Part 8 Earth Training For Dragoune

Story by Dragoune on SoFurry

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#8 of The Land of Marnex: Evil Regins Again

Okay do not expect my chapters to be this early because I could not stop typing and right now I feel like I am going to drop on my keyboard. But before I do I want to say thank you to Yiff Dragon again because in this chapter I took a idea from him with his permission of course and put it into this chapter. With out him I probably would only have a half of a series. I have not forgotten you frostdragon or newlegend it is just I used his idea and want him to be regonized for it. So Yiff Dragon thank you a millon times over my friend. And now with out further a do I give you...oh wait I was just handedthis evenlope it says here that 'I have to say any one younger then 18 has to leave or hope hey do not get caught' uhn...oh well now without further ado I give you the story.

Part 8 Earth Training for Dragoune

After Crosain had said that, there was a long silence and all eyes were on him.

"I know you are trying to help, but that is too good to be true." Dragoune said

"Yeah I never had heard of that before." Traisa said

"Few have, because it happened a long time ago. It happened when our enemies had found a certain plant up in the mountains, called the Venjunim plant. Somehow they found out if they mixed it with the Anetta plant and some venom they too will become venomous. We had the advantage when they weren't but when they were it was like fighting a losing battle for us. Dragoune you should've have been told or read about it because the king back then sent in a lot of guards and helped us." Crosain said

"Yes but the book I read said nothing on how they became venomous, so I figured that they were born that way, although it did seem unlikely." Dragoune said

"They wanted to keep that part out so no one could use it again for the wrong reasons." Crosain said

"How is it done?" Saneira said

"It is done by first mixing the leaves of the Vejunim plant with the venom. After that you will drink that and then eat the Anetta plant with the stem and roots of the Vejunim." Crosain said

"Well if it gets me-" Dragoune was about to say but was cut off by Crosain.

"It is not just your decision there Dragoune it is Saneira's as well because when you become venomous and she doesn't then you two will not be together as easily because she will not be immune to you." At that both Saneira and Dragoune looked into each others eyes and they both looked worried.

"What will happen to our children?" Saniera asked

"That of which I do not know." Crosain said

"Well it is getting late and we need to rest. Crosain we will have an answer for you in the morning." Dragoune said. At that they went quietly to their separate rooms. When Dragoune went into bed with Saneira he said.

"Before you say anything I want you to know that whatever you choose I am all for it." Saneira looked at him for a bit and then started laughing and it increased when she saw the look on his face.

"What is so funny?" Dragoune asked trying not to laugh himself. When Saneira calmed down she said.

"I was going to say the exact same thing." Dragoune started to laugh at that as well.

"We are truly made for each other." Dragoune said licking Saneira's nose, but Saneira got serious and said.

"I am going to choose to become venomous. I am scared for our children since I do not know what this will do to them, but I rather let them out in a world where there is peace instead of what we have now with Kaous roaming about."

"I will take that it as a yes." Dragoune said getting closer to her and they both fell asleep.

Dragoune was the first one up and decided to greet morning, when he got near the entrance of his cave he saw that he forgot to take out his two swords out of the ground and he also noticed that his tail sword right next them. He picked up his tail sword and sheathed it, when he tried to take his other two swords out they wouldn't budge.

'My rage is getting worse.' Dragoune thought his rage building because of Dargrin giving it to him in the first place. Finally he pulled his swords out with a grunt and then sheathed them as well.

'If I see Dargrin again I swear I will kill him.' Dragoune thought his rage increasing even more. But when he reached the entrance of the cave he put a claw on his necklace thinking of Saneira and that cooled him down greatly.

"I am surprised to see you up this early." A voice said behind him. Dragoune looked to see who it was and it was Siss.

"I had a hard time sleeping last night. I kept waking up for some reason so I decided to get up. What is your reason?" Dragoune said

"I just like to watch the sun go up while I warm myself." Siss said while the sun was slowing rising every one was up except Crosain. When the sun was fully up Crosain came out.

"Good morning everyone, Dragoune and Saneira have you made your decision yet?" Crosain asked

"Yes we have and we agreed to become venomous." Saneira said

"Fine, then I need you Dragoune to find the Venjunim plant it should be easy to spot because it is near the mountains were a lot of plants do not grow and the color of it is blood red. Saneira go with Traisa to find the Anetta plant, while Siss and I will provide the venom." Crosain said and with that every one went to their separate ways.

Saneira and Traisa went deep into the woods looking for the Anetta plant and it really did not take all that long to find. In fact they already had a whole lot, what they were looking for was a bit of breakfast. Saneira caught a few fish while Traisa got a couple of rabbits.

