Catfood Ep. 15 - Sealing The Deal

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#15 of Catfood


Catfood - Episode 15 - Sealing The Deal

© 2004, 2005 Nameless

I felt good when I woke up the next morning. I had slept soundly and felt full of energy. Somehow it seemed as if I slept a lot better if I'd had sex the previous day. In hindsight the events of the previous evening seemed a lot less scary and unpleasant than they had while I had to go through them, and seemed much more exciting and arousing. Even the scent of sex that clung to my fur did nothing to dampen my positive mood. I got up, stretched and went to get that long-awaited shower. I almost forgot to put on my bathrobe before I left my room. Again and again the collar reminded me that I was now a slave. Officially I was an indentured servant, of course, but I thought of myself as a slave. Even that did not dampen my mood very much, as much as it reminded me about the fact that I would have to agree to be somebody's plaything, it also reminded me that I would soon be able start the cancer treatment. And I realized that I had not minded being Nate's plaything yesterday. Even the things Angela had done to me had been mostly pleasant, even if I felt a certain disgust at getting to intimate with another femme.

I finished brushing my fur and put on my clothes, then I headed for the kitchen. My mother was already up and she had prepared breakfast for us. "Good morning, daughter. How are you?" She pawed me a mug.

I gave her a big smile and a hug "Thank you. I feel great."

She searched my face. "You really look good."

"I slept very well."

We chatted a bit and soon Jen and Kaye joined us as well. Breakfast was over way too quickly.

As soon as I reached the bus stop, I became very much aware of the collar encircling my neck. Several people were waiting for the bus and they all seemed to stare at it. For a moment I considered taking it off, but I rejected the idea quickly. Given the fact that the collar contained all kinds of sensors, I had no hope of concealing the act from Tammy. It was less the fear of punishment that decided me, but the realization that I did not want to disappoint her. I did not want to face her and tell her that I had disobeyed such a simple command.

It seemed that Tammy had already been busy that morning. As soon as I entered the shop, my boss called me to his office. He stared at my collar for a moment and had me confirm the authenticity of Tammy's mail before he handed me the form to terminate my employment. I was taken more than a little aback at the pace at which everything happened, but I recovered quickly. Tammy had warned me that this would happen, only I had not thought that things would move so fast.

My boss told me that he was sorry to see me leave, that he would be happy to hire me again and we parted on good terms. I packed my things and said goodbye to my coworkers.

It did take a while to process everything and it was just before lunchtime when I exited the bus and made my way to Tammy's office. I stopped just outside the door. It was the first time I would enter that building as a slave, not as a free person. I wondered how many times I would do that, how long it would take until I would walk out as a free fur. A long time. I sighed and entered.

"Hello, Tammy."

"Lisa! Already finished?"

"Yes. I handed in my notice, I'm all yours."

"Good." Her look sent a shiver down my spine, but then I saw that she was grinning. "Have a seat."

"Thanks." I sat down on the couch.

Tammy looked at the clock and picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Tamara Nadir."


"This is about Lisa."


"Yes. When can she see your doctor?"


"That's perfect. Thank you, Don." [...]

"Bye." Tammy put down the receiver and grinned at me.

"What was that about?"

She gave me a mysterious smile but didn't say anything, she got up, picked up her purse and said "Let's have lunch."

I shrugged my shoulders, got up and joined her. I realized that I would have to get used to just obeying orders without knowing the reasons for them. She clipped a leash to my collar, then we left her office and walked towards the cafeteria.

After a few moments Tammy let me off the hook. "The insurance company has their own doctor and you have to go and see him before they accept you. You go to see him right after lunch." For a second I was taken aback by the tone of finality in Tammy's voice. She had not even given me an order, she had simply stated it as a fact. And I knew that I would make it so, there was no question about it.

"Another examination?"

"From what I understand this is just a formality. They do have your whole medical file and all the results from the checkup, so this should not take long."


Tammy led me to the cafeteria. We had lunch. There were quite a few people about, but even though my nudity bothered me less than I would have thought possible a few days ago, I still blushed a lot, it seemed that almost everybody kept looking at me. Otherwise it was not too bad, a time or two I even managed to come up with a good reply to the teases that came my way. There were only a few other slaves around. Tammy told me that at other times there would be more, but that since they were currently a little short on available slaves most of them were out, serving their customers. Quite a few people asked if I was available. I was glad that Tammy told them that I was unlikely to have much time in the near future, but that she might be able to slip in one or two people between my other appointments.

Tammy led me to my locker. She told me that from now on I was not allowed to put on any underwear, unless the weather really necessitated it. I put on my dress and nothing else. Tammy gave me an ID card, checked my looks and sent me off with a playful swat on the rump.

