A New Start

Story by Keshet Chataltul on SoFurry

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#1 of Daniel's New Home

Daniel has just moved to a little town in the mountains called Franklin. He is looking for a new start in life from the city. His first day there and he is welcomed by a sexy Cheetah who gives him a welcome he will never forget.

"Alright kid here is your stop." The cab driver said pulling over next to the city hall which was also the church in this small town. "That will be 75.36."

I reach into my pocket and count out just about the last of my money and hand the Fox 76$ "Keep the change." I tell him as I get out and get my stuff out of the trunk of the cab."

As I finish unloading my things from the trunk which isn't a lot, just a backpack with some clothing in it and my guitar. I shut the trunk and wave to the cab driver as he drives off. I pick up my pack and put it on my back as I grab my guitar case and walk towards city hall. I look around and take in the beauty of this place, it's a lot different then the city where I cam from. This little town was surrounded by mountains and national forest and the air here was so clean just what I was looking for. As I enter the city hall I can't help but feel watched by all the stain glass windows. As I walked down the isle of benches I was begining to think that this place was abandoned but then I saw a panda entering the room from one of the side doors. At first he didn't see me but when he did I swear I gave me one of the biggest welcome smiles I've seen in my entire life. I couldn't help but purr and actually feel welcomed, I like it here already.

"Welcome welcome." He said in a jolly almost santa kind of voice, "And what brings you here today umm.."

"Daniel." I say putting my guitar down to shake his paw, "Daniel White, and I have just been dropped of by cab was wondering if you could point me to the reality office. They have an apartment ready for me."

If I didn't see it with my own eye's I wouldn't have believed it but the Panda's smile grew about twice the size, "I can do better then that I can take you there myself."

"Thanks." I reach down and pick up my guitar and follow him out of city hall and down the street.

As we walked to the reality place to finish up paper work and get my apartment. I noticed that the streets here are different then the streets in the city. Here you don't see as many people walking as you do in the city, and the shops were old and antique looking.

I purred and thought to myself, "This is just right. It couldn't be any more perfect for me."

"So what do you think of are little town?" The panda asked as we crossed the street.

"Well it's deffinitly different then the city where I am from." I tell him.

"So your from the city?" He asked, "I thought I saw the city look on your maw."

"Yea the city is great but I'm looking for a more peaceful life so I came out here." I tell him.

"Well I hope you like it here." He said as he stopped in front of a building marked Reality, "Well here you are. Hope to see you around Daniel."

"Thanks." I tell him as he starts to walk away. "Hey wait a sec."

He stops and turns around, "Yes?"

"I didn't catch your name." I tell him.

"Oh I am so sorry I am very forgetful at times. The names Max Max Franklin." He said walking back to shake my paw.

"Max got it." I say "Thanks."

"No problem just give me a shout if you need some more help." he said turning back around to go back to city hall.

I turn back around to face the reality building pick up my guitar and walk inside. The inside of the building was decorated nicely. It had a very homey feel to it and as I took a closer look on the walls were pictures of the towns people in front of city hall. A picture for evey year all the way back to 1937 when the town of Franklin was founded. As I finished looking at all the pictures I walked up the the counter and rang the bell to anounce I was here. It didn't take long for a pretty atractive cheetah about my age to walk up to the counter. I was taken back by how beautiful she was, her dark blue eye's complemented the red dress she was wearing that seemed to fit her curves perfectly. I was snapped back to reality when she rang the bell giggling.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked spining around for me I saw that her tail had a rainbow band at the end of it.

"S-s-sorry." I stumble but finally get it out. "I'm Daniel White you guys are holding an apartment for me."

Her face lit up as she walked over to the computer to print the info. If I didn't know any better I would say she was trying to put a show on for me. The way she walked with her tail moving slowly side by side matching her hips.

I purred quietly as I thought to myself, "I stand corrected this town just got better."

The cheetah walked back with the papers in her paws and a warm smile on her face, "Here you go Mr.White if I can just get you to sign your name on the highlighted lines I will go and get the keys for you. There are desks and chairs against that wall over there if you want to sit down and go over the terms."

"Thank you." I say gathering up my stuff and the paper work and make my way over to the desk.

As I walked over to the desk I think I caught a purr coming from her but then again it could be wishful thinking. I sat down and went over the lease it was your tipical lease so I signed where needed got up leaving my stuff at the desk and walked back over to the counter where she was waiting on me doing something on the computer. She heard me coming and got up to meet me and get the paper work.

"All right Mr.White."

"Please call me Daniel." I interupt her.

"Ok then Daniel looks like everything is in order I will be right back with your keys." She said smiling and the way she said my name as if she purred it.

As I waited for her to return with the keys I was tapping on the counter and thinking to myself, "I will be happy when I can finally unpack what little things I have and start getting my life back in order. Who knows if I finish unpacking and straighten up a little I might go down and try that coffee shop Max and I passed."

I heard the cheetah returning and watched as she reentured the room. She got aout half way to the counter before dropping the keys.

"Oops sorry." she said as she bent over to pick them up giving me a clear view of her breasts.