Dragoune's job was a lot harder not because it was hard to see but because it was too cold for him. He was about to go down where it was warmer and try again but then he remembered his training with Firen and how his body warmed up while trying to control the fire. He calmed his mind and just thought about warming himself. It worked he felt like he was on a warm sandy beach. Rejuvenated he went back to his search and that is when he spotted a small red spot on the side of the mountain. When he landed he only saw four plants. Not knowing how much he needed he grabbed all four and headed back for the cave.

When he got there every one was enjoying their breakfast and he saw that his meal was ready for him as well. He sat next to Saneira and said.

"I did know how much you needed so I grabbed four-" When he lifted them up to show every one he saw that they were not red anymore but a very dark green color.

"I swear to Crosain they were red when I plucked them." But Crosain was waving a dismissive hand.

"I know you did I just forgot to tell you that they change that color right after they have been plucked." He said when everyone was finished they waited when Crosian was hard at work. When he was done he gave Dragoune and Saneira a glass, a stem with the roots and a whole Anetta plant.

"Before you drink I must warn you this is venom that you will be drinking so it is not going to taste good and it will probably be painful as well. Are you sure you want to do this?" Crosian asked worry in his eyes. Both Saneira and Dragoune looked into each others eyes and then to Crosain and nodded.

"Then as soon as you drink eat the plants." Crosain said. Before they did Dragoune put his wing around Saneira for support for both of them. Then at the same time they both drank the venom and ate the plants. Crosain was not kidding Dragoune felt like he was about to throw up, but then a searing pain started from his stomach and slowly going through the rest of his body. It was too much for him to handle, he was on the ground thrashing about. Just as the pain reached the last bit of his body he lost consciousness.

The first thing Dragoune felt when he regained consciousness was a serve headache.

'Now I feel like a drunk who had one too many.' Dragoune thought which increased the pain. Dragoune groaned and let the pain die down. When it was back to its original state Dragoune opened an eye very slowly. Everything was blurry he looked around the room that he was in awaiting everything to get clear, while he was doing that he noticed that two of his teeth had became longer and thinner. Not want to dwell on it so that his head will worsen again he sat it aside. When the room got clearer he noticed that someone was on him. Knowing that it was Saneira he tried to say something but he could not find the strength too. He tried to nudge her but could not do that either.

'I cannot get her to awake so I can talk to her.' Dragoune thought angrily and that increased his headache tenfold in which he groaned loudly waking Saneira.

"Welcome back." Saneira said, Dragoune nodded finally having the strength to put his hand to his head.

"That should pass for awhile but Crosain said that you may recover differently then I did." Saneira said

"How...long...did it to recover?" Dragoune asked wincing at every word he said because it added to the pain in his head.

"Me? A day but you it took you three days." Saneira said

"Three days, why did it take me so long?!" Dragoune said getting up and then wishing he didn't because he got real dizzy and felt like he was going to throw up. While he was going back down on the bed he saw Crosain coming in.

"Well the reason is that you drank venom and your body was not immune to it at that time. That is why I had you take the Anetta plant right after so the venom would not kill you. The Venjunim is a slow working plant but you will be back up your feet soon." Crosian said that's when Dragoune realized that it did work and the long and thin teeth were his fangs. Slowly he opened his mouth to fold his fangs on the roof of his mouth but couldn't.

"Why can't I fold my fangs?" Dragoune said

"Because your mind is still getting use to the new adaptation, when your head stops hurting that is when you be able to. Now you should rest Dragoune, it is the best thing for you." Crosain said and then left.

"I don't mind that you can't fold your fangs yet, it kind of gets me turned on a bit." Saneira said and she was not kidding because Dragoune could smell her arousal and her tail was rising higher and higher.

"I would love to but not here and not now. When I come back from my earth training I promise you that I will." Dragoune said, Saneira hissed disappointedly but knew that he was right and allowed Dragoune to sleep.

The next day Dragoune sat up quite quickly because when he woke up he remembered about his children and kicked himself for not asking Saneira earlier on. Not to scare her when he awoke her he gently petted her back making sure to touch the right places. She arched her back towards him, purred, but did not wake up, and yet Dragoune did not mind because he too was enjoying it. Finally Saneira turned towards him and kissed him on the lips in which he returned.

"That was a nice wake up call." Saneira said smiling

"Yes but the reason why I awoke you is that I have a question." Dragoune said

"You want to know how the children took the adaptation is that it?" Saneria asked smiling even more at the surprised look on Dragoune's face.

"Yes that is the one and how do you do that." Dragoune asked smiling

"Well for the second question you are that easy to read to me and for the first you do not have to worry because I do not feel that anything is different other than I am venomous." Saneira said, Dragoune breathed easier at those words and remembering that he too is venomous opened his maw and folded his fangs.

