White Chocolate Mocha: Chapter 4

Story by arxidan on SoFurry

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#4 of White Chocolate Mocha

I awoke Monday morning feeling terrible. My head felt heavy and was pounding, my nose was stuffed, I was sweating in bed. I pressed snooze a few times, but eventually dragged myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom and showered up. That helped a bit, but I still felt like crap. I thought about calling in sick, but I thought about the old bear and the position that had opened up and I fought that urge. I got myself dressed and made my way to work, forgoing my daily coffee due to my paw hitting against the snooze button. As I walked into the office the bright fluorescent lights were harsh on my eyes, further worsening my headache. I drudged along into the break room to get a cup of cruddy coffee before I made my way to my cubicle. I saw a pair of ears perk up on the other side of the wall as soon as I walk into my cubicle and sit down.

Soon after, those ears manifest further in the form of a lynx.

"Hey bitch!" Jay whispers.

"Hey Jay, what's up?"

"Not much, just thinking, thinking about how if I were to have a hot date, I'd text my best friend and tell him all about it as soon as I got home!" His stare was dead on, he wasn't letting up. He was serious about this, and my head was pounding, I don't want to deal with this!

"Ugh, please Jay, calm down, I'm not feeling too well." I tell him, hoping to get some sympathy.

"Did he give you something? Did that little bitch give you something, 'cause if he did, I'm not afraid to get down and dirty and kick some ass! Hell, I'll even get Liam to come with me." His face was enraged. I needed to quickly defuse the situation or I'd find us in front of his door.

"No, nothing like that Jay, just a small bug, I'll be over it soon."

"Good, you know how I get when someone hurts my little Dyliepoo!"

"You're terrible!"

"So, tell me about your date!" He insisted.

"He took me to some fancy steakhouse. I was fully intent on paying for my meal, but he wasn't having any of it. We had a bit of wine at the restaurant, I probably had a bit too much. Before I really knew it, we were at his place and he was pressing me against every possible surface until we got to his bed."

"... and! Come on Dylan! You know better than to leave the juiciest details out! I need more info, kinks, size, did he do that weird grunty thingy when he came?"

"Um, how about no! I'm not telling you any more than I already have." Sometimes I wonder why I even tell him as much as I do if he's just going to ask for more.

"You suck! Harrumph!" He went back down to his desk for a few second, and my, were those a good few seconds. "So, when's the second date?"

"I don't know, I haven't talked to him yet."

"WHAT?!" He shouted, it seemed loud enough to have the whole office hear. "He hasn't text you or called you yet?"

"No, it's fine, I mean, he must be busy, he is a small business owner."

"Small business owner my ass! If I had a chance to get in your pants on a regular basis, I'd jump on it like a lion on prey. That bitch is married."

"He's not married, I went to his place, no sign that anyone lived there."

"Let me guess, it was some nice little apartment, really well decorated and nice appliances and everything?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Bitch has a place to bring his man dates, I'm telling you Dylan, he's probably saying good morning to his wife right now."

"You're ridiculous!"

"I'm ridiculous? Why hasn't he called you? Huh? I bet his phone is even disconnected. Try calling him now!" He demanded and stared at me right in the eyes. I finally gave in and pulled out my phone. I went to the contact and dialed.

"Fine!" I put it up to my ear only to have an electronic woman answer.

"We're sorry, the number you dialed is unavailable. Please hang up and try again." My heart started racing, Jay was starting to become believable and I didn't want it to be.

"That doesn't prove anything, he probably just doesn't have service right now."

"Yeah, sure. I'm real sorry babe, I am, but you were just a one night stand."

"But, who does that?! Really Jay, it's ridiculous!"

"Still don't believe, go to his place, I promise you, you won't find him."

"Fine! I will! I'll show you wrong mr. Knowitall!" I snapped back at him. He returned to his cubicle for the rest of the day and I continued my work, my mind clouded by the thing with Rey and the cold and congestion. It wasn't starting out as a good day.

