Chapter 3

Story by DragonMercX4 on SoFurry

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#3 of Intervention

Chapter 3

Serenity woke up slowly, memory showing up in her once pleasantly dream filled and blissful mind. She hummed happily a single note tune with a cheery feel to it, waves of warmth from open curtains' sunlight washing over her sapphire blue and angel white fur spread through her. She stretched, feeling around for Jaden... He wasn't there. Her heart sank.

Serenity bolted upright, few senses working as she looked around with hazy eyes, everything blurry as colors ran together in ways that someone could only imagine. She felt around the bed, no Jaden. She looked around the room, not getting up from the bed because her legs weren't working. Still no Jaden.

The haze left her eyes and the world no longer looked like abstract art as she turned her attention to the nightstand. There, and causing her to immediately break down crying, was her blue and chrome digivice. She shoved her face into her paws and then onto a pillow, effectively muffing her cries to anything outside the room.

Serenity was a wreck. 'I forced him into something he didn't want to do and now he's gone! What's wrong with me?! Why can't I do anything right?!' She thought as she sobbed madly into the pillow, now soaking wet from her tears. Slowly, after twenty or so minutes, she calmed down to the occasional hiccup sound and sniffle. She wiped at her tear drenched fur underneath her again cloudy eyes. It felt stained to her, but she didn't care, she only wished she could see Jaden one last time, just to apologize.

Serenity got up, swaying slightly as she became light-headed and the would looked like it was on crack. "I think I'll, (Sniff) Sit for a minute." She told herself. In reality, she just wanted to curl up into a little ball and die. She just felt so empty and cold inside without Jaden there with her.

A really delicious smell made itself known to her. In fact, she recognized it. It was the smell of cooking meat of some kind and maybe something else that still smelled so good, her spirits lightened up a bit. She got up after the world stopped playing Twister with itself, and made her way to the kitchen.

There, on the little counter/bar island in the kitchen was a plate of food. There was still more on the stove and another plate there by it, but she thought nothing of it. She heard her stomach growl and was surprised at how hungry she was, after such a loss and all. "Well, I haven't eaten in three days." She told herself.

The digi-fox pulled up a stool that had a back to it up to the counter. She sat down, making sure that her now lifeless tail didn't get caught between her butt and the seat. She picked up a fork and stuck it into some of the yellowish white chunky looking stuff. After getting enough on it to fill her mouth, she ate it.

Jaden was actually resting out on the sofa when he herd her. Serenity had opened the door and her stomach growled loudly as she told herself that she hadn't really eaten in three days. 'Come on, my cooking can't be that bad!' He whined in his mind. But then his heart sank.

After taking a couple bites of the food, she pushed the plate away and crossed her arms on the counter while burying her head in them, beginning to cry. "Oh Jaden, I'm so sorry!" She howled in between her loud sobs. Jaden leaped up and wrapped his arms around her, effectively silencing her as she became stiffer then cast-iron.

He spun her around on the rotating stool and lifted Serenity from it. His arms flew around her and cuddled her to his body. Now he was crying, and he had no idea why. The only thought that crossed his mind as to why was that he couldn't stand to see her hurting like that. Jaden made a silent vow to never let her ever be in any pain, ever again.

"Ja-Jaden? JADEN!" Serenity happily yelled, wrapping her arms and tail as tightly around him as they could be. "I thought you left me! I'm so sorry about last night." She cried softly in his ear.

"I couldn't ever leave you. I love you way to much to ever do anything like that to you." He sobbed softly into her ear, which was still pressed tightly to the back of her blue, conical head. He pulled back enough to looking her in the eyes. Jaden's tearing got worse as he saw how badly she had been crying, it really broke his heart. "Oh, god, Serenity. I'm so sorry." He said shakily as he wiped away her new tears. "And don't be sorry about last night. That had to be the best time of my life and I would never take it back unless it hurt you... It didn't, did it?" He asked getting worried.