As I walked down the stairs and over to the bus stop, I became uncomfortably aware of how draughty my bottom felt. The dress was long enough (halfway to my knees) that nobody should be able to see that I didn't wear panties, but I could not stop thinking about this. When a man looked me up and down and gave me a lusty grin, I became aware that without a bra my nipples were, if not blatantly obvious, but at least plainly visible to someone who looked for them. The embarrassment that realization caused me only made things worse and made my nipples perk up even more. I had to force myself to breathe slowly and to keep my arms at my side. Somehow I made it onto the bus where I found a single seat that gave me at least a minimum of privacy.

Twenty minutes later I handed the receptionist at the insurance company the ID card. She directed me to the doctor's office. A short wait later I entered his office.

The doctor, a human male in his fifties, looked up at me and said "Hello, Miss..." He looked down again to find my name on the file "Lisa?"

"Yes, Sir. Pleased to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you, Lisa. Have a seat."

"Thank you, Sir."

The examination was pleasantly short. He looked through my files and asked a few questions. Then I had to take off my dress and he gave me a perfunctory examination.

"All finished, you can put your clothes back on."

"Thank you, Sir." I did, then I sat down again.

"Everything appears to be in order." I breathed a sigh of relief. I had to wait a few minutes while he typed up a short report, then we both signed it, both the electronic and the paper versions. I put two copies of the latter into my purse, one for me and one for Tammy.

He got up and held out his hand "That's it, Miss Lisa. It was a pleasure to see you. Good bye."

I shook his hand "Good bye, Doctor." I couldn't help winking at him "I should hope that it was a pleasure to see me." He blushed rather prettily at that. I giggled, gave him another wink and left.

I felt good, another step closer to getting cured. I didn't even mind the looks I got on my way back to Tammy's office, suddenly the attention the males paid to me pleased me much more than it embarrassed me.

I kneeled and opened my locker, then I took off my dress. Taking off my clothes in front of other people hardly seemed special or especially embarrassing any more. In a weird way it almost felt perfectly natural. "Give it another three weeks and I'll have to be careful not to forget to put my clothes back on before I leave." As I rode the elevator up to Tammy's office, I reflected on this. One thing that certainly helped a lot was that the people here treated me really nice. That someone went nude was nothing special to them. Sure, most males (and quite a few of the females) who looked at me obviously enjoyed the view my nakedness provided them, but even when the pleasure, even lust, in their eyes was readily apparent, their gaze was... pleasant, appreciative, not denigrating. They didn't look down at me. "Well, in a way they do, but..."

I knocked at the door to Tammy's office and entered when she bid me.

"Hello, Lisa. That was quick. How did it go?"

"Fine. Hello, Tammy." I sat down and pawed her the paper the doctor had given me. "Here."

She scanned it, then she smiled at me "That's it, Lisa. You're in. I have to finish the paperwork, but that shouldn't take too long, then I'll call your doctor and tell him that they can begin with your cancer treatment."

" Yes!" Before I really knew what I was doing, I was out of my chair, jumped over the table and hugged her. "Thank you, Tammy. Thank you." Tears of joy ran filled my eyes.

Tammy held me for a minute, then she commanded "Get back to your chair!" Her voice was hard, but the smile on her lips said that she was not at all angry.

"Yes, Mistress." I returned to my chair.

"All right. You're forgiven." She looked at the clock "Go down to the gym. Angela will give a yoga lesson in half an hour or so. I think it would be good for you to attend."

"Yes, Mistress."

"When you are done, come back here."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Wait in the hall outside the gym for Angela, like you did yesterday with Pam."

"Yes, Mistress. May I go to the girl's room first?"

"Sure, just don't dawdle too long."

"Thank you, Mistress." I got up and left her office.

I got down on my knees, assumed the position and waited. It got boring rather quickly, but I resisted the temptation to cheat. After a few minutes my knees began to hurt a bit. A group of people came in from the outdoor sporting area and passed me on their way to the showers. Two of them wore clothes, the other three were nude. They all ignored me.

"Hello, are you waiting for the yoga lesson?"

I looked up at the woman. She was a slave and like me she wore only a collar. She had black hair and fair skin. Her figure was feminine enough if a little on the boyish side. My eyes were drawn to her sex, her generous black public hair had been trimmed so that it framed her lower lips and made them really stand out. I blushed a bit and answered "Yes." I moment later her scent hit me and I realized why her lower lips were so darkly colored. I began to blush furiously, even more when I noticed the male scent that clung to her. And the way her sex glistened wetly.

"Good." She considered me and began to grin, then she kneeled next to me. After a few moments she turned to look at me and said "Pleased to meet you, my name is Candy."

"Ummm... hello... I'm Lisa."

"Does it make you uncomfortable that I've just gotten laid?" She asked "Should I wait somewhere else?"

"Ummm... It's... it's ok." I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves "I'm just not used to this yet. Guess I'd better get used to all this quickly."

"Yeah. You're new here?"