"It kind of feels weird." Dragoune said

"It does at first but you will get use to it." Saneira said she kissing him again and Dragoune not only got some of her saliva but her venom as well. He winced at it at first thinking that it will taste bad but it didn't it tasted sweet like candy. He too gave some of his and he saw that she liked it too. For a while they had their lips locked exchanging saliva and venom. But soon Dragoune had to leave, hesitantly he broke the kiss and said.

"I have to go now but I will come right back as soon as I can."

"I know you will and this time I have something to look forward to when you come back." Saneira said

Not wanting to wake the others Dragoune went quietly and quickly out of the cave.

When he was back at Dirther's cave he was hesitant to go back inside because he did not know how much immune he was. He touched his necklace and went inside; he took both his swords out, but not his tail sword. He slowly went down looking around for any kind of movement. When he got to the part were he first saw the snakes, instead of lighting a torch he relied on his night vision which was not really helpful since there was no light at all. When got to the part where he thought was the middle, and that is when he stepped on a snake's tail. There was aloud scream and Dragoune knew that every snake was ready to strike. Instead of lighting anything Dragoune took his tail sword and got ready for the biting. Closing his eyes he used his ears and his sent of smell. He knew that he was going to get bitten but at least that will tell where the snake is and plus they were just as blind as he was so it was kind of an even fight. Dragoune heard something in front and he quickly struck knowing that he got whatever it was. That is when the battle started and at least five to six snakes bit him and started to envenomate him. He quickly shook them off and blew fire scorching anyone who was near him. The snakes held back thinking they had him but they were highly mistaken. Dragoune did not feel the slightest thing and again started attacking. The snakes could not figure out why he was not going down after the twentieth bite and they were starting to retreat. Dragoune by now felt that the venom subduing him and his attacks were becoming slower. But he truly did not show it until he knew that he was by himself. Dragoune used another fireball from his hand since he was too exhausted to use his breath and saw that he was alone. That is when he dropped his blades and drop onto the ground.

When he woke up his internal clock told him that it was morning. He slowly got up and grabbed his swords and sheathed them he stumbled around looking for a branch so he can light it. He found one, he placed his free hand near it so he can look away to protect his eyes from the sudden burst of light. He blasted a fireball; it hit the branch but it hit him as well.

"OUCH, Dammit!!!" he cursed letting his eyes adjust to the light and licking his wound. He then started walking towards his destination seeing all the carnage on what happened before. When he got the center there were was torches all around and when he looked up he saw that there was hole in the ceiling. In the middle there was a large tree and lying next to it was a large brown dragon who seemed to be asleep.

"Dirther?" Dragoune asked

"You are five days late young one." Dirther not opening his eyes, nor moving.

"Haven't you been seeing what I have been doing lately?" Dragoune asked and to himself.

'Five? I thought that I was out for three because of the venom drink.' That is when he realized that he also was bitten a lot from the fight and that is were the other two days must of come in.

"I couldn't because Kaous is starting to block us some how. But do not worry we will be able to contact you when you need us." Dirther said, Dragoune decided to tell what happened to him.

"Very interesting, may I see your fangs." Dirther said Dragoune did when he folded them again he asked.

"Did you know that kind of plant could do that?" Dragoune asked

"No not really when I make new plants grow I cannot see what they can do until someone uses it and if I did it really would not matter because I would not change it. Now lets get to your training earth is a lot different then all the elements because not only you can use dirt or trees or plants as attacks but wind as well. Fire, water, light dark and electricity you can control forms of, lava for fire or ice for water. Wind is a completely different element but since it is part of the earth element you can use it and that is what we will start with. What I want you to do is to clear your mind and open your wings." Dirther said Dragoune did what he was told.

"Now, when you feel lighter start flapping your wings slowly." Dragoune relaxed and just sat there for a while. When he did feel lighter he started flapping his wings and he noticed a slight breeze that was not there before, when he stopped he asked.

"If I flapped harder what would have happened." Dirther chuckled and said

"We would a gale storm on our hands. Now that is done we now we will try plants."

"Plants?" Dragoune asked

"Not like flowers no what I am talking about is very strong vines that can bind furries like so." Dirther said Dragoune thought that he was going to get tied up but then heard a muffled hiss behind him and he turned around and saw that a snake was tied up and figured that the snake was going to attack him.

"Now you try." Dirther said letting go of the snake. Dragoune got ready and so did the snake making an s out of his body so that he can strike far and long. What the snake did not know though was that there were vines tying around most of his tail end. When he struck he got right up to Dragoune's face but then stopped and fell right on the ground just before more vines got on the snake looked behind himself at what had stopped him.

