggest they could find a more appropriate locale when and if things DID get serious enough...but he was uncomfortable with being so presumptuous so quickly and was sure Hunter would feel the same. So instead, he just responded to the bit about Will: "No, like I said: he's straight. REALLY straight, too, not some fake-straight like you..."

"Hey! I'm not fake anything." Hunter pushed his friend a bit, finally, into the showers, and stepped in after him, "You just never asked."

"Same difference..."

"Sorry I don't wear a sign!"

Laughing, the husky stepped into the nearest shower alcove and turned it on, hoping the tiger would follow him in quickly, "So tell me sir: how may I service you today?" He toyed with the knobs to get it to the perfect, hotter-than-warm but cooler-than-hot temperature.

"You think you're here to service ME? But this is your big day! You just came out to someone for the first time," Hunter paused and mumbled, "Well...close enough to the first time..." He raised his voice again as he stepped into the water with the husky, "You need to be rewarded! That is unless you don't WANT a popular, attractive tiger to put himself on his knees for you..."

"Oh, nonoNO!" Elliot cleared his throat and smiled, "I definitely deserve a reward!"

The tiger gently placed a paw on his friend's chest, the shower's water pouring down from the canine's shoulder and across his fingers. "Should I take this slow? I wouldn't want to spring anything on my poor little virgin friend," he smirked.

Ell smiled wide, secretly confident that Hunter wouldn't be able to do anything too surprising, " should probably go fast. It's not like we have all day."

Hunter let out a long sigh, "Well fine! If you've gotta' be all logical about it!"

And he did indeed, go fast. He immediately wrapped an arm around his friend and pushed him against the wall with his chest, the stream of water from the shower now landing only on the tiger's back, as his wet, matted fur pressed against Ell's, and he closed in, giving the husky no time to adjust or react before he was kissing him on the lips.

The husky's eyes shot open in amazement. Hunter! He was kissing hunter! Soon, though, the thoughts disappeared from his mind, as his eyes slowly closed until they were at a relaxed half-lid. He murred deeply and questioningly wrapped his arms around the tiger, almost testing to see how intimate he was going to be...even though the tiger was already holding him, and not shy about intimacy.

Hunter could feel the hesitation in the dog's arms, and wanted him to know it was okay. So, as his free paw slid up and into his friend's headfur, he synched the other tighter around small of his back. He was surprised that Ell didn't break the kiss, expecting the younger teenager to pull away and ask all manner of questions about why the cat had kissed him...but why would he? He was gay, and a virgin. Getting to kiss a guy at all should be enough to make him ignore any such questions.

Growing more and more aroused by the whole situation -- being at school with the hot tiger he had fantasized about so very many times -- and taken aback by the thrill of the possibility of getting caught...Elliot slipped into a newfound confidence. At first he let a paw slide down Hunter's back to massage the firm ass he had been admiring before, and then let his tongue slide into the cat's muzzle.

The tiger would have smiled were it not for his muzzle being so busy, happy that his friend was, indeed, enjoying the rather spontaneous kiss. He played with the husky's tongue with his own, and pressed him harder against the wall as he did, his dick completely engorged and throbbing against the gray fur of his friend's hip, as his own paw lowered to find the freshman's ass as well.

Glad that Hunter was enjoying himself, and feeling a sudden rush at having his ass grabbed, Ell inadvertently smiled wide, breaking the kiss and giving out a small giggle. Obviously embarrassed about so abruptly stopping the kiss, he blushed rosily, "Sorry..."

Hunter blinked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing! It's just that all this kissing..." the husky brought his other paw up to toy with Hunter's wet shoulder. "It's not getting rid of this," he ground his full sheath against the tiger's thigh, which pressed Hunter's sheath against HIS thigh as well, "Not that I mind the kissing or anything."

Hunter still had one paw in Ell's hair, "I thought you might like it. It's not often that I really get to kiss guys. Usually, they're just horny or wanting to experiment," he touched his nose to Ell's, "but I figured...since you're wouldn't object."

Elliot felt slightly guilty now, "Oh, I don't! But time still is an issue." He chuckled nervously, trying not to sound too pushy.

"Less of one than you're letting on." The tiger smirked, "I think you're just getting impatient..."

Ell looked away, "Uhm...that too..."

"Well," Hunter kissed him on the nose, "I DID say this was about you." He pushed the dog's shoulders against the wall again and showed his teeth aggressively, but with the smallest smirk to show that he was only being playful, "Next time, though, pup, we're taking the time to enjoy this! Got it?"

The husky nodded rapidly, "Yes sir! Which, if I'm guessing correctly, is going to be Friday night," he grinned, "right?"

Hunter raised an eyebrow, "Why would we have to wait for Friday? It's only Monday." He pushed Ell's head to the side with his muzzle and nipped his neck a bit, "We've still got a whole WEEK'S worth of PE classes together..." He slid down his friend's body and put his nose in the husky's crotch, his tongue darting out beside his gray furred balls.

