And So I Brought Home the Otter (because of Toby)

Story by Arakupa on SoFurry

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And so here we have the results of my first attempt at writing. Just a short little story of a man and an otter engaging in a random fling. If you like it, or have suggestions/critiques, leave a comment PLEASE! They would be super appreciated!

I've never been a fan of large crowds, tons of people all bumping and pushing each other around with no room to breath, everyone is shouting to make themselves heard over everyone else, meanwhile you can't even hear your own thoughts. Call it a little bit of claustrophobia mixed with a little bit of social anxiety, but I've always taken lengths to avoid being placed in those kinds of situations, yet that's exactly where I found myself at the start of the night. Somehow my friend Toby had tricked me into accompanying him to a party of a friend of a friend. I have no idea why I agreed to go with him, it being something completely out of my comfort zone, but he dragged me along and it didn't take long after arriving for me to realize that there I knew absolutely nobody there.

Toby, being the magnificently considerate person he was, quickly disappeared into the crowd shortly after we arrived, leaving me stranded there, standing alone in some unfamiliar crowded house, completely surrounded by strangers. I've always been horrible at socializing with new people, as I'm rather shy and they always make me feel so uncomfortable, but here I was surrounded by them and there was little I could do.

I started moving into the mass of people, looking for a place to sit down instead of just standing awkwardly at the door when Toby suddenly popped out of nowhere. He gave me a friendly pat on the back and pushed a drink in my hand and before I could say anything, he disappeared again back into the crowd. Damn him and his shortness! It was impossible to spot him out amid the horde of people in that tiny space.

I took a sip of the large drink that he had shoved in my hand and grimaced. The alcohol was overpowering but I didn't care. I was a little grouchy at this point of the night. I didn't know why I had agreed to come to the stupid place, and the jostling crowd was making me feel so uptight and tense. Instead of gradually sipping the powerful concoction as a wise person would've done, I drank it down with several large gulps, my face contorting at the strong taste of the alcohol.

I began making my way over to the wall where I could properly sulk without being bumped or shoved by the horde of people, grabbing an unopened beer on the way that had been sitting on a counter. I pretended to be interested in some boring painting on the wall. It was of a barn or something with ducks or geese, something I'd expect to find in my grandmother's house.

I stood there brooding, nursing my beer and wondering how long I had to stay before I could sneak out and bail without being considered too impolite, when my small shaggy-haired friend Toby reappeared once again dragging a tall handsome otter behind him.

"Danny boy there you are! I've been looking for you," he called cheerfully. He knows I hate it when he calls me Danny, but he's never listened to my requests to be called just Dan. "Danny, I'd like you to meet Nathan. You guys have got a lot in common and I think you'd get along really nicely."

Toby gave the tall otter a shove towards me and then disappeared again back into the crowd. The dark brown otter stood about half a head taller than me with almost disarmingly clear blue eyes and a charming smile on his face, the kind of which high school girls dream and swoon about.

I extended my hand and said, "Hi, so Nathan was it?"

His large hand enveloped mine with a firm grasp. "Sort of, its actually Nathaniel, but you can just call me Nate" he said with a smile. "And you're Danny?"

"Yeah," I replied, "or just Dan. Toby's really the only one who calls me Danny."

"Ah right." He chuckled. "He's an interesting guy isn't he?" The otter was right. For all his many quirks, Toby made an excellent icebreaker. With the initial introductory awkwardness overcome, Nate and I tried our best to have a conversation in the loud smoky atmosphere of the bustling party. He was a really easy guy to talk to and I found myself warming up to him almost immediately. When he suggested we go get some fresh air outside, I accepted eagerly, jumping at any chance to escape the congested house, especially with this attractive otter who seemed to be melting away all the usual coldness and distance I usually put between myself and strangers. His charming easy smile seemed to have cast spell on me, or it may have just been the effects of the alcohol starting to affect me. They both were making me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, as well as melting away the tension that I usually felt with meeting new people.

