Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Dawn Seekers! ch.1

Story by NoXXI on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Dawn Seekers!

Well, it's been a long time since I last wrote anything... I'm coming back with this story.

As usual in what I make, the main cast involves a Shinx and an Eevee (Now, that doesn't mean there'll be anything romantic between the two, just to clarify).

However, I want this story to be something special...

-For one, I plan to make 4 stories in which the leads will be M Shinx / F Eevee, M Shinx / M Eevee, F Shinx / M Eevee, and F Shinx / F Eevee

-As I stated, this does not mean they will be romantically involved.

-I want to give readers a certain control over the story; at some points, I'm going to leave it open to a majority decision which of some given options will happen.

I apologize if it's been too long since I last wrote anything, but I had been way too busy with one thing after another...

Enjoy my comeback!

(Note that the "Clean" tag only applies to this chapter as of now, things will develop later on. In the same fashion, the M/F tag will apply later on. RIght now things are just clean.)

The sun shone brightly, high in the skies above Chance Town, joining the chirping and singing of many a bird in signaling the coming of a new day.

Its rays bathed the land, shining against the large form of the Adventurer's Guild. Morning had arrived, and it was the day the young Pokémon who were eager to join would get their chance: It was the annual entry exam. Everywhere in town, the young ones were waking up and getting ready to get to the Guild gates so they could be the first ones in when the gates opened. The race was on for, well... Almost everyone.

The young Shinx let out an annoyed yawn, followed by a short groan as sunlight filtered through the canopy of the trees above and shone directly at his face.

"Alright, I gotcha..." Sawyer mumbled, shielding himself from the light with his soft, blue paw, "Time to get up, I know..." the cub turned slightly in his sleep, still refusing to actually wake up. The Shinx had been anxious for his chance to join the Guild; he'd spent the night in a small huddling of trees right next to the Guild's gates, certain he'd be the first to be allowed in that way... Except he hadn't quite factored in how long it'd take him to actually get up.

"My..." An Espeon spoke softly, gazing out the Guild's window and looking down at the small, blue-furred feline, "Does such a lazy child even stand a chance at joining the Guild...? Judging from the fact he slept right outside, I would hope he'd at least be eager enough to wake up and be the first in when the gates open... Well, I suppose even I can make mistakes in my judgment from time to time..."

"Shoulda gotten the guards to wake him up. He oughta be first in, to be honest," a Flareon replied, taking a rather sizeable bite off a Cheri torte on a nearby table, "kid's the only one who did that this time."

"Well, we'll see..." The Espeon turned around, looking at his friend, "If he doesn't get up in the next ten minutes, you can have the guards try to wake him up."

"Vivian, dear?" the Eevee heard the soft, motherly voice speak to her, "It's time to get up... If you don't hurry, you'll be late for the exam. You did want to try joining the Adventurer's Guild, didn't you?"

"Yes..." The Eevee's response was cut short as she let out a long yawn, "Thanks, mom~" she added in a caring tone as she got up and jumped off her bed and went downstairs to her house's kitchen; a small, round table in the teal-painted room already had a plate with a few berries and an apple ready for her Sitting at the table were a Glaceon and Espeon, both waiting for her.

"How's my little princess today?" The Espeon asked, seeing her daughter arrive, "I'm glad you got up early... Breakfast is ready!"

"Thanks, mom!" the Eevee kit answered, taking her place at the table.

"Sleep well? I don't want you dozing off in the middle of things, you hear?" The Glaceon asked in a teasing tone, reaching out her paw and giving the Eevee a tussle.

"Okay, mom!" Vivian nodded, letting out a brief giggle at the touch as she took one of the smaller berries and ate it.

"Alexandrine, be careful!" the Espeon scolded her mate, "You'll mess up her hair and she won't look good for her exam!"

"Chill out!" the Glaceon shrugged with a casual smile, "She's going to be an adventurer, not a model, Anne!"

"I don't mind," the Eevee shyly looked at the Espeon, "really!"

"You have to look good. It's the first impression that sets how everyone's going to look at you!"

The Ice and Psychic types began arguing while Vivian continued eating. She finished off her berries, not feeling like she had any room left for the apple. She decided she'd take that with her once she left.

