Chapter 3 - Lights, Camera, Action!

Story by Primus Leonides on SoFurry

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#3 of Mere Trifles

This is chapter three to my series. I hope everyone is liking it. Feel free to vote or comment or email. Whatever works for you.

As usual, this story contains adult themes that should not be viewed by those under the age of 18 or 21 based on your location. This story contains sexual encounters between two males, sometimes more. If you are not of legal age, or do not like M/M sex, then please leave. If you don't think you will get caught, or you love M/M sex, stick around, you should enjoy this.


Mere Trifles

Chapter 3: Lights, Camera, Action!

Jake returned to school the Monday following his weekend at home. He spent as little time as possible with his brother, but the fox was still limping a little from the more than one time he went to visit with Reggie. He came back to campus refreshed and with his eyes and mind firmly set on his goals. His first being to seduce the hot, straight lion that he shared a room with. That would win him the bet with his annoying yet extremely sexually attractive step-brother. Goal number two was to put a wedge between the canine couple that shared the dorm with him and Brandon. This one had been a personal request from his step-brother Ryan. The wolf in said relationship had broken Ryan's heart and humiliated him. Now, while he did find his brother obnoxious, he was still family. And family had to be protected. Jake's mind had been working on these two problems all weekend, and he believed he had enough of a plan to set things in motion.

His first stop after his morning classes was the cafeteria. Luckily, he had eaten before he left home, so he wasn't even tempted to try the food there. No, Jake was on a mission here, one he intended to put all his energies in for the time being. And his hunt was not for food, but a different sort of prey. He grabbed a tray and filled it with, it could best be described as slop, and headed to one of the several cash registers. He headed for a very specific one though. This particular register was manned by a tall, nicely toned doberman that the fox had been teasing relentlessly for the past month. This doberman happened to be the son of the Dean of Students, who happened to be a stud himself. Anyway, back to the younger member of this family. Though he had been teasing the boy, Jake really didn't know anything about him. The fox knew he was a least bi and who his father was, that was about it. Today he was going to get something more, perhaps a lot more. He sidled up to the counter next to the dobie and placed his tray on the ugly green granite. The dog started ringing up the items, looking up to smile at the fox every few seconds. Jake leaned in closer to the doberman, being able to catch his scent as he got closer.

"So, I don't have anymore classes today, and I was wondering if you might want to go out with me sometime tonight" he whispered into the dog's ear.

The dobie's ears, while already pointed, seemed to perk even more. "I am stuck here until after dinner, but I would love to go out after that, if you still want to" the dog said excitedly.

Jake's muzzle never left the dog's ear, and the two were starting to get stares from all over the room. This was good though. Jake wanted the attention. "Sounds good cutie. My name is Jake by the way" the fox said softly, giving the other canine's ear a quick, gentle lick.

"Chris" was all the doberman could say as he nearly melted into a puddle on the floor. Even though he was rather attractive, Chris didn't talk much. Couple that with the fact that his father was the disciplinary head of the student body, and you ended up with a pretty unpopular pooch.

Jake slipped a piece of paper to the dog as he pulled away. "Call me when you are ready then. I'll pick you up."

"Yeah, yeah, I will" the doberman blushed as he looked at the paper in his paw. Chris noticed that the tray of food was still sitting on the counter next to him. He looked around, but the fox was nowhere to be seen and a line was starting to form at his register. He removed the tray and quickly got back to work, very much looking forward to later that day.

Jake left the cafeteria and headed back to his dorm, whistling softly to himself. Phase one was now in motion, and it was time to get to work on the other parts. When he arrived at the dorm, he was Timothy was sitting on the designer black leather sofa he had had brought in. The fox smiled. The wolf's coloration was so close to that of the furniture that one his eyes were visible if one weren't paying close enough attention. Jake decided to take advantage of that fact, using a wonderfully presented opportunity to get to work on his other plans. He sat down quickly on the couch, his clothed tailhole landing right on the wolf's equally-clothed sheath. Timothy gave a sudden yelp of surprise, pushing his hips up and forcing his sheath to dig into the base of Jake's tail. Jake jumped off his roommate as fast as he could, putting a shocked expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry Timothy. You blend so well with the couch I didn't see you there" the fox said while giggling a little.

"It's okay" the wolf said, rubbing over his sheath through his shorts a little. "Roland's been doing that all day, mostly on purpose. He seems to think it is pretty funny." Timothy apparently didn't think it was so funny.

Jake sat down in one of the matching armchairs, but before he went all the way down he jumped up and looked over the chair carefully. When he glanced back to Timothy, the lupine had a quizzical look on his countenance. "I was just making sure none of your family members were visiting" the fox said, his chuckle turning into an outright laugh.

Timothy pursed his lips and scowled at the fox. "HA HA, very funny" he mocked.