The chill brisk air of the cool April night hit us on our faces as we stepped outside from stifling heat of the overcrowded house. Our breath appeared in front of us as we chatted and walked. We talked about a great many things ranging a large number of different topics. We talked about school, the upcoming exams, the crazy April weather and the mud it brought. There was an undeniable connection forming between us, and Toby was right. We did have a lot in common.

When we came across a park bench on our walk, we paused and sat down. Slowly our conversation became more and more personal as we began talking of our lives before the University. Of our hometowns and high school mascots, of our families and past romances. I found myself opening up to him, telling him things that I had not even told to my closest friends, like about the troubled relationship between my brother and me, and how we've never spoken since he graduated and left five years ago. He told me of his own family troubles, of how his dad had left when he was thirteen, leaving his mom alone with three kids. Those were the most somber and most personal parts of our conversation, yet it did not feel the least bit weird discussing them with each other.

We sat in silence for a moment and I realized that at some part during our conversation his arm had snuck up behind me and was resting on the park bench around my shoulders. I also noticed that I had nestled up closer to him than I normally would have done with someone I had just met, or with anyone for that matter. I'm not really a touchy-feely kind of guy and he was WAY within my personal-space boundary lines, but for some reason, that didn't bother me as much as it would have with anyone else.

I looked up into his calm whiskery face, into the clearness of his deep blue eyes and his easy relaxed smile. He met my gaze with a strong intensity, his piercing eyes seeming to bore into my mind. I suddenly felt a warm fuzzy like feeling inside me, on top of the already fuzzy warmness I was feeling from the alcohol, and when he suddenly leaned down to kiss me I didn't resist at all. In fact if I knew any better I would say that I leaned into kiss him first.

So here I was, sitting on a park bench, in the middle the night, with a guy who I had only just met an hour before, and our lips were only a second away from touching. Before I had time to think about what I was doing, about the act of making out with some brand new acquaintance, before I had time to react or hesitate, our lips met and almost all thought stopped. His lips were incredibly soft, apart from the bristly whiskers, which brushed against my face. The warmth from his lips and mouth contrasted against the chill of the brisk April night and I felt it warm deep down inside me. The kiss itself was gentle. It was soft and tender, not wild or lustful. It was wet, but not sloppy. It was amazing and sweet.

We parted almost grudgingly, the cold night air turning our breaths into mist in front of our faces. His distinct taste lingered in my mouth, and I found myself staring into his deep blue eyes once again. Even though the only light came from a dim streetlamp a dozen yards away, his eyes still seemed shine bright and crystal clear. They were warm and friendly eyes, yet almost unsettling in their clarity.

"My place isn't too far from here, we can head there and get out of the cold," I offered, breaking the silence. I could hardly believe that I was actually inviting someone home with me, someone who I had scarcely met as well. Toby would never let me hear the end of it; in fact, he would probably try to take all the credit for it.

As we walked back to my apartment he put his arm around me. Not in a claustrophobic inducing clingy-boyfriend-can't-be-3-inches-apart-from-you kind of way, but more of just a relaxed friendly kind of way. It's hard to describe but he seemed to emanate this feeling of calming strength, of trustfulness and honesty. He had this easiness about him that affected everything around him. I found it incredibly easy to let my guard down with him and just open up.

We arrived at my apartment, just a typical cheap little 2 person student-housing affair, and I led him inside. My roommate had conveniently gone home for the weekend so we had the place to ourselves. I directed him towards a chair where he could toss his jacket, and I took mine off as well. As I was throwing it over a chair of its own I realized with a start that I couldn't remember the otter's name. I was so embarrassed and I couldn't just ask him right there, he would be insulted and not to mention it would be a major mood killer. But when I turned around I found him there right behind me and once again he swooped me up in a tight embrace and kissed me, all my previous worries were forgotten. This kiss was much more passionate than the last. Our tongues explored and danced around each other as they twisted and writhed in our mouths. His arms had me pressed up tight against his body, and without the padded barrier of our jackets, I could feel the firmness of the muscles under his shirt. My own body was starting to respond to the passion of the moment, inducing growing feelings of lust and desire for the otter.

