For the Love of Music - Wait for You

Story by Kilik Odagawa on SoFurry

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#9 of For the Love of Music

Does anyone wanna slice me up for procrastination or something? Yes, you can blame the whole thing on Mumorpehgurs (MMORPGs). Especially one called 2Moons. (Kinda advertising here but anyway) SCREW THAT!!!!!!!!!! =3 It's about time I updated this, (finally got some scans of my manuscript from mah mate I wuv himz so much

Chapter 9

Wait For You

Those words slammed into Kilik the an 18-wheeler truck. They took his heart and violently placed it under the executioner's blade.

"What?..." Kilik barely managed to force himself to ask. But he had to be absolutely sure his ears weren't decieved. Although he dreaded hearing the phrase again, those horrible words plaguing his rapidly paling ears.

"Daniel hasn't told the world that he's gay. He never told you that?"

The fox hung his head and slid down against the door.

"...No, Mark,...he didn't..."

The timber wolf saw the fox and he had a pang of guilt somewhere in his body. He seemed so bold moments ago, but this is what Kilik truly was, a bottomless well of misery. He knelt down in front of the fox and put a paw on his shoulder, "Can you at least tell me what happened out there?"

The vulpine looked at the woodland lupine with tears already matting his fur down. Asking him to talk was too much, Mark thought, as he began to sob through his sentences. "No...I-I can't reme-meber anyth-thing. M-Mark w-what am I supposed to d-do?"

Mark's eyes started to soften at the pathetic sight. This was beyond anything he knew to control, he helped Kilik to his footpaws supported most of his weight. "I'd help if I could," he made sure he hugged him tightly for a few moments, "But this is between you and Daniel."

He opened the door and guided the fox out with his free paw. The pair walked through the mall together and every fur they passed gave them an odd stare. There was an occasional murmur. Some were even bold enough to bump into or even shove them. With each of the latter, Mark would bare his teeth and let out deep, threatening growls.

They finally escaped the Mall Hell and made it to the parking lot. The vulpine could now walk on his own, but he was still shaky and his eyes were puffy. All both wanted was to get home. But for different reasons.

The car was now in sight, Kilik picked up his pace. Mark released the fox and followed at a slow canter. The sound of unlocking doors reached the wolves ears. He opened the back driver's side door and climbed in. The worried vulpine also took his seat.

Mark watched the two for a moment. Daniel shifted the car into drive and pulled out. The ride home was made in relative silence. No music, no witty banters to and fro. Just...nothing.

Daniel pulled into Mark's driveway and let him escape the tangible tension. The wolf entered his house and watched his friends leave. He let out a sigh and walked, tail dragging, upstairs and into his room.

In his dresser, he had two pictures. One of Daniel, one of Kilik. Both of the pictures were taken from an angle, giving them a sad enough appearance. The fox had a depressed expression, Daniel's countenance matched Kilik's.

The wolf placed the two pictures together, with the two facing away from each other. A tear rolled down his face. Two lovers, with troubled pasts, now faced with a haunting, chilling future. Why did the perfect match, have to meet the perfect wedge?

Mark grabbed a pair of scissors that he kept at his bedside cut the pair of pictures. He put the two together, they formed a sloppy heart. They were looking at each other in ways that could not be defined by any dictionary, but everyone would be able to feel pain, suffering, no joy came from this.

he taped his new creation and stuck it on the ceiling above his bed. Mark lay on his queen-sized mattress and stared at the crude image. He cried as he thought and realized they would have to save each other from themselves.

"Why are we doing this to him...He didn't deserve it..."


Daniel was on mute, he only ascertained his own obscure, morbid convictions. His inamorata had just betrayed his affections. Everything within his will had just been dismembered. Everything the shepherd had in store, vanished. All Daniel knew was torment, despair, venom, heartbreak and distrust. How he had any kind of faith in a fox he had met only days before, he never grasped. What that vulpine had done to him was despicable. Downright vile. It was uncalled for and the last thing Daniel needed in his life. All he wanted now was reprieve. A time in which his nerves could calm themselves.