I finished early and decided to leave early rather than prepare for the next day. I wanted to check out Rey's place, but he wouldn't be done with work until later in the day, so, I decided that a quick work out would be good, clear my head a bit, worn on something that I had been meaning to work on, and pass the time a bit.

I got home and quickly changed into my gym clothes and got a bag and headed out, walking to the nearest gym, the membership to which I hadn't used in at least a month. I walked through the doors and smelled the scent of numerous furs mixed with sweat and dirt and cleaning product. I signed in at the front desk and proceed to do my work out, starting with a couple miles on the tread mill. I looked around the gym to see if I recognized anyone. I used to come a lot, back when I had someone to impress, but that was a while ago, back when I was a different person. Back when I didn't mind being used. I turned the speed up to run out my frustrations. If this was really happening with Rey, that'd be a huge step backwards. I'm not a young pup anymore, I don't have time for this kind of bullshit.

I ran another mile on the treadmill before getting off and moving through the other machines, making sure to get a well rounded work out, finishing with some weight lifting. It seemed like it was going to be an uneventful day at the gym with no one to talk to. That was until I saw an all too familiar Doberman walk into the locker room. I quickly rushed out of the gym. My heart was rushing. I thought I was over it, it's been almost a year and I still can't seem to handle seeing him.

I walked home, took a quick shower and headed out again, this time for Rey's place. I decided to take my car and arrived not too long after. I found my way to his door and hesitated. I need to do this. I have to. I rang the door bell.


I rang again.


I knocked the door a few times.


I couldn't believe it, I didn't want to believe it. He should be back by now. I pulled out my phone and called his number again.

Straight to voicemail. An impersonal "the number you have dialed is not available."

I walked, defeated, to my car. I got in and sat there for a moment. I looked at my dashboard blankly. There was nothing, nothing at all. I need an outlet, I feel like hitting something. I pulled out my phone, found a contact that probably should have been deleted months ago. I sent a text.

'Hey, I saw you at the gym today.' I wasn't sure what I was expecting, I just needed something to get me through this.

'Really? I didn't see you, it's been a while, what's the occasion?' As quick to respond as always.

'I'm bored, I was wondering if you wanted to come over in a bit?' I needed this, I thought I needed it Friday, no, I need it now.

'So you're "bored" huh? Alright, I'll be there in about ten minutes, k?'

'Yeah, that's good.' I quickly turned on my car and rushed home. I went into my apartment, opened my liquor cabinet and drank a nice gulp of wine straight from one of the bottles. It felt good, a nice little release. The bell rang. I quickly went to open it.

"Hello there!" He said with his cheeky as ever smile. I wanted to punch that smile off his face, but I wanted to jump on his doggy bone more.

"Hey," I said timidly. Evan. The man who ruined me for a good while. What am I doing? I shouldn't be seeing him, I don't want to go back down to this, but, I need it. Thankfully that wine is definitely helping to make this easier.

"So, what're you thinking?" I looked at him, his sharp pointy ears standing straight up, his long thin muzzle smiling. His broad chest was as muscular as ever, maybe even more so. His abs were easily seen through his tight black shirt and they were well defined. His arms were nice and firm from look, as we're his legs. His black and mahogany fur was nice and shiny, well brushed and taken care of. I grabbed a paw onto his shirt and pulled him in, instantly connecting my muzzle with his as soon as the door closed.