When we finally broke from the embrace, I panted trying to catch my breath. "My the right." A big toothy playful grin broke over his face, and he practically bounded across the room to the door, grabbing my hand and dragging me along with him.

My room didn't consist of much, just a twin bed in one corner with a little nightstand and my computer desk in the other. Once we were inside he shut the door behind us. Even though we were the only ones in the apartment, it still felt safer. More secure. Like we were locking out the world from the two of us in my little bedroom. He drew me close to him once again and began giving me little pecking kisses and nibbling softly against my neck. His whiskers brushed lightly against my skin, the sensation sending shivers down my spine. I felt his hands reach down and start bringing my shirt up over my head. I lifted my arms helping the process along, the night's previous cold forgotten in the passion of the moment. Once the shirt was off, he tossed it to some random corner of the room and with a playful shove, he pushed me down onto the bed with a wink as he began removing his own.

Although the light was off in my bedroom, there was enough light streaming through the window from the streetlamp just outside to bathe everything in a dim yellow glow. I looked up at the tall trim figure of the shirtless otter as he stood there in front of me, the light reflecting off his rich sleek fur. He had a lean streamlined shape to him, but I could sense the powerful muscles underneath. It was kind of like the stereotypical swimmers build one always expects to find on otters, broad shoulders, tight pecs, body chock full of lean muscle, but it seemed so natural on him. The sexy form of the dark brown otter standing there in the pale light was almost making me feel drunk all over again.

This time it was my turn to be the aggressive one as I hooked my hands into the belt that was holding up his jeans. He let out a whoop as I jerked him towards me. I fumbled a little awkwardly with his belt as I tried to unbuckle it, but having never actually undone one from this angle before I found it a little more difficult than I imagined. He chuckled a bit at my frustration and helped loosen it for me, letting me whip it out with a dramatic lurch.

My face was level with his taught stomach and I could just make out the hint the muscular abs below his creamy colored belly fur. A darker patch of brown fur trailed its way down from his belly button until it disappeared, obscured from view by the jeans that now hung loosely on his hips. With the belt gone, I began to unbutton his jeans and unzip the zipper. The whole time the otter just stared down at me with an amused smile, waiting to see what I would do next. When I got the pants unfastened, I jerked them downwards. They caught around his knees but I didn't pay them any mind. I was too focused on the sexy hunk of an otter who was standing here in front of me. I could see a bulge starting to form under his navy blue boxers. I fumbled around a bit as I tried to help its cause find a way out through the narrow opening of the underpants. The thick head of his semi-hard otterhood poked through, and I reached inside once more, fishing out the heavy seed-filled orbs which hung loosely beneath it, feeling their weight in my hand as I gently cupped the furry pouch that held them.

His cock was slowly becoming aroused as I fondled the cream colored sack, until it jutted out at a lazy perpendicular angle from his body. A drop of pre-cum appeared at the tip of his cock-head and almost without thinking I lowered my head and took it into my mouth. My lips closed behind the ridge of his crown, and my tongue swirled around under the weighty head. He tasted salty. Salty and maybe a little bit bitter. He let out a low moan as I started sucking, slowly moving my mouth down his shaft. My tongue continued swirling around the sensitive underside of his cock, which continued to harden and grow inside my mouth. I felt him put his hands on my bare shoulders and began squeezing and massaging them as I continued to press down deeper on his cock until the fat tip bumped against the back of my throat, which made me gag and sputter a little bit. I'm not really a professional when it comes to sucking someone off, but he just smiled and ruffled my hair with one of his big hands and we started again.