"What?" Was all Serenity could say. Jaden had just poured his heart out to her. He had professed his love, apologized for something that wasn't his fault, and was more concerned about her then anyone ever had been. Instead of answering his question, she kissed him as deeply as she could manage.

The care, the love, the compassion she could see in his eyes caused Serenity's legs to almost fall out from underneath of her. She could hear their hearts hammering madly away in their chests, passion for each other keeping them awake and preventing them from fainting from the feeling of near loss and then finding out the person that was almost lost, loves you just as much you love them.

Both of their hearts were fluttering as they kissed. They held it as long as they could, panting after breaking away. Jaden gave the digi-fox a lop-sided grin as he hugged her to his body, Serenity just noticing that all he was wearing was his jeans.

Jaden sighed with her as her soft, fluffy fur enveloped his body as Serenity cradled him to her chest. Tears were still silently falling from one another's faces as their heads rested on each other's shoulders. Slowly, Jaden guided her back to sitting on the stool.

Serenity let her arms fall limp as her heart hammered in her chest. She let Jaden seat her back in the rotating bar stool as his hands moved back to her shoulders. He leaned in, smiling lovingly as tears of what was now happiness ran from both of their eyes, and kissed her in the same place as the night before, right on the ridge of her muzzle.

His lover sighed happily as Jaden kissed her face and withdrew, trailing a hand along her collar bone and through the top part of her brisket tuft in an affectionate way. Jaden went back to making his own breakfast as Serenity went about finishing hers. "Mmmmmmmm... I had no idea that anyone could cook this well. How do you do it?" She asked, her eyes closed as Jaden looked over his shoulder at her while she savored the meal.

"One of the few things that I did with my parents that I liked was cooking. My dad taught me how to grill and stir-fry, while my mom taught me pretty much everything else. I have a good ten or more years of experience and I'm happy to be doing this for you." He responded, winking at her over his shoulder while he scrambled his eggs and flipped the bacon. He noticed it was done and used a fork to shove some pieces onto her plate next to the sausages.

She took a piece of bacon, a slice of the sausage, and some more of the 'eggs' as Jaden called it and ate it all in one bit. Serenity started purring loudly from the food's deliciousness. Jaden, on the other hand, was busy putting what was left on his plate and started to eat it while enjoying the sight of his girl contently satisfying what must have been a gnawing hunger. He couldn't help but smile.

'She really does care for me. *sigh* I hate to admit it, but I'm ready to do anything for her. I can't think of life without her now so, I must be hopelessly in love.' Jaden thought to himself, a great warmth spreading over him at the prospect.

"Serenity, would you like a nick-name?" Jaden asked her, looking quizzically at her.

"Sure, call me whatever you want." She replied as she set into the task of licking her plate clean. Jaden chuckled as she did so.

"Whatever I want, hmm, let's see... Okay, here's what I have it sorted out to." Jaden began as Serenity put her plate down. "I've got Sexy, Fuzz-ball, and Sarah." She looked at him as a smile slowly spread it's way across her face. In seconds, she had gone from smiling contently to laughing so hard that she was clutching her sides.

"Sarah will suffice." She said after the fit of laughter was over. "So, what are we going to do?" She asked Jaden, who looked like he was enjoying the view as she noticed her neck fur was misplaced and her left nipple was showing. She immediately blushed and crimson showed through the blue fur of her cheeks as she adjusted it.

"Well, Sarah... *Chuckle* I was going to be checking out today and we were going to go down to my vacation home. I've got some stuff down there that should keep what happened to my house here from happening down there." Jaden responded to her question, turning around and cleaning up the dishes. He had finished eating while she was laughing and wanted to get everything cleaned up.

"Where is your vacation home?" Sarah asked, genuinely curious. She was becoming mesmerized as his muscular back flexed. She could see just how his shoulder blades were rotating and how his waist moved with his strokes across the plate in his hand. She began to absentmindedly purr at the thought of his body being pressed up against hers. She was getting quiet exited from the ideas, which showed between her legs.