"Where is Roland anyway?" the fox questioned, looking around the room.

"Hmmm? Oh, he and Brandon went to the gym. I felt like being lazy today, so I had them go."

"I see" Jake said, his mind working out some details. "Maybe we should check out a movie, have some quality bonding time? You want a beer, or something stronger?"

"Movie sound great, and if you could, just get me some of that juice you had sent over. That stuff is fantastic."

Jake poured the drink and took it over to the couch. Timothy sat up and the fox sat next to him, not getting too close. He wanted to work his way into the wolf's affections. If Timothy saw him as an ally and confidant, he could more easily manipulate his plan. Throughout the movie the two laughed and joked, and they just talked and enjoyed each other's company. They were still sitting, completely innocently, making cracks about the movie when the two wayward roommates entered.

"Hello babies, I'm back" Roland said as he rather flamboyantly made his entrance.

Timothy jumped over the back of the sofa and embraced his mate. "I'm sorry I didn't go with you today sweetie. I just felt like being a bum." He kissed the dalmation squarely on the lips. Jake just waved from his position on the couch, still perplexed how those two could have ended up together.

The dalmation pushed his larger wolf lover away. "Ewwwww, don't touch me. I'm so gross. That instructor of mine cancelled class today, so I worked out with Brandon here. He is even more of a slave driver than that cat bitch who teaches aerobics. Always with is 'one more, push it, pump that iron'. By the time it was done I didn't know if I wanted to hump him or hurt him. I am hitting the showers, but you, my dear wolf, are welcome to join me."

Timothy grinned and growled a little at his dog. "As much as I like you when you are all wet, I'll just catch you when you are squeaky clean. I'm going to finish this movie with Jake while you are cleaning up." Timothy stole another quick kiss and returned to the couch.

The movie finished, but the two furs on the couch didn't even notice. They were busy talking and laughing. Roland emerged from a very steamy bathroom wearing only a towel a few minutes later. He sent a sly look to the couch and right at that moment Timothy practically vanished. This was the usual routine however, so Jake didn't mind. When the three would come back from the gym, Roland and Timothy would typically take a quick shower to wash the sweat off. Then the two canines would disappear to their room and make themselves sweaty all over again. While they were enjoying their rimp, Brandon would go take his shower. Right on schedule, Brandon came out of the room he and Jake shared wearing only his towel, make a straight shot for the shower. Jake waved briefly and Brandon returned it before closing the door and starting the shower. Jake just shook his head at the sheer monotony of the whole event, but it made his job a little easier. He would be done in several minutes, just in time for the lovers to come out and take another shower to actually get clean. The fox came up with an idea to start the hunky lion down the road he needed him to be on.

The fox quickly ran to his room, the one he shared with Brandon. There were two beds, each on opposite walls, two dressers, two closets, and two desks. The typical setup for a dorm room. The old desks had been removed and replaced with modern glass-top blue metal desks, two new computers sitting atop both. The dressers had been painted a nice blue to match the desks and the expensive rugs that had been placed on the newly installed laminate flooring. The beds, while having to be twin sized, were outfitted with new mattresses, box springs, mattress pads, as well as four hundred thread count Egyptian cotton sheets.

Jake stripped off his clothes and hopped onto his bed. He brought up images in his head of being taken forcefully by the straight male lion. These fantasies did the trick, the fox's sheath beginning to stretch as his member grew inside the fleshy covering. He reached down and rubbed the soft pads of his right paw over it, eliciting a happy murr from his own lips. The head of his quickly hardening length emerged from his furry sheath. Jake pulled the rest of the protective skin down, revealing his still lengthening cock. He squeezed his shaft gently until it was fully hard, a glorious eight inches of hot red fox meat.

He had to time it right, so he began to stroke his cock slowly, the fox imagining the lion's large meat embedded firmly under his tail. Jake moaned as his paw moved up and down his flesh, teasing ceaselessly. He needed to still be pawing when Brandon came back. The fox didn't expect to win the bet right off, but he wanted to make the big cat start thinking about it. Jake still had three months until the semester was over. Plenty of time to work the feline into a mating frenzy that would result in the vulpine's cock being buried in that voluptuous tailhole of his brother. His thoughts shifted to the devious little otter back at home and how the fox would forcefully mount that tail and get what he wanted from Ryan after three years. These thoughts caused him to groan as his paw slid over his sensitive cock. His back arched and he murred loudly, feeling his knot beginning to swell at the base. He had to hold out just a little longer. Through his haze of pleasure, Jake heard the shower stop. It would take the lion a few minutes to dry before he would head back to the room to change. The vulpine kept his ears sharp even as he could feel his orgasm creeping up on him. His ears picked up the shuffling steps of the massive feline and just as Brandon opened the door to the room, Jake let his orgasm hit him. He squeezed down on his knot with his free paw, the other flying over his engorged cock. As his first spurt was spraying on his chest and splashing up to his muzzle, Jake cried out.

