Ch 10 Bonds Part 2: Madness

Story by Rrahkarr on SoFurry

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#20 of The Chase

December 23, 2342 - Starbase Five, Trade District

(2:40 PM; A few minutes ago.)

Kathy had been watching as Zeig and Lliam fought; scowling at Dan as he cheered the fighting on. When she heard Nate speaking with the one called Louie, she started paying attention to what they were saying as a small crowd gathered to watch the fight. A few moments later she felt something sting her in the neck. Her hand instantly went up to her neck to inspect it and found a cold metallic object sticking out of her fur.

She quickly pulled it out and noticed it looked like some sort of dart but it was barely half an inch long. A few moments after pulling it out, she suddenly felt numb. She couldn't move and lost balance as her arms fell uncontrollably to her sides; dropping the small dart, before she felt herself falling. She never made contact with the ground however. A strange man; a human dressed in a black coat, caught her mid-fall before calmly placing an arm under her legs and the other around her shoulders. He then walked off as if nothing was wrong with no one noticing what happened.

The man had medium length dark colored messy hair with green eyes. He was smooth shaven and from what Kathy could tell; had a medium build. He had a calm look on his face as he carried her. She was completely helpless in his arms and whatever the dart had been dipped in had completely paralyzed her; she couldn't even speak and could hardly keep her eyes open.

Her hearing was still perfect and for a brief moment she thought he had been found out when she heard someone say "You there, halt! Station security!"

"What seems to be the trouble sirs?" The man calmly asked, telling Kathy there was more than one person from security.

"We've heard reports of a brawl taking place near here and I noticed you carrying the lady here away from the reported area. Was she injured?" another man from security asked.

"Oh no, she just got done working a double shift. She worked the graveyard shift last night and part of another this morning; she filled in for a friend who showed up late. I came to pick her up but she's completely exhausted and basically dead on her feat." The man chuckled as he lied so casually and believably.

"Ah, alright then. Sorry to bother you." The first man said as she felt her abductor begin walking again.

A few moments later; and in a low enough whisper so that only she could hear, he said "Yeah, you're not getting out of this bitch. My clients want females of a more... mature quality, and you fit the bill perfectly; easy on the eyes, nice tight ass, perky tits and such a slender athletic build too. You'll fetch a great price... once you're conditioned."

Kathy could hear his voice dripping with lust as he spoke, which would have made her tremble in fear if she wasn't paralyzed. As they continued on, she wished that Lliam would save her.


Starbase Five, Trade District

(2:43 PM)

"So what's goin on and where did that wolf chick get to?" Dan asked as Nate crouched down to the ground to inspect something.

"Kathy's been abducted!" Lliam said in a fearful voice.

"Are you sure of this?" Louie asked as he and Zeig joined them.

"I believe Lliam is right." Nate said and added "I think I've found something."

"Whatcha find?" Dan asked as Nate stood up; holding something very carefully between his fingers.

"A dart and it looks like it's been laced with something maybe a sedative; possibly a neurotoxin." Nate said as he held if for the others to see.

"Here, let me scan it." Dan said as he pulled a scanner out of a pouch on his belt.

He scanned the dart and it started analyzing the information. As they waited for the results, Lliam was becoming more worried by the second. He was about to take off and search for Kathy when several members of station security arrived. They started asking people about the fight and were directed straight to Lliam's group.

"Alright, who here was fighting?" The security officer demanded.

"I can't wait any longer; I'm going to look for her." Lliam said to Nate; ignoring what the security officer asked.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere buddy." The officer said.

"Screw you." Lliam said as he started to walk off.

The security officer was about to draw his weapon when Louie stopped him and said "I'm sorry for his actions, but one of his friends was abducted during the fight. She's a female wolf, brown and cream colored fur with blond hair and green eyes."

"Hey, wasn't that guy carrying a wolf matching that description?" One of the security officers asked one of the others.

"What did you just jay?!" Lliam asked as he rushed over to the security officer.

"Hey I'm the one asking questions here so shut up ya little prick." The lead officer said.

Nate immediately noticed the look in Lliam's eye and stopped him from doing anything by stepping between him and the officer as he said "Listen, if you know anything you better tell him. He's a Psionic who's mentally bonded with who was taken."

"Like I give a shit!"