First, there was a convocation with the fox, then the wrecked date because of that damed feline...'Wait,' he thought, 'That's it! It's because he isn't stable yet.' The shepherd now saw a glimmer of hope. But first, he craved for that fox to know what he felt.

Kilik was staring out of his window. The tense tranquility was guiding him down the path of insanity. Why wouldn't Daniel talk to him about what had just occurred. That was the only way this horrible thing could be resolved. He looked at the shepherd and was still down hearted as the canine continued to give off a the vibration that says 'Don't talk to me and I won't beat the shit out of you.'

Even though he was still upset about his mate, Kilik wasn't feeling that deadly vibe as harshly as before, nor did he fail to see a mischievous glint in Daniel's eye. He couldn't quite put his paw on it, but he thought that he felt that his boyfriend was no longer ticked at him. But he didn't know for sure. So all he could do was wait. Just keep waiting.

The time would come when the would talk. His ear flickered as he heard the shuffling of paws and the drumming of fingers. The shepherd was anxious. It was blatantly obvious. All this did for Kilik was support his suspicion.

He turned the radio on and the vulpine grinned widely inside and had to hid a smile's ghost on his muzzle. Kilik really enjoyed the song and found it somewhat convenient for the moment. He hummed along with the introductory piano before breaking into a heartfelt serenade.

"I never felt nothing in the world like this before

Now I'm missing you and I'm wishing you would come back through my door

Why did you have to go?

You could have let me know; so now I'm all alone

Girl you could have stayed but you wouldn't give me a chance

With you not around it's a little bit more than I can stand

And all my tears they keep runnin' down my face

Why did you turn away?

So why does your pride make you run and hide

Are you that afraid of me?

But I know it's a lie what you keep inside

This is not how you want it to be

So baby I will wait for you

Cause I don't know what else I can do

Don't tell me I ran out of time

If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you

If you think I'm fine it just ain't true

I really need you in my life

No matter what I have to do

I'll wait for you

Been a long time since you called me

You gotta be feeling crazy

How can you walk away

Everything stays the same

I just can't do it baby

What will it take to make you come back

Girl I told you what it is and it just ain't like that

Why can't you look at me?

You're still in love with me

Don't leave me crying

Baby why can't we just start all over again

Get it back to the way it was

If you give me a chance I can love you right

But you're telling me it won't be enough

So baby I will wait for you

Cause I don't know what else I can do

Don't tell me I ran out of time

If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you

If you think I'm fine it just ain't true

I really need you in my life

No matter what I have to do

I'll wait for you

So why does your pride make you run and hide

Are you that afraid of me?

But I know it's a lie what you're keeping inside

That is not how you want it to be

Baby I will wait for you

Baby I will wait for you

If it's the last thing I do

Baby I will wait for you

Cause I don't know what else I can do

Don't tell me I ran out of time

If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you

If you think I'm fine it just ain't true

I really need you in my life

No matter what I have to do

I'll wait for you

I'll be waiting..."

As the song receded back into commercials and announcements, Kilik looked at Daniel and smiled softly as he watched a sign of emotion roll down his soft features. The fox decided that now wasn't the time and had to argue with himself not to speak.

He twiddled his thumbs and didn't even realize they had arrived home until Daniel had shut his door and walked inside. Kilik scrambled out of the car and ran in after him. He sighed as he watched the elevator doors close with Daniel behind them.

he began his trek up the stairs. The fox began doubting again. Was his hunch wrong? He'd have to find out in the room. Three flights of stairs later, he made a left turn and proceeded around the level to his room. He slid his key card into the lock and turned the knob.

He saw Daniel's footpaws on the bed and he turned to shut the door. "Daniel," he started but paused as he turned around, "I'm sor-...Mmmmm." A muzzle-lock from the blue. A moment of sheer bliss between the males was all Kilik needed to be sure.

Daniel squeezed Kilik tightly then pulled away with tears in his eyes, "If you're truly sorry...then prove it." Kilik's eyes glistened, "Gladly."

The fox pressed against Daniel and the shepherd gave in, backing up more and more until he collapsed on the soft queen-sized bed. The fox locked their muzzles again. A pair of light tan paws began feeling themselves down the contours of his mate's figure. The fox was blushing madly as it but when Daniel flipped him over, he felt his cheeks catch fire.