"Oh yes, Brandon, fuck me harder."

Brandon paused as he opened the door, hearing his fox roommate cry out his name in ecstasy. Perhaps he was busy with a different Brandon, he wondered. He peeked in, being as silent as a stalking hunter. He saw Jake lying on his bed alone, his thick cock spraying cum all over the little fox's chest and stomach. Brandon turned bright red at the display but didn't take his eyes away. He didn't know if he should interrupt, or if he should bring up what he heard. The big cat decided to walk in, but not to say anything, yet. He pushed the door and walked in, pretending to be surprised at seeing the fox with erupting cock in paw.

"Oh man Jake, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were...ah...." he trailed off and looked away.

As his orgasm subsided, Jake looked over to the flustered kitty.

"No worries" the fox replied, somewhat out of breath. "I thought I could finish up before you did. Um....could I use your towel to clean up? I seem to have forgotten to get properly prepared."

Brandon turned an even darker shade of red. "" he said sheepishly, stripping off the only garment he had on and passing it to his roommate. Jake accepted the towel, making sure to get an eyeful of what the cat had to offer. The kitty was very well-endowed, sporting two rather large balls with a mighty hefty sheath. If Jake had to guess, he would have to place the cat at nine inches...and thick. He wiped up as best he could with the towel offered and glanced at Brandon just in time to see the lion's glorious, well-muscled ass slide into a pair of boxers and then loose jeans. Jake needed a shower, but the fox could already hear that the boys had gotten in again, and he would be left to wait. The smell of male arousal and seed filled the room as Jake sat waiting for a shower. Brandong kept huffing out of his nose and shaking his head. It was obviously affecting him, but it didn't seem as if he was enjoying it. The shower water finally halted and the vulpine grabbed a fresh towel and ran for the door, leaving an awkward feeling feline sitting in their room. Once the fox was gone, Brandon grabbed the soiled towel and buried it deep in the laundry to help the smell dissipate.

"I have to get ready for my date tonight" Jake said with a devious smile.

"Is that why you were...taking care of business?" the lion asked, still not wanting to ask about the fox's outburst as he was cumming.

"Yeah" Jake said, a wide grin on his muzzle. Want to be able to get through the date without trying to yiff him silly in public."

Brandon's face somehow managed to go down another shade of red, but Jake could see him sort of pondering, a slight stirring in his crotch making his jeans tighter. Just what the red-furred boy was hoping for. The fox ran and took a quick, five-minute shower and returned to the room. Brandon had occupied himself on his new computer, playing some game or another. The fox dressed himself in a sexy pair of tight black jeans and a black mesh shirt that showed off his white-furred chest to the world. He finished off his ensemble with a pair of black boots commonly referred to as "shit-kickers". He turned in front of the mirror on his closet, looking satisfied. The fox looked to Brandon, who was mostly ignoring him.

"Hey Brandon, how does this look?"

The cat's ears perked and swiveled as he turned around in his comfy office chair. He looked over Jake's attire and nodded, giving a thumb's up. "You'll knock him dead."

"Not quite the reaction I want from him, but good enough." Jake waved to the lion as he headed out the door. Chris was going to meet him outside the cafeteria, of all places, so they could head out. As he stepped out to the parking lot, his phone rang, and the fox saw an unlisted number appear. He answered. On the other end of the phone was a shy dog who said he was done working and would be outside in a few minutes. The vulpine hung up and smiled, heading towards his car. His prized possession, and what he would lose if he lost the bet with his brother. It was a 1956 convertable Jaguar roadster. He had spent a ton of money just to find it, have it shipped to him, and then have it rebuilt to original spec. Jake wasn't kidding when he said that the car had cost more than a home on a tropical island. But he loved his car. The wind rushing through his long red fur made every penny he had spent worth it. The attention it drew was even better than feeling of driving it. Girls fawned at him when he drove, and more than a few guys had to cover their crotches when he passed by. This car had been the sole object to get him laid once his reputation had gotten around his home town. The vehicle purred just like the kitten it was named after as Jake turned the key.

"That's it" the vulpine spike to the car. "Time to work your magic."

He pulled out of the dorm's parking lot and headed the block or so to the cafeteria. He saw Chris pacing outside, looking as anxious as a cub on its first day of school. Jake drove the car up next to the young doberman and whistled to get his attention. The dog was still wearing his dingy khakis and a heavily stained white polo from work. Chris ran up to the car, a large grin on his face.

"H..hi....Jake" he said. His jaw was shaking so bad he could barely speak. "" he spat out quickly.

