The Village Girl - [Short Adult Fetish Story]

Story by VeauxKoszmar on SoFurry

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As usual with my stories, please comment and let me know what you think and if you believe it's worth continuing this story in a Part 2 or even 3.

I feel the story has great potential.


People were going missing. Hunters and gatherers mainly; anyone who frequently leaves the village alone. The village was small, everyone knew everyone. Everyone knew something was terribly wrong but lost all those capable of defending it to the forest. Even before the disappearances started, large numbers of local wild life were reported to be decreasing. Some animal packs were out right gone, vanished. Hunters were getting more desperate and had to search deeper into the forest.

A series of most lonely nights began. Villagers were locked away in their homes, most unable to sleep for various reasons. Some kept hope that their loved one's would return. Other's were too paranoid and fearful. "The calm before the storm." They said.

They were right.The Storm had arrived but it was more silent than any one could have anticipated. Creatures of shadow and slime creeped from the forest, silently entering homes and devouring entire families without a single alarm being raised.

Lez almost wished the alarm wasn't raised.

As she thinks back to that moment of panic of waking to bare witness to an oily mass overcoming her brother and consuming him, he seemed to calm, peaceful. Not a single struggle was noticed as his body was slowly taken whole, and absorbed into that mass of oily flesh. Instead of sleeping through her own consumption and death, she was woken by that damned alarm.

She fled her home, finding her village in chaos as villagers run and fall beneath strangely shaped creatures, some homes were burning in a large dancing inferno. Her athletic feline body reacts in the only rational way - Fight or flight? This was a battle lost weeks ago. Lez ran from her village into the darkness of the forest.

Now, Lez is kneeled before a creature of incomprehensible nature, a creature that titled itself Vohkrin. Her left arm is missing entirely, the stub remaining was closed. The flesh fused together as if a wound from many years ago. The feline's maw was parted over an irregular, fleshy appendage. An appendage that stretched from Vohkrin's crotch, right into her throat. It's flesh crawled, and pulsed as it was pulled back and forth, massaging along her throat walls and tongue. Lez was tearful, her remaining hand rested on the leg of the beast, as Vohkrin had his way with her, she contemplated the situation - blaming herself for it as she thinks about what she could have possibly done to have avoided this.

While running away from the village, Lez stumbled onto the large form that is Vohkrin, she screamed and attempted to push it away. She hardly had a chance to step back before it's great hand was wrapped around her arm. He muttered words... orders, and desires for her body. Promising he'll be kind if she cooperated. Lez would have none of it, continuing to scream and fight.

Vohkrin didn't hesitate to punish her disobedience immediately. Lez froze in shock as she witnessed that large hand melting into an amorphous shape, slowly losing feeling in her entire left arm as Vohkrin's flesh crawled over hers, micro tendrils imbedding themselves into her arm painlessly invading her muscle and bone.Just as quickly as this started, it ended. Before she knew it her entire arm was now part of his, the wound that should have been - wasn't. Vohkrin's knowledge of the body was great, and it was common sense that this potential vessel would bleed out. This was simply a tactic used to install fear and understanding of her situation. She has no choice, no room to argue or barter. Falling to her knees, Lez was dumb-founded at what just transpired. Her arm was absorbed, consumed into Vohkrin's body. It was a delicious snack for him but he needed her body for more than just a meal.

All this lead to her current position with a mouthful of the monster's phallus. Much slickness covered it's unnatural length.Lez kept wishing that she wasn't woken. Now she's stuck here, consciously fighting for her life - that's if you could call this 'fighting.' Regardless of the term, she couldn't end her own life no matter how bad of a situation Lez was in.

She is left in constant fear as his great hands stroked and caressed her head, knowing what those hands are capable of after witnessing her entire arm being engulfed.Tentacles that protruded from Vohkrin's bizarre body tore away at the feline's clothing. Bits and pieces of rag remain connected and covered the majority of her still, but her groin and rear were very much exposed now.That appendage in her throat began to squirm weakly. Lez groaned and clenched her eyes at this, naturally swallowing over it. A bulge runs down the length of that alien phallus, right down into her body, from the tip of it an egg was released, thin and soft. Like a little worm that wiggled its way right down to her stomach. Vohkrin hissed contently, a lewd slurping sound follows as the appendage retracted from her throat and mouth, along it's path it releases a steady stream of strange juices. Lez sputtered a small amount of it from her mouth and panted heavily, liquid trickling from her lips. Keeling over and supporting her upper body with her remaining arm as a minor coughing fit ensues. 

Vohkrin watches, from behind that leathery mask his eyes glow a bright green while admiring the body of this female. A body he will use to further create offspring not unlike the creatures he used to invade the village. His children were too hungry and too many - He had to let them go to feed on the weak villagers. As the beast stared, he spoke sternly, "You best keep close to me if you do not wish to be devoured by my Children."

Lez's eyes follow Vohkrin's large feet as they drag over the dirt and grass, heading into the forest. She forced herself onto her feet, wiping over her moist lips with the back of her hand, reluctantly following. Vohkrin not once turned around to see if she was still there. She wondered why he was so confident: Was it his hearing? Could he hear her footsteps that well? Would he be fast enough to catch her if she did run... As her mind wanders, Lez surveys the forest surrounding her to witness the many eyes of unknown beasts.

Vohkrin wasn't fast on his feet. He didn't need to be, his knowledge of psychology was enough to judge her actions and be confident that she'd follow him all the way home...