I continued sucking on his swollen head, one hand at the base of his erect shaft holding it steady, the other caressing his swollen heavy balls down below. My head bobbed up and down his length as my tongue danced and swirled against the sensitive mass. The salty taste growing stronger as his cock tip began leaking more and more of his slick pre-cum, which was like a drug that I couldn't get enough of.

Suddenly the otter withdrew and pulled out of my grasp. He quickly shed the jeans that where still caught around his ankles and kicked them out of the way. "Alright buddy, now it's my turn for some fun," he said with a toothy grin. He leaned down and gave me a playful peck on my neck, which he followed by continuing to nibble his way down my chest. His bristly whiskers brushing and tickling my skin, making me shudder. While he was doing this, his hands where busy fumbling with my own belt. He however had much better luck than I did, and was able to pull it off with little difficulty. He unfastened my jeans and I leaned back on the bed to help him as he shucked them off me, leaving me naked on the bed. I kicked my feet free of them as the otter kneeled between my knees forcing them apart. I could feel his warm breath against my own throbbing erection. He wrapped one of his large hands around the base of my length, and with a long slow swipe of his tongue he licked the underside of my shaft from the bottom to the top. When he arrived at the tip, he slowly slipped it into his mouth and began sucking and swirling all around my sensitive head. I couldn't help but to let out a low moan of pleasure. His mouth was so warm and wet and the sucking pressure that he was applying was intense. I placed a hand on the back of his furry head as he continued moving downward on my cock, until I felt his nose bump against my stomach and his fuzzy chin pressing against my own swollen orbs. My entire cock was engulfed in a hot moist cavern that seemed like it was trying to suck my very life force through the tip.

My hand unconsciously clenched and grasped at the top of his head as the overwhelming pleasure washed over me. He slowly moved back up until just the tip was left in his mouth and paused there for a moment. I found it very difficult to resist the urge to thrust it back into the warmth of his throat. He removed his mouth and began kissing and nibbling his way down the sensitive underbelly of my cock, licking and slathering at the orbs that lay below when he arrived. He first sucked one into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue before adding the other one to his hot hungry maw.

When he finally withdrew his muzzle from my groin area, it was shiny and wet with his spit. The chill from the room's temperature contrasting sharply with the former warmth from the otter's mouth. "Hey, you up for something a little more intense?" he asked, his eyes had a playfully mischievous glint to them and he had an impish grin on his face. At that moment I was ready for anything, so answering his question with a playful grin of my own, I directed him to the bedside stand where I kept a jar of lotion handy. While he rummaged around in search of the lube, I crawled up further on the bed in anticipation of what was coming.

He instructed me to get on all fours, and climbing up on the bed behind me, he approached my backside. He squeezed out a big glob of the lotion on his fingers and began spreading it on my upturned ass. The stuff was shockingly cold, and when he slipped one of his thick fingers inside my tight hole I let out a little gasp. The sting of the large finger forcing its way up into me was a little painful, even with the lube. I didn't have much experience with the anal side of sex, and while I had fooled around a little bit before when I was younger, I was still rather tight. I tried to relax as he added another one of his thick digits, fingering in and out of my hole as he loosened me up for what was to come.

"You ever do this before?" he asked.

I nodded stiffly. "A few times, but its been awhile." I hoped that my voice didn't give away the nervousness that I was starting feel. The otter was bigger than anyone I could remember fooling around with in my teenage years, and I could still remember the discomfort that I had experienced at the hand of a few those encounters.

"Alright well we'll just take things gentle at first eh? But loosen up a bit, you're so tense." He said, withdrawing his fingers from my ass, which had become accustomed to the intruders and started to take pleasure in his administrations. He wiped his hand off on his leg and instructed me to straighten up. "Come here," he said gently as he placed his large hands on my shoulders. He began massaging and kneading the muscles underneath, making me groan in appreciation. His strong probing fingers worked all over my tense shoulders and the base of my neck, finding all the right spots and massaging out all the previous tension I had been feeling. I felt like clay under the potter's hands and could feel myself melting under the masterful administrations of the otter's hands.

