A Growing Passion

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#2 of Surprise Affair

Here's the next chapter ^.^

Please comment/rate/review/watch/vote/whatever.

Korvah roused herself near the crack of dawn and noticed that Neika was missing. Korvah's head immediately darted upwards and began searching for her. Right away, Korvah found her sitting several meters behind her while balancing on her tail, facing the other direction. Korvah stood up and discovered that a sticky and crusty residue coated her lower region. A smell similar to rotten fish assaulted her nostrils and caused her to recoil in disgust. I need to bathe... She thought as she approached Neika. With every step she could feel how grimy her lower region was as her legs rubbed against her body. She noticed that Neika's head was slightly bobbing up and down while her shoulders were in constant motion. Her tail swished back and forth across the grass in a rhythmic pattern. Korvah realized what she was doing and stopped mid-stride, feeling somewhat embarrassed. Neika turned around and dropped to all fours.

"Sorry... I felt the need to... well you know." She apologized, being semi-empathetical. She wiped her paws on the ground and looked innocently at the white dragoness.

"It's fine, but I think we both need to go bathe... the smell is pretty wretched."

Neika agreed so they took off to the skies with the ascending sun at their backs. They flew side by side at a wing's length away and searched for a water source. Soon enough, a large pond appeared in the midst of thousands of trees. The water was a clear blue and seemed to be teaming with life under its still surface. They landed directly in the water and created a sizeable splash, disturbing its serenity. Korvah roared playfully and flailed about, enjoying the cool feeling of the water against her scales. She dove down touching the murky bottom and pushed off of it with her hind-feet to throw herself quickly above the water, but her toes stuck in the mud for a split-second before she darted out of the water. She looked over to Neika and noticed she was having an equally fun time while she too, splashed about. Her deep blue scales scintillated from being wet and refracted colors in the gaining sunlight, giving her an pristine beauty. She skimmed the top of the pond and kept a small part of her top portion above the water, pretending to be a sea serpent.

Neika dove under the water and kept her eyes open to see what it was like in the pond itself. Small fish darted passed her and went to hide amidst the vast array of plant life. Neika then looked up to see Korvah's white, lower end. She kicked her legs back and forth to swim above the water. She used her thick tail to help push her along and swam from one end of the pond to the other. Neika chased after her and waited for the precise moment to make an attempt at scaring her.

Korvah reached the end of the pond and began to turn around, but as soon as she did, a mass of blue flew out from the water while hissing and jumped on her, bringing her down with it. Korvah yelped with surprise and was brought under the water. She looked at Neika who was baring a long smirk and rolled her eyes while they were still underwater. Neika grabbed her body and brought her close. She looked lovingly into Korvah's crimson eyes and offered he a kiss. Again, the same awkwardness was at the back of Korvah's conscience, but she pushed it aside and accepted it. Their maws locked with water invading their mouths. Their tongues tangled while they passionately mixed their saliva along with the water. Neika ran her paws down Korvah's body to her hips and held her there. Korvah grunted, releasing air bubbles into the water and did the same to Neika. Neika wanted to continue, but the lack of air forced her to withdraw from the kiss and rise above the water. They both gasped for air as they reached the top and then made their way to the shore.

They laid down next to each other onto the soft grass that surrounded the pond and instantly felt the warm, caressing rays of the sun which was now just above the tree lines. Korvah took her paw and placed it over Neika's and grabbed it. She held Neika's paw while looking at her fondly. Neika looked back at her with the same feelings and nudged Korvah's snout with her own. Korvah nudged back and Neika opened her maw while leaning in closer, offering another kiss. Korvah accepted without hesitation and shoved her tongue into Neika's awaiting maw. They maneuvered their tongues all over the inside of each other's maw and felt their arousal gaining quickly. Neika slowly started to push against Korvah while moving her body closer to the white dragoness. Korvah grunted as Neika slowly rolled her onto her back and placed her upper body over top of hers while they continued to kiss. She started to rub Neika's shoulders as she ran her paw down Korvah's side. Their combined saliva started to drip out of their mouths and created a slimy surface over their lips. Neika slowly placed the rest of her body between Korvah's legs, feeling the warmth of Korvah's body against her own. Their sex touched as she laid down on top of Korvah. Korvah immediately felt her sex warm and feel pleasure as their softly, scaled slits touched.