"Yes. Actually, I signed up only yesterday."

"Oh. That would explain it."

"And you?"

"I started almost two years ago. I have about another year and a half to go."

"I see." I studied Candy's face. She was smiling. "How is it? Everything, I mean?"

"Being a slave?"


She gave me a big grin and drawled "Absolutely... Horrible... I have no idea how I can stand it."


"Yeah. Well, I've just gotten laid and I'm feeling pretty good right now. You may have noticed..."

I grinned back at her "No. I never would have imagined."

Candy giggled and went on "The rest of the time it's... survivable. Pretty good at times. My last master was a little unpleasant and cruel... even sadistic at times. Still, I had fun every now and then and he gave me a really nice bonus. Even so I was glad that the three months are finally over. I'll live."


"My previous master was a lot more fun... I would not have minded staying with him indefinitely, if you get my drift..."

"I see..."

"Well, it's better than flipping burgers and it pays a lot better, so I'm not complaining..." We could hear several people approach and Candy fell silent.

It turned out to be Angela, another clothed woman and several nude slaves, two males and five females. The two who had played tennis the day before were among them.

Angela asked "Are you two waiting for us?"


"Good. Go in, I'll be with you in a few minutes."

"Yes, Angela." We got up and followed the other slaves into one of the smaller exercise rooms. They kneeled in a loose semicircle and I took my place next to Candy. Since none of them said anything, I remained silent as well.

A few minutes later Angela and the other woman joined us. Angela had changed into a swimsuit similar to the one she had worn yesterday, the other woman wore a T-shirt and short pants. They sat down facing us and assumed a lotus position.

The woman looked at me and smiled "Hello, my name's Laura."

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Lisa."

Angela asked "Lisa, you don't practice yoga, do you?"

"No. Well, not yet."

"Ok. Try to follow our exercises as much as you can. Stop when it gets uncomfortable, I don't want you to pull a muscle. Don't worry if you are not flexible enough to do everything, that will come with practice. Ok?"


"OK, that's it for today." Angela got up. We all got up (I followed the lead of the others) and bowed to her. "Lisa, wait a minute."

"Ok." I waited while the others filed out. "Yes, Angela?"

"I just wanted to know how you are doing..."

"I'm fine." I answered, completely truthfully. "I feel really good. The exercises really helped me relax. And... it didn't bother me at all that I was nude."

"I'm glad to hear that." Her eyes dropped to my chest and then further down "Want to help me shower?"

" Eeep!" I stared at her and began to blush "Ummm... Tammy said I should come back directly after the yoga lesson."


"Well... I... she did say I should come back when I was done..."

"And if I tell you to come with me?"

"I... I guess I'd have to come."

"But you don't want to?"

I was scared, practically paralyzed by the thought of what would happen if I followed her into the shower, still it was hard to turn her down, knowing that she really wanted me to join her. "I'd prefer not to."

"Well..." For a moment her grin turned decidedly evil, but then she seemed to change her mind "Well, I won't make you come. I would greatly appreciate it if you did, however." She licked her lips lustily "And you can take that whichever way you want..."

"Is... is it ok if I pass... today at least?"

"But you'll say yes another time?"




"Ok. I'll hold you to it." Angela started towards the shower area and I followed her. She opened the door and turned to me "You sure?"


"Well, bye then. Oh, and don't forget to tell Tammy about this promise."

"Oh." A shiver ran down my spine at that. "Good bye, Angela." I waited until the door closed behind her, then I breathed a sigh of relief and turned around. "Why can't I bring myself to loosen up with another female? I know she won't hurt me..." Suddenly I remembered the spanking Angela had given me and blushed deeply "Well... not too much at any rate. I... I'm quite sure I'll end up enjoying it, so why can't I just say '_yes'?_" I wondered. When I stopped in front of Tammy's office, I was still searching for an answer.

"Come in."

I entered "Hello, Tammy."

"Hi, Lisa. Have a seat." She watched me as I sat down. "How was it?"

"Nice. I feel great."

"Good. Did you shower?"

"No. Should I have?"

"It was up to you... I'm just wondering why you didn't..." The smile on her lips was pretty unmistakable.

"Well, Angela asked me to join her... But you said I should return here, so..."

"And you are so sorry you had to turn her down..."

"Well... Yes... I don't know..."

"Just so you know, I did not tell you that you had to come back right away, I only said that you should come back when you were 'done', so it was up to you. It would have been find with me either way. Just remember that you might need a favor from Angela at some point."

"Ok. Well, I did promise that I'd help her shower some other time." We fell silent and considered each other. I was this close to asking her to help me get over my aversion to getting intimate with other female, but in the end I didn't. I'm quite sure Tammy knew what I was thinking about, but she didn't say anything either.

After a minute she sighed and produced a file. "Here, Lisa. I need your signatures on a few papers for the insurance. We need these to start your treatment."