"Let me rephrase that. He's a level eight Psionic, the second strongest I've ever met; and I work in the Federations P.T.T Corps. He could kill you with just a thought and he's mentally bonded with someone who he cares a lot about. This person was just kidnapped not long after his brother, sister in law and niece were all killed and you want to stand here and deny telling him what he wants to know... am I painting a clear enough picture here?" Nate asked the man.

"Sir if there really was an abduction, it's more important than a brawl; especially with what goes on down in the under quarters." The one man who had the rank of Corporal said to the other before saying "We saw a human male carrying a female matching your description just a few moments ago. He was heading in the general direction of the spacers hideaway; a local club on this deck with unconfirmed reports of connections with the under quarter."

"What's the under quarter?" Louie asked as Lliam tried to take off after Kathy.

"Hey, I said you're not going anywhere!" the lead officer said and grabbed Lliam by the shoulder.

Lliam looked over his shoulder at the man and within an instant; had spun around and grabbed his wrist and pinned it behind the man's back before placing his hand on the man's shoulder and slamming him down to the floor. Bringing his muzzle to the man's ear, he said in a cold threatening tone "The next time you try to stop me from finding her, you're losing your arm. Do you understand?"

Whether it was from the tone of his voice or the look in his eyes, the man nodded his head. Lliam let him go and continued. As Lliam left Nate spoke up and said "We better follow him." He started after Lliam before saying to the security forces; who were standing in place in shock at what had almost happened to their Captain "You guys might want to come too... unless you want to deal with a major mess."

Dan was the first to follow after Nate. Louie, Zeig and the security forces followed shortly after. As they followed after Lliam the Corporal caught up with Louie and said "Putting aside what just happened... to answer your question, the under quarter is like the stations slum. It's filled with several gangs, black market goods, slavers and every other kind of scum you can think of. We've tried clearing them out several times but not only are they well armed; they've taken control of the automated defenses and separated them from the main grid so only they can control them. We can't even access the surveillance cameras down there... but at least they stay down there."

"Seems like a major problem to me... you said there are slavers down there too right? If someone was kidnapped up here, what are the chances that the abductor was a slaver?" Louie asked.

"Pretty high unfortunately... and in all cases revolving around females, they were taken to become sex slaves. The slavers usually use a neurotoxin; most of the time it's a strain of Tetrodotoxin but in non-lethal doses. They use the Tetrodotoxin because it paralyzes the target and leaves them able to feel everything... and the slavers usually... 'test out' their new merchandise shortly after taking them before they send them to be conditioned." The Corporal answered.

As he was not too far ahead of them, Nate overheard what the officer said. As they did not have all the facts yet, he wasn't going to jump to conclusions until he knew what the dart he found was laced with and as if on cue; Dan's scanner went off.

"Hey, the scanner's identified what that dart had on it!" Dan said.

"What is it?" Nate asked, hoping that it was a tranquilizer of some kind rather than a neurotoxin that the slavers used.

"It says it's Tetrodotoxin of the Nimat newt of the planet Ebru II." Dan said which caused Nate to grimace.

Nate was thankful Lliam was too far ahead to hear what both Dan and the Corporal had said and started praying that they found Kathy before anything that the officer said came to pass.


Starbase Five; Spacers Hideaway

(3:00 PM)

They had been walking for several minutes and had changed direction several times. The person who had taken her had remained quite as he carried her. However, as they continued, Kathy started to hear more and more people. She hoped one of them would stop her abductor, she tried to get their attention but those thoughts were slashed when she heard someone speak to who was carrying her.

"Ha, got some fresh meat for the grinder eh Marko?"

"Of course." Marko replied.

"Sending her down or... breaking her in?" The other man asked; the last part spoken in a sinister voice before he started chuckling.

"You know I always break 'em in before sending 'em down the line. Why do you always ask?" Marko chuckled

"Just so the new meat know what's coming heh heh." The man said and started laughing.

"Oh god... no! Lliam, please... save me!" Kathy thought as she was carried into the back of the Spacers Hideaway.

As she was carried through part of the Spacers Hideaway, Kathy attempted to open her eyes again for the hundredth time. She did manage to crack her eyes for a quick peek but she couldn't keep them open. During those few seconds she could see a multi-level dance floor with multi colored lights flashing and of course there was loud music pouring from speakers around the joint.