"I'll go get my bag from my room!" Vivian told her parents as she stepped away from the table.

"--With a thousand frilly bows and ribbons!" the Glaceon yelled, turning to look at her daughter, "Sure, Viv."

"Go on, dear," The Espeon added before turning back towards Alexandrine, "So, that's how you see it?!"

Vivian walked up the stairs, listening to the muffled sound of her parents' discussion. Once in her room, she went to a small nightstand next to her bed and picked up her bag, slinging it so it was left hanging from her side. That way she could take anything quickly if she needed to. She headed back to the stairs, turning around so she could get one last look at her room... She had practically spent her entire life within those walls; Anne, her birth mother, had always been far too protective of her, never letting her go outside on her own, or play with any of the other young Pokémon who lived in town. .. Alexandrine, on the other half, was always more lenient in a way: She'd let her play and do as she wanted, all within Anne's rules. Since she was very little, she'd hear tales about amazing adventurers and heroes who would dare any kind of danger and save everyone. It sort of became her dream. When she told her parents that she wanted to join the Guild, Anne almost fainted while Alexandrine simply let out a chuckle.

It was actually thanks to Alexandrine being so insistent that Anne had finally, and quite reluctantly, agreed to allow Vivian a chance to take the exam... She was going to pass it. She would prove she had what it took to be a great adventurer and that she wasn't just an overly-sheltered kit... That was the day.

Back downstairs, the Espeon and Glaceon were sitting quietly, close to each other.

"Sorry..." Alexandrine whispered.

"It's okay... I'm just worried about her," Anne replied, "You know how much I treasure her. After all that happened, I-"

"-I understand," the Ice-type gave a nod and nuzzled her love, "It hasn't been easy, but you gotta let her grow up."

Vivian had come as a bit of a miracle to the couple; a few years ago, back when she hadn't even hatched yet, Anne fell victim to a terrible illness. No one could cure her, and she seemed like she'd be lost for sure... That was when Vincent, a close friend to Anne and Alexandrine, And Vivian's actual father, went off into the nearby Gloomforth Woods in search of one flower out of which a very powerful medicine could be made... Days passed by, and not a sign of him would show... Having accepted her fate, Anne was ready to bid her final farewell to the world, her lover, and her unborn child...

Then, the miracle happened...

Vincent made it back, crawling and near-dead...

"I'm sorry..." the Leafeon spoke, "I... I guess this was all I could do..."

"What do you mean?!" Alexandrine gasped in concern, "What happened? Vincent?!"

"A...An...ne... Anne..." he coughed as he weakly reached out into the tattered and slashed bag he carried with him and pulled out a small vial, full of a greenish liquid, "For you... I went to Vileplume's so she could make it..."

Both females' hearts seemed to stop at the sight.

"Vincent..." both let out a worried sigh.

"Be a good mother and take care of that kid, Anne..." the Leafeon said, resting on his side, "That's my final wish... Cherish her... You get to live to see her grow... I'll always love you all," he looked at the Espeon, then at the Glaceon, and finally at the egg next to Anne_, "Take... Care..."_

It had been a miracle, but it hadn't come without a cost... The male both loved had given his life in exchange. What in Gloomforth Woods caused him to sustain such injuries was never known, and the Guild never found anything truly dangerous, either... But that was a story they both wished to keep away.

"I'm ready!" Vivian came skipping down the stairs, the glimmer in her eyes and the movement of her tail showing just how excited she was. She took the apple from before from the table and put it in her bag, turning to her right to see her parents snuggling together, "Huh? What gives?"

"It's nothing," the Espeon hummed, walking towards her daughter, "Good luck, dear... I know you'll do just fine! Now..." she held the Eevee in her paws and began gently grooming her fur and hair, until the kit was perfectly well- cleaned. "You're ready! Give your uncle our regards!"

"Thanks, mom..." the Eevee murmured, not liking the way she was sure she looked. As she mase her way to the door, Alexandrine approached slowly, not wanting Anne (Who was busy tidying up the table) to take notice.

"Psst, squirt," the Glaceon put her paw on the Eevee's head and gave her a few ruffles, adding just one small lap of her tongue to keep things in place, "take a look at yourself when you get the chance, okay?"

"Okay..." Vivian whispered, "I'll be going now! Wish me luck!"