His shirt began to rise over his small form and eventually slid away, with no promise of coming back. The vulpine didn't hear the shepherd's shirt come off but he felt his warm, tight chest on his back. The pair snuggled for a little while.

Daniel made the first move. His dark paws started at Kilik's wasted and slowly worked their way over his soft tummy fur. Daniel lifted his head and watched his paws do their wonders. They massed their way from the belly to the chest of the murring vulpine. Hearing what he wanted, he allowed the "evil-doers" to continue their rampage. His left paw stayed where it was but continued massaging while the right glided along the fox's neck. A mur was elicited by Kilik as the shepherd's paw roamed along his jaw and their lips met. It was brief, but passionate nonetheless.

"How can I prove that I'm sorry?"

Daniel cocked an eyebrow, "Oh wouldn't you like to know."

Kilik turned over and hugged the shepherd's chest with watering eyes and folded ears, "Yes...."

Daniel kissed Kilik's head as a reassurance. "What I want you to do is crane your neck to the side and wait. Not too hard right?"

Kilik peered at Daniel confused. He shook his head and did as he was told. The shepherd breathed warmly along the length of the vulpine's soft neck fur and gave him a lick here and there.

The light hair stood up on its end. "You sure know how to treat a fox don't you?"

Daniel said nothing in response but continued his treatment of the squirming fox. A stray paw worked its way down to Kilik's waist, to tease it's prisoner. It lightly brushed over the white fur and pressed into the jeans of the notably excited boy. It made a startling discovery, a certain fox wasn't wearing underwear today.

The surprise groping was rewarded with a groan. Daniel's lips closed around Kilik's neck as his tongue lapped over the same place over and over again. Kilik squirmed and moaned but Daniel's arm kept him in position. The shepherd eyed the fox to make sure he was enjoying this before he lightly pressed down on the soft flesh with his teeth. He looked again and the fox didn't seem phased so he closed his jaws a little harder. This time, there was a wince but he still moaned.

Daniel felt that the fox was fully erect so he finally bit down hard and a gasp reached Daniel's ears. He pulled away but Kilik pulled him back down. "If you wanted it, all you had to do was ask."

Daniel had his mouth over the wound again. Kilik shuddered as his blood was drained. It felt good. There was a mur of pleaser that assailed Kilik's ears. it seemed as though Daniel was slightly vampiric.

The fox gently pushed Daniel away and pulled him to his lips. "I'm sorry." There was yet another passionate kiss and the fox blacked out.


Kilik was awake. He sat up and looked around. He was alone again. He propped an arm on his leg and sighed. Did he dream what happened? He heard a sizzle from the kitchen area. "Mmmm. Breakfast."

He hopped out of bed, blissfully unaware that he was naked, and entered the kitchen. There stood Daniel, in all of his nude glory, over a frying pan. Eggs by the scent. He approached the shepherd and squeezed his firm rump, "Mornin' beautiful."

Daniel giggled a little, "Great morning sexy." The shepherd pulled the little vulpine in front of him and kissed his head. "Do you know what makes this morning so great?" The canine hugged his mate close.

It was the fox's turn to giggle, "No, baby, I don't. Care to share?"

The dog switched the eggs to a warming eye and kissed Kilik again, "Over breakfast. Now go get dressed. You gotta go see your shrink today. I hope you weren't thinking I'd forget. 'Cause if that's the case, then you're in for a trip. Because I, Kilik, don't forget." He placed a paw over the boy's heart to emphasize the meaning.

The fox shook his head and swayed his tail to the side. "I want you for breakfast, but alas, since you want me gone, I'll just have to-" stopped short yet again. "Who said anything about wanting you gone?" The canine took a step forward, "I know I didn't, but since you insist on teasing the hell out of me, I guess I'll have to oblige." Daniel picked the fox up and wrapped his legs around his waist, "I'll oblige in a way that'll have you screaming my name." He locked their muzzles again and walked the two back to the bedroom.

