Changing Bonds

Story by SAMammal on SoFurry

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And to give you a quick taste of my adult writing, here's the very first yiffy story I wrote, years ago. Probably needs some going over now, but it's still one of the most popular stories I've written.

(Quickly edited to include more paragraphs for ease of reading)

I had known Scott for several years-since secondary school, and had always had a bit of a bond with him, although I didn't know just how great that bond was until a little while ago. I had just turned 18, the day before, and my parents had gone on holiday for two weeks leaving the house all to me. Whether that was planned or not I didn't know, but I think they wanted to give me a little space for a party-the sudden appearance of a slab of beer made me guess this was the case. I, however, am not a party person, so I just invited Scott round for a bit of a drink and a sleep over. He had already turned 18 two months ago, and despite the already plentiful amount for the two of us had bought a couple more six-packs. I questioned him about the point in even more and he just said, "It's for in case we get thirsty while we drink!" he was a bit like that. We planned to have the 'bash' at the weekend when we wouldn't be bothered by college, or in other words have plenty of time to recover.

The weekend soon arrived, and as planned; so did Scott. The day drifted by in a blur of computer games and getting ready for that night, mainly making sure that we had plenty of the 'plink-plink, fizz' and a bucket at the ready. We held off the beer for quite a while, but eventually we gave in at six o'clock, just after dinner. For the rest of the evening we just drank and talked, reminiscing the last five years and all our awful old teachers from secondary school. The time seemed to fly by and it was ten o'clock in what seemed like seconds, but it obviously wasn't as we'd drunk our way through half the slab, and strangely enough I hadn't really started to feel the affects of the alcohol yet. Suddenly Scott skulked off to his bag and came back with what looked like a video wrapped in a plastic bag. He opened the bag slowly and pulled the video out. I was not surprised! He had smuggled a porno movie out of his dad's ample collection, it was called Big Bosoms and Steamy Sex!!, and the film was cornier than the tittle. I don't know whether it was the acting or the alcohol, but it wasn't very stimulating, for mind or body. Scott seemed to be unimpressed as well, constantly grinning aimlessly at the extraordinary positions the actors seemed to get into.

When the movie ended we decided to call it a night, turning the TV off and letting the video auto rewind and turn off when it got to the end of the tape. By now both of us were feeling quite light headed, but not at all drunken even tough we'd managed to finish off the rest of the slab and one of the six packs. My bed room was big enough to fit a spare bed in so that my friends could sleep in it when they came round for the night, and Scott followed practice as he had many time before. We both lay on our beds for a moment, looking up at the ceiling and feeling the slight swirling of our light heads. It wasn't normally like me, but he drink obviously had taken its toll on my sensibilities, but I asked Scott if he'd like to feel something nice. He looked at me with a puzzled and intrigued look on his face, but accepted-the drink had obviously taken its toll on him as well. I got up off my bed and asked him to turn over onto his front, which he did. I then got on the bed and straddled his legs, apologising for my position as I did so. I then started to lightly move my fingers around his back, being careful not to lose my balance. He didn't seem to be impressed so I asked him to remove his T-shirt so that I could do it on his bare skin, which was much more potent. He did as I asked and I continued my cycle, keeping my fingers just on his skin. This seemed to do the trick as he flinched a couple of times from the tickling sensation I was causing and then sighed as he got used to it and took in the relaxing feeling I was making on his back. We continued like this for several minutes, Scott seemingly in total peace until he pulled his head back and asked, "Does it feel as good on the front?"

"I don't know," I replied, "I've never tried it." With this Scot rolled over and looked me squarely in the eyes.

"I'd like to find out." He said, still looking directly at my eyes, "And I'll do you at the same time."

Now at this point I would of normally told him to get lost, it all seemed a bit too....much. But something pushed me on and I proceeded to take off my T-shirt. He hadn't grown any hair on his chest yet so it was silky smooth, with no blemishes or scars, and as I moved my fingers lightly across his chest it was as much a pleasure to me as it was for him. Then I shuddered slightly as Scott's cold fingers touched my chest and began moving around and although the experience wasn't as relaxing as on the back, it did seem to be better, how, I have now idea. The feeling was intensified as Scott seemed to start concentrating on my nipples more than he should. When I looked back up his stare had gone, his head lying back, his eyes now looking at the ceiling almost glazed over. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they started to stay around Scott's nipples as well. Suddenly some movement caught my eye, just bellow my nose and I looked down to where I saw it. What I saw should have made me stop what I was doing straight away, but yet again I couldn't, for the movement was Scott's jeans, the crotch was being pushed out. He was getting an erection.