"Not what I have thought of but very effective. Now then the last thing I need to show you is how to us the ground as a weapon. Again clear your mind and when you feel strong strike the ground." Dirther said Dragoune cleared his mind again and waited. When he did feel something he hit the ground hard and as soon as he did a large split went from where he was standing to the other end of the cave.

"Excellent now you have mastered the earth element." Dirther said

"But how it is coming to me so easily?" Dragoune asked

"Because your body already knows it, it just became dormant over the years when it was not needed." Dirther said before Dragoune left he pointed at the snake and asked.

"What about him?"

"Leave him here I will try to put some sense into him." Dirther said Dragoune said goodbye and left.

By the time he got back the sun was setting and when he got close to the cave he saw that Saneira was waiting for him. Not landing Dragoune scooped Saneira and gained altitude kissing her along the way. Breaking the kiss Saneira said.

"I have the perfect place."

"Where is that?" Dragoune asked

"You will just have to find out." She said smiling Dragoune shrugged and let her tell him where to go. When they were over a clearing Saneira said.

"Land there." Dragoune did thinking that this was the place.

"Now close your eyes, grab my hand and follow me." Saneira said wondering what this was all about Dragoune did what he was told and followed Saneira. What seemed along time Dragoune was about to peek but Saneira caught him and said.

"No peeking." After a while Dragoune could hear a waterfall.

"Okay now you can look." Saneira said when Dragoune did his mouth dropped. He first saw the waterfall or actually two waterfalls which collided to make one. Under the waterfall was a pool and in the middle of the pool was an island and the sun was close to going behind the mountains so the stars can come out making the place all the more beautiful.

"When did you find this?" Dragoune asked

"While I was waiting for you to come back from your training." Saneira said Dragoune did not know what else to say so he kissed her on the lips. Apparently Saneira was holding back on her arousal because when he kissed her he got a huge whiff of her heat also turning him on as well. Saneira broke the kiss and then suddenly dived in the water. Dragoune thought that she was crazy that she was going to freeze to death.

"Come on in Dragoune the water is warm." Saneira said Dragoune took off his belt of his blades and dived in to. Saneira was right the water was warm. They started playing by splashing one another but that did not last long because they were there for a different kind of fun. Saneira got on the island and so did Dragoune. Saneira laid on her back and Dragoune got on top on her kissing her on the lips. Saneira stuck her tongue into Dragoune's mouth, with venom and saliva combined. Dragoune wrapped his tongue around hers and they did a small tug of war. Dragoune was getting more and more aroused and he started feeling his member coming out of his sheath and into her slit. When the head of his dragonhood into her they both broke the kiss and moaned out loud, while Saneira arched her back and Dragoune lifted his head backward. Dragoune then looked at Saneira and she nodded to go ahead. Dragoune did not need to be told twice and started thrusting. As he did Saneira arched her back some more, digging her claws into the dirt, and moaning loudly. Dragoune went back down slowing his thrusts and kissing Saneira once again. He wanted to make sure that she enjoyed this greatly because he loved her so much. It did not take long however for Saneira to want more then these slow thrusts so she took the matter into her own hands by flipping Dragoune onto his back and thrusting into him. Dragoune was getting close and knew that Saneira was too because her walls were starting to grip harder and harder. Dragoune could not take it any more and climaxed sending his seed into Saneira's vent, making her climax and clamp onto his member hard milking every bit of him. When they finished Saneira laid next to Dragoune kissing him on the cheek.

"I am glad that you brought me here." Dragoune said returning the kiss. Saneira only smiled to tired to say anything. They both got close and fell asleep.

But they were not the only ones that were having fun. Not far from they were Crosain , Siss, and Traisa were also having fun. Crosain was thrusting into Siss while she was licking Traisa. Crosain was starting to speed up a bit and that is when Siss pulled out and switched with Traisa. That little short break was all Crosain needed to calm down and to be ready for more. When Traisa was ready he thrust his member into her which she squirmed down towards his member with pleasure. That is when they started up again, but Traisa climaxed almost immediately clamping onto Crosain's member making him cum as well. Crosain took out his member and put his tongue along with Traisa's. With the extra pleasure Siss climaxed just as fast as they did. When she was done they wrapped around each other and they too fell asleep.


Now you know why I am about fall asleep. This is probably the longest chapter I have written

*Oh I forgot to put the questions underneath damm my tiredness*

What will be Dragoune's next challange and who is this strange snake.

Please put comments complaints dos donts everything and anything

(Too tired to do anything else, starts going up the stairs, does not make it, and falls back down the stairs fast asleep. lol)