He worked his way to my front and began firmly groping and fondling my pecs. He pulled me back tight against him, our bodies mashing together. His face was pressed up tight next to mine and I could feel his hot breath as he stared down my chest, watching he continued to knead and massage with his powerful fingers.

The feel of his soft fur against my bare skin was one of the most intense feelings I can ever remember. It was so silky smooth and warm against my back and where his arms wrapped around me. It was like being engulfed in a giant fuzzy blanket. I could feel the powerful muscles underneath his fur as he ground his warm body against mine. His whiskers once again brushing against my face and neck sending shivers down my spine. His powerful hands began roaming downward, still kneading and massaging their way across my stomach. My erection, which had subsided briefly during the preceding moments, came back throbbing strongly. The otter's hands however, never seemed to directly touch my pulsating mass. Instead they worked their way around it, massaging and squeezing my inner thighs and running up and down the inside junction of my legs and groin area. His furry arm brushed against the sensitive swollen tip of my member and I let out a low groan as a clear drop of pre appeared. The warm contact of his fur against my body was sending electric sensations all throughout my being.

He gently lowered me to all fours again, still covering me as he lay across my back. He whispered in my ear, "you ready for some fun now?" His hot breath blowing in my ear and the sensations of his whiskers brushing and tickling my skin caused me to shudder in excitement. He gave the crook of my neck a bristly kiss before raising himself up off my back. I heard him opening the lotion bottle once again and a glurp as he smeared a large dollop on his still erect shaft. He began spreading it around with one hand, and with the other he took his thumb and tenderly began rubbing the sensitive bud of my opening. He gently pressed, slipping his thumb inside before replacing it with his fingers once again, doing his best to loosen me up before we continued. Once he deemed everything ready, I felt the bed shift and creak as he positioned himself behind me.

I could feel the anticipation and anxiety of before beginning to build up again as he playfully drug his member up and down the valley between my cheeks, teasing me before he brought the fat head of his member to rest at the entrance to my tight opening. He started to apply a gentle pressure, and my previous nervousness began to return and despite myself, I couldn't help but tense up. He was much bigger than the fingers he used to help open me up, and he felt so much bigger than I remembered him being when I sucked him off. He noticed my tension and gave me a reassuring squeeze. "Hey, we don't have to do this if you don't feel comfortable with it," he said in a tender voice.

I turned my head back and looked at his face. At his soft friendly expression and his clear eyes. "No, I'm okay. I want this really bad, but just go slow okay?" I tried to flash him an encouraging grin, but I'm not sure if I was able to successfully hide my anxiety or if I just came out looking stupid. He flashed me back a reassuring smile and promised that he would be gentle. There was something about his expression and his voice, which gave me complete trust in his words, and I slowly tried to calm myself once again.

With one of his giant hands on the small of my back, he used his other to help guide his shaft to my hole once again. I felt the pressure of the thick head against my pucker as it attempted to gain entry. The ample amounts of slick lube that he had spread over my ass and his dick made entry much smoother. I tried to relax myself as much as possible and suddenly the thick head popped inside my sphincter. I let out a soft gasp and groaned at the intrusion. He had only sunk a few inches of his wide shaft into me, but I felt a stinging pain as it forcibly stretched out my tight opening. He paused and hesitated, giving me a chance to adjust to the intrusion before he continued any farther. After the initial pain subsided, I gave a hesitant nod, letting him know I was ready to continue. He pressed forward again, his thick member penetrating me slowly but insistently, digging deeper and deeper into my snug tunnel. I was flooded by that indescribable gut-opening feeling as his fat cock-tip expanded my insides, tunneling further and further. Eventually I felt the warm fur of his hips brush against me as his body became flush with mine. His shaft was completely buried within me with his furry sheath gently pressing against the outer edges of my sphincter while his soft furry orbs nestled down below.