Suddenly the sight of his bulging crotch overcame me and I could feel myself harden as well. Scott was now looking up and had obviously noticed my bulge as his caressing hands moved from my chest down to just above my trouser rim. Now I was really powerless as my hands moved from his chest and town to his bulging jeans as well, but my hands didn't stop at the rim. Seemingly under their own whim they continued town to his flies and undid them, then moved up to his button and undid it as well. Scott's jeans almost flew open as his bulge forced the flaps of his jeans out, revealing his stretched underpants. My hands continued their work by taking hold of the rim of Scott's underwear and pulling it down as far as I could mange, revealing his fully erect penis, so engorged that it seemed to try to pop out of his foreskin. Scott seemed oblivious to my actions as his glazed gaze pointed back up at the ceiling and his hands continued to move around the rim of my jeans, so close to giving me ultimate pleasure. Looking down at his pulsating penis it looked so inviting, I couldn't resist it, I wanted it. I moved my head down and took it in my mouth, shutting my eyes as I did so. It was slightly slimy due to the precum that had been ejected, but the feeling of the warm thick rod in my mouth was great, adding to my own pleasure ten fold. I started sucking and Scott's hands moved down onto the bed grabbing hold of the sheets tightly while his back arched. Suddenly a strange tingling ran through my body, culminating just under my skin. I opened my eyes in surprise to see Scott's thick pubic hair shrinking revealing a short layer of white hair covering all the skin that I could see. As my tongue moved up and down Scott's penis it started to meat some resistance, Scott's foreskin was growing the same layer of hair that the rest of him was. Suddenly I felt his foreskin quickly move back revealing my tongue directly to his penis, filling my mouth with an unbelievable number of tastes, as it seemed to grow in length, pushing itself down my throat. Then I flinched as my foreskin moved back as well, sending a ripple of pleasure through my body as I felt my penis move up my stomach like I was getting another erection. It was growing so long that it pushed through the rim of my underwear revealing the warm flesh to the cold air. But then I realised, if my foreskin had retracted, then I must also be being covered in this hair. I looked over to my arm and saw that I had in fact grown a thin layer as well, but mine was a light rusty brown and was rapidly growing thicker.

As I watched, still sucking Scott's penis, my fingers began to shrink, while the nails grew longer and thicker. I lifted my hand up to see the palm turn a dark, almost black colour, while I suddenly felt my socks moving down my ankle. I looked up as best I could and saw that the hair covering Scott was in fact fur, and it covered him completely. Suddenly a painful pressure appeared at the base of my spine, then there was a rip and the pressure was relieved. As this happened I felt something tickle me under the chin, and when I looked down I found a line of fur moving around in-between Scott's legs. It was a tail! There was no question now what was happening, we were turning into some sort of animal! As my socks stopped moving underneath my knee, I felt my face begin to lengthen. My lips enveloped the rest of Scott's penis and my teeth grew either side of it, squeezing it slightly. I continued to suck until my mouth changed to such a shape that my lips would not meet either side, when I wrapped my stretched tongue round his shaft and then retreated back into an upright position, giving him one last thrill as I did so. When I was up again I just sat there, looking at the new Scott in front of me. The change was unbelievable; there was no sight of skin except for on his palms, where although it had become thick, still retained a pink colour unlike mine, which looked black. What grabbed my attention the most though was his long pink shaft. It was pulsating rhythmically as I watched it, and was incredibly long, at least ten inches. As I looked up his body my gaze met with his. There was no look of surprise on Scott's face, but there was none on mine either. For some reason this form felt so natural that the fact that it wasn't human was forgotten. Scott's animal like eyes moved down my furry chest and stomach until they stopped, staring at the head of my penis which had grown so large that it was just sticking out of my jeans.