"It's down south, someplace nice. For you, it's more of a surprise really." Jaden told her softly, turning to see her absentmindedly staring at his backside. He could smell something intoxicating in the air, an it was really turning him on. "I see you're as interested in me as I you, dear?" He questioned, his arousal starting to become apparent.

"Yes, and I want to see more." Sarah responded sensually before she could stop herself.

"Go back into the bedroom. I'll be there in a minute." Jaden said softly enough that it sent shivers of anticipation up Sarah's back. She quickly bolted from the kitchen, straight into the room.

Jaden's heart fluttered. 'Yes! It wasn't just a one night fling!' He shouted in his head. After hearing the bed squeak a few times, he contently smiled widely to himself. To say he was more then just exited and extremely aroused would have put the entire situation to sham. He wanted her, bad. Her soft and warm fur all over him, her cries of ecstasy in his ears, his cock in her endlessly pleasing cunt, lust was again trying to take control.

Jaden silently slipped into the room and took off his clothes. Sarah didn't hear him, but rather felt him. His gaze, his love, his essence. She wanted him so bad, her body was aching for his. She wanted to feel him stretch her with his dick, feel it slid in and out of her wanting, soaked pussy. She wanted to be fucked, period.

Jaden seamlessly detached himself from the shadows cast by the sunlight and slipped into the bed behind Sarah. She shivered at his touch, so soft and gentle, it filled her senses with sudden want and an insatiable need for a man. Her man.

Jaden felt his digi-fox lover shiver under his touch, her fur so soft under palm that he had to really control himself in that he wanted to flip her over right there and fuck her brains out, bringing her to orgasm after earth shattering orgasm, but what he really wanted was to do it gently and show her how much he wanted her.

"Oh, you're could." Jaden said in a very concerned voice, thinking of foreplay. "Now we can't have that." He finished, rolling her onto her stomach and straddling her hips.

Sarah moaned softly to the side as she glimpsed her lover, completely nude and on her legs. She couldn't help but shiver as his hands made their way down her back and to her taught, round and perfectly shaped ass. His hands roamed over her figure, going over sweet-spots she never knew she had. Her need was growing within her as the previous spark of sexual excitement turned to a blazing fire of desire.

"Oh gods, Jaden." Sarah moaned from underneath his loving moves. She was still shaking and withering under his muscular thighs as his now pulsating meat was being brushed by her silky tail and his balls were almost being kneaded by the backs of her thighs. It was his turn to moan now, and did nothing to try to quiet it. Sarah, seeming pleased by what her slight ministrations were doing, arched herself up and pressed against his crotch.

"Sweet Jesus, Serenity!" Sarah's lover called from atop of her. She got what she wanted and flipped over underneath of him, pulling her legs out and wrapping them tightly about his waist. She heard him gasp and she pulled his body down on top of hers. She didn't know what it was about having his weight on her, weather it was the loving feel it had or that of security, she liked it.

Sarah wasted no time in playing with Jaden like he had her. She brushed her tail over his groin again and was rewarded with his shivers of pleasure. She mover her hands all over his sculpted back and even ventured as far as to grab his ass like he had hers. He moaned lightly as she did and started to suck on one of her erect nipples, happy to listen to her gasp at the feeling of lips and light teeth on her pink marshmallow.

Jaden happily suckled away on her right nipple as his hands made their way down to her now soaking netherlips. Never in his life did he think he would be in such a wonderful situation and he wouldn't give it up for the world. He noticed that his fuzzy mate's mouth was open and quickly kissed it, moving his tongue around hers and causing her to moan into the kiss. She quickly melted in to the kiss and assault of his skilled tongue and returned it with passion, her ever rising need beginning to take over as she felt his hand mere inches from her burning cunt.

Sarah broke the kiss. "Please stop teasing and fuck me." She calmly whispered in his ear. Jaden, without further encouragement needed, lined up his hips with hers and pushed the crown of his prick into her smooth and deliciously heated confines.