He paused once again, totally embedded inside my tight hole. I had never felt so absolutely full in my life. His long shaft seemed to fill and complete me in a way I had never experienced before, and while there was a little pain and discomfort at first, it was all soon overshadowed by the sensations of fullness and the pleasure of his member gently nudging against my prostate.

He began withdrawing slowly, pulling almost completely out until only the fat tip remained inside, holding open the mouth of my narrow hole. Then he slowly began pushing it back inside the space that he had just vacated, the warmth of his member spreading throughout my entire body. I let out a groan as he bottomed out a second time. His dick seemed to fit me so perfectly and fill me so completely I was in bliss. I could hear a churring sound coming from the otter indicating his own pleasure.

He began working his shaft in and out in short shallow strokes, pulling out a few inches, before slowly pushing it back in. The thrilling sensation of his thick member rubbing against my tight insides was incredible. All my attention was centered on that eight-inch piece of flesh as it penetrated my ass. The world began to melt away only to be replaced by sensations of pleasure as he began digging deeper with long smooth strokes, bottoming out at the end of every controlled thrust. The feel of his dick rubbing against my prostate was building the lust and passion inside of me, and before I knew it, I found myself pleading for more and more.

He must have heard my requests for I let out a small grunt as he began to pick up the pace. With his large hands firmly gripping my waist, he held me in place while he began plundering my ass. His firm and controlled thrusts started to pick up speed and force, my breaths coming quicker as his hips also began to pick up speed as he humped into me. Every time I felt his body connect with mine, the fur against my cheeks, his fuzzy sheath pressing against my stretched asshole, his heavy balls bouncing below, it sent a shiver up my spine. Every time he drove that fat cock-tip into my deepest recess it would force a soft huff from my lips. With every thrust he ground against my prostate, sending even more jolts of pleasure throughout my body. In and out, in and out, he moved his hips in a gyrating motion, hitting every single sensitive spot in my stretched hole. He kept a steady pace as he dug and plowed into my ass.

All of a sudden he paused mid-stroke, and a second later I felt his heavy weight across my back as he laid over me. I was completely engulfed by his warm furry mass, his chin came over my shoulder and I could feel his bristly whiskers against the side of my face and neck. He helped to support himself with one hand while the other searched between my legs until it found my dripping erection. His hand began to slowly stroke my throbbing member, eliciting a long happy groan from me. The profound sensation of his furry hips against mine mixed with the intensity of his continued grinding of his hot shaft deep inside me. These overwhelming sensations, together with the mind-blowing stimulation of his soft furry hand stroking my dick, were driving me to new heights of pleasure and to an erotic euphoria I had never known. My back arched involuntarily, pressing hard against his muscular body as he drove himself into me.

Suddenly the weight on my back increased as he began using his hand that had been supporting him to now caress my chest and pinch and rub my hard nipples, resting almost all of his heavy weight on top of me as he continued his incessant grinding in my ass. I was enveloped by a furry blanket of steely muscles and steamy passion as sweat began to drip down both of our hot bodies. The otter didn't have much humping leverage in this position and settled for slow insistent thrusts. He would pull out slowly before driving it all the way back in, pushing me forward with the force of his otter cock filling me to the brim.

My arms suddenly gave out when he gave a particularly forceful thrust, causing me to fall face first on the bed with an "umph." He followed me down, landing on heavily on my back, almost driving the breath from my lungs, but he hardly missed a stride. He began humping again into my ass, his body grinding up against mine, driving me into the mattress. My own dripping copy of what was currently bludgeoning my insides lay trapped between my stomach and the sheets that covered my creaking bed, his incessant thrusting causing me to rub heavily against the mattress, the friction almost driving me wild. Every thrust seemed to grind into my swollen prostate and I couldn't help but to clench down my ass muscles on the shaft as it pistoned in and out, causing a loud groan to come out from the both of us.