There had to be thousands of people packed in this place and most of them were on the dance floor. She noticed that she was staring at the dance area through a glass wall as she was carried along. After her eyes closed, she quickly tried to open them again and succeeded; but just barely. This time she managed to catch a glimpse of the man carrying her.

He had medium length dark colored wild looking hair with green eyes. He had no facial hair, his jaw was slightly rounded and he wore a wicked grin. From what she could see of him, he was wearing a black leather jacket with yellow stripes going down the sleeves. Just as her eyes were about to close again he looked down at her chuckled.

"Managed to open your eyes eh?" he chuckled. "Looks like you didn't get the full dose. No matter, there's still plenty of time to play." He said as that sinister grin came back.

Her strength failed her and her eyes shut again with her unable to open them. She hadn't felt fear like this in a long time. She was truly scared at what was about to happen and again wished Lliam would save her but it was to no avail. She was carried further into the club for a few moments; making a few turns until coming to a stop.

It felt as if they stood there for a good minute or two before she heard the sound of turbo lift arriving. After a brief movement she felt as if they were going down for a few moments before stopping; she thought they may have gone down two or three floors by how long they were in there but couldn't tell for sure. As he started moving again she managed again to open her eyes to see plain white walls with doors every so often. There was no music and not many people and those that were there were armed with assault type weapons.

She was able to keep her eyes open longer this time and watch as the man came to a stop in front of one of the doors. She watched as it slid open to reveal a dark colored room that was filled with bondage equipment, a bed that had restraints on it and a cabinet on the far side of the room. She whimpered as the man carried her into the room and threw her onto the bed.

She landed on her back and the moment she was on the bed, Marko was atop of her. He reached for one of her arms and the closest restraint before tying her arm down. He repeated this with her other arm and her legs before resting atop her and saying "Can't have you moving around if that stuff wears off now, can I?"

He reached behind him and drew out a knife that he preceded to gently rest against her stomach. "You know, you're really quite sexy." The man said in a lustful voice as he grabbed the bottom of Kathy's shirt and brought the knife to it. "It's too bad for you that I have a thing for you anthro bitches." He said as he started to slice the fabric of her shirt.

Kathy tried to force him off of her but whatever had been injected into her was keeping her from moving. She ended her failed attempt with whimper which caused Marko to laugh. "Oh don't worry, it'll wear off eventually; that's what the restraints are for." He said and leaned in close to her ear "Cause I plan to have fun with you multiple times." He added before fully slicing her shirt in half; revealing her large breasts.

"Oh ho ho! No bra, you know just what I like!" he said and took one of her breasts and cupped it in his hand; rubbing his thumb over the fur that hid her nipple.

His actions made her growl lightly which turned into a whimper as he brought the tip of his knife to the underside of her boob; pressing it lightly against it as he said "You know you're really lucky. I'm a sadistic fuck but I'm not allowed to physically harm you." He said and brought the knife to her sleeve and cut it up to the neck of her shirt before doing the same to the other so he could fully remove her shirt.

"Even so... we're still going to have lots of fun." He said and chuckled as he teased her nipples before rubbing his hands down her sleek furred body to her pants. "Let's see if you even wear panties." He said and slipped his hand down her front and grinned. "Nope!" he said and laughed as he brought his fingers in between her legs and started to tease her.

As she felt his fingers push into her, memories of what her father forced her to do crashed down upon her. She began to cry as she felt this human remove her pants and laugh. She still couldn't move and cried even more as he started to have his way with her.


(Several minutes ago)

Lliam had just rounded the corner and arrived in front of the Spacers Hideaway. Nate had gotten the directions to the place from the security officers and informed Lliam before leading them there. Since there was a risk of them killing Kathy because they were dressed in security armor, the security officers agreed to hang back until they secured her. Knowing that they were all military helped persuade the security officers to; momentarily, keep out.

"That place is huge... how are we going to find her?" Dan asked as they observed the club.

The Spacers Hideaway was one of the larger clubs on this deck and at least ten floors tall; built in a section of the station that every deck ended on so one could see all the way to the top of the station or all the way down to the bottom. The Hideaway was built on the center most deck of the station. Looking out into the open section, one could see other similar establishments built on the other side of the station as well as see station traffic as shuttles took people to other decks and sections of the station.