Kilik was dropped onto the cushy bed and licked across the top of his head. The fox gigged but it faded into a mur as the older male kissed him down his neck to his chest with the rare lick. A moan escaped Kilik's lips as Daniel had his fun. The shephered licked the nipples of the wriggling fox below him.

"Danieeeel." The older male slowed but didn't stop.


Kilik murfed and inhaled sharply, "You're tease than I am...Ohhmm."

Daniel murred and only made the fox whine and whimper even more. The boy was in a daze. Daniel had him where he wanted him. Clay in his paws to do with what he saw fit. He decided to continue his teasing. He left the chest and kissed and licked his way down to the stiff 8-inch fox meat that throbbed and begged for attention. He licked it slowly and reached into the bedside table drawer. He retrieved a small camera and set it on the lacquered surface. He gave the camera the specific commands to record and went back down. He kissed the tip of the length and used his paws to raise Kilik's hips.

"I love doing this."

The fox squirmed and begged Daniel to claim him as his own yet again. There was a sweet moan, though, that was caused by Daniel's tongue lapping at the small, pink pucker of Kilik's rump. The rough, wet muscle sliding against his entrance caused the vulpine to buck his hips and breathe somewhat raggedly. "Pl...hurh...please take me...Ohhhhhhhhmmmmmm."

The shepherd ignored his pleas and continued the succulent tonguing of his mate's hole. It tasted pretty good in Daniel's opinion. He kissed it once and slipped the muscle against the pucker one last time before pressing into the still squirming fox and wriggled it around.

Amidst the new surges of sweet moans and beautiful bucks, Daniel clutched Kilik's member and stroked it softly. The shepherd noticed a pulsing sensation in his paw and he eyed his lover's muzzle.

"Daniel....take me now...mmmmmmmmmmm." The shepherd grinned and licked him one last time before the fox flicked him over and pinned him down. Muzzles locked and Daniel's fur stood on end as the warm whisper hit his ears. "When I told you to take me, I meant it." There was a pressure on the shepherd's ring. "Now you have to pay the piper." The canine moaned as he was speared.

Daniel was quickly hilted into. Kilik's cock flared a few times in an attempt to help the shepherd adjust to his size. The canine clenched down on the fox meat as it was withdrawn, this, combined with a warm sensation caused both knots to start forming. Slick with pre, Kilik started pushing his rod into Daniel all the way down to the rapidly swelling mass. The shepherd pressed his body weight against the fox as he pushed in, and clenched as Kilik pulled out.

The fox reached around his lover's waist and gripped the steel hard, 9-inch rod that swung effortlessly between the shepherd's legs. Kilik massaged the length softly and teased the tapered tip. There was an even harder clench on his shaft that elicited a long, soft moan from both the fox and the shepherd. Kilik leaned down and contoured himself to the sex induced curves to whisper in Daniel's ear. "The name is James by the way."

Daniel heard but did not acknowledge. The fox continued his humping but did so with little sound, with the exception of the occasional grunt and the slapping of his furry orbs against the soft rump.

The canine, on the flip side of the coin, was making enough noise to completely compensate for the fox's near silence. "James' " breathing became rugged as the thrusts became closer and closer to tying the pair. Through pants and moans, Daniel managed to speak "I'm not afraid."

The fox slammed one final time into Daniel with a groan. The dog yelped as the tennis ball size knot penetrated his guard. The two rested for a spell.

"James" let fly a long lick across Daniel's neck and there was a wet slurp as the fox pulled out. "I'll be seein' ya."


After the encounter was over, the pair were scrubbed clean in another shower together, Daniel showed Kilik the video. He flicked the digital camera off and sighed, "That's what happened."

The fox held his chin with a finger between his lips in thought. "I wanna know more about this 'James' guy."

Daniel chuckled, "Well, we're going to your shrink. Maybe he could help."

Kilik stretched through his shirt. "Only one way to find out. Shall we go?"

Daniel grinned and led the vulpine out the door. "We shall."

Well thar ya go. Feel free to flame, completely obliterate or otherwise destroy me for anything I may be worth. Let it all out. If you feel it was worth the wait (I highly doubt) then please, you'll love chapter 10, but this commission comes first. I hope ya'll enjoyed =3

Comments welcome.