So, did you have fun?

Story by Anima Ookami Neko on SoFurry

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This was a Commission I did for Oski. I really hope you like it. Was really fun and I hope for the possibility of more in the future.

The coach blew his whistle, the signal that practice was over for the football team of Den Ridge College for sports. As the team laughed and played, wiping off the sweat of a hard day's practice, one tiger lingered behind the rest of the group, slowly following. Roger was never that comfortable around other males, not for the reason he didn't like how they looked, but the toned Bengal tiger actually loved the masculinity of the other males. Two in particular came to mind, rather vividly in fact. Barret Moreland, the teams quarter back. He had such a cream colored look about his fur, a kind of look that gleamed about him when the built stallion was lightly coated in sweat. Roger shuddered, just imagining how big he must be down there....And then there was Shane Manning, the teams best line backer. This male was also a stallion, but unlike his creamy counter part, he was a gray color, with black hands and feet, almost like gloves and socks. Shane was still rather huge, in that aspect, he was very much like Barret, who happened to be friends with the other stallion. As Roger had been musing, lost in his own fantasies, he had not relized his feet took their own course, taking him into part of the locker room that was being used, the showers.

"Hey, kitty, watch yourself before you walk into a wall!" Barret boomed out, the wet and nude horse informed the smaller male, just as he was washing his groin. Roger looked up, startled by the voice that cut through his fantasies, only to gasp in shock as he caught sight of the large horsy member. It may not be hard yet, but it's size was still one to be reckoned with.

"O-oh, S-o-orry!" He stammered, looking away as he did, a blush rising to his cheeks. The tiger went to leave, surprised at the reality check he recited, but actually enjoyed. Barret chuckled, bemused as he saw the timid feline turn and walk into Shane.

"Woah, carfull sonny, we don't need you getting hurt!" Shane told the totally stunned tiger, his dripping form gentally bumping against Roger. That was the second time he walked into a situation he wasn't eager to get out of, especially when Shane's situation had ever so softly bounced against Rogers thigh and groin.

"I apologize, sir. I didn't see you there." He told the stallion, bowing his way out of the bathroom. Once the tiger made it out of the showers, he looked down at his tented pants, a moan escaping him as images of the two stallions flooded his mind. He had to get home, now. With the need of tension relief strong in mind, Roger quickly made for home. Meanwhile, the two stallions were discussing the strange occurrence that had just happened.

"Shane, did you see how strangly Roger was acting? Quite unlike him." Barret mused, washing up the rest of his body as his mate entered.

"Yes, he is never back here, and to add to it, he was lost in thought. I wonder whats gotten into him." Shane agreed, chuckling a little as he went on, "I think he is a closet gay. Did you see the way he was staring at your horsy member? I think he came here to catch a peek, even if he didn't know that was why." The gray stallion stated, rubbing soap into his fur as he did.

"Sounds reasonable. What do you say tomorrow we find out?" Barret asked, smiling mischeviously.

Roger got home rather hurriedly, his 'home' being one of the 5 room dorms he had rented at the college. The tiger made a beeline for the bed, stripping as he did. Once he was fully undressed, he looked down at his solid cock, pre trickling from the tip at the arousal he had for the two large males. He let out a moan as he carfully stroked it, playing with the head a bit, causing tingles of joy to spread through his body. Roger began to spread his pre all along his shaft, the gooey liquid making an effective lube for fast stroking. The tiger leaned against the wall as his stroking went faster, allowing his mind to flash back to the nudity of the large stallions, causing his arousal to climb higher as more pre bubbled up. He began to purr, a moan escaping his lips as he masturbated. The Tiger knew just how to tease and urge his cock, and with the scene he had in his mind, it wasn't long before he let out a pleasured gasp and painted the carpet of his room a sticky white, cum firing from his tip in large threads as it began to coat the floor, several bursts of it going halfway across the room. As his intense ejaculations lessened, the moaning Roger was able to catch his breath, the final orgasm dripping to the floor as he did. He looked down tentatively at the mess he made, a large pool of cum from him to the middle of the room.

"Wow, didn't know I could shoot so much. I bet they shoot more though..." Roger thought aloud, teasing the idea in his mind as he went about covering the white floor with a towel. For now though, I really should take a shower. Roger did just that, cleaning himself clinic, bringing his orange and black fur to a slight glow as he did. Once satisfied his grooming went well, Roger let out a sigh, exaghtion washing over him. Practice had him beat and a warm shower just proved to much for him. The tired feline crawled into bed nude, and drifted off to an entranced slumber, full of horse cock and tiger cum. _________________________

The next day went about it's normal routine, the normal classes, the normal schedual. The only thing missing was the horny tiger's mind. Roger wasn't mentally there, ever since he woke up that morning his mind decided to stay in the gutter, much to the teachers dissapointment as he blew off their questions. He didn't care though, All Roger could think about was the desire to see the horses again, but this time he wanted them hard and horny. As football practice rolled around, Roger noticed the stalions were eyeing him an awful lot. At least as much as he was watching them. Practice went by with the usual sweaty drills and exercises, the end resulting in the predicted whistle blow. As Roger went to leave though, he was surprised to find his way barred by two huge forms, the forms of Barret and Shane.

"Hello guys.... good practice today huh?" He asked nervously, the tigers abs visable through his sweaty shirt. He still didn't compare to the stallions, the large males each towering over him, and eight packs showing through their shirts.

"Yes, the practice was good, but we actually wanted to talk to you." Shane told him. He lightly grasped the tigers arm, pulling him along as he made his way to the shower. Roger didn't struggle, more interested in what they wanted to speak about.

"Talk? Talk about what?" He asked them.

"You and your love of horse cocks." Barret told him once they reached the showers. Roger felt heat flood his face, embarrassed by their knowledge.