He pushed me against the wall and pressed his hips up against mine, that nice thick sheath of his pressing against my fully tented jeans. I quickly lifted his shirt up and took another look at that perfectly chiseled chest. I grabbed a paw on his arm and bit my lip as I felt it up, completely hard, not a soft spot to be found. I brought my paws down his chest as he just stood there with that same grin. I came down to his waist band and grabbed a hold of it. He motioned me downward with his eyes. I got onto my knees and pressed my muzzle against his crotch, it smelt so musky and wonderful. I unbuttoned his jeans and ripped them down. His cock flung out and hit against the side of my muzzle. I opened up and took the mostly hard dobie cock into my muzzle. I looked up and saw that deviant smile. I closed my eyes and got to work as his cock grew that last inch to the final length of 8 inches and thick enough to make any bottom bite his lip with both lust and fear. I was no exception as I pulled off and examined the rock hard beast before me. He lifted me up and took me to my bedroom. I love how it feels to be in his huge strong arms. They're so rock hard! He drops me on my bed and goes on to rip off my clothes, within seconds I'm naked on my bed, eagerly anticipating that huge cock.

"Everything still in the same place?" He asked through pants of lust.

"Yeah," I was able to mutter out through my own lusty haze. The drawer opened and out came a bottle of lube.

"No condoms? It's fine, I brought one." He left the room for a split second and returned with his pants in paw. He found the small plastic package and threw his pants to the side. The wrapper was quickly thrown away and the condom unrolled onto his member. He wasted no time pouring a generous amount of lube onto his cock before flipping me over onto my tummy and slipping a lubed up finger into my tailhole.

"Mmm, you're so fucking tight! Can't wait to get my big thick cock in that sweet hole!" Yes, he does kind of have a mouth on him in bed, but, I kinda like it sometimes. He pulled out his finger and positioned himself on top of me. He poised his cock in just outside my tailhole and thrusted in. That's one thing I loved about him in bed. He doesn't play games, he knows what he wants and he gets it. I wish I could apply that attitude into my real life. I moaned out as his balls slapped against mine. "Oh fuck yeah! You like that don't you! I know you always have, ya can't get enough of this dick!"

"Nghhh, yeah, I love it Evan!" He slammed in and out of me, my cock pressing against the bed with each thrust. I continued to moan out, my cock soaked out pre onto my sheets.

"You're so fucking tight! Mmph! It's so good! You're gonna make me cum!" He grabbed onto my hips and continued to pound away at me, each thrust making my cock grind against the bed and pressing against my prostate, it felt fantastic! I groaned and moaned as his cock slipped in and out of me. I couldn't handle it. He was pleasuring me like no one ever has, I shouldn't be surprised, he's probably had a lot if practice. His cock is entering me at just the right angle, pounding my ass just deep enough to have me moaning, but not deep enough to have me screaming. I reach a paw down and start stroking myself, further adding to my moaning.

"Fuck! I'm not gonna last much longer with your ass! It feels so damn good. Fuck! I'm gonna cum, oh fuck, gonna cum!" He shouted out, he let out a long growl as he slammed his thick knot into me then howled out in dominance. He continued giving short thrusts as he grabbed onto my cock and jerked it a few times before I shot my load on the sheets. It came out in several bursts, exploding onto the bed sheets. I have to wash them now.

"Damn, you're still sexy as ever babe."

"Haha, you sure do know how to give a good pounding!"

"Why did we ever stop this chemistry between us?" Enter the wave of regret. I'm a wreck. I'm a loser! What made me think this was a good idea? This man has hurt me more than anything ever before, and here I am, spooning with him as his knot tied us together, a tie that apparently didn't mean anything in the past.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "Why are you crying?" I felt the little droplets drip down my face and soak my fur.

"Please, just go, pull out and leave me alone, please." I didn't want him to see me cry, I just found the power to deal with the aches he's caused me, I don't want to give him back the power in this. I felt his knot pop out, it hurt, but not as much as my chest hurt. I felt cum drip out of my ass and down my balls. He and I were so close, we thought we would last forever, at least, I thought we would last forever, he obviously had other plans.

So much of my youth, wasted on this asshole. I laid my head against the pillow and shut my eyes, the tears kept flowing. I was tired, physically and emotionally, I don't have time to be whoring around. I need to find a man who could be my everything and see me as his. I don't need a guy who will trick me into a one night stand. I need a real man, a "man". Not the boys I've been giving my time to. Just a true man.