I tried not to look but couldn't help myself as I got a quick glimps of them purring at the site.

"Now could she have done that on purpose?" I ask myslef.

Once she got back up she straightened her hair and walked over to the counter, with a big smile.

"Alright Daniel here you go." She said handing me the keys, "Do you know how to find the place or would you like me to show you?"

I was just about to say no I know where it is, because I do but then the thought of us walking together was nice, "Yea if you don't mind I'm still trying to learn my way around."

"Ok give me a few minuets to let my mom know to listen out for the bell, change, and I'll be right out there." She said smiling and walked out of the room.

"Wow I'm getting a beautiful woman to walk me to my new place. I feel like I've died and this town is heaven." I think to myself, "My luck has never been this good."

Then a scary thought entered my mind, "What if I did die? I still don't believe I made it out of that mess back home in one piece. Is this all just a dream?"

It didn't take long for the Cheetah to enter the lobby from the side door. My breath was just about knocked out of me. She had changed from the dress into skinny blue jeans and a blue tank top that looked two sizes to small.

"Wow." was all that escaped my lips.

She blushed and helped me up, "Glad you like it, the names Tina by the way Tina long."

"Daniel Daniel white." I repeat my name to dazed to realize that she already knew that.

She giggled and helped me put my pack on my back, "I know you alreay told me. Right this way please."

I blushe from embarisment pick up my guitar and follow her out the door.

"Get a hold of yourself Daniel." I think to myself beating myself up for acting the way I am.

"So Daniel you play guitar?" She asked pointing to the case.

I purr and smile, "Yea actually I do I find joy and comfert in my music, and lately it's been the only thing that has been there for me."

"No forget about that." I think to myself, "That life is in the past. No one here knows your name or even who you are. You have the chance to start over and not make the same mistakes twice."

"Oh?" She asked her curiosity flooding over in her voice, "So you running from something or just tired of the city life?"

I look at her with this please don't go there expression and just kept on walking.

"Sorry just a felines curiosity." She said, "You have been the talk of the town for a while now. Not everyday we get a city boy out in these parts."

I look at her confused, "What do you mean talk of the town?"

She giggles and says, "Exactly what it sounds like. We are a small close knit town and never really get anything exciting to gossip about. So when my mom told Max the mayor that a new person was going to move it naturally it spread."

I just laugh and comtinue walking. It wasn't long before the town started thinning out and we hit the apartment part of it. The apartments here are different then the ones in the city. The ones here they are more like town houses where each one is just a little one or two bedroom house. I kind of like that no more having to play my music quietly because of the thin walls. We walked for about another fifteen minuets before she turned towards an empty house and unlocked it walking in. As I entered she shut the door behind us and turned on the lights as I set my stuff down on the floor.

"I hope you like this place. We just got done redecorating it." She said, "Would you like a tour?"

I look around the living room and see that it is deffinetly different from the plain tan walls of the apartments back home. The walls here were more of a redish color and the floors had new carpet on them. I look over at Tina and smile.

"I would love a tour."

I noticed something flash behind her eyes when I agreed to the tour. She started to walk to the back room once we left the living room the floors were hardwood floors and we were in a country style dinning room that lead to a kitchen.

"Wow so much bigger then the kitchen I had back home." I tell her, "The one back home was barely a one furbutt kitchen."

She giggled at that and continued down the hall. The first door on the right of the hall was a small closet, then the door on the left opened up to a bathroom, and the last door on the left was the bedroom. I looked around admiering the bedroom, it was so beautiful the walls were a greenish color the floors were carpeted and the king size bed looked oh so welcoming. Once I got done admiering the room I noticed that Tina was laying on the bed on her side her tail swaying slowly and a big grin on her face. I gasped cause the site was so unexpected and beautiful at the same time.

She purred and motioned me over, "I know you've been looking at me ever since I answered that bell Daniel. Did you like the show I put on for you?"

I walked over to the bed to dazed to believe what is happening. My cock already growing from it's sheath tenting my pants a little. When I get to the bed she gets up grabs my around the neck and pulls me on to the bed with her. Once on the bed with her I realized what was going on.

"Wait Tina this isn't right." I tell her slidding out of her grip and sitting at the edge of the bed my back to her.

She crawled up and sat behind me her muzzle resting on the shoulder her tail wrapped around my waist purring, "Think of it as a welcome to town kind of gift."

With that being said she once again pulled me onto the bed with her but this time she pinned me under her so I couldnt move.

"I know you want to Daniel." She said as she slid a paw under my shirt, sitting down on my stomach.

That did it for me any doubt I had before was gone now.

I purred and lifted my shirt up to reviel the snow white stomach fur I had.

"Mmm not every day I get to do a snow cat." She purred, "Especially one as good looking as you."

She leaned in and started to nibble the side of my neck playing with my stomach fur sending me into paradise. A small moan escapes me as I wiggle under her.

"I can't believe this is happening." I think to myself.