Once again, Elliot's eyes fluttered closed while he leaned his head back to rest it against the tiled wall, all the while murring loudly at Hunter's attentions, "Mmm...yeah. Just like that..."

The tiger licked up, long and slowly, through the indention of Ell's groin and then looked up at him, "That's not to say we won't be doing a lot more on Friday, too." He licked along the tip of his friend's cock, his eyes on him to watch his reaction.

The rough feel of the cat's tongue was decidedly new: a far cry from the slipper smooth feeling of his uncle's. And at the mere touch of it, Ell took in a quick gasp and leaned forward, firmly gripping Hunter's head. "C'mon..." He looked down at him, "Keep going."

"Oh no. I gotta' make it good..." Hunter lowered his head, kissing the underside of Ell's cock until his nose was in the husky's balls again, where his tongue began lapping at them as well, pulling the skin of the furry sack into his mouth to nip at it lightly before letting it fall back out, "I gotta' make you beg."

"Oh God..." The husky closed his eyes again and firmly grabbed the back of Hunter's head, not to force him to do anything, but just as a brace, knowing he hadn't been too good at lasting long after being teased, "Please Hunter...suck my dick."

Hunter let out a fake sigh, "Well you don't have to make it sound so gay!" He smirked even though Ell's eyes were closed and he couldn't see it, and moved up again, finally slipping his tongue along the husky's tip and sucking his leaking shaft into his muzzle.

Elliot gave out a mixed chuckle and sigh: sighing in relief that his friend started actually giving the blowjob and chuckling about what he said. "Sure. Sorry Hunter," he chuckled again, but it broke in a murr as he thrust slightly into the tiger's muzzle, though wary of doing it too hard, "wouldn't want to make THIS seem gay."

The tiger was too busy to respond to what his friend said, but noted the stilted thrust. He couldn't have that. If Elliot wanted to thrust, he could thrust! And so the cat slid his muzzle down quick, his nose burying itself in the dog's pubes, and the end of the freshman's shaft sliding directly into the waiting warmth of his throat.

Ell grunted slightly and gave out a deep broken sigh, "Yes..." He petted Hunter's wet head-fur back to keep it out of the tiger's face and gave another less-than-sure thrust into his maw.

Hunter pulled him close with the thrust, determined to show him it was okay. And then he pulled back with a long slow twist of his muzzle, before taking the canine back in...but only a bit, waiting to see if he'd actually thrust it the rest of the way this time.

With his paws still holding Hunter's head, the husky petted his ears back slightly and DID thrust -- more confidently this time -- forward into the warm muzzle and all the way into his throat. Once. Twice. Three times, and soon he was leaning completely over the cat and giving the suckling feline muzzle his all.

Hunter smiled and lightly petted his friend's thigh, some thought going through his head that such a small gesture would assure him it was okay to continue thrusting like that, but it was unneeded at this point. He did his best to stay proactive, though, suckling gently, but harder when only the tip was in his lips, and lavishing the slick, salty length with his rough tongue. Soon, both of his arms were around Ell's legs, holding them gently as his head and the younger teenager's hips moved there in the shower, Ell's dick going again and again into Hunter's throat with no arguments from him, and, in fact, frequent purring encouragement.

"Fuck...Fuck!" Elliot thrust a bit harder and faster, but then remembered a lesson his uncle had stressed before. Will hated the taste of cum. "Hunter! I'm cumming...soon..."

Hunter, though, wasn't his uncle Will.

And the tiger gripped the husky's thighs much harder. In his grip, he forced the dog to move faster, as he himself put a much more deliberate effort into sucking as Ell left his muzzle and teasing the tip as he slid back in. He even murred, nearly moaning, and scratched at his friend's inner thighs...

Ell gasped aloud a few times, too overcome by Hunter's eagerness to warn him anymore, "OH! YES!" And he, instead, thrust hard a few more times and gripped Hunter's head as rammed his cock deep into the tiger's muzzle in climax, releasing a wave of sticky doggie cum into his throat. He gripped Hunter's ears and thrust a few short times -- basically just shaking -- to get out the rest of his load as he pressed his knot against the senior's lips.

Hunter tried to keep Ell out of his throat as much as he could, wanting to get as much of the load in his muzzle as he could manage. But with the vigorous thrusts, he managed only a small taste, and finally gave up, simply letting Ell rest in his throat as he swallowed, milking every bit of the orgasm and not planning to let up until his friend pulled away.

The husky murred deeply and contently, letting Hunter suck for a few moments before finally pulling back to let him breath. He stood completely and let go of his friend's head, smiling softly down at him, "Thanks Hunter."

Hunter took a moment to respond, coughing a bit and then nearly panting like a dog to regain his breath. "Don't...mention it." He smiled up at Ell and rested his head against the dog's hips, "And thank YOU for the warning, by the way. Very considerate...but obviously not needed with me." He licked his lips again, "You taste good. your scent."