"Hop in" Jake stated. The dobie did so, running his fingers along the well-treated tan leather interior. The fox eyed the dog for a moment. "You don't get out much do you?" he asked matter-of-factly.

"That noticeably huh?" Chris responded, a little of his nervousness going away, but just a little. "Say, you have somewhere I can change? I brought some clothes to go out in, but they closed the cafeteria right after my shift."

"Yeah. You can do it right here, right now." Jake grinned, a grin that only someone with a dark and sinister personality could pull off.

"You're kidding" the dobie said somewhat shocked. Looking at the fox's face, however, told him otherwise. "You're not kidding." Chris's body began to shake again as his nerves rose. His words went back to the broken, sort of speech as when the fox had pulled up. "I...I...I..cou..couldn' that. Wha...What........if someone...sees?"

"Well, then they would get to see what a handsome devil you are" Jake purred. "Just like I think you are."

Chris blushed heavy enough that it could be seen under his black fur. "Thanks."

"There isn't anyone around anyways, no one will see you, except me. You don't mind if I see you, do you?" Jake's voice sounded hurt at the very idea. "Wow, you are a shy one" he added at the end.

"No, I suppose I wouldn't mind if it was just you. I don't socialize very well. People seem to be afraid of me somehow here, and I'm very quiet, always have been." The dog took a deep breath, as if willing his nerves to go away. He pulled some clothes out of his backpack and set them next to himself on the seat. He took another breath and pulled his filthy polo shirt up and over his head.

Before the doberman could reach for the replacement shirt, Jake got a pretty good look at him. His torso was covered in the typical black and brown fur of his breed. Chris had a decent set of pecs protruding from his chest and a nice six-pack. Not the tightest abs he'd seen recently, but well maintained in their definition and strength. The fox didn't expect the view to be that good, but he certainly wasn't going to complain about the dog exceeding his expectations. The bare body of the doberman was quickly covered by a new shirt, a maroon dress shirt that Chris speedily buttoned up all the way to the neck.

Jake kept his eyes on the other canine as he hesitated before unbottoning his pants and sliding them off. The fox was treated to a great view of the doberman's well-toned legs and the black silk boxers that those legs led to. The grubby khakis were exchanged for a tight white pair of jeans. The outfit was topped off with a pair of jet black Nike tennis shoes and a silver necklace with a silver dog paw charm on it. When he finished Chris sat back in his seat panting like he had just run a mile across campus.

"That wasn't so bad, now, was it?" Jake smirked. "I certainly got a lot out of the encounter."

"I suppose not" the doberman seemed to be loosening up now that he had changed. Funny what a new outfit can do for one's outlook on life.

"Good" the fox said simply as he drove the car out of the lot.

Chris didn't know what the plan for the evening was, so he just sat quietly and watched where the fox was going. Jake just drove and enjoyed the cool night air whipping through his fur as they traveled down the city streets. The Jaguar was driven to a small lot on the corner of two major streets. Both furs looked at the rather nondescript brick building. Through the opaque white windows, multicolored lights could be seen flashing across the glass. The heavy thump of bass could be heard coming from what must be very large speakers. The fox and dog climbed from the car. Jake made his way over to the dobie who had a half-terrified, half-mesmerized look on his muzzle.

"Something wrong?" Jake asked, a grin spreading across his features.

"A night club? You want me to go dancing?" Chris said, his pointed ears smashed flat back against his head.

"Only after lots of drinking. Is that a problem?" the fox questioned, not knowing why the sudden fear had creeped into the dog.

"There will be so many furs in there, and they will all see me."

"Un, that's the point. But, you will be with me, and they can keep their naughty paws to themselves. Now, let's make you a little more presentable and desireable."

Before Chris could even argue, the fox's paws were on the dog's chest. His heart was beating mercilessly as Jake undid every button his the dobie's shirt one by one, letting the shirt fall open as the last button fell away. Chris's sculpted chest and abs showing to the entire world.

Jake licked his lips like he was staring at a juicy steak before grabbing Chris's paw and dragging him towards the door. "You look perfect."

Chris just whimpered, his ears down, and his stub of a tail paralyzed with fright.

The two males entered the club after showing ID to a brutish looking rat named Tiny. They were always named Tiny. The music was loud, and both furs had their ears down to block out some of the noise. Jake pointed to the bar, and Chris nodded, his paw gripping that of the fox like a vice. Jake smiled as he maneuvered them both to the bar and ordered two stiff drinks. The fox handed one over to his date before taking a drink of his. Chris followed suit and coughed a little as the burning liquid stung his throat. There was a darkened side of the building where the two found the solace of an empty booth. They set their drinks on the table, but Chris didn't get a chance to sit before he was pulled roughly toward the dance floor. The dobie shook his head vigorously, but the vulpine just nodded back and kept pulling, eventually winning out.