Will she finally accept me? Neika was surprised that she made it this far with Korvah. She was so close to finally mating the dragoness of her dreams, but she knew there had to be no way; it was too soon and quick. She felt her sex start to feel wet and she wasn't sure if it was her own liquid or Korvah's, but how she wished and hoped it wasn't hers. Neika started pushing her tongue deep into Korvah's maw and rubbed their slits together slightly, giving a slight stimulation to both of them.

Every negative thought about Neika being female was washed away by the passion that grew in Korvah's heart for her. The thought of mating her became realistic, acceptable, and even desired. But not now. She wanted to wait for a more perfect moment, a moment where they would truly become mates. Korvah broke away from the kiss and smiled gently at Neika.

Neika knew why she stopped and regretfully withdrew herself from her. She laid down next to her again and couldn't keep the thought of mating her away from her mind. She wanted it so bad. Bad enough that she would be willing to do anything for her. She noticed that Korvah was constantly shifting her position; a sign that "something" was irritating her. Maybe I can watch her again... Neika's arousal grew once more as she reminisced about last night's occurrence.

"If you need to relieve yourself, feel free to do so. I don't mind." She used a bit of humor within her voice while she pretended to look away.

Korvah grunted in acknowledgement and kept her back facing Neika while she leaned her snout down between her legs. Neika tried to peer over her body but was unable to see anything. She let out a huff of annoyance and watched as Korvah's leg dangled in the air above her body.

Korvah licked her sex gently, feeling the warmth of her tongue touch her sensitive pink flesh. Her saliva began to mix with her juices as she continued to lick her slit from one end to the other. She took her paws and spread herself further, exposing more of her pink flesh. She moaned with pleasure as she tasted her own liquid and brought her tongue across her soft flesh. Her scent was heavy within her nostrils and only seemed to grow as she secreted more liquids. Korvah licked deep into her slit and then entered herself with her tongue, feeling her warm flesh part for her slimy tongue. Her own taste was surprisingly appealing to her and she began to wonder what Neika would taste like. Strings of her liquid stuck to her tongue and started to coat her snout as she sloppily maneuvered her tongue into her sex.

Neika could smell Korvah's scent strongly and could feel her slit expanding. She was about to treat herself but then she came up with an idea. "You know, I could do that for you."

Korvah removed her head from between her legs with her snout dripping liquid and glistening in the sunlight. She looked at Neika questioningly and asked, "Don't you think that's a little too far? That's almost the same as mating... and I'm not quite ready." She wanted to keep playing her denial out so Neika to think that she wasn't ready. When she finally gave in, it would be a wonderful surprise to her and what's better than surprise sex?

"Not necessarily. Only you would benefit from the pleasure, so technically it's not." Neika lied. She knew that just touching Korvah's sex would send her over the edge of pleasure, let alone shoving her snout between her legs.

Korvah thought for a moment before replying, "Only if you are up to it."

Neika's facial expression beamed with excitement. Up to it? She scoffed to herself. She had this desire for quite sometime now and wanted nothing less. She stood up and repositioned herself behind Korvah. She rolled Korvah onto her back while she spread her legs without hesitation, revealing her glossy lower region. Neika looked at her slit and reminded herself of the blissful fantasy that was now real. Her lover's slit, right in her view, waiting to be licked by her tongue. It was all too surreal. Time seemed to slow as Neika looked lustfully into Korvah's eyes and leaned her head down, closer and closer to her slit. Korvah's scent was intoxicating at this distance and sent Neika far over the edge of arousal. Neika stuck her tongue out and gently caressed Korvah's soft flesh with it. The anticipation was all too much for Neika. After the first lick, she dug her the tip of her snout into Korvah's slit and began lapping at her inner walls. Korvah moaned loudly at the surprising force that Neika entered her with and held tightly to the ground using her white claws. Neika put her paws on the sides of Korvah's inner thighs and spread her apart even further while sensually caressing their smooth scales. Neika closed her eyes and lost herself in bliss as she dug her tongue into her partner's sex. She felt Korvah's steamy walls contract and grab her tongue with each penetration. Neika chirred with pleasure as she felt her sex start to drip her secretions. She moved her paw down between her legs and began rubbing her slimy slit roughly.