"Ok." I picked up the papers and scanned them. There were various release forms, saying that I agreed to the therapy, that I acknowledged that it was a risky procedure and waived certain patient's rights. I signed them, no doctor would start treating me if I didn't. "Here you are."

"Thank you." Tammy sorted through the papers and handed me a few of them "These are your copies."

"Thanks." I put them in my purse, which I had left in her office.

"Until further notice you will stay in room 605 while you are here. If you want you can sleep there. If not, you stay there until six, then you may go home. Until further notice I want to see you here in my office at nine in the morning. If I am not here for any reason, report to Angela instead. I'll tell you what to do and inform you of any changes in your schedule. Whenever you don't have anything else to do, you will stay in your room. Check the computer, you will find a list of things I want you to do, information about the times at which you are allowed to go to the cafeteria or exercise and so on."


"I have a few stories I want you to read, you'll find them on the computer. We have finished your profile site, you may want to check it out. You'll find the pictures Nate took and other interesting stuff." She leered at me "The pics came out really well, I'm sure that we'll get several bids as soon as you become available for hire. Which, unfortunately, won't be until your therapy is finished. Well, maybe we can get in a few small assignments." She fell silent for a moment, then she commanded "Go now!"

"Yes, Mistress." I got up and bowed. "Good evening, Tammy."

"Bye, Lisa. Remember, you have to stay in your room until six and I want to see you tomorrow morning at nine."


I was almost to the door when Tammy stopped me once more "One more thing, since you didn't want to shower earlier, I figure you'd prefer to do that when you're back home."

"Oh. Ok." I shrugged, I had wanted to shower once I got to the room, but now Tammy had effectively forbidden it. "Bye, Tammy."


I kneeled and pressed my collar to the sensor set next to the door of my room. After a second a confirming beep sounded and the door clicked open. I entered the room and closed the door behind me. The room looked pretty much like any middle class hotel room would, except that it was a little more spacious than usual. There was a double bed, a desk, a computer, a several dressers and a mini bar. A door led to the bathroom and a second one to a walk-in closet.

When I opened one of the drawers, I found it full of bondage gear. There was a wide variety of leather straps, gags and blindfolds, handcuffs, vibrators and whips and other items of unknown purpose. I stared at the toy collection for a long moment, then I quickly closed the drawer.

I went to the bathroom and used the toilet, then I got a bottle of water from the fridge and drank it. I laid down on the bed to relax a little. But my eyes kept wandering to the drawer full of toys. They scared me a little, but they also excited me quite a bit. I examined the room a little more and found that the bed could be folded away. I also found several partially concealed eyebolts spread all over the room in strategic locations. It didn't take a whole lot of imagination to figure out what they were for.

After a few minutes I got up again and turned on the computer. The first thing that came up was a list of things to do. There were only two items, one was a list of three stories that I was supposed to read, the other was to look at the profile site that would advertise me to potential customers.

I sat down and clicked on the link to my site. The first item was a summary page of personal information about me. There were three nude pictures, one frontal, one from the side and one in which I kneeled in what I thought of as the 'Slave position'. Even though the background had been removed, I recognized the pictures as ones that Nate had taken the day before. The text gave an overview of my physical attributes and a short review of my behavior as a slave up to now. I was relieved to find out that there was no information on why I served here or any other information of my past.

I went to the photo gallery first. There were dozens of pictures of me, showing me in a wide variety of poses and activities. Some of the pictures were intimate enough to fit into a gynecological treatise on the female half of my species. Interestingly enough, Nate's face had been replaced with a different one in all the pictures in which he appeared while Tammy and Angie's faces had not. Try as I might, I could not see any signs that the pictures had been modified. I gasped in shock and excitement when I saw myself laid across Nate's lap, his hand and my glowing ass. Suddenly my rump and sex felt a lot warmer than before. Then I had another shock. Even though Nate had not been present (as far as I knew), there were pictures of me and the others in the showers and at the pool. "Do they have cameras all over the place or what?" Given the various angles from which the pictures had been taken, they could not have been shot with a single camera. I blushed hotly, somehow being filmed after the official "photo session" was over embarrassed me profusely.

Then it got even worse, apparently the whole session had been filmed as well and was available for viewing. As in the photos, Nate's face had been modified, as had his voice. Using a computer simulation, it was possible to view the action from any viewpoint, including some rather unusual ones. Looking out from the base of my tail to watch the spanking was more than a little unsettling. After a few minutes I closed the site.

I clicked on the list of stories. The first one was titled "Interrogation" and I selected it. My eyes widened considerably as I took in the information on the next screen. It did not give me any information on the story, it only said that once I went any further, I would have to finish reading the story. The only information was an estimated reading time, one that would give me a little extra time until I was allowed to go home. I checked the other stories and found that the second one was a lot shorter and the third one was quite a bit longer. With more than a little apprehension I selected the first story.

