Friends Change

Story by builder214 on SoFurry

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#2 of Popping the Pill

*Julia and Wen are MINE. Ask for use plz.*

Wen arrived at Julia's house, said bye to her mom, and walked up to the house. She noticed that Julia had failed to fix the doorbell, so she knocked once and walked into the house.

"JULIA?" Wen called. "we need to finish that stupid project!" no reply.

Wen walked upstairs and into Julia's room. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She was a very smart and athletic little leopard, and just barely had size AA boobs. She was short, in fact, almost a head shorter than Julia's 5'2". She wore a tight-fitting tank top and also tight jeans that showed off her track skills. But she gave great head, and could satisfy anyone.

Julia walked into the room and squeaked.

"eek! you could have called me!" Julia stammerred

"I did, you didn't pick up, so I left a message." Wen replied.

"Jeez, My head still hurts from those laps we had to do in the pool!"

"yeah, mine too, but we have more important things to do."

"fine, let's get this over with."

After an hour or so of working on it, all the while talking about any cute boys that they met over the week, Julia finally got completely frustrated.

"AARGHH!!! I can't do this anymore! My head hurts, and all this project crap is not helping!" Julia screamed.

Wen sighed. "C'mon, my grade depends on it, your grade depends on it. DEAL WITH IT. But come to think of it, my headache is getting worse. Let's take a break then."

"Perfect. I'll be right back!"


"Something that'll make you feel better!"

Julia ran back to the shower area and retrived the pills from earlier. She looked at it and decided that she would have some fun anyway. She pulled out a red pill and one of the "tie dye" pills (the red and blue ones) and charged back with a glass of water. When she got back, Wen was lying on the bed and trying to help the headache go away.

"Here ya go!" Julia said, then popped the red pill into Wen's open mouth. "Have some water."

Wen swallowed. She slowly got up and immediately felt her headache subside. Julia thought to herself, "Here we go..." and awaited the result.

"ugh, what's going on?" Wen moaned as her nipples stiffened and started to wet her panties. "What was that pill, Julia?"

"Oh, just something that I found earlier. Oh, by the way, you may want to take your clothes off."Julia smiled.

Wen only moaned and complied. She slowly worked off her tank top over her incredibly sensitive nipples. Then she pulled off her pants and panties. She was now completely naked lying on Julia's bed, and started to rub her pussy and continued to moan and shift. The first thing that happened was her ass getting slightly fuller and more curvaceous. Then she got taller, until she was almost as tall as Julia. Her AAs slowly grew out to DDs, and then she fondled her new, bigger boob and arched her back.

"Oooohh, I-I think I'm going t-to-cum!" She arched her back and squealed, and as her orgasm subsided, she noticed her changes. "Oh My god, awesome!"

Julia wasn't listening, as she had taken the other pill and was lying on the ground, squirming and moaning. Wen watched, shocked. Julia had gotten slightly bigger, bulkier, and Her DDs were bigger than ever, and she was groping all over herself, and her moaning was getting louder. Her pussy started to shake, and then a cock started to grow out from her clit, stopping at a large 6 inches. Wen gasped, and then noticed that the bedsheets were wetter. Wen nudged Julia.

"Julia, you ok?" a moan. "K, I know you can hear me."

Julia whispered "That felt soooo good..."

"Julia, you have a cock now..."

"I know, I've had one before..."

"You've had this pill before?"

"Yep, sort of..."

Wen sat up on the bed.

"How am I going to explain this?" Wen exclaimed.

"Don't worry, let me handle this." Julia stood up and flipped Wen onto her stomach.


"Don't worry!"

Julia guided hir now hard cock into Wen's pussy and started to thrust. Wen's pussy gripped hir cock so hard it felt so good. Julia felt hir cock start to throb and enlarge, and she screamed, "Hold on, I'm CUMMING!!!" Jet after jet of Julia's hot seed squirted into Wen, and when Shi took hir cock out, a small river of cum flowed out.

"That was good..."Wen gasped. "but now it's my turn!"

Wen had grabbed a double sided strap on that she found under Julia's bed and pulled it on, moaning slightly as it slid into her. She got behind Julia and said "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

She shoved her cock into Julia's waiting pussy, and reached forward and stroked hir cock faster and faster.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Julia moaned. "Keep going!"

The strap on was moving a lot inside Wen, and she finally moaned "I'm going to cum!"

Julia moaned "I'm also going to cum!"

They came together. Julia's cock pulsed and shi shot hir warm cum across the room and her pussy grabbed the strap on, and Wen squirmed as she came for the third or fourth time today.

They laid on the bed, and kissed each other and then fell asleep. Downstairs, Al walked into the kitchen and got a snack...

*Sorry about the wait, I have an assessment coming up and I gotta work overtime. Tell me what you think though!*