Korvah roared lightly with pleasure as Neika plowed her tongue into her sex. She didn't care that Neika was stepping over the edge of their sex-life. She was enthralled by it and imagined doing the same to Neika. She knew Neika was a female and wouldn't want it any other way. Korvah winced with pleasure as Neika hit a sweet spot and continued to rub her rough tongue against it. She flared her wings and started to feel her body lose control. The white dragoness could feel her pleasure gaining and started to feel a twitch in her legs. Neika held Korvah tight without stopping and started to curl and roll her tongue while inside her slit. Korvah moaned with delight and tugged Neika's tongue deeper into her, making the tip of her tongue lightly graze the entrance to her cervix. Korvah held back her climax as long as possible but could only hold out for so long with the warm, wet surface invading her vent. Her sex started pulsing and her juices started squirting out around Neika's tongue into her face. She roared loudly as pleasure coursed through her body.

Neika moaned as Korvah's warm juices hit her face and ran down her cheeks. She lapped up Korvah's richest juices and kept her tongue inside the dragoness' pulsating vent, feeling her sex clamp down on her tongue and release the tension repeatedly. She felt her own pleasure levels rise uncontrollably as she rubbed her slit. She vigorously rubbed her sex until it started to contract and squirt her juices. Neika removed her paw from her lower region and winced as pleasure enveloped her mind. She spread her legs while continuing to stand and let her liquids hit the ground in strings. She continued to push her tongue deep into Korvah and then curl it to collect as much of her liquid as possible, bringing it to her mouth so she could swallow it. She breathed in heavily through her nostrils and released the air through the cracks of her teeth while Korvah's liquid came out with it. She could hear Korvah's soft moans and chirrs as Neika's tongue licked her soft flesh. Neika's climax soon came to a finish while a puddle of her slimy juices coated the small blades of grass. She could feel Korvah's body rise and lower with every pant of her breath. Neika looked up to Korvah without removing her tongue and noticed that her eyes were closed and her tongue was sticking out of her mouth as she breathed in heavily. I must have done a good job! She thought mockingly as she felt Korvah's sex loosen and relax its grip on her tongue. Korvah placed her paw on Neika's head and rubbed her sensually across her face.

"Thank you."

Neika figured that she was done and removed her snout with strings of liquid dripping off of her chin. "My pleasure." She grinned and laid down on her back next to the white dragoness. She looked up into the blue sky and watched as white, fluffy clouds rolled by. She began to lick her lips, tasting Korvah's liquid once more and cleaned her face while she continued to think about digging her tongue into the white dragoness. This moment to her was special. She was laying next to the dragoness she had always wanted to be with, the same dragoness that she just gave oral to, and just staring into the sky, relaxing for once in her life. She felt complete. She grabbed Korvah's paw and held her tightly.

Korvah looked over to Neika who was beaming with joy. She had the expression of utmost elation and love that made Korvah's chest feel light and fuzzy. Korvah looked back to the clouds and began to think about their future together. Soon enough, they would be mates and doing things that she had never imagined before yesterday. Why am I so eager? Am I filling a void in my life? Do I really want to be with Neika... She then looked at the mess between her legs and thought, ...or am I just using her for sex? She glanced back to Neika and she looked back at her with nothing but gratitude and passion bearing her expression. Korvah smiled and looked at her fondly, realizing that she wouldn't want to be with anyone else. Neika was perfect. She tightened her grip on Neika's paw and looked back to the skies, pondering how she would make their first time mating together the best.

Thanks for reading! =)