Once on the floor, Jake let go of the terrified dog and began to move to the music. Chris, while not letting go of his fear, started to move as well. He didn't want to look like a fool just standing there in the midst of the mass of writhing bodies. As each new song came, the young dog relaxed and got into the spirit of the moment. He didn't notice all the other furs, many of whom were staring at his body as the shirt he wore splayed out with each of his turns. Jake thought the time was right to put the moves on the unsuspecting canine.

The fox moved closer to Chris, putting his back against that broad chest of the dog. The doberman at first shifted away thinking that Jake had just bumped into him by accident, but the vulpine followed, once again pressing his body against the dog's. This time, however, Jake made sure that Chris would stay by reaching back and grabbing the startled dobie's hip, holding the two together. Chris faltered for a second before moving his hips the same way Jake was. The result was two furs moving to the music as one. Chris seemed to get into this, the front of his pants pressing into the small of the fox's back. Anything sexual was very far from the doberman's thoughts as he moved.

Jake took the dog's comfort with the situation as a chance to up the ante. He reached both arms back to grab Chris's arms and pulled them forward and around himself. The dobie gulped audibly and got a concerned look on his face, but Jake stopped there. All he did was make Chris hold onto him around the chest. Slowly, the dog adjusted to his as well, holding the fox to him as they both moved to the beat. Chris hugged Jake tightly to himself, not really being able to do anything else. After awhile of this treatment, he buried his muzzle in the back of the fox's neck and sighed.

Now, it was really time of get this going. Jake waited until a song came on with a more sensual beat. When that song finally came on, the fox proceeded to start grinding his backside against Chris. His tail, which had previously just been pushed to the side, now became active and was rubbing along the dobie's back. Jake felt the dog gasp across his neck at the new stimulation and Chris tried meekly to pull away. The fox grabbed the other fur's paws and held them to his chest, not letting up on his teasing torture. The doberman went with it, his paws shaking as they gripped Jake's chest. The vulpine continued grinding his back against the front of the dog, a reaction finally coming as he felt the canine's sheath swell and press into his back. A devious grin spread across his muzzle and he stopped up the teasing, bring his tail around to brush against the dog's face. The move made Chris take in a strong dose of the fox's scent, his brain slowly being overpowered by the smell and the sensuous grinding at his crotch.

Jake got the signal he was looking for as the dobie's paws began to roam over his torso instead of holding on for dear life. Those paws, though tentatively, moved over the fox's chest, down his stomach, and back to his hips. They then started again. Jake could feel the rapidly hardening sheath in his back, and he could hear the dog's rapid breathing in his foxy ears. The fox wrapped his arms back and held the doberman by his firm rump, squeezing gently every once in awhile. He let this continue for before moving his head so that his muzzle was next to Chris's ear.

"I think I've had enough dancing. How about we get out of here?" he asked in a breathy, seductive voice. Chris merely nodded with his muzzle pressed to the back of the fox's neck.

Jaked pulled the dog's paws off his body, holding one as he strode confidently from the building. In tow was Chris, a stupid grin plastered on his muzzle and a look of fear in his eyes. They reached Jake's car where the fox proceeded to pin the doberman against the door.

"Thank for that Chris, I had a great time in there" he said as he press his body close and hopped up on his toes to try and kiss the shy hound.

Just before their lips met, Chrise turned his head away. "Yeah, you too....I mean me too."

"Don't you want to kiss me?" the fox asked as he reached up and grabbed the doberman's muzzle and pulled it forward again, moving towards it with his own.

Again, Chris moved away. "No, yes I do, but....I have never kissed anyone before."

"Well, just a small one for starters then" Jake replied as his lips finally met the dog's. He held there, unmoving, for sever seconds before pulling away.

"Not bad for a first kiss, Chris. Thank you again."

" you" the dobie replied, a blush creeping into his fur.

"Chris, I like you, and I want to kiss you more. Is there somewhere quiet and private we can go?" the fox asked as he slid his paw down and groped at the dog's member through the tight white jeans.

Chris involuntarily barked at the paw on his groin, his breathing stepped up in pace a bit. "My house is empty for the weekend. My dad had to go to some conference in the next county."

Jake rubbed his paw across the canine's sheath, eliciting a gasp from Chris's muzzle. "Sounds good sexy, shall we go?"

The doberman nodded and pushed away from the fox and ran around the car to the passenger seat. They headed back toward campus, Chris leading the way to one of the on-campus faculty houses where he and his father, the Dean of Students, lived. It was a quaint, two-story, three bedroom house set back on a small yard. They grass had been neatly cut and all the bushes that lined the driveway properly trimmed. The driveway led behind the house to a garage the same white color as the house. That paint was chipping and flaking away, obviously old. Jake pulled into the drive and stopped by the brick walkway that lead to the house. He and the dobie got out and headed to the front door. Chris was looking around nervously and fumbled with the keys for a minute before finally opening the door and letting the fox in.