"Take care!" both replied as they saw their child walk out the door and away into her dreams...

"Now, neat freak~!" Alexandrine spoke teasingly as she lied down on top of the table, impeding Anne from cleaning anything else, "We got the house to ourselves for once... How about we have the kind of lunch we haven't had for quite a while?" she finished with a wink, reaching out and grabbing the Espeon before any kind of reply could be given.

"Hey... Hey, kid! Kid, wake up!"

Sawyer leapt in surprise when he felt something poke at his belly. The Shinx looked around, still disoriented, until he caught sight of a Flareon holding a stick in his muzzle.

"You're up," the Flareon said, dropping the stick and staring sternly at the cub, "Gate's been open for about a half hour or so. Ya wanna get a spot so you can sign up for the exam? I suggest movin' yer black-furred behind!"

"W-Wha-?!" Sawyer mumbled, rushing away into the now open entrance to the Guild's grounds, only to be met with a very long line of young Pokémon, all of them as filled with high expectations as he was. He saw a Skitty hop around in her place in line hyperactively, talking and making all sorts of gestures towards a Pikachu who looked as amused as she looked confused at the small feline's antics.

'No time to waste, I guess,' Sawyer thought as he got in line... It was gonna be a while before he got to sign up... IF there was any room left for him...

"Well, hi!" a Mareep that was standing right before him in line greeted him with a smile, "I reckon you're here to take your exam?"

"Uhm... Yeah," Sawyer replied, looking strangely at the Mareep. Not that he didn't appreciate how friendly she was being, but he had literally arrived ten seconds ago. "I guess you're here for that too, right?"

"Darn right, I am!" the sheep answered cheerfully, holding her paw out towards the Shinx, "Name's May!"

"I'm sawyer," the cub smiled back, answering the pawshake only to have sparks come out flying from both of them.

"Yowza!" the Mareep and Shinx laughed at the results of their greeting. It didn't take long for Sawyer to take a liking to the sheep. Talking to her was pleasant, and he figured he'd better start making friends if he was hoping his stay at the Guild would be a pleasant one... And he HAD to make it into the Guild... He didn't have a home he could actually go back to, so failing that test would mean saying farewell to his dreams and going back to wandering for at least another year...

"You an' me, Sawyer," the Mareep chuckled, taking Sawyer off his train of thought, "I think we're going to get along just fine!"

"It'll be an electrifying experience, that's for sure."

Both let out a short laugh at that terrible joke before continuing their talk. Time was sure going to pass slower that way...

Vivian stared at her own reflection in a puddle, smiling as she saw that Alexandrine had arranged her hair into a fringe that managed to partially cover a bit of her right eye. She liked the look, as a matter of fact; she preferred it to being as well-groomed as Anne liked to keep her. With that, she resumed her walk, seeing the large walls of the Guild closer that she thought they'd be.

"Hey..." a figure whispered in the shadows, "What about that one? She looks like she'd do fine."

"Poor thing... Just one look and I can tell she wouldn't put up a fight..."

"On the count of three?"

"Jump out and grab her, I doubt she'd run away."


Vivian's relaxed walk was interrupted as she felt a thick, slimy hand grab ahold of her. Before she could even let out a yelp, she felt her consciousness slipping away...

"So I told him, no one tries to take a fluff of the wool with him, mister!"

"Nice!" Sawyer replied; he was actually taking a genuine liking to the Mareep. She appeared to be the calm and friendly type. He'd enjoy being friends with her.

"Hey, look! We're almost up!" the Mareep gestured towards a smaller door that led into the Guild. The line had been reduced greatly in size... Sawyer started feeling a little anxious ... What if he failed? He wouldn't... He couldn't...

Just then, two purple globs crawled by the Gates, dragging what appeared to be an unconscious Eevee along with them, heading deeper into an opening in the midst of the trees...

"Did you see that?" Sawyer asked May, staring into the spot the three had vanished into, "That didn't look right..."

"You're right," the sheep nodded, "Maybe it's a kidnapping... We should tell 'em once we... Hey! Sawyer! Wait! We're almost up! If we leave now we won't be able to make it in, dangit! Well, I'll..." she mumbled as she rushed off after the Shinx...