"Well, she's got to be close. Lliam see if you can sense her." Nate said to which he nodded and tried.

He was immediately struck with a vision of giant party of some kind. He could hear extremely loud music and could see thousands of people dancing on a multi-tier dance floor. The vision intruded into his mind so fast he couldn't even think and lost balance before falling to one knee.

"She's got to be in there... I... I can see what she's seeing." Lliam said as he held the sides of his head as if he had a migraine.

Nate grimaced once again "You're bonded with her more than I thought... uh... see if you can... feel where she is without seeing what she sees. Try to find where she is in relation to where you are." Nate instructed.

"I... I'll try." Lliam said when he got another glimpse of what Kathy was seeing. This time he saw a human; whose face was burned into his memory, before he blocked the vision out. He focused on her but it wasn't getting him anywhere.

"I can't..." Lliam said as he attempted to try and find her.

"Shit, I'm too use to doing this my way. Lliam, you said you felt a tugging sensation when you were away from her right?" Nate asked.


"Use that to help you. I heard from some others that the feeling was like it was pulling from the direction of whoever the Psionic was bonded to. Think of her... feel her and use that feeling to find her. While you do that, I'm going to go in for a closer look." Nate said and moved off towards the club.

Louie overheard what Nate had said and looked at his brother before saying "Zeig, wait here. If he dart's off; chances are he found Miss Nance, in which case I want you to follow him." Afterword's he started walking the in direction that Nate had left in.

"Where are you goin then?" Zeig asked with a confused look on his face.

"I'm going with that fox... to help if he needs any." Louie said to which Zeig groaned and shook his head.

"Of course you'd go after the fox!" Zeig said and rolled his eyes.

"Of course" Louie said with a smile as hurried off.

Dan noticed the way the two wolves acted and talked was quite different from before and the fact that Zeig looked slightly irritated at the way Louie acknowledged his question started to make him think. Whatever he was thinking caused him to chuckle before he turned to the rather large wolf beside him and asked "Hey, is the reason your brother going with my brother... because he's... interested in him by chance?"

His response was a growl and a threat. "If you try to hack on my brother for what he is, the last thing you'll find yourself trying to do is breath vacuum!"

"Whoa hey hey hey hey, hold on. That doesn't bother me at all, I just want to know so I can tease my brother about it." Dan quickly said as he stepped back a couple feet.

Zeig only growled at him before turning back to look at Lliam, only to find him missing. "Shit, where'd he go?!" Zeig yelled and started looking around.

"Who, Lliam?" Dan asked and looked towards the Spacers Hideaway. "Oh shit, he just knocked out one of the doormen! Over there!" Dan said and pointed out where Lliam was forcing his way into the club.


Starbase Five; Spacers Hideaway, Main Dance Floor

(3:05 PM)

Lliam managed what Nate had asked and could feel where Kathy was. It felt as if she was on a floor beneath the main floor. But just because he could feel where she was, didn't tell him how to get to her. He had to force his way into the club and knocked out the bouncers at the front door in the process. He was now standing between the main entrance and the lowest dance floor; surrounded by both humans and furs of all kinds.

The music they played gave him a headache while the bright lights hurt his eyes and the smell of thousands of people filled his nose. The music made it hard for him to concentrate on anything; including locating Kathy. The lights; combined with so many people, made it hard to distinguish one person from another and the smell made it impossible to track her.

He tried to remember what he saw of the place through her eyes as he looked around. He knew it was from the main floor but looking around he couldn't see any hallways with one side made of glass. As he looked he felt a hand on his shoulder followed by Nate's raised voice "Lliam, why'd you assault those men?!"

"Kathy's in here... somewhere! I feel her... I just don't know how to get to her!" Lliam yelled over the music.

"I would've suggested asking but then again, we don't know how many people here work for those who took her!" Louie said as Dan and Zeig rushed in.

"Well, is she in here?!" Dan asked once they were surrounding Lliam.

"Yes, but we can't pinpoint where she is exactly!" Nate answered

Lliam started moving through the crowd. His aim was to get to the other end of floor where there were a set of doors. On his way he was jabbed, hit, bumped into, smacked and even slapped as he passed by some woman. His anger was rising and his panic for what might happen to Kathy was going to cause a problem but suddenly all the people in his path stopped dancing and moved out of the way to form a path for him.