Elliot blushed, not sure how to take that, "Thanks!" He looked up and then back down at the tiger, "So, do know? Or what?"

"What do you mean?" the tiger groaned as he slowly stood up.

Ell reached forward and petted his friend's still rigid cock, "Well don't you want the same?"

"Well, there IS a rule." Hunter pressed himself into his friend's paw, his tip leaking, though certainly unnoticeably in the shower, "A rule that says you owe me the opportunity to uhm," he smiled, "to put it bluntly...face fuck you, now that you've done it to me." He showed his teeth again and crowded the husky against the wall.

"Uhm..." the husky chuckled again nervously, blushing but not intimidated by being crowded like that, "so...that's a 'yes' then?"

"Nah!" Hunter flashed a devious grin and moved his younger friend's paw, albeit slowly, "You don't have to worry about me pounding your poor little skull against the wall. Not today at least!" He winked and raised Ell's paw, putting it beside the dog's head on the wall, "I didn't know the rule, right? only get off easy for a price."

Elliot grinned wide, "Yeah? And what would that be?"

"Well, like I said earlier..." suddenly, the tiger's playful bravado washed away. Now, he looked actually serious, and a hopeful -- almost worried -- look was in his eyes, "I don't get to kiss anyone very often...especially not guys. And, well...y'know...since you're gay and's..." his timid approach to the question showed a kind of uncharacteristic vulnerability that Ell certainly hadn't expected. "It's not asking too much, right?"

Ell smiled wide and looked Hunter in the eyes, finding an imposing tiger with a soft side to unbelievably cute. He leaned forward to put his nose against Hunter's and whispered to him, "Anything for you." And then, before either of them could take the time to consider the weight of those three small words, he kissed the sophomore firmly on the lips, licking and nipping at them gently before relaxing and letting his friend take over.

Hunter slipped his free arm around Ell, his other still holding the husky's paw against the wall, and tilted his head to the side. He let his tongue slip in between Ell's lips, slide along the husky's tongue, and wrap around it lightly for a moment...before pushing his muzzle in farther and forcibly kissing him, suckling and playing with his tongue as, again, that same eagerness from earlier showed through.

The husky leaned up and into the kiss with the taller fur, and murred, enjoying the aggressiveness but not kissing back near as forcibly. Instead, he relaxed and fought playfully against Hunter's tongue, letting him have his way with his open muzzle.

And Hunter did. He gripped his friend's body tighter and tighter, nearly grinding against him. His head and muzzle rocked with the kiss, his pent up need for release turning the kiss into a far more sexual and aggressive endeavor than before, as he took control of his willingly submitted friend. His tongue invaded and explored the husky's muzzle again and again, as his throbbing cock pressed harder and harder against his willing prey.

Ell murred and writhed a little under the grip, becoming aware of Hunter's overwhelming aggressiveness. Though not exactly bothered by it, between short moments when he took breaths, he managed out: "Hunter...? You...? Okay...?"

At that, the tiger broke the kiss suddenly and leaned heavily against the husky, his breath falling hard on his friend's shoulder, "Sorry. Sorry...I'll stop." He didn't look up at Ell, but smiled, "I guess...I guess you weren't the only one thinkin' about this. I've, uhm...I've kind of had my eye on you too."

Ell blushed deeply and smiled wide at the thought of being in Hunter's mind so much that he'd become THIS eager for a kiss, "Oh! I...uhm...thank you!" He wrapped his free arm around the tiger's back and pulled him close with all his strength, as Hunter finally let go of the paw he had pinned against the wall.

The two stood there for a long moment, under the water, one basking in the afterglow, and the other enjoying the taste of a husky on his lips...while both tried to ignore the throbbing bit of tiger meat between them.

Elliot, though, got an idea, looking down at his friend's erection, and then back up at his face. They didn't have much time for him to pay the cat back now, but... "Hunter? Do you have anything planned for after school today?"

Hunter looked up, too, with a wide, surprised smile, "I might, now!"


There we go! The Masters continues!

* Starring: Frost Rime Borealis as Hunter Thurman Phil Anthro Pist as Elliot Masters *

If you'd like to go say hi to Phil, he's got an account here at

Wait. What? A new character? You mean this entire story isn't just about Elliot and Will's incestuous fun!?

That's right! Say "Hi" to Hunter! Technically, this is his second appearance, but I doubt anyone noticed or will remember his first. It was sneaky. Expect to see plenty more of him, though!

As for Will...he'll be back next time ^_^

Anyway, thanks for reading!

I welcome any feedback! Comment or PM me here, or email me at frostborealis[at]

See you for the next 10 chapters of The Masters! ...for the next 5 chapters of A Warm Bed! ...and, in due time...Sibirskaia!