Chris flicked on the lights, revealing a rather large living room. The walls were painted a soft blue leading down to the dark blue carpeting. Several windows surrounded the room, all covered by mini-blinds and dark blue curtains. A set of off-white furniture set around an average sized television in an entertainment center in one corner. A hallway went off the living room leading to a bathroom and the garage. A door on one wall led to a dining and kitchen area. The staircase leading upstairs to the three bedrooms and another bathroom was next to that door. It was pretty much anyone's definition of suburbanite hell.

Jake walekd in and sat on the couch while Chris made his way to the kitchen for a couple cans of soda and brought them out. The moment he set them down on the coffee table and sat down, Jake jumped into his lap and planted his lips on the dog's muzzle, locking them together in another kiss. Though shocked, Chris didn't object or resist the kiss in any way. He didn't even flinch when Jake's slender tongue ran across his lips. With an audible murr, the doberman went to copy this action. However, when he opened his muzzle to let his tongue out, the fox's dove inside and deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced inside the doberman's muzzle for several minutes before Jake finally pulled away. He looked at Chris, who had a rather dopey smile on his countenance. The fox proceeded to lick the side of Chris's muzzle and down his neck, stopping to nibble here and there. Chris started moaning as chills moved down his spine with every motion of the fox's smooth canine tongue. Jake pulled away again and saw the dobie's brow furrow, brining that devilish grin back.

"You liked that did you?" Jake asked, receiving a hearty nod in response. "You want me to do more?" he asked, again an enthusiastic nod. "Then we have to finish getting this pesky shirt off of you."

Before the doberman could object, Jake pushed the already open shirt off Chris's shoulders and down his back, revealing that beautifully muscled chest and abs. Once those were uncovered, Jake's maw went back into action. His long, slender tongue started its journey over, licking the dog's ear inside and out. Chris issued forth with a strange gurgling noise as that tongue lapped at the unfurred flesh inside his pointed ears. Jake moved farther down the doberman's head, licking the side of his muzzle and sliding down once again to Chris's neck. The vulpine took a little more time to go as he nipped, licked, and sucked at all the skin on the dobie's neck. Chris was panting, his head held back as he gave in to the pleasure of such attention. At long last Jake moved his tantalizing appendage down onto Chris's fully uncovered chest, teasing every centimeter with both tongue and teeth. The fox paid special attention to those two sensitive nubs of flesh that were the other canine's nipples. His tongue darted across each one before his teeth gently pressed against them. Jake drew in sharp breaths over each one, sending a cold shiver through the dog that made his back arch. Jake's tongue didn't stop there. It moved down along the dobie's chest and ascross each of his abs, one at a time. chris couldn't help but giggle through his near constant moaning. Once Jake had covered every exposed area he pulled back, immediately causig Chris to whimper and whine.

"Please...more" the dog begged, loving the feelings he was getting for the first time in his life. His body remained paralyzed, unable to move due to indescribably pleasure he was experiencing.

"Oh, there will be more. But I have a question first." Jake began twirling his fingers in the canine's short fur as he he spoke. "Are you a virgin?" the fox questioned, pretty much already knowing the answer.

"" Chris said nervously, afraid that his answer might upset his partner. "Is that a problem?"

Jake grinned from ear to ear. "No problem at all. Everything will be new to you. I almost envy you, except that being with a virgin is almost better than being one yourself."

Another deep blush crept onto the doberman's face. "If you say so. But please, keep doing what you were doing, no one's ever done that to me before." His whine returned full strength as his body trembled with anticipation.

"What has someone done to you before?" Jaked asked, once again already sort of knowing the answer. He was having fun torturing the poor, naive puppy.

Chris shied away again, embarrassed by his lack of experience. Obviously, talking about sex wasn't very easy for him to do. "Well, I have pretty much only ever kissed someone before, and not with tongue like we did a minute ago."

"Hmmmm..." the fox pondered with an almost malicious smile "then we are going to have to introduce you to a lot of stuff tonight, if you don't mind."

The doberman's head shook so fast Jake thought he would get whiplash. "Good then" the fox said as he threw his own shirt off. He stood up off the dog's legs and slowly unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his trim legs. He went even slower as he removed his underwear, pressing his thumbs into the waistband and pulling down one inch at a time. Chris was in rapt attention as the white belly fur of the fox became more and more visible. The dobie's brown eyes widened and his mouth watered as Jake's soft white-furred sheath made its appearance followed by two satin covered balls dangling below it. The boxers fell to the floor on top of the jeans and Jake stepped out of them, once again moving toward Chris, who was stuck in place as if with cement. He hadn't moved a muscle since Jake had jumped on him and started this whole process.