The next screen said that to increase my enjoyment of the story I was supposed to do several things before I started. The first instruction was a reminder to use the toilet as I would not be able to do so until I was finished with the story. I went to the bathroom and when I was done I clicked the button to acknowledge that I was finished with this step.

Next I was instructed to gather several items from the toy drawers: Four clamps and a remote control. A penis gag, a vibrator, a belt and a thin leather strap. The items were identified by pictures and part numbers. I collected them and put them on the table. My breathing sped up as I handled the items, there was not a lot of question on how I was supposed to use them.

Next were the instructions on what to do with them. First I had to put the gag into my muzzle and strap it in place. I was shivering in excitement and anxiety as I followed the instructions. Then the belt went around my waist and I tightened it until it rested snugly against my hip bones.

Next came the vibrator. I noticed that there were no controls, so it was most likely remotely controlled. I was instructed to use plenty of lubrication, either my own or from one of the tubes from the drawer. I opted for the artificial lubrication. I shivered and moaned into the gag as I slid the toy into my sex. Then I gasped in shock when it suddenly came to life. I was pretty disappointed when it stopped after only a few seconds.

I threaded the leather strap through the ring at the base of the vibrator and attached it to the belt. Now the vibrating toy was firmly lodged in my sex. Once more the vibrator came to life for a few seconds, apparently as a reward for obeying the instructions.

Then I attached the clamps to the chair. Tiny grooves made sure that I would not be able to move them as much as a millimeter until they were properly unlocked once more. As with the other items, there was no keyhole or other release. Two of the clamps attached to the front legs of the chair, the other two to the arm rests. I attached the remote control to the right armrest.

I sat down. I took a deep breath and then I was committed. I shivered as the first clamp clicked shut around my left ankle. I gasped and moaned when I was rewarded with a short but intense burst from the vibrator. My right ankle followed. This left me sitting with my legs spread a little. I sat still for a long moment, then I continued with my left wrist. My right wrist was last. Each time a slightly longer and more intense burst of vibrations sent shivers of excitement up my spine. I was nowhere close to coming, but my breathing was already more than a little labored. When I tried the bonds, I found them totally unyielding. The chair did not even creak. My total helplessness excited me.

For a moment, my right paw rested above the remote control, then I clicked the button and began to read the story.

Like most of the stories Tammy has given me to read, it was written in first person. This story began with the "heroine" breaking into an office building to retrieve (or steal) some important documents. There was no information what the documents were about, or if she had any "good" reason for wanting them, only that it was vitally important for her to obtain them.

I squealed into the gag when she narrowly avoided one of the guards and the vibrator in my sex suddenly kicked in for a second. I had to stop reading, for a minute I all I could do was sit in my chair and pant. The experience had scared and excited me deeply. When I had myself under control again, I went on reading.

After several more close, scary and exciting encounters, the inevitable happened and she was caught. By then I was so immersed in the story, my heart almost stopped when strong hands suddenly grabbed her from behind (and the toy in my cunt went into overdrive for a moment). The guards took her to a holding cell and began to question her. But she refused to give them any information, even when they began to slap her.

After a while one of the guards suggested a change of tactics. They ripped off her clothes and tied her to the table. Then one of the guards proceeded to rape her. As the scene played out, toy in my sex teased me mercilessly. But then it was over before I could come, the guard shot his load into the struggling heroine's sex and the vibrator in my cunt shut off, leaving me frustratingly unsatisfied. The woman from the story sagged in her bonds, hurt, humiliated and exhausted. But also excited, aroused and unsatisfied.

The guards let her rest for a moment, then they questioned her once more. When she was still unwilling to cooperate, the next guard dropped his pants and began to rape her. Again the vibrator in my sex let me share her experience first handed. And once again he finished before she (or I) could come, leaving both of us unsatisfied. By now she was much more excited than horrified by the experience. And more than a little angry that he had stopped before she could climax.

Again they questioned her, this time while they played teasingly with her body. Her, to her mind, frustratingly cooperative body. Soon she was moaning in pleasure and frustration, but again she resisted. The third guard began to fuck her. By then her body (if not her mind) were so willing, that I couldn't think of it as rape any more. He took much more time then the previous men and teased her, and me, mercilessly. He even stopped at one point and told her that he'd let her come if she told them what she had been looking for and who she was working for.

I groaned into my gag and prayed "Please say '_Yes'!_" because the vibrator in my hot and dripping wet sex had fallen silent once more. But she held tough, as I had known she would, and we were both treated to more torturous teasing as the male finished up without giving either of us the satisfaction of release.

They teased her some more before the last guard began his assault on her by now desperately willing body. He dragged it out unbearably, again and again he paused and told her that he'd let her orgasm if she spilled her guts. And that they could keep it up all night if she didn't.