Both moaned loudly as Sarah instinctively wrapped her tail around Jaden and pulled him deep within her velvety confines. She was already beginning to sweat from her own intense body heat as Jaden was panting on top of her, his heart racing from the rush of pleasure that it brought him.

Jaden began to thrust in and out of his wanting vixen, trying to cause her to climax as many times as possible. Her wonton body arching against his with each drive of his well angled legs, she intentionally contracted the walls of her sex to speed his orgasm along as she felt hers approaching, and way too fast.

She was unsuccessful. Sarah came hard under Jaden, her fluids spraying out from around his thick member and coating the sheets underneath of him. Jaden didn't waist the opportunity and intensified her convolutions as he road her through it, a long, silent scream plastered to her face as her stomach was pressed against his, her mind blank. He stopped above her to let her catch her breath.

"You good?" Jaden asked panting. 'God, I almost came right then!' He exclaimed silently in his own mind.

As she came down from the powerful apex, she replied, "Yeah, gods Jaden. How did you do that?" Instead of answering, Jaden kissed her deeply and passionately, Sarah bucking her hips at him lightly.

Jaden slipped one of his hands down and began to play with her clit. She gasped at the new attention and then again as another rolled one of her nipples in it's fingers. She was completely alive with this new found passion and was now boarder line screaming it.

"Oh, Jaden! Oh, oooohhhhh!" Sarah cried out as the lustful act continued with renewed vigor. Jaden reared up, and drove himself into her, hilting with a single swing as her tunnel allowed it after being moistened so much by her climax. She threw her head back as he started a rhythm with plenty of gyrations, paying special attention to her g-spot and the other various sweet spots located around her body.

"Oh, gods Jaden... YIFF!" Sarah called out a Jaden ran his fingers around the base of her tail. He rather liked that and did it again. "Yiff, Jaden please, Yiff, I can't control that, Yiff, please just, Yiff, oh I give up. Yiff!" Sarah stuttered through her yiffing sounds as Jaden repeatedly rubbed the base of her tail.

"Good, I like the sounds you make." Jaden said to her as he pulled both of her legs up around his. Sarah knew what was coming and grabbed hold of the sides of the bed. Jaden started pounding into her well fucked cunt at a rate that didn't seem human, shockwaves of pleasure from the driving motions causing both of them to loose themselves as their minds focused on the intense feelings.

Sarah's tail went up between Jaden's flexing thighs and began to rub his balls top speed up his impending cum. The feeling of this, and that of her sapphire fur rubbing his body sent Jaden's mind into complete chaos and then into a white pleasure as her tail rubbed harder then before.

Both were incapable of any communication as Jaden slammed into his vixen, now clawing into the sides of the bed as she held herself still. She was howling in orgasmic bliss as Jaden was moaning her name loudly when they both came. Sarah's cunt clamped down around his hard prick as it convulsed and sent burst after burst of hot sperm into her abused pussy. Neither of their climaxes showed any sign of slowing as her cunt tried to milk Jaden for all he was worth at quiet the successful rate, cunny streaming as he rode her through their climaxes.

Once their earth-shattering orgasms had subsided to tremors, Jaden let his weight rest on Sarah with her approval. Both were panting as Jaden rose and fell since their breathing was synchronized. She licked his cheek before the afterglow again carried her off to sleep. Jaden got off of her slowly, not wanting to wake his sleeping lover and sat on the side of his bed.

His cell phone rang and his heart sank. "Price." Was all he answered with. Slowly Jaden's face fell to a frown as he listened to the woman on the other line tell him something. "So, the renamon I picked up really is..." He started only to be cut off by the other person on the line.

Jaden sighed to himself, hanging his head as his shoulders fell. "I understand. We'll be leaving as soon as possible. Thanks for warning me." He said before closing the cell. He looked over his lover. "Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered to her as she sighed when his hand rubbed her stomach.

She sighed again as she rolled onto her side, Jaden's hand moving with her but resting on her shapely hour glass body. "Why is it that when everything is perfect, everything goes wrong?"