Love of Two, Fate of Many - Chapter 1

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#1 of Love of Two, Fate of Many

Hinata looked down at the sleeping female wolf he was tied to. She was laying on top of his chest with her beautiful wings spread across the bed they shared. He wrapped his own wings tighter around her as he hugged her closer to him, causing her to stir a little in her slumber, and try to cuddle closer to him. He stared down at her fur, tracing the darker tiger stripe patterns in her gray coloring. He knew that he himself had the same pattern in his own fur. But his were more hidden, closer to the same color as the rest of his fur than hers.

The female looked up at him with a sleepy smile. Hinata smiled back and said, "I thought you were sleeping."

"No," she replied. "I was just listening to your heart beating." She grinned at him dreamily.

"Oh Tsukiko, I love you." Hinata told her his eyes gleaming.

"I love you too. More than I could ever tell you." She laid her head down on top of his chest with her face pointing to his and just looked up at him.

Hinata leaned in closer and kissed her slowly yet passionately for a while, his tongue slipping between her lips to be met by hers, before lying back again. He looked out the window, staring at the moon while he started to think back to when they had first realized how much they had always loved each other.

Hinata and Tsukiko had been born twins, born within minutes of each other. Their parents had learned how harsh the world could be and had thus kept the knowledge of which of them was older a secret. They did this because they wanted them to protect each other, and not have the older protect the younger more. They had kept it a secret for so long that even their mother would be hard pressed to remember. Hinata had taken after their father a little more, retaining his eyes and general build, while Tsukiko had inherited their mothers fur and heritage more clearly even down to having slighter wings where their mother had none. He thought back to when they were twelve years old, and listened to their father telling them the stories of the past. He thought back to when he first started noticing females and how surprised he was when the first female he thought of as attractive was his own twin sister. He had always loved his sister, had always practically needed to be around her, he just had never known how much that love extended. Actually he had never been able to be a great distance away from her for more than a week before he started to have massive headaches. When he did they were like a piece of his mind was being ripped out, the piece of his mind that always carried a slight link to his sister and let him know when she was really happy or sad or angry. Their parents thought this link existed because they had forgotten to take off a pair of magical rings that allowed them communicate over great distance while mating and had activated them inadvertently.

Hinata had noticed his sister looking at him differently about the same time he noticed her. She no longer only looked at him with a loving slightly mischievous light in her eyes, now she looked at him hungrily, like when she was eying a particularly juicy steak. She even started acting differently, swishing her tail more when he was around, putting on light amounts of perfume when it was just going to be a lazy day around the part of the inn their parents owned that they all lived in, trying to walk sexier when she knew he was looking. When he started putting two and two together and finally came up with four, he realized what she was trying to do. Sex had never been a taboo subject in their family like it was in others. They knew the theory of what it was, why it was done, and how to do it. What they didn't know was how much love could make someone want it.

He realized that she was trying to seduce him. And he knew that society viewed it as completely wrong. But despite that, he just couldn't bring himself to give a damn about what society thought. When he thought about it, their parents had actually never mentioned their own thoughts on the subject, which was odd because he was sure the topic had come up once or twice. Nevertheless, he didn't want to run the risk of people finding out and having his friends ridicule him and shun him, it was hard enough to find friends when he had wings, so he tried to not let his sisters efforts sway him. He failed, miserably. Over the course of a few weeks she kept up her attempts, not making them stronger or weaker or more or less obvious, they were just a constant bombardment against his senses and his social well-being.

The problem was that they both loved each other very much, and they each wanted the other just as much. They would just neither of them admit it, or truly act upon it, so the sexual tension between them just kept building, and building for about a month. Until one morning when Hinata walked out of his room and past his sister. When the scent that was emanating from her hit his nostrils, his control finally snapped. He turned around and walked back to Tsukiko, grabbing her arm and spinning her to face him. He put his muzzle next to her ear and whispered to her, "You win sis. I've been watching you, just as you've tried to get my attention. You had it about a month ago, and I tried to resist. But your being in heat right now is just too much. I love you Tsuki, I always have. And I want you so badly right now, my heart feels like it's going to shatter my ribs."