I wrap my arms around her and pull up her shirt revieling a pink bra. Her and I both are purring as I start to scratch her back using my claws I lightly dig into her soft fur. She growls softly in my ear as she presses her chest against me now noming on my ear letting out a moan every now and then as I continue to scratch her back. She moves down my chest till her hips on resting on the tent my cock has formed now almost completely hard. I moan loudly as she starts to grind her hips against me I dig my claws a little in her back. I moan loudly as she continues her work she leans in and nips my chest sending wave after wave of pleasure down my spine. I lean my head down to lick the top of hers and when I do she moves back up my chest and brings me into a dep kiss with both of us fighting each others tongue. Once the kiss was broken she smiled at me and reached back with one paw to unlach the hook on her bra as she did it fell and she threw it off the bed. I was dazed again her breasts were beautiful I reach with one of my paws and squeeze the right one getting a loud moan from her as I did. I grined and flipped her over to where I was on top and started to suckle on her left breast as I fondled the right one. She started to squirm now moaning loudly and holding my head agaisnt her.

"Taking charge now are we?" She asked playing with my hair, "I like that."

I purr as I continue working on her breast I move my free paw down her chest to her jeans and start to grope her croutch. I get a lout moan out of her as I do this and I purr as I feel her pants are already wet. I lift up my head from sucking on her breast and take my shorts and underwear off revieling my rock hard cock. She eyes it purring as she pulls me at the waist and moves me up the chest till my cock was sitting snug between her beautiful breast.

"Mmm I see your not going to disapoint me at all." she purrs as she licks the lip of it.

I moan and grip the sheets on the bed as she does my cock starting to leak pre.

"And not bad tasting ether." she said before taking the tip of my cock in her maw and starts giving me a blow job while she used her paws to message my cock with her soft breast. I started to moan loudly and thrust a little into her maw as she sucked and messaged my cock.

"O-o-oh this is amazing." I moan as I feel my climax building up.

She picks up speed as she senses my climax coming and starts to twist her tongue around my cock almost sending me over the edge then. I moan loudly as I thrust a little harder and faster.

"I-i-i'm going to cum!" I yell as I give her fair warning.

She just purred and moaned as she picked up speed and squeezed my cock tightly between her breast. I didn't last long after that, I put my paws on each side of her head as I thrust hard and fast into her maw and scream as I reach my climax sending my load down her maw. It took her by surprise at how much I cummed and some leacked out the side of her maw but for the most part she was able to swallow most of it. I just sat there my cock in her maw moaning and panting as she cleaned my cock. Once she was satisfied she cleaned it enough she removed it from her maw and pushed me onto my back. I just gave in exhausted from the attention I just resieved as she crawled on top of me once again.

"That was fun but now it's my turn." She said as she discarded her pants and underwear and positioned herself right above my still hard and throbing cock.

She purred as she rested one paw on my chest the other on the bed keeping her from falling on my cock, "You ready kitty?"

I was to exhausted to talk so I just nodded my head and with that she slid down my cock with both of us moaning loudly as I entered her tight hot pussy. Once she was at the base of my cock she stayed there for a while moving her hips in a circuler motion. Something that I haven't had done to me yet and felt so great that I almost cam a second time. Once she was satisfied with the feeling of my cock filling her up she leaned down and brought me into another deep kiss. As we kissed I could taste my salty cum on her tongue. We kissed for a few seconds before she started to move her hips up and down my cock making us moan. I take the hint and mach her thrusts with my own making her yellp and moan from pleaser. We started out slow but picked up speed fast the sound of my balls hitting against her as we meet filled the room aloung with are moans. I was giving her all I've got feeling my climax building up again but trying to hold it back since she hasn't had a release yet. Tina was moaning and panting on top of me then flashed me a grin.

"Want to see how fast cheetahs really are?" and with that she did something I didn't think possable, she started to fuck my so fast it was almost unatural.

I bit my lip as I felt my climax building up and wanting a release as she fucked me I wrapped my paws around her back holding her close moaning in her ear. I didn't last much longer as I bit down on her neck and glrowled slaming my cock into her hard a few good times as I reached my second climax, but she wasn't done with me as I lay there to exhausted to do much she kept on fucking me with unatural speed before she squeeked and moaned loudly having a climax of her own. I fould feel are mixed juices leaking around my cock and as she came down from her climax she fell on top of me panting hard and moaning.

"Not bad kitty." She said panting, "Not bad at all."

We stayed like this for a while before she got up and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I just stayed on the bed still not fully believeing that that just happened. After she was clean the dressed and walked back over to the bed.

"I didn't over do it did I?" she asked in a teasing yet satisfied voice.

I get up and shake my head, "No but you came close. That was amazing thank you."

She purred and kissed my cheek as she turned around and started to walk away, "Well I will have to try and do better next time now wont I?"

After I heard the front door close I got up and decided to go take a shower since my fur was all messy. While I was cleaning myself in the shower I replayed what just happened in my head and thought to myself.

"Day one in my new home and I love it already. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?"

Keshet's Adventure: The Power a Name can Hold

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Keshet's Adventure: A Surprise from the Dark

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Keshet's Adventure: The Truth

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