"What makes you think that?" He asked them, the tiger trying to redeem his dignaty. Shane just chuckled before undoing his pants and dropping them, a huge member bouncing free as it did. All Roger could do was stare hungrily at it, eager for a taste of the rich horse milk it was sure to give.

"Because of that!" Barret said laughing. "Go on, you want it don't you? That huge shaft sliding down your throat, filling your bowels with hot cum. Go ahead, give it a try." He told the tiger, stripping to. Roger gulped, kneeling down as he grasped Shanes hardening cock, the whole penis elongating to an astonishing fifteen inches. Shane smiled down on him, the horse seeing his little friends eagerness for it.

"Go on, don't be shy. You might like it..." He told Roger, stroking the length of it and showing the feline a large drop of pre at the tip. Roger licked at it, the salty taste of it coating his mouth, though it wasn't that bad, the flavor of it was actually...addicting. Roger gulped a bit, nervously6 opening his maw and taking the monster shaft into his mouth. As he did, the first thing he noticed was how much warmth the member gave off with each throb, the tip of it alone heating up his mouth. The tiger began to bob on the larger male shaft, or at least as much as he could. Berret laughed, pulling off all his clothes as he commented on the cat.

"Seems you were right Shane, he is gay." The creamy stallion agreed, and pushing his own throbbing cock near the tiger, who was now the only one dressed. Roger let Shanes shft tease his gag reflex, getting used to it so he may be able to take it into his throat. He let a free hand wander over to Barret's member, stroking and teasing it as he toyed with the pre dripping hole of Shane's with his tongue, much to the stallions delight.

"He knows how to work it!" Shane moaned, grabbing the back of the tigers head and thrusting in. Roger gagged a bit in response, but to his surprse found that his gag reflex was now deadened. He felt as the thick equine cock slid down his throat, coating it with horsey pre. As the horsy went about fucking his mouth, Roger happily went about stroking the other male, who was dripping his pre all over Him. Barret moaned as he gazed down at the soiled tiger, knowing that soon he would be covered by a lot more than pre. Shane was climbing to his peak now, climax on the edge, and with one final, forceful thrust, shoved his orgasming girth deep into the males throat, large threads of horsy spunk squirting down Rogers throat, the smaller male's eyes widened as he felt the wave of hot liquid course into his gut, the sheer amount sweel ing his tummy a bit, just as the horse he was stroking fired off his load, the gooey cream coating his face and clothes. As Roger began to choke on the large mass of cum, Shane pulled out with a moan, his cock spasming a bit as it fired some of it's fertile seed into the felin's face, the dripping mess now sliding out of his mouth as he coughed and sputtered, Barret finaaly finishing his own orgasm by hevily coating the smaller males back.

"What a mess we made of him!" The creamy colored stallion stated, chuckling. He helped the poor cat out of his messy clothes, Leavind Shane to laugh at the cum covered face and slightly swolle belly.

"You smell that? You taste that? All that spunk in your mouth and musk int the air is how you know your having a good time!" Shane told him, slapping the naked tiger on the back. "Now, for the main course." he went on, opening a locker and pulling out a huge condom and a bottle of lube.

"What are you doing with those?" Roger asked, afraid that he a.ready knew the answer.

"Im going to take that tight tailhole of yours while Barret takes that throat." Shane answerd, confirming the tigers fear. "But it won't fit!" He yelped. Shane shook his head smiling as he slid the condom on, genourously covering it in lube. Shane gestured that Roger should get up, but remain bent over, back strait. The tiger followed the instructions without comlaint Shane applied some lube to the tigers hole to, making sure to slide a finger into it to get it nice and lubed. He teased it a bit, to help the puckered rim get ready for the real thing. As H lined up the lube dripping member to Rogers hole, Barret took position in front of the small male. Roger groaned as he felt the stallion slide his cock into his hole, the large shaft popping into the tight confines of the virgins anus. Roger thanked the stars that he had played with toys anally before, but this horse still had his toys beat. Roger was about to was about to yelp in pain, but as his mouth opened to make the sound, Barret took advantage of the oppurtunity and slammed his own large shaft into the males mouth, muffling him as he did.

"Mmmmm, So tight!" Shane moaned, sliding in slowly as he let the tailhole adjust. As he hilted all the way in the young male, he pulled slowy back out, the hot member throbbing through the condom, filling all of Rogers lower body with warmth as Barrett did the same to his upper. He suckled the cock in his mouth, the tip of it at least whenever it emerged, before being shoved back into his throat. Roger purred contently, his body vibrating around the two cocks as they plunged in and out of him, each shaft opening him even wider. Shane and Barret began to build up speed, Shane leaning over the tiger male as he did, humping him hard and fast while he twisted his arm around the bent over male, stroking the tiger stiffy. As The humping intensified, so did the stroking and face fucking as the horses whinnied in pleasure. Roger had never felt so... good! Ecstasy coursed through his body as the biggest orgasm he ever had bubbled up, striking the floor with such force that it splatterd every where as he came repeatedly. He wasn't the only one to cum, the horses soon followed. Barret shoved his dick far down the tigers throat, moaning aloud as he came, flooding the stomach with his threads of spunk, forcing the tiger belly to swell tauntly. The horse pulled out, happily covering Roger in cum as he did. As barret climaxed, so did Shane, who with one final thrust, overflowed his condom, forcing the cum to fire out of the sides of it and strike the wall behind him. Shane panted now, much like a dog as he slid out, letting the swollen tiger fall to the floor in a puddle of tiger and horse cum, coating his fur with threads of it's white gooiness. Roger layed there, shivering in ecstasy as the others stood over, smiling kindly down at him.

"So, did you have fun?" They asked teasingly.