As he got to the other end he turned to Nate and said thanks. Nate nodded before getting closer to Lliam so he could talk into his ear. "I want to try something alright. Try feeling for her again, I'm going to try and help narrow it down by linking with you mentally alright?"

Lliam nodded his head as he closed his eyes and tried to search for her again. The image he saw and the feeling's he felt intruded on him with such a force he fell to his knees. What he saw and felt also back splashed onto Nate who started to fall as well only to be caught by Louie. The look of shock on his face surprised Zeig and Dan who were across from him and who could actually see his face.

As they started asking what he saw, Lliam was starting to lose control of himself. The combined feelings of fear, panic, rage, hate and pain that assaulted his mind combined with his own fears and panic. Her hate only served to ignite a fury within him but the pain he felt from her was a feeling that was truly alien to him.

If only they could've seen the look on his face and in his eyes as he stared at the multicolored lit up floor, they would've all stepped away in fear. The look in his eyes was not that of sane person. There was a craziness in his eyes; a madness. He clinched his teeth together and growled as a few of the lit up floor tiles exploded.

People screamed and the music came to an abrupt stop as people stared at their little group. The others were looking around at all the staring people as Lliam remained on the floor. The guy's looks were drawn to him when Lliam started punching the floor plates; breaking them in the process and denting the floor as he struck it multiple times.

When Nate finally snapped out of what he had seen he quickly urged the others to get back; both from what he felt from Lliam and the emotional splash back of what he had seen and felt from Kathy. Lliam's fists were covered in glass and blood by the time he stopped punching the floor. He stood up and quickly scanned the room. He noticed a few guys heading towards him dressed as if they worked in the club.

The burning fire in his eyes was noticed first by his friends and soon the staff when they were close enough to see the glow coming from his eyes. The man was about to say something but Lliam didn't let him as he grabbed him by the face and slammed him into a nearby wall.

"You're going to tell me what I want to know." Lliam said in a voice not quite his own. It sounded more raspy and deeper than usual.

"I'm not telling you anything!" the man said when Lliam let go of his face only to grab him by the throat.

"I don't need you to speak." Lliam said as he closed his eyes and placed his forehead against the man's.

The moment he made contact, Lliam dove into the man's mind. He could read his thoughts and see his memories. Searching his memories he saw the man who had been carrying Kathy and even a new memory of the man returning; carrying her with him. Lliam growled when he saw this and dug through the man's mind to find a layout of this place.

When he found what he was looking for Lliam opened his eyes and set the man down but left his hand around the mans throat. After taking a step back he threw a punch at the man's face and hit him so hard that when the back of his head hit the wall Lliam's fist went into the man's skull spraying blood from his face. The blood sprayed across Lliam but he never once flinched or moved from it.

As he let go of the guys throat people screamed when they realized he killed him. They started to run out of the building as the club's security rushed onto the floor with weapons in hand. When they tried to fire, their weapons exploded in their hands; some lost their hands as the gun in them was destroyed.

Lliam then headed back towards the entrance only to stop by a wall. The others cautiously followed behind him and watched as he kicked the wall and destroyed the hidden door in it. The moment the door was down, Lliam had taken off at full speed. Nate and Dan had a hard time keeping up with Lliam but Louie and Zeig easily followed him until the three of them arrived at a turbo lift.

Lliam had already called it and was waiting very impatiently when Zeig and Louie arrived. Just as Nate and Dan arrived the lift's doors slid open and all of them entered it. Lliam pressed the button for the second sub level and soon they were off. When the doors opened again both Lliam and Nate had to stop the others from getting shot as energy rounds were fired on them.

"I've got no time for this!" Lliam yelled and shot out of the lift with a deadly purpose. He arrived at the first of seven shooters and embedded his fist into the humans' chest. Without missing a beat the two closest to him were lifted into the air by his telekinetic power before broken in half with everyone hearing their bones break.

Lliam had removed his fist from the human and had already charged the next two people; both of which were furs, one a feline of some kind while the other was a squirrel. He grabbed both of them by their throats before using them as living shields but not to protect himself. After they had been shot up by their comrades Lliam threw them at the two left standing.