Chris gulped as he looked at the fox's hot little body moving back towards him, a seductive sway to the vulpine's hips, his long fluffy tail moving back and forth behind him. Chris thought the fox looked amazing, each movement making his cock flag that much more. The doberman was exceptionally nervous. He felt the sweat beginning to bead on the thin, short fur of his forehead. Jaked knelt at the edge of the couch and reached for the zipper of Chris's jeans. The dog was panting with a mixture of nerves and excitement. He had truly only ever kissed a fur before, and it was a female. He had never done anything with another male, even though he knew he was gay. Jake undid the button on the tight white jeans and slid the zipper down slowly, almost excutiatingly slowly. The vulpine then grabbed the edges of the dobie's boxers and pulled them and the pants down and off in one motion, leaving the dog naked and exposed on the couch. Jake leaned in and sniffed at the heady aroma emanating from the dog's already fully hard phallus. He could smell the arousal that was rather evident, but he could also smell the dog's fear. It was more of a turn-on than Jake would have liked to admit. His long pink tongue peeked out and moved just briefly over the head of that beautiful cock which caused Chris to jerk suddenly at the new sensation. Jake smiled and continued, the quick, short licks becoming longer and harder with each pass. The dog was whining, not in pain, but absolute pleasure as his cock felt something other than his own paw. The fox's maniacally experienced tongue glided over every part of the canine cock in front of him until it was soaking wet with his saliva. He then proceeded to place the tip in his muzzle and sucked hard, drawing another shuddering breath from Chris. The crafty red fur pushed down farther taking more and more of that beautiful shaft inside his maw until his lips press against thick dark pubic fur. He groaned around the meat in his muzzle, sending very pleasant vibrations through Chris's body. Jake then bobbed his head up and down, giving the dog the idea of what a muzzle job would feel like. Judging by the writhing and panting, the dobie was enjoying it immensely. The fox looked into Chris's eyes, and the doberman saw only two things in those deep azure blue orbs: desire and hunger. Somehow, Chris's excitement jumped up a whole other level. The fox between his legs licked his lips and moved his muzzle towards that rigid cock again. The dobie held his breath, letting it out as a quick gasp as Jake took about half of that raging hardon into his muzzle and licked at the head. Chris's brain exploded with pleausre he had never felt before as the warmth of Jake's muzzle and the caress of his tongue slammed into the dog's senses.

Jake slid farther down on the canine's cock, moving down into his throat until his lips were stopped by the slightly forming knot at the base. Chris was soaring, a long moan pulled from his body by that overly talented muscle massaging his cock. Jake pulled back off the dog's cock almost completely before beginning to bob slowly on the massive member, using his exceptionally dextrous tongue to tease the other canine on all his extra sensitive spots. The doberman was leaning on the couch almost completely paralyzed, moaning and whining as his cock was teased with utmost efficiency. He could feel himself building towards a most incredilbe orgasm, but Jake wasn't done with him yet. The small fox pulled off that gorgeous dick with a slurp, eliciting an almost painful whimper from Chris.

"Relax" Jake said as moved back up Chris's body, rubbing his soft red fur over the dog's throbbing erection. "I told you I have a lot to show you. Can't have it end after just the first act."

Jake stood up and took his original position of straddling the dog's legs, both of them now in the buff. The fox went back to kissing and licking between the other boy's chest and neck, giving tiny bites here and there over the soft surface of Chris's flesh. The dog had returned to his former positon as well, mainly sitting just panting, moaning, and murring. Jake added a little something to the teasing now that they were both nude. He started grinding his hips, and therefore, his sheath, against Chris's abs. The dobie's breathing increased as he felt the slowly hardening sheath of the fox rub against his stomach. The fox pulled the dog's body up off the back of the couch, giving room for the vulpine to place his legs over Chris's thighs. The result was the fox sitting in Chris's lap, only facing him. Chris murred at the close contact, not realizing at first that his cocktip was pressed against the smaller fur's tailhole. Jake lifted his tail a little more and then wiggled his backside which made the dog groan out and open his eyes wide. The fox smiled as he encouraged Chris to spread his legs some, moving his wet cock up and pressing hard against Jake's waiting tail. Jeake moaned as the pressure increased with each passing second until finally the head of the dog's cock worked its way inside. Chris gasped and looked into Jake's face, the dobie's arms still resting towards his sides like he was afraid to move them. The fox angled himself a little better and pressed down, managing to take another ince or two inside himself. He sighed and looked back at Chris as he was penetrated. The look on the doberman's face was priceless, his tongue hanging from his muzzle and a dazed expression in his glossy eyes. And this reaction came from a slight muzzle job and a few inches of penetration. Jake loved virgins.