He pulled back to look at her face and make sure he hadn't completely screwed up. What he saw on her face was blatant triumph. She replied to him in a low voice saying, "Well, it's about damn time. I was beginning to wonder if I was imagining the looks you were giving me or oblivious, or even worse for me that you were gay. Now if I may be so bold..." She walked the two steps to his door and opened it. She grabbed his hand and pulled at him to follow her. "Get your gorgeous ass in here and do what you were born to do."

That first time between them had been a wonderful, almost magical experience. Normally they knew that when two mates came together and it was the first time for both of them, they had no experience, and there was a chance it could be bad. But their Aunt Tazina had been secretly teaching them both since they were about ten. She never actually touched them, and the two sibling never actually had sex with anyone. She just individually taught them some tricks, and gave them pointers and ideas, such as oral being a good way to stimulate their mates or the actual act, or that the clitoris only existed to give a female pleasure and that they should make use of that. As well as just a general education about the act, and safety. Because of the confidence and knowledge she had given them, they had been able to really learn each other that day, and give each other the pleasure they thought the other deserved.

Unfortunately, that day had also been the day they had been discovered. They had been lying in Hinata's bed tied together, basking in the afterglow when they heard the door open. Their mother walked in looking down at what appeared to be a list of daily jobs that she needed to do. "Hinata, your breakfast is getting cold. If you don't come down soon, it'll..." She looked up as she finally smelled the room and saw them covered by Hinata's blanket, which he had pulled over them when she walked in. She went red faced and looked away, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll just save your breakfast for later then." She hurriedly backed out of the room and shut the door.

Tsukiko looked up at her brother and asked worriedly, "Do you think she knows what we did?"

Hinata sighed replying, "Of course she does dearheart. She's not stupid, and it's rather obvious, not just from us lying on the bed, but from the smell too. And I'm sure she was more than a little suspicious about the noise, though she probably thought we were just wrestling again."

She grinned up at him, "Well it's not my fault you were born to fill me perfectly. And by the way, where did you learn that little trick with your tongue?"

He gave a little laugh, "I imagine the same place you learned about the nerves in the anal ring."

Tsukiko frowned a little, "That evil, evil witch. She didn't even tell us she was teaching both of us. But then we never asked. Just because she's the goddess of True Honesty, I guess that doesn't mean she tells things when she's not asked."

Hinata stared down at her, "What are we going to do Tsuki? By now, both our parents know, and we'll probably be kept apart as much as possible."

Tsukiko sighed and nuzzled into the fur on his chest. "I don't know love, but no matter what happens, I'll still love you."

He put his finger under her chin and raised her face. "And I you." He kissed her for a brief period, before he finally was able to pull out of his sister and gain his freedom back. "I guess we better go down and face what's coming to us."

That day, neither of his parents never mentioned what their mother had seen. Neither did they the next day. But the next night, they had been told the story of their heritage, and they realized why their parents had never mentioned their thoughts on incest. When they heard the first part of the story, they also realized that their parents accepted them, and that no matter what happened they would love them, and protect them.

That happened four years ago, the siblings were now sixteen nearly seventeen, and had never once regretted what had happened. Nor had they ever stopped loving each other. In fact they had come to love each other more as they matured, and grew into themselves.

Tsukiko looked up at her brother turned lover and stared into his eyes, watching those golden orbs dance in the moonlight like fire. He had inherited their fathers eyes according to their parents. She wondered if her mother ever felt the same flutter in her chest when she stared at her father's own eyes. Wondering what could inspire such a light to come to his eyes she asked, "What are you thinking about?"

He turned from looking at the window and met her eyes. "I was just thinking of the day when I stopped living on Condea and slipped into heaven."

She smile at this, Ever the romantic, she thought. That was one thing she had enjoyed watching blossom in him and having used on her. His romantic side made her feel loved, and warm, and safe. "And to think that they say that life is hell."

He smiled back at her, "They didn't have you." He said lovingly.

Tsukiko would have melted if she could muster enough energy to actually do so. She loved her brother, he had always been there to protect her, had never willingly hurt her, always put her first. He was the one thing that never failed to make her happy.

"Go to sleep mo chroí. I'll still be here when you wake up." He told her.

She sighed against his chest, "I love it when you speak that language. Goodnight meine leibe. I promise I'll never get tired of hearing you say that."

"And I promise I'll never get tired of saying it." He replied. And with those final words between them, they closed their eyes and fell asleep. What they didn't know was that dreams, are sometimes real, and hold many dangers...