The room was filled with the sounds of the creaking bed frame as it took the punishments of our humping movements, grunts from the otter after every particularly forceful thrust, and my own moans of pleasure as he plumbed my depths. My ass was now slick with both the lotion lube as well as the otter's own contribution of pre, greatly easing his repeated trajectory of driving in and out of my battered colon, and judging by the loud wet squelching sounds of sex that were coming from the area of our union, the amount of the otter's contribution was not to be understated.

All my previous timidity had been completely forgotten and I found myself being driven higher and higher in a state of pleasure as the otter's body completely covered mine. Every driving thrust ground the thick cock head against my hypersensitive prostate which in turn made me involuntarily try to hump my trapped dick against the bedsheets, before thrusting back trying to get more of the amazing otter cock into my now hungry ass. My senses were already on major overload and I almost lost it when he began licking the base of my neck and giving me passionate little love bites, his sharp teeth pricking against my hot sweaty skin.

I almost exploded right there and then, but the otter suddenly lifted himself off my back, pulling out of my ass with a thick slurp, leaving it with an almost achingly empty feeling. He sat there kneeling behind me for a second before I felt him grab onto my hips and help pull me back into an all-fours position. I had been literally seconds away from my own climax and for which I was almost angry at the otter for denying me of, so when he hesitated a bit before entering me again, I growled impatiently, "come on, fuck me!"

"That's what I was waiting to hear," came his lustful reply, and I felt his two strong hands on my hips once again as he slammed into me, driving deep and forcing the breath from my lungs. He began truly fucking me with an animalistic passion, pistoning his thick otter-shaft in and out in long masterful strokes. My hands clenched and grabbed at the sheets below me as I thrust back lustfully against his hot muscular body, once again being driven up the stairs of pleasure while his heavy swollen jewels slapped against my ass with every powerful smack of his hips.

The bed was now thumping noisily against the wall while the otter in turn was thumping noisily into me. It was getting harder and harder to catch my breath and I was quickly approaching my limit once again. The otter's hands gripped my waist firmly as if to prevent me from escaping, though the thought of which had never been further from my mind as the otter's wildly intense thrusting drove all coherent thought from my brain. I could feel the tingling sensation building up again within my loins and with one hand I began furiously jacking off my neglected erection.

The building pressure of climax grew and grew until a particularly forceful shove from the otter was all it took to push me over the edge. Stars shot across my vision as I exploded, white-hot pleasure searing through my body. I was experiencing one of the most powerful orgasms of my life as thick ropes of white cum shot out the tip of my throbbing erection splatting against the sheets. My ass clamped down tight onto the otter's pistoning shaft causing him give a loud yelp. With three deep powerful thrusts, he buried his cock as far as he could into my clenching ass and erupted, spewing his load of hot otter-seed deep within my bowels. The warmth from the hot cum as it filled my ass in throbbing pulses seeped throughout my body.

The otter crashed down on my back, his damp fur mashing against my sweat soaked skin as he kept his pulsating shaft lodged as far as he could in my ass while he rode out the end of his own powerful orgasm. His member gave a few more weak throbs before he pulled free from my passage, leaving an almost achingly empty feeling in its wake. Together we collapsed onto the bed in a heap of fur and skin. His arms wrapped around me tight, holding me close to him as we laid there in the glorious afterglow.

"That...was frickin amazing" he huffed softly, his whiskery muzzle just inches away from my ear panting softly as he fought to catch his breath.

"...Yeah..." was all I could reply, out of breath as well, my brain still not capable of forming intelligible thought. I turned myself enough to give him a tender kiss on his furry lips and whispered to him a heartfelt thanks before I nestled myself back against his broad chest, feeling so safe and secure as his strong arms held me tight. We spooned there in the dark of the bedroom until I was gradually lulled to sleep by the deep breathing of the furry blanket of muscle I had wrapped around me. My last conscious thoughts of the night were of Toby, and how he deserved one a hell of a thank you.