Scott quickly moved his legs from under me and got up off the bed. They looked completely deformed; his foot had grown so long that his ankles were out of his socks, which now had four claws sticking out at the toes, and his knees were almost bent double. However when he stood up he did not even wobble, it was as if he'd been walking with his legs like that all his life. As he walked past me I saw his tail, which had ripped a hole in his jeans, bob about behind him, its end turned up slightly. Suddenly, now that I was in full control again, I realised that I could smell Scott. Not like a BO smell, but a sweet smell, one of fur and hormone.... of love and sex. I could also hear him moving around behind me, taking the rest of his cloths off. His thick leathery soles pushing the strands of the carpet down or out the way as he walked. I could hear the neighbours snoring, the cars on the main road almost half a mile away. I just wanted to kneel there and take it all in! But I was interrupted. I could tell it was Scott, not only by the fact that we were the only people in the room, but because of the way he felt and the smell of his arms as placed them round my waist. The bed creaked slightly as Scott gone on behind me, his arms flowing through under my arms as he got closer. Scott ran his hand up my stomach, then my chest, then moved them back down again, flattening the fur that he'd just ruffled up. His hands then quickly moved over the crotch of my jeans, his short fingers taking hold of the zip of my flies and pulling it firmly down. They then moved up to my button and undid it; causing my engorged penis to drop down into a more natural position, pushing the rim of my underpants down my shaft. Scott then moved his hands down the legs of my trousers, pulling the back down with his arms. When my jeans were at my knees he then moved his hands back up and took firm hold of my penis. His leathery palms felt wonderful against the sensitive flesh. Scott then pulled himself close up to me and I felt his cock push into the middle of my buttocks, my underpants in-between us. He then quickly pulled my pants down in roughly the same way as he did my jeans. But this time as he sat back up, his hands moving back up my legs as before, I felt the tip of his penis enter slightly between my buttocks. When his hands were back round my nob he pulled me towards him sharply. His cock penetrated me beautifully. He then pulled it out slightly, moving his hands to the end of my penis, then re-entered me, pulling his hand back down my nob. We both couldn't help but make a noise as the waves of pleasure spread through both of us.

He started quite slow, making each pump a powerful stroke of shear pleasure. Then as he started to pick up a pace the passion was intense, as well as the noise. We were coupled for only a short while, my ministering during the change had obviously shortened his stamina and he came in me. The feeling of that thick warm substance being squirted into me was too much and I could hold my self no longer, pumping my seed into his ready hands. As the passion subsided I noticed that Scott hadn't pulled out of my anus. There seemed to be a lump at the base of his penis, stopping him from withdrawing. I knew that I had to wait, and that Scott's hands needed cleaning, so I leant forwards as best I could and licked the thick white liquid off of Scott's hands. It actually tasted quite good, almost like salty yoghurt. By the time I had cleaned Scott's hands the lump at the end of his cock had shrunk sufficiently enough for him to leave my body. There was a wet sucking sound and a small shudder from Scott as his penis was pulled out. He then proceeded to clean me, using his tongue much like a spatula, liking out as much of his seed as he could. As he did so I could feel the adrenaline and excitement wear off and I watched as my penis shrunk into its furry sheath. By the time Scott had finished my penis was completely enveloped by the sheath which was now losing it's fur and changing back into my foreskin while my snout shrank back into a nose and the fur on my body started to thin. By the time I had got into bed only a thin layer of fur remained and a short stub that was left of my tail, which I was just able to pull my underwear and jeans over without it getting in the way. I laid down facing Scott; who had also almost returned back to normal, and smiled as I dropped off to sleep.

I woke the next morning feeling no side affects from the amount of alcohol consumed the night before. As I sat up and stretched I remembered what had happened last night, but it was so vivid and....impossible, it seemed more like a dream, so that's what I thought it was. As I stood up I noticed that Scott was already up and that's when the smell hit me. It was so intense, like nothing I'd smelt before, but I knew what it was. The smell of the frying pan was unmistakable to anyone, carried on it was the smell of eggs, and a beautiful smell of bacon. My mouth was full of saliva, I was almost drooling! My stomach made it's presence felt with a large rumble, and I rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen. As I entered Scott was just turning around from the cooker with the frying pan in his hand. He smiled and said "good morning. I thought you wake up soon."

"What....what are you doing?" I stumbled out trying not to drool.

"I don't know about you but I was famished when I woke up, so I came down and just flung some bits that were lying around into a frying pan. Looks like I was right." Scot replied as he slipped several pieces of bacon and an egg onto a plate. I couldn't help but agree with him as I stepped forwards and sat down at the kitchen bar where the plate was. Scott passed me a knife and fork and I tucked into the food in front of me. Scott had already made his so sat opposite me and ate as well. We were both incredibly hungry so the meal was quickly devoured, with no time for conversation, even if I did want to tell him about what I thought was a dream. When we were both finished Scott stacked the plates and I got up to get fully dressed. As I turned to leave the room I suddenly heard Scott exclaim, "Good god!" he almost yelled. I quickly turned back round "What's wrong?" I quickly asked.

"It wasn't a dream!" he said almost white.


"Your jeans....the back of your jeans." I turned the best I could and looked down the back of my legs. I couldn't see anything so I moved my search up to my bottom. Then I saw it, a small tear just below the base of my spine. It wasn't a dream! I looked back at Scott, but I couldn't say anything. I tried to say something; anything to break the silence, but we just stood there staring at each other. Hours could have passed, even days, before Scott finally said; "But that's impossible."

"But it happened none the less." I said finally able to get some words out.