My fur was dripping with sweat, my paws clenched and unclenched and I had to fight to keep on reading. I was so close to coming...

And then she finally gave up and shouted out some pieces of information that didn't register on my mind at all.

"He said 'Good girl.' and began to thrust in earnest. Each thrust sent a wave of pleasure through her body, each one higher than the previous. Suddenly his throbbing manhood began to shoot a stream of hot jism into the depths of her cunt. Her vaginal muscles contracted and squeezed him in a vice-like grip as the final vast wave washed over her. She howled, she screamed a male name, his name, as she finally orgasmed..."

The vibrator in my sex went into overdrive and a few moment later I came. I howled into the gag and trashed around in my bonds. I don't know how long it took, but it was a very intense and lasting orgasm, one of the best I ever had. Even after it was over, it took me a few minutes to get myself together before I could continue to read.

There was only a short closing paragraph. They untied her and helped her to her feet. The story ended with her hugging the guard who had finally let her come, leaving me wondering if the whole episode had not just been a game to them.

I sat still for a few seconds, still breathing heavily. I nearly jumped out of my fur when the clamps suddenly opened. After a long moment of surprise I stood up. I looked at the screen and there was one instruction, to clean all the items I had used (including the chair) and to return them. When I looked down, I saw that the chair really needed cleaning, there was a sizeable puddle where I had sat. I sincerely hoped that Tammy would allow me to shower before I went home.

Suddenly I realized how long I had been sitting and reading and that I really needed to used the toilet. I hurried into the bathroom. I quickly untied the leather strap that secured the vibrator in my sex and dropped it into the basin. The vibrator came out with a wet plop and a final burst of vibrations that left me feeling uncomfortably empty. I dropped it into the basin as well before I hurried to the toilet.

I didn't remove the belt and the gag until I was done. I wiped the belt with a damp towel, then I cleaned the other items with soap and warm water. After drying them off, I carried them back to the main room and stored them in the drawer. I finished the water bottle, I was really thirsty. Then I removed the clamps from the chair and wiped them before putting them away. I finished up by cleaning the chair with a wet towel.

I was just about to dump the soiled towel in the laundry basket when the screen came to life again. I squeaked in surprise and jumped into the air when Tammy's wickedly grinning face appeared. "Hello, Lisa! I hope you enjoyed the story!" She licked her lips "You certainly looked as if you did..." In a teasing tone she asked "Did you enjoy it?"

"I..." My muzzle felt hot enough to melt lead. For several seconds I could do nothing but try to force at least a little air into my lungs. When I was finally able to speak again, I asked "You watched me the whole time?"

"Sure." Tammy seemed to find my mortification quite amusing "Don't worry about it, Lisa. You did just fine. It was a real pleasure to watch you." She grinned and her eyes seemed to drop to my crotch "It still is."

"I..." I stared at her for a long moment "Will..."

"Will I watch you all the time?"


"No." I breathed a sigh of relief. A short lived one " Not all the time. But I'll look in every now and then and other people will look in as well. Don't expect to get any privacy as long as you are our slave. You will certainly be filmed all the time you are here and a lot of people can tune in to watch. Or to review the tapes."

"Lots of people?"

"Many of our employees do, certainly everybody who handles your case will tune in every now and then. As can all your customers and, to a limited degree, anybody else who is interested to hire you. Actually, today's recording will be posted on your site."

I blushed deeply at that. I asked in a small voice "Who else watched me today?"

"I don't know for sure, I don't know who does, but I'm quite certain that both Angela and Jeff did. Or at least that they'll watch the tape once they find time to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if Nate looks at it at some point as well."

"Oh." I closed my eyes in shame.


I jumped up "Yes, Mistress?"

"You didn't answer my question. Did you enjoy the story?"

"Ummm..." My muzzle burned "Yes, Mistress, I did." After a moment I went on "It was really intense. I almost felt as if it was happening to me. The... Ummm... teasing was pretty bad... but it was worth it. I felt really good afterwards. I... I still feel good..."

"Very good. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Thank you, Mistress."

Suddenly Tammy changed back to her 'friends' voice "I have some good news for you."


"Yes. You don't have to report to me tomorrow morning. The cancer specialist who'll treat you has a free slot tomorrow morning. He's expecting you at ten in the morning."

" Thank you!" I felt incredibly happy. Things were suddenly happening so fast, I almost felt dizzy, but I was incredibly glad. "Thank you, Tammy."

"You're welcome. Here's the address." An address appeared on the screen and a few moments later a paper copy dropped from the printer slot. "Report to me when he is done with you."

"Yes, Tammy. Thank you."

"All right." She paused for a moment. "If there's nothing else, then have a good night and bye."

"Good bye, Tammy." Just in time before she cut the connection I remembered one more thing " Wait!"


"Am... am I allowed to shower before I go home?"