They were knocked over and by the time they stood back up Lliam was staring at them. Hate and rage were reflected in his eyes. The blood spray on his face, those glowing red eyes and the snarl he let out as he attacked them made the others; who were still in the turbo lift, think he'd gone feral. When he was done with them, they were nothing but a bloody mess.

After panting a bit Lliam tried to calm himself. It didn't do much but it allowed him to think coherently enough to turn to the others and say "Search the rooms..."

Zeig and Louie shot off past Lliam and started checking the rooms further ahead as they could move the fastest besides Lliam while Dan and Nate checked the rooms nearer to the turbo lift. It was several tries later that Lliam opened a door and stopped dead in his tracks. He stared in shock at what his eyes beheld. Strapped to the bed without a single stitch of clothing was Kathy; apparently sleeping with a ball gag in her mouth.

He heard the others approaching and looked at them as he held up his hand for them to stop. They were about to ask him a question but he shook his head no and slowly stepped into the room. As he stepped up closer to her, his rage continued to build but it didn't threaten his control. His concern for her drowned out everything else.

As he neared her, he could see seminal fluid sprayed across her and could smell the unique scent of sex in the air. This close to her he could also see she had been crying; the fur around her eyes and on her cheeks was wet and slightly matted. As he approached he went to remove the ball gag from her mouth when he stopped and looked at his blood soaked hands; turning them so he could see his blood covered palms. It was then he realized how far he had gone. He had walked right to the edge and jumped without a second thought for her. He killed like a feral animal but now that he was in front of her, he refused to touch her with such bloodied hands.

He looked around and noticed a bathroom adjacent to the main door. He looked back at her but she was still sleeping. He walked over to the bath room and turned the water in the sink on and started washing the blood from his hands. He rubbed and rubbed and soaked his hands in hot water, used soap and rubbed again but the white fur of his hands was still tinted red.

He sighed as he looked in the mirror and tried to clean the blood from his face but ended with the same result as his hands. Flipping the water off he dried his hands and face the best he could before heading back to her. He gently sat on the edge of the bed next to her and could immediately tell he woke her. She was able to move but just barely. He reached for the gag and undid it as he said "It's alright Kath... I'm here."

She opened her eyes with some noticeable effort and as she looked at him, Lliam could see that the gleam in her eyes was gone; just like after they found the Ira. "L-Lliam...?" she barely whispered as he undid the restraints on her arms and legs.

"I'm here" Lliam said as she tried to move and only succeeded in moving her arms closer to her sides.

"I'm... s-so... tired..." She said with some difficulty and stopped trying to move.

"Don't worry Kath; we'll get you to a doctor shortly." Lliam said and stood up before heading back out to the hall.

The others saw him leave the room and were about to start asking questions again when Lliam looked at Nate and ordered rather than asked "Give me your coat Nate."

Normally he would've asked why but the look in Lliam's eyes said it all. He undid the belts and zipper that kept his coat wrapped around him before handing it over to Lliam. "Thank you." Lliam said and went back into the room.

He walked back over to the bed and said to Kathy "Hey, I'm going to wrap you up in Nate's trench coat... alright?"

She opened her eyes again and looked at him before giving him a slight nod. He set the coat down near him and set Kathy up into a sitting position before grabbing the coat and draping it over her shoulders and arms. He awkwardly got the belts on it around and secured so the coat wouldn't open up and reveal anything. He then zipped it up a ways before he picked her up to let the coat cover the most of her. He then placed an arm under her legs and the other around her shoulders and picked her up.

"Okay, we're going to the hospital now." Lliam said and heard her try to say something. "What is it Kath?"

"N-No... I... I... do... don't..." she tried to speak but was having difficulty.

With the way she was positioned in his arms and how adamant she was on trying to speak Lliam lowered his head until their foreheads met. He made mental contact with her and asked "What's wrong Kath?"

"I don't trust this place... I just want to go back to my ship..."

"If that's what you want."

Kathy noticed that they weren't speaking and couldn't help but ask "Is... is this telepathy?"

"Yeah... It was easier to communicate this way with how difficult it is for you speak at the moment" Lliam answered.

"I wish I was a telepath... then I could've called for help."

"Don't worry Kath... anytime you call for help. From here on out... I'll hear it. I won't ever let this happen again. I promise." Lliam sent before saying "Let's get back to the ship."