"So what are we then, some kind of werewolves?"

"Well it would appear so, but I've never heard about any like this."

"What, that make two males shag each other!" Scott was working himself into hysteria; I had to calm him down. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "This is difficult to understand for both of us, but you've got to calm down. It could have just been a one off, some strange phenomenon that happened last night." I said as reassuringly as I could, even though I was having a hard time myself. As I looked at Scott I could see he was almost close to tears, I didn't have a clue what to do now, so I gave him a hug; it seemed the right thing to do at the time. Scott was a bit surprised at first but eventually hugged me back. I know now that it was in fact a bad idea to get in such close proximity to Scott for after a brief moment I could smell him, like I could last night. He obviously could as well as I could feel a lump appear in his jeans, close to the one that was being made in mine. His hands then moved down my back, settling over my buttocks, which he squeezed slightly pulling us tighter together. The tingling started quicker this time, before I had even become fully erect.

I moved my hands down to Scott's buttocks as well, increasing our seal with my own squeezing. I could feel his erection through his jeans, then as I felt my foreskin retract as I knew would, I felt it growing even bigger along with mine. They quickly grew so big that the tips again jutted slightly out of our jeans, his T-shirt just stopping them from touching. Then as Scott squeezed my buttocks even more I felt his claws start to stick in, as did mine. As I felt my feet grow longer Scott started to push into me rhythmically, rubbing each of our bodies against each other's nob. All fears were completely forgotten as Scott pulled his head back and looked me in the eyes, while our mouths pushed forwards almost meeting. The change was complete with the lengthening of my canines and I started moving in time with Scott's movements, intensifying the pleasure. Scott stumbled back with this and ended up with his back against a cupboard. With a more stable base the rhythmic movements became more of a thrust as we moved our hands over each other's backs. We had both had sex before but the feeling we got with each other was so much more than normally. I could feel myself orgasming with almost each movement, and Scott was obviously having as much pleasure as he sped up.

I soon couldn't hold it much longer and a came. My jeans had been pulled up over my head so it spurted powerfully into them, covering my stomach and crotch with thick creamy cum. Scott came just after me and he howled in exctasy while it got pumped into his T-shirt. We both stopped moving, panting heavily. I then stepped away so that we could have a proper look at each other. Scott was covered in white fur like he was last night; his T-shirt pulled tight by the amount on his body. It also had a large wet patch just above the rim where he had come. As I looked further down I could see the very impressive lump that was his erect penis, I was sure it looked even longer than last night. His legs were the same a before, his knees bent, his foot elongated and he was standing on what would normally be tiptoes. As I looked at him I thought how handsome he looked, then I realised that I actually love him. Suddenly I could feel the lump at the base of my nob dissipate and my penis start to shrink, slipping through the slime in my jeans. We needed cleaning so I walked back up to Scott and helped him take his shirt off. I then undid his trousers and pulled them and his underwear down as best I could. His penis had also shrunk back and all that was there was his furry sheath that was being held up by the fact that it actually appeared to be attached to his stomach.

I proceeded to lick the cum off of his stomach while he watched me. I started off at the top of his stomach and slowly worked my way down. As I got to his groin I started to lick his sheath clean and it started to become thicker. As I carried on my work Scott's penis suddenly slipped out of its sheath, revealing the slimy pink shaft. It quickly crawled up his stomach until it was just below the bottom of the front of his rib cage. It was a mighty shaft and I just had to taste it. I liked up and down its front with my tongue, wrapping it round slightly at the top and then flicking it off. Scott shook with every movement of my tongue and I loved it. I quickly took his penis in my mouth and sucked the best I could. It was difficult because my lips didn't seal properly, but I got the hang of it hand Scott braced himself hard against the cupboard. He soon came after that and my mouth was filled with his wondrous white liquid. He came so hard and fast I almost gagged at times, but I managed to swallow it all until I'd sucked him dry.

When I stood up I could see that Scott was knackerd, so I left him to slump down onto the floor where he was and have a rest. While he did I decided to go upstairs and clean myself. When I got in my room I sat on the bed and undid my trousers. I was still in wolf form so I decided to see whether I could clean myself, curiously enough, I could. As I licked the cum from around my sack and sheath I started to get myself excited and I could feel my sheath fill until my penis slid out revealing itself to the cold air. I started to lick up and down my shaft, sending pleasure through my body as I did. I couldn't help it, I needed more, so I took it in my mouth and started sucking. It was difficult to stop myself from making noises that would make me open my mouth, but I came quickly. I didn't seem to cum as hard or fast as Scott had, but the relief was just as draining so when I had finished I just laid back on my bed and rested while I felt the transformation back start.