One Of Those Days

Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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A Snow Leopard decides to kill some time joining a wrestling tournament and finds himself in over his head

What can I say? Wrestling until one of the fighters cums is way more entertaining than WWE!

Kay & Erin (c) KayrinSF

"Ever have one of those days?" I thought quietly to myself. You know the ones. You wake up thinking nothing was going to happen that day, and then before you know it you're standing in front of a roaring crowd in nothing but a pair of red tights. Sounds ridiculous but here I was, the audience that had filled the gymnasium-turned wrestling-arena roaring as I entered the ring.

It had seemed innocuous at first, a flyer for a wrestling tournament to be held that day; registration at the door only and five hundred dollars to the winner. I should have questioned it more, but what was the worst that could happen? The gym was in a well regarded neighbourhood, and even the audience had a clean look to it; house-wives and husbands out for a date night. Once I had registered however, the prep work had been surprising; several hours later, here I was.

My cock is hard and though I can't help but tug at the lycra briefs I wear, I also can't help but enjoy the attention of the crowd. They had fitted me with a cock ring once they had finished working me over, driving me to the edge of orgasm only to back off. They had said this would make the match more interesting and as I stand in my corner, red tights tented with the eager prick hidden beneath, I couldn't argue with their logic.

I've only been standing in my corner for a moment or so, basking in the adoration of the crowd and the warm weight of my shaft pressing against the tight fabric of my costume, when the opposite door opens and my opponent appears. An equine steps out, slim, but lean with muscles hiding beneath the short brown hair that covers his body. Like me, he sports an impressive tent in his uniform, briefs the same as mine but blue in colour. He smirks as he spots me, no doubt wondering why a five foot ten, hundred and fourty pound snow leopard had thought he could win a wrestling tournament. The crowd cheers as the horseboy moves to the ring, he was a perennial favourite if the signs held up by several audience members were any indication, and here I was up against him in the first round.

"Don't worry, kid. You'll be home in time for lunch" is all he says as he steps into the ring, his cock jostling in its lycra prison as he slips between the ropes. I don't say anything but my ears pin back against my skull as I consider how to deal with him. For now, I step towards the centre as he does the same. The referee, a stag, steps forward and looks between the two of us.

"Rules are simple. No biting, no clawing and no punches or kicks below the belt. First one to remove the ring of their opponent wins. Questions?" the stag states quickly. He knew the crowd was anxious to see the first bout and he didn't want to keep them waiting. We nod, the bell rings and before I know it the horse is on me.

The cheering crowd is drowned out by the beating of my own heart as I find myself locked in a clinch with the equine, the other male has a good six inches on me and at least thirty pounds but I do my best to hold my ground. The blue mat of the ring reverberates with our clumsy steps as we try to push the other off balance but it isn't long before I can feel myself forced backwards. With each step back I take, the next comes quicker as the big male takes advantage of his size. Before I know it I'm up against the ropes, back arching as he continues to push me against them. I can feel the weight of his hips pressing against my own, the stiff prick in each pair of tights grinding against the other through the thin fabric. If it wasn't for that ring I feel like I'd cum right there, but instead all I feel is a tightness in my belly that demands I gasp; I don't give him the satisfaction but instead let out a low growl. My paws are sweaty in his grip; I can feel the sweat on his as well as we strain against each other.

The look on his face as I use the pressure he is exerting against me to keep me on the ropes against him is priceless. My legs come up, my back braces against the ropes as I drive both knees into his legs. He doesn't move as much as I'd like, but it's enough. He falls back a step, still gripping my paws but it gives me enough space to repeat the move on the surprised equine. This time my knees find his belly and he releases me, stumbling back coughing and trying to catch his breath. I hurry forward and can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as a straight elbow to the horse's chest connects, toppling the larger male and shaking the mat beneath my feet with the impact of his body. He looks up at me, surprised more than hurt and I look down at him, confidence growing. Before I know what I'm doing or why I'm doing it my foot ends up on the prone equine's chest and my arms are raised above my head. It only takes a second and the horse doesn't react right away but the crowd does. It roars its approval, the air electrified with that single droning sound as for a split second I pose above my fallen opponent. The horse doesn't let me enjoy it for long though, the moment ending with his arms locking around my leg and the mat suddenly rushing towards my face; I deserve it, but to relive that moment of sublimity I would take the same risk again.

My face colliding with the mat jars me but it's the feeling of my ringed-off cock colliding with the mat that really takes my breath away. The crowd's roar dies to a gentle humming energy as I struggle to regain my footing. The horse is already up and grinning down at me, the position switch not lost on me as I sit there on one knee. My hard shaft throbs with a unwelcome anticipation, so worked up by my pre-match workout that it seemed it could find anything blissful in its own lurid way. The equine's hands grab my shoulders and I'm pulled to my feet, wobbly, with only the ropes behind me keeping me on my feet. He chops at my chest and I bend back against the side of the ring with the impact, grunting out as I do; another chop sends me bouncing back again. Why did it feel as good as it did? My knees shake as I see a third chop coming. My shaft aches, I can even feel pre-cum dribbling down the underside of my dick and I only hope my tights hide it.