"Well..." She grinned at me, quite obviously trying to imagine what a spectacle I would make if I went home in my current state.

" Please!"

"All right, you may."

"Thank you, Tammy!"

"It's ok. Just remember that I may not allow you to do it every day. Or that I may ask for something in return. Or..." Tammy began to grin "I'll allow you to ask Angie for permission."

"Oh." I stared at her for a long moment "Ok."

"Good night." With that she cut the connection.

I stared at the dark screen for a long moment, then I dumped the soiled towel. I put the paper with the doctor's address into my purse and went back to the bathroom. The shower felt heavenly, especially cleaning my thighs and my crotch. I was sorely tempted to do more than clean the still very sensitive areas thoroughly, but the knowledge that Tammy would almost certainly find out and punish me for it stopped me. Somewhat reluctantly I turned off the water and began to dry myself off.

I felt extraordinarily good. The last echoes of the afterglow still warmed my body and the crushing weight of my fear of dying from the cancer had finally been lifted from me. I had no doubt that I would be cured. I felt on top of the world. Even my fur felt great, the shampoo they had here was a lot better than the cheap one I used at home. I finished brushing my fur, then I cleaned the bathroom up a bit. Tammy had told me that this would be my room for the near future, but I did not think it was a good idea to leave it in a less than pristine condition. I checked the main room to make sure everything was clean and tidy, then I picked up my purse and left.

"Going home?"

I stopped cold and turned to the receptionist. "Yes." I answered. After a moment I added "Master." I did not try to cover my nudity at all. I felt a little self-conscious as I stood there while he let his eyes roam up and down my body. He was a rather good looking male human in his early thirties (or so I judged him, at least).

He obviously enjoyed the view and I could feel myself get a little aroused by his interest. I wondered if he would call me over and feel me out or something. But then he just gave me a lewd grin and said "Too bad. Go ahead, girl."

"Thank you, Master." I bowed and turned back to the scanner. I kneeled down to touch my collar to the scanner. Without actually thinking about it, I kept my rump unusually high to give him a better view.

"Nice." I giggled, pleased by the tone of his voice.

I entered the changing area and opened my locker. I put on a little show for him as I wiggled into my dress. I felt hardly any shame and the happy smile on his lips pleased me quite a bit. I closed the locker, picked up my purse and turned to leave.

I heard one of the elevator doors open behind me. "Lisa!"

" Tammy!" Before I knew it, I was running towards her. I barely slowed down enough not to bowl her over as I enfolded her in a big hug. " Thank you! Thank you."

She returned the hug for a long moment before she gently pushed me away. I released her, a little reluctantly, but I did. She grinned down at me "What a surprise meeting you here..."

"Yeah, right. What a coincidence..." I grinned back at her. "I don't mind, I'm just so happy to see you. I don't know how to thank you for everything."

"Don't thank me now, Lisa. If you can still bring yourself to thank me once you have paid off your debt... Then I will be happy to accept..."

"Ummm..." I looked down at my feet for a moment before I looked back at her "Please accept my thanks now. I know that I'll still thank you for all that you'll have done for me when I'll be done. I don't know how I know, but I am sure that I will. I just know."


"It's... well... I mean, how bad can it be? Without this it's quite likely that I wouldn't be alive at the time when I'm done paying this off. Being your slave can't be any worse that being dead, can it?"

"I guess you have a point here, Lisa." She searched my face for a long moment, then she asked "Want me to drive you home?"

"Sure." I waited for her to lead the way, but she just stood there and looked at me expectantly. I realized that she wanted something from me, but for the moment I couldn't figure it out. Her eyes traveled down my body and a slight frown appeared on her face. Suddenly I realized what the problem was "My clothes!" It didn't take me more than a moment to decide on my course of action. I held out my purse to her and asked "Could you hold that for a moment?"

Tammy accepted the purse and gave me a pleased grin. I blushed a little as I removed my dress in front of several other people (a group had just exited one of the other elevators) and folded it up.

Tammy returned the purse, licking her grinning lips as she did so. I asked "Better?"

"Much better. Let's go." She grabbed my paw and headed for the staircase.


I turned to her and asked "Yes, Tammy?"

"It won't really be a 'Tryout Day' any more, considering that you're already signed up, but since we already have accepted this customer's bid, we'll go ahead with it."


"I don't think this customer will go any harder on you than he would have otherwise, but this will now be considered a real assignment."

"Ok. How does that change things?"

"Normally you would still be a free person at that point, so our customer's contract would have been with you. And that contract has some specific clauses that he has to go easy on you. Now you are our slave and our customer's contract is only with us. And it'll be a standard contract for your services. Which means that he can do to you whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't permanently harm you. You won't get paid any more than you'd get otherwise, however."

"Oh. Ow." A small shiver of apprehension ran down my spine at that.