However, in the semi-awkward position they were in, this wasn't going to go anywhere if Chris didn't take a little initiative. Jake grabbed the dog's paws and placed them on his hips. He then leaned down to the doberman's ear and whispered a single word.

"Thrust" he commanded.

Chris's grip on the fox's hips tightened down as he pushed his own hips up to meet Jake's. The dog's cock shoved in to that pert ass all the way to the hilt. Jake clenched his teeth against the pain of being so suddenly taken. Chris gasped loudly at a new pleasure as his cock was engulfed in that heat and softness. Jake threw his head back as pain adjusted slowly to pleasure, rapturous pleasure.

"More Chris, please" he practically screamed, a long whine coming from Jake's canine muzzle this time.

Chris nodded mutely, unable to speak as he pulled back and repeated the sitting thrust up into the fox. The vulpine's body arched and a long moan poured from him. chris started panting as he performed the well-learned maneuver over and over, his cock moving steadily in and out of the shuddering fox. The doberman kept pumping rhythmically, his muscles working hard to maintain a constant pace. Jake could see the exertion on the dog's face and once again moved into his ear.

"Take me Chris. Put me on the floor and mount me."

Chris was whimpering as he felt the most undeniable enjoyment from fucking this fox. His muscles strained, but he managed to lift the smaller fur off the couch, trying desparately to keep his painfully hard member within that warm embrace. His cock did slip out however, when trying to lay down on the floor, but Chris was fast to reposition himself at Jake's entrance. With a quick nod from the fox, the dog shoved in to the hilt again, both furs wailing ou into the still night. Chris was panting heavier and grunting as he held himself above the fox. This position was much more relaxed and the doberman was able to maintain a steady pounding into Jake's tailhole that left the vulpine a quivering mass of exposed nerves upon the blue carpet. The movement became easier from the copious amount of pre that leaked from the virgin's tip, easing the passage of his fairly large maleness.

The friction was getting to him, and Chris didn't know how much longer he could hold off. The dog knew he hadn't been going long, but it was his first time. He hoped his partner would understand. Jake could see the apprehension on the dobie's muzzle and stroked a paw down the side of his face.

"Paw me off while you fuck me Chris" the fox cooed.

Chris shifted his weight onto one arm and his knees, his free paw gripping at the hard, leaking cock of his sub. Jake murred and writhed as his cock was finally getting some attention. Chris kept thrusting against Jake's tailhole, the knot at the base of his cock quickly forming as he neared his release. Jake's own knot was growing rapidly, finding that Chris was pretty adept with his paw. They were both moaning and grunting, the sounds of lust filling the empty house. Every breath the dog let out as he happily humped at Jake's inviting tailhole was ragged and shallow. His tongue hanging out of the side of his muzzle in utter enjoyment of the moment.

Jake could feel his orgasm coming on quickly as that masterful paw moved over his shining shaft. The pleasure bulldozed its way from the pit of his stomach and through his balls. His body was shaking from the pressure created at both sides. Several loud yips escaped the fox's muzzle as his orgasm crashed over him like a tsunami. He barked and his first shot of fox cream splashed onto his chest and the underside of his muzzle. The second and third drenched his chest and stomach. Jaked reached down and squeezed his own knot to add more pleasure and let him ride his orgasm out a little longer. chris was already closing on his orgasm when the smaller fur suddenly clenched down on his hypersensitive cock. The doberman howled somewhat as he instinctively thrusted hard into Jake's rump, driving his knot inside and getting a startle grunt from the climaxing vulpine. Chris humped forward as much as he could move within the confines caused by his swollen knot. It only took a few seconds with his sensitive bulb being caressed by the fox's velvet passage before the dog let out an even louder howl and started pumping his hot doggy seed into his bitch. Several strong jets of semen filled the fox as the doberman emptied hismelf for the first time inside another fur. Chris's orgasm finally subsided and he collapsed on top of the panting vulpine, Jake's sticky cum smearing between them. The fox was murring happily, at least until Chris tried to pull his dog cock out. The sudden motion of the knot lodged in his rear caused Jake to yelp in pain.

"Don't move" the fox commanded.

"Sorry, sorry. I haven't done this before, I forgot that would happen." The doberman had a sheepish look on his face, once again feeling embarrassed at his lack of expierience.

"We're gonna be here for awhile Chris. I hope your enjoyed your fist time."

The head shake the fox received was immediate and boisterous enough for the vulpine to feel it in the still lodged knot.

Jake helped move the dobie so that they could lay back to front in comfort while waiting for Chris's knot to shrink. The rather sexy doberman kept nuzzling and licking the back of the fox's neck, a steady sound of murrs and whines coming from his sweet muzzle.

"Mmmmmm....Chris? Can I ask you to do a favor for me?"

"Anything. Anything at all" the love-struck pup blurted.

Jake signed, a very large grin on his face. Boy did he love virgins.