I don't let him throw that third chop. He showboats, who wouldn't? I sure did, but that extra second or two he takes before throwing that third strike to my chest gives me the time I need to launch towards him. His arm up, ready to attack, the equine is caught off guard and my shoulder colliding with his chest throws him back. His cock jostles in those tights as he stumbles backwards and as worked up as I am I can't help but look as I rush towards him. He hasn't caught his balance as my arms circle around his waist, and as I press against him to centre my balance for the next move my hard cock grinds against his; fuck, I haven't been this horny since I was a teenager. I focus though, I had to win. I had to show this guy who was boss, right? He's as heavy as, well, a horse as I struggle to lift him from the mat. It isn't a picture perfect throw, more to the side than behind me but as he crashes into the mat I don't think to care. The mat shakes beneath my feet with the impact and once again I find myself raising my arms. My heart's racing, muscles already sore and a sheen of sweat shimmering in the light; it was time to end this match. I fall on the large male and my arm slips around his neck from behind. I can hear his quickened breaths, I can smell the sweat on him and beneath it the underlying aroma of arousal.

"Glad to know you don't mind losing" I say, teasing him as I hold his head up, my cheek pressed to his own. My other hand slides downwards, dancing across his toned belly before disappearing into those tights. He struggles against me but I have both gravity and positioning on my side. My knees tighten against his sides, and I keep his body twisted to the side slightly to allow my hand access to the warm confines of his briefs. The cock inside is slick to the touch, pre-cum welling from his ringed penis and my paw is soon painted with it. His struggles cease for a second as his whole body tenses beneath me and I can't help but take my time exploring the impressive shaft trapped in those blue briefs. He whinnies out as my fingers finally find that, now warm, ring around his base. His legs begin to kick but I tighten my grip around his neck, only twenty seconds or so had passed since I'd pinned him down but it seems much longer. Regardless, as the ring begins to slide up that rigid cock, the horse finally uses his size to his advantage. His hands press against the mat, pushing himself up against me as I straddle him. Because of the equine's size, I find myself being lifted a bit with him and I panic. His ring is only halfway off before I release it, my arm around his neck supporting me now as much as it was keeping him in place. Bracing himself against the mat the equine only had to get me up high enough for my legs to leave the mat before he jerks his body powerfully to the side. I don't fall right off, but it's enough for him to get up to his knees and from there he could actually fight back.

"Little punk" he pants out as he grabs me around my waist as I slide from his back to try and regroup. "This is how you throw" he adds as he gets back to his feet properly. I chop at his chest but he shrugs it off. He lifts by my waist and leaves my legs kicking helplessly in the air. When the throw comes I find myself wondering where I am, the impact from his reverse suplex leaving me absolutely stunned and prone on the mat. I stare at the roof, enjoying the stars twinkling from their chains on the roof of the gym; you never see stars in the city so it was a treat to be sure. When I feel myself being dragged somewhere I tilt my head back and see the horse was the one doing it.

"What're you doing?" I mumble. I had seen a hundred different wrestlers find themselves on the wrong end of the suplex but it seems more painful now that I'm the one flat on my back. My shoulder aches when I try to pull my hands out of the equine's grip. The larger male simply ignores my rattled question, or rather he answers it without words. His foot pushes down firmly on my chest and I realize what he's doing.

"Payback" he says at last. Bastard. The crowd doesn't seem to mind and I find myself on the wrong end of that same moment. It's still not that bad, I get a nice view of the horse's cock above me. Once again though, the moment ends badly. His whole body suddenly drops and though he seems to land in a way that disperses some of the force of his weight away from me, enough of it still hits to prompt a yowl from me. My legs kick up, the rest of me pinned beneath the large horse. He stands and I shudder, helpless as I try to catch my breath. He slaps his elbow and falls again and again my legs kick up. My head spins and I fall limp against the mat.

"FINISH HIM" roars the crowd. Fickle bastards. I blush brightly regardless, not because of their chant, but because I knew it was coming. The horse doesn't waste as much time as I had, he had me right where he wanted me. His hand slides into my tights and he pushes them down enough to let my shaft bounce freely in the air above my body. My hands lift to push him away but his body blocks me from doing little but push at his back. God no, don't make me do this in front of all these people. The ring sliding from the base of my cock is unmistakably the greatest thing I've felt in years. I cry out as all the pressure that had been building for the last three or four hours is finally released. White hot pinpricks of lust needle my belly and crotch as my hips buck as well as could be expected, pinned as I was. The first shot of my cum must reach four feet into the air, I wouldn't know for sure as my eyes are closed, but it certainly feels that way. I can feel it splatter against my belly, warm and sticky and my cry dies into a strangled moan. Shot after shot of that creamy, musk-rich seed paints my fur as the horse simply remains laying across my lower chest. Is it minutes? Hours? Seconds? Let it go on for eternity for all I care; every shot of that cum is like an orgasm in and of itself. Finally though it's over and I fall exhausted, panting for breath which the horse helps with as he gets off of me. Once more he raises his arms, I can see cum glistening in his fur as well... seems he hadn't minded being in the way at all. The crowd is beside itself but I tune it out, my own purrs reaching my ears as I remain sprawled out on that mat, the scent of cum heavy in my nostrils and the feeling of cum drying in my bellyfur simply something to be enjoyed for now.

"And the winner, ladies and gentlemen!" shouts the announcer, "ERIN!" the crowd roars again; They'd obviously enjoyed the show. The horse looks down at me and winks.

"Nice try, boy. Better luck next time" he says before hot dogging for the crowd again.

"Oh yeah" I answer over the din surrounding us. "I'm feeling like quite the winner down here as it is, ya know"

"Didn't they tell you? The loser may get it out here. But the winner gets theirs in the locker room. So hurry up will you? I've got a match in a few hours." All he says before turning and exiting the ring.

I gulp. Ever have one of those days...?