"I do know this customer pretty well, however. After all, he is one of the relatively few who may bid on 'Tryout Day' contracts. I am pretty sure that he won't abuse this. He told me that he'll treat you the same way he would have done otherwise."

"Ok." This reassured me a lot. "You trust him?"


"That's good enough for me." I gave her a tight smile and shook my breasts at her "I'll have to make sure to thank him for this."

"That's the spirit, girl."

We had to stop at a traffic light. Up to now nobody seemed to have noticed my attire (or lack thereof), but this time we stopped right next to a big SUV. The driver turned to look at our car and noticed me. Suddenly his eyes went wide and seemed to continue to grow as he stared at me. I felt myself blush in embarrassment. It took a conscious effort not to cover my naughty bits (not that they really showed, since I wasn't particularly aroused they were almost completely hidden by my fur), but then I forced myself to relax. When I grinned up at the male, he blushed deeply and looked away quickly.

Tammy giggled and after a moment I joined in. A moment later the light turned green and we sped off. The SUV didn't move and moments later the honks started. We were almost to the next block when he finally got his car into gear.

"I couldn't see his face, Lisa... Did he enjoy the view?"

"I think so." I giggled "I don't think I have ever seen a human's eyes get that big."

"Oh." We fell silent. A block later Tammy asked "Lisa?"

"Is it ok if I accept a few bids for your services? Only short-term assignments, of course. In addition to your date with Jeff, that is."

"What would I have to do?"

"These would be short sessions, usually for one to three hours. You'd have a romp in the bed, usually with a little bondage play or spanking or something. Nothing hard-core."

"Would I have to serve both males and females?"

"Mostly males. There might be a female or two as well. It is also possible that a couple could hire you for a threesome. Or someone might hire you and another slave for a threesome."

"Ummm... what if I don't agree?"

"Well, basically since you are my slave, I don't have to ask for your permission, I could just tell you to do it. But because of your situation, I don't want to force you to do this before your treatment is over. I am giving you the choice to do this or not. But if you agree you won't have any choice on whom to serve or when."

"But you could change your mind on that at any time? That is to set up an assignment for me even if I decline now. And there wouldn't be anything I could do?"

"Yes. I could do that. And there wouldn't be anything you could do about it. Well, you could complain to my boss that I am treating you unfairly, but..." She fell silent for a moment before she went on "You cancer treatment comes first, of course. And I'll cancel all assignments if you don't feel well."

"I see." I thought about it for only a few moments before I made up my mind. And, well, the stories I had been reading and the memories of the photo session made me quite curious and eager. The extra money certainly wouldn't hurt either. "All right, Tammy. I... I'd... Ummm... be grateful if you... didn't... pick any females."

"I'll see what I can do about that. I won't make any promises, however. At some point you'll have to get over your aversion to sex with women, you know."

"I know." I said, a little morosely. "But..."

"Have it your way."

"How often would I have to do this?"

"I'll probably give you one assignment per day. I have plenty of interested people, I could easily keep your" She turned to me and gave me a lewd grin "little rodent cunt full all day for a few weeks, but I want to go easy on you for now." I blushed at the mental image. "I may not give you an assignment after the 'Tryout Day' and the date with Jeff."


"It's quite possible that you'd be too sore. From what I know of the people involved, it is quite possible that you'll walk more than a little funny after those assignments."

"Oh." I blushed even more. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a few deep breaths. "Ok, sign me up. I guess I'll have to learn to walk funny sooner or later anyhow."


Tammy killed the engine and turned to me. "You may put on your dress now."

"Thank you, Mistress." I shook out the dress and began to wriggle into it. My small size helped considerably in the confined space of Tammy's car. Getting out and putting it on afterwards was not really an option (unless Tammy commanded me to do it this way) since there were quite a few people around. I finished the task, picked up my purse and turned to her. "Good night, Tammy."

"Good night, Lisa." She continued just before I could open the door. "One more thing. You'll sleep in your room at our company tomorrow."

I stared at her for a long moment, then I said "Yes, Mistress." I wondered why I had to do that, but after thinking about it, I decided not to ask. If the mysterious grin on her lips was anything to go by, then she wouldn't tell me. When she didn't add anything, I repeated the greeting and left her car. I smoothed down my dress and began the short walk home. Tammy didn't start the car until I was out of sight.

I told my Mother, Jen and Kaye about the day's events. I didn't go into a lot of detail about all of them, but I couldn't prevent talking about the story I had read and about my reactions to it. Jen seemed particularly interested, so much actually, that she was embarrassing me with her repeated requests for additional details. She also seemed rather pleased that I had finally "Signed away my soul" as she put it. Her overbearing interest concerned me a bit. A little before eight my mother left to spend the night at her old home as she intended to spend most of the next day packing up her things. After a while the way Jen seemed to size me up made me a little uneasy and I excused myself and